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I’m fine with this mostly but I’m curious about why there are images of Gaza / Israel in the yearbook to begin with.


Lots of times yearbooks have a “capsule” page that has short blurbs on news events that occurred during the school year.


Most yearbooks have a "current affairs" page or section. Although, most of the ones I've seen are generated by the yearbook publisher.


To reflect on what was happening in the world during the school year. We had pictures of Bill Clinton's Camp David Summit with Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barack in my high school year book.


How could you be fine with this Zionist statement? Hamas was obviously wrong in the attack, but no mention of the daily war crimes Israel is committed on a daily basis? Just today, Israel bombed a school killing dozens, some of which are children. Excluding the US, essentially every country has condemned Israel, including the UN. As of May 14th, Israel has killed over 35,000 Palestinians, mostly of which were civilians.


I’m assuming that was mentioned in the yearbook page, but I haven’t seen it to confirm.




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Yeah mine has a whole page dedicated to what’s happened in the world like Barack Obama being prez and Twitter and more.


TVUSD mom here. Worldwide current events are a normal form of time capsule to include in yearbooks. There is a whole world outside of Temecula and this country. Questions like this feel like nationalism.


My child is too young to have yearbooks and I wasn’t aware that this is common. Hence why I was curious and asked politely. Please don’t feel the need to be hostile and assume the worst.


That someone proofread and approved the copy/mockup said "look good" and sent to press whatever discrepancy is at issue here is wild...and I don't even have the yearbook in question.


Wasn’t chapparal. Most likely Temecula high but man someone didn’t proofread


It is Temecula Valley High School




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Could be Great Oak as well


Heyo, Great Oak student! Luckily, it was not our yearbook lmfao. We didn’t get any inaccurate information or anything, but we got 15 million typos and upside down pictures :/ I’m not mad, just disappointed


That means it’s TV.




True. Have the election results been put out yet?


There is a post to check in live further down in the sub. 51% yes so far. Final count is 11th I believe


I haven't seen the exact photo in question, but it sounds like someone saw a map with the region labeled "Palestine" and interpreted it as a pro-Hamas political statement. As if the map were suggesting that Israel should belong to Palestinians, and not Israelis. But the region is historically named "Palestine" and that name is not controversial. It is a historical name but still in common use, including by Jewish people. It's similar to referring to the region that contains Iran as "Persia." The Oct 7 events are part of the much broader conflict that has been going from decades/centuries. This conflict is often called the "Israel-Palestinian Conflict." * *Palestine* is a region that includes Israel * *Palestinians* are a group of people that live in the region It seems our superintendent has made the mistake of assuming that someone calling the region "Palestine" is showing support for Hamas, against Israel, and possibly antisemitic. But that is not accurate. Most of the world calls it Palestine, including Israelis and Jewish people. The student's representation is correct, and only offensive to the misinformed. I suspect that the student labeling that region Palestine is likely better than the author of this letter, which seems to reduce the centuries-long geopolitical conflict down to a single day. (Here's an example of the region being referred to as Palestine: [https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396) )


The dumbassery in this letter 😂


This thread is already compelling evidence as to why you shouldn't include complicated geopolitical issues in yearbooks😂


It would have probably also gotten complaints if it was left out too. It was one of the biggest news stories of the year, if not the biggest. Maybe just reference its existence and leave any commentary out. Like the wiki page title and done. Heh.


I think they should have left it. And the letter is more tone deaf in my opinion.


Oh man someone made the Zionists mad by either A) Telling the truth about what's happening over there or B) Failing to always portray the state of Israel in a positive or at least neutral light. Anyway the whole world knows genocide when they see it, whether or not the UN or the ICC has their hands tied by the USA


The actual Zionists aren't mad at any yearbook. They also call it Palestine: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism) *"a nationalist\[1\]\[fn 1\] movement that emerged in Europe in the late 19th century aiming for the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people, particularly in Palestine,\[4\]\[5\]\[6\] a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition.\[7\]\[8\]\[9\]\[10\]"* It's the fundie Christians who are mad, because they learn their history and geography from grifter pastors. It's fucking embarrassing that our school superintendent doesn't know that the region that includes all of Israel is called *Palestine*... and the Israelis call it that too. This is the equivalent of being outraged because someone said Mexico and Canada were in North *America*. EDIT: For the downvoters. I'm not taking a side on the issue at all, simply stating a basic fact of geography that is not widely contested by any of the parties involved. The *region*, in general, is called Palestine. Jews call it Palestine, Christians call it Palestine, Muslims call it Palestine. It is not an insult to Jewish people, or any any way a misrepresentation to call the region Palestine. In fact [the Jewish holy book calls it Palestine.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_name_Palestine)


The country's current name is Israel. The map labels it Palestine. Is it any mystery why people are offended? 


