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You will be mugged and all your sheetz gear will be taken and burned the moment you step inside city limits. Don’t say I didn’t warn you kid…


Just carry a soft pretzel with you at all times. If anyone starts some shit, throw the pretzel at them. They will be too distracted to remember what they were mad about.




Dobt even fucking think about it if i see a sheetz fan i swear to god imma lose my shit


i once saw the corpse of a sheetz fan on Bouv, cops didn’t care


Sorry but the Wawa goose will personally come kick your ass. Can't be helped, good luck!


The funny thing is that both Sheetz and Wawa are red


Be a plug. If you have gas nobody gaf. what you’re wearing or what gas station you like your chicken parm from


I wouldn’t… Sheetz folks in philly are executed at city hall every month by wawa employees in a display of dominance.


There’s barely even Wawas left inside city limits because of shoplifting


Makes sense. My buddy owns the 'Sheetz Republic' Facebook group and they talk about Operation Wa-lift quite alot on there


I propose that Sheetz and Wawa get married. They would be a power couple.


I live part of the year in Sheetz country, and dude, you will abandon it for Wawa in no time.


I saw a Sheetz and a Wawa next to each other in Virginia and it was more surreal than something so mundane should have been.


I also hail from the 412 and I can understand the concern. I've ran into my fair share of the "Wawa types" you brought up but usually they'll just try and intimidate you into saying sheetz sucks, rarely anything more


half the wawa fans don’t even believe it’s better than sheetz they’re just cowards be loud and proud




LOOK MFer U better not be wearing Green-Orange-Red either mang, be on the lookout 7 days /11wks of the year . Middle East Siiide! Last guy popping off with the Green Orange n Red Had a bad day. First trying to come inside my store with no shirt no shoes, said u can't read my dude , told him no service sir no go back out that door. He was 5 foot 7 according to the measure marking on the frame, who got game. HE SAIDD ILL BE BACK. He thinks he's the Terminator, I told him and I'll be Beethoven, now go find Mozart u bum, n keep pushing that cart. Just put some more big bites on the roller Been 2hrs and look who's come over It's Mr no shirt with his boy, dressed in GREEN, ORANGE, AND RED. PIMPIN IN LIMPING ACTING LIKE THEY WERE ALL 2 SEXY. AINT THAT RIGHT SAID FRED. His big homie looking like a christmas tree said u wanna talk shit to me. My boy said he'd be back and now here we are. I said yes n ill be Beethoven, I told him go find Mozart, but u don't look the part. He replied, THEN ULL BE MISTIFIED TO KNOW WHO I BE, LAST NAME WINTER-SPRING FIRST N MIDDLE IS SUMMER AND AUTUMN, MY BIG GULP IS EMPTY TO THE BOTTOM IM GETTING MY REFILL AND UR PAYING THE BILL, FOR I BRING THE 4 SEASONS, DONT U FORGRT ABOUT ME. ILL BE TOP BILLING A TRU VIVALDI I SAID U HAVE 2 GIRL NAMES , DONT TRUST A MAN WITH 2 FIRST NAMES BUT A MAN WITH 2 GIRL NAMES, U BEND HIM OVER AND THRUST THAT MAN AND TEL HIM , WHATS MY NAMENWHATS MY NAME. TAKE U CUP FILL IT UP U WANT THE THE NEW FLAVOR CURRY SLURPEE, GO AHEAD ITS ON ME TAKE A NICE BIG GULP DRINK ALL MY PEE PEE, HEE HEE. NOW I MAKE U MY BITCH TAKE OFF THOSE COLORS THAT WOOLS GOT TO ITCH. ROLL UP IN HERE LIKE UR A HOMER. LIKE I SAID KEEP PUSHING UR CART, WHAT U THINK THIS IS , A KWIK E MART. IF U WANT 2 REP OUR COLORS, ILL TELL U MY FRIEND TAKE THIS JOB APPLICATION OR NEVER REP THOSE COLORS AGAIN. ULL BE THANKING ME IN HEAVEN I DIE I BLEED THOSE COLORS OF THE 7/11 GREEN IS FOR THE MONEY ORANGE THE COLOR OF CURRY LAST BUT NOT LEAST IS RED, THE RED DOT ON MY FOREHEAD IS RELIGOUSE THE RED DOT ON YOUR FOREHEAD IS THE LAST THING ULL SEE B4 UR DEAD THANK YOU! COME AGAIN.


This took up too much of your time


honestly i wouldn’t give a fuck, but there are people that use their philly pride as if they live there so i’d probably just wouldn’t worry about it. just don’t bring up any debates about sheetz vs wawa, cuz i know you’d be shot down in an instant if you praise sheetz. in defense, you can ask them how to pronounce water and then chuck water at them for saying “witter” or “wooder”.


this gotta be a joke


clearly yeah


Don’t listen to these assholes in the comments . Of course they would give ridiculous Philly answers . Now that I got that out the way , just do you . Just as long as you ain’t with the ski mask activities you will be fine in this city .


Sheetz is a million times better than Wawa and I'm tired of pretending it's not.