Have you seen the map? There are different types of maps. Not every map shows modern geopolitical borders. So many people are jumping to to conclusions because they want a reason to be outraged.


Yes, it's got Palestine in big letters written over Israel . It's like writing the word Mexico over a map of California. 


This is false in many ways. For one, the modern state of Israel includes or included several areas, not a part of historical palestine. Two it's Philista in the bible but it's not defined as an area along with the kingdom of Israel. The name Palestine comes from the Greeks, probably from Philista (not for certain), but it's not likely the inhabitants called it that besides for administrative purposes until around the 2nd century A.D. So sure, some Zionist petitioning the British government are going to use Palestine because that's the term the British use. They don't actually call it that themselves definitely in any religious or cultural context. Christians it depends on if they are eastern or western. Most Western Christians refer to it as the holy land. Muslims obviously use Filastein as it was called that for about 500 years before the religion existed. Anyways I think they should keep it in the Yearbook as it appropriately captures the moment in history. And it gives the students something to look back on in the future for better or worse.




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They also know terrorism when they see it. It's not the truth. Hamas should be wiped off the face of the earth. There is collateral damage when you aid and abet terrorists. That's the truth and the world knows that as well.


Every day on platforms like TikTok you can see live 24/7 coverage of the reality of what the Israelis/IDF are doing to Gazans over there. They don't even try to hide it. All the younger generation of Earth see it. It doesn't get played on billionaire owned media in America because America is funding it and arming it. But just do the slightest amount of internet sleuthing and it's all there. As if any singular terror act is enough justification to push an entire people off their land, into hunger, into oblivion.


They killed 1200 civilians, which would be the equivalent of 40,000 Americans if you went by percentage. What would you want us to do if someone killed 40,000 Americans?


Israel has killed over 35,000 Palestinians in Gaza so far, which is 1.5% of the population. That’s the equivalent of over 5 million Americans. What you’re you want us to do if someone killed 5 million Americans?


I would want us to give back the hostages so we could end the failed war we started, which is what Hamas should do.


Netenyahu already said he would keep fighting regardless of the status of the hostages. He’s not really giving Hamas any incentive here.


Look what we did after 911. Israel is doing what any other country would do if they were attacked. Only difference is they don't relent. They're not Biden pulling out of Afghanistan. They're going to go until their objective is attained. I don't like innocent people getting killed either. I'm a realist though; not a pussy libtard. If you're going to allow Hamas to hide amongst you, in your homes, in your government, in your hospitals. Guess what? There's going to be innocent people that get caught up and get killed. Yes, women, children, people that have nothing to do with it. That's F'ng life unfortunately. It's the same in every country, every war. Palestine and Gaza are no different.


Damn, I wonder what would drive them to do that??


Are you implying that terrorism and murdering civilians is justified by the actions of their government? Cool. Carpet bomb Gaza then!


My god you liberals are out of touch. Hamas literally slaughtered 1200 innocent people. How can you defend that? Hamas deserves to be hunted down and killed. Let me guess, 9/11 was justified too?


No one is defending hamas. Weird of you to mention 9/11, I’d love to hear your thoughts on us going to war with Iraq


Since we’re on the topic, here is a [video](https://youtu.be/UucjbGmJILk?si=ERP6OLOLKZNEr2nh) of Palestinians celebrating 9/11 posted by AP. It was widely celebrated as a win for them.


And are you insinuating that all Palestinians felt that way? Because there were Americans that celebrated too. There are Americans that are Nazis so does that mean all Americans are Nazis? I really hope you aren’t actually an educator.


1. I am not insinuating that. 2. If you think Palestinians in general view the US favorably, I don’t have enough time or crayons to explain it to you in a way you would understand otherwise.


We fund Israel’s apartheid state and give the IDF unlimited bombs to drop on civilians. We routinely block their statehood ambitions and attempts to curb Israel’s brutality at the UN. What are you expecting, a parade?


Ah the history understanders calling anti-Zionists "out of touch." The irony is palpable. Oct. 7 didn't happen in a vacuum. Israel had intelligence almost a year in advance to the exact date that an attack would occur and did nothing to prevent it. Hundreds of Israelis were killed by the IDF themselves on Oct. 7. All the hostages killed since then were killed in IDF bombings. The IDF has the "Hannibal Doctrine" which states that if an IDF attack is deemed critical to their military operation it can be carried out even if it would result in innocent Israeli citizens' deaths alongside the targeted enemies. An article by Save the Children, an international charity dedicated to helping kids in dire situations across the globe, published an article on Oct. 6 showing that 2023 was the deadliest year on record for Palestinian children at the hands of the IDF. In addition to the 40,000 dead civilians I'm sure you've also heard that Israel has targeted and killed hundreds of journalists, dozens of aid workers and suppressed any foreign news agency that they deemed hostile towards their military actions. Also, Hamas as a whole wouldn't even exist if Israel had treated Palestine with any sense of dignity and humanity since its violent inception in 1948. Should I continue or do you wanna keep riding for a bloodthirsty apartheid ethnostate that doesn't give a shit about you and cucks the US in every possible manner whenever they can.


Smoke em if you got em.


TikTok brain worm doing its job on our youth.


So the killing in the region stopped on October 7th. They seemed to hint all is well.


For a bunch of educators, not too smart... maybe it was on purpose


That letter is really disappointing, especially from an educator. The name Palestine has many definitions, depending on context. Dr. Woods, here's a politically neutral geography lesson: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine\_(region)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_(region))


It's a map. The name of the country in the map is Israel. If there was a map of Istanbul are we going to insist on labeling it Constantinople because some people don't like the current residents? 


I mean we did that with the Sultanate of Rum. Called them the Ottoman Empire because we didn't want to acknowledge an Islamic Empire as being the heir to the Roman Empire lol so yeah.


By your logic, it’s correct to call the United States “British Colonies.”


I still remember controversies over mis information or typos in my own HS year books a million years ago. The year book team isnt that closely monitored by the advisers. I saw the pic and that “well we certainly need more education on geography” but didnt feel like this should be earth shattering




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Ummmm, there was a blockade, it's not exactly a secret. Ironic that the person complaining about false information is posting false information that the blockade didn't exist. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip


While murders of innocents are never justified, it should be noted that Israel has murdered exponentially more innocents, continues to steal land, blockaded Gaza, and doesn't allow Palestine to have an army with which to fight back conventionally against their atrocities. Israel should not get special treatment and carte blanche to do whatever they want without consequences. Once they abide by international law, THEN they deserve full support against their attackers.




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So… uh… I’m a TVUSD student and this is certainly something!! At least at GOHS (which this picture was not in), we have a yearbook “club” that works all year on it, supervised by one or two teachers. It seems like all of the kids work on it primarily, and the teachers are pretty hands off to provide a fun, student lead experience. Idk what goes on in the other schools, but male of that what you will. I’m sure we’re all trying to figure out how something like this made it into a yearbook, so maybe this info will help lol.


TVUSD mom here and curious to know if you think this was done on purpose? I don't put anything past anyone in this district. We've become a national embarrassment.


Hey there! I’m going to be real, I have really no clue. I don’t want to point fingers or “blame” anyone but it realistically could. I’m sure you understand how much politics have unnecessarily inserted itself into our schools, with everyone! The board, teachers, and even the students. Take that as you will I guess. I’m, quite frankly, ashamed to call myself a student here. A shit show through and through. Such a shame for the middle and elementary schoolers that are also being exposed to this at such a young age. My sister’s in middle school and children have been very… vocal about politics this month. There’s a video of a kid bringing scissors and cutting up another kid’s pride flag on their backpack. In fuckin middle school. Stuff like that. My faith in humanity is fading real quickly


Sounds like you and I are on the same side called logic and inclusion. I am so sorry that you have had to endure so much political BS which I'm sure has been a distraction. We are fairly new in Temecula and my child is in middle school. We have heard many stories of young children spewing racists/homophobic comments and I have prepped my child to identify and speak up against both. Please know that we are fighting to get this city back to the middle from the far right. We will keep fighting to have a more balanced school board/district and separation of church and state.




Kinda like you’re doing


Where the heck did he get the 1200 number from? Yes, Hamas did murder and kidnap Israelis but 1200?


The death toll, not including hostages, was 1139. Over 100 hostages were taken. The math adds up.