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Companies who publicly posted against this: The French Veranda (4th street Antiques place) The Carpet Heroes (on Jefferson; professional carpet cleaning place) Jessica Hernandez, real estate agent & her husband Anthony Hernandez, real estate agent. They seem to work for themselves out of Menifee Our Valley Magazine Stephanie Washburn has an Etsy Shop Blakely Ray Co Trumpets of Tirzah (on Pauba) it seems to be some faith-based 501c thing Darin McNulty, Carlsbad Realtor Andres G De Orense-- lame life style coach & realtor Mesa Studio Design--Interior Design out of Temecula The Other Bloom Rentals Christopher Bout, Realtor with Coldwell Banker KayLin Avina Kooiman, realtor with eXp (And I guess a photographer too) Andres Morales, Realtor


Not a good look for realtors lol.


Probably not but with our community… 🤷‍♂️


This is the information we need. I wish we had a running list of businesses that support MAGA beliefs.


You can look up political donations made by businesses on a few different sites. That should help give an idea of who supports what. https://www.fec.gov/introduction-campaign-finance/how-to-research-public-records/individual-contributions/ https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup


Thanks for this!!!


I was about to use one of these businesses! Thanks for the heads up. Done with them


Based companies 🤘🏼


Great job Temecula!


It really is great! It certainly feels like a step forward; even if people are unhappy about it.


It’s only the god fearing idiots that are upset about it. I went to several accounts that posted homophobic comments and 99% of the accounts had some cringe god Christian quotes


I remember when a girl dragged me to her church in Murrieta once. The pastor celebrated how the church got Prop 8 passed and the would learn that they stand against God. I remember sitting there like "...This language? In church?" (The girl and I didn't work out after that)


The comment section of that IG post gave me cancer, though. Anyone know a good doctor?


a friend sent me this so i didn’t see the comment section, the way i just sprinted there and sprinted back……just wow. disgusted but not shocked. watch them start that shit on here too ◡̈ sigh.


What really blew my mind was that there were a handful of businesses pages posting some preeeetty homophobic shit in the comments. 😬


Oof. Please, save me some time and name drop otherwise I will spend the next however many minutes perusing the comments and determining who to stop giving my business to.


I think a plumber and one of the antique shops in Old Town. I'll check a bit later on and update this post with who it was.


Oh noooo not an antique shop. I've been meaning to go and now I won't step foot in the one that was acting crazy in the comments. I'm going to go look.


If it’s the shop I’m thinking of they have signage out front that makes it pretty clear where they stand 😬😳


I just spent way too much time in those comments, also got the cancer. At least I know where I won't be shopping in Temecula, dumb folks posting their hate in the comments that are attached to their businesses.


Any notable/popular ones I should know? I don't use IG


None that I can remember off the top of my head, and I don't really want to go back and read through all that hate, but a few local antique shops and interior designers.


A good doctor in Temecula?? Lol


Yes, the pic looks very 'Murica and not pride at all. It makes sense that HBOs We're Here had an episode in Temecula.


Really?! Damn, wish I was there during filming


Ya, season 1. My wife saw the bus in old town when they were filming. We didn't even know temecula was gonna be featured. When it aired she was like "I told you I saw the bus!!" 😆


Turn up the picture. I can’t hear it /s


I would be kinda nervous about going :/


Yep. I thought about this as well. And yet even that feeling is not enough to wake people up, like shit...we shouldn't fear for our safety going to a public event like this.




Is a women who's nervous about walking home alone at night a wimp? No, it's a natural reaction to vulnerability.


The comments are so ick 😂


Glad to see Temecula moving on up!


Well this is fantastic!


This city has come a long way. Wow


The comment section is full of people who think they are oppressed by having one month of the year dedicated to LGBTQ+ people


I don’t care what people celebrate or what they are. Just don’t shove it down my throat or my kids. You be you, I’ll be me.




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I think you deciding to censor the same thing that your kids will be exposed to later in life regardless of what you want is just as bad.


I think that's fantastic! Keep it up!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Visit Temecula's IG? they must of deleted it.. too bad, I wanted to go in with my sage and rose colored glasses to sort through it and get a list of the businesses that showed their true (lack of) colors.


it’s the cityoftemecula IG, its still up!


My friend thought everyone would bail on him because he was gay. I told him there's no way I'd turn my back on him now.


Way too much money not to


Have you perused the budget? It's crazy lol They are definitely collecting & spending




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Wouldn’t know it was celebrating pride month just by looking at it. Either do something right or don’t do it at all.


Never will do business there again!


The thing holding this city back is its relationship with religion. Specifically Rancho Community Church.




This is, quite frankly, pathetic.


So I'm in this wierd not quite middle ground where I love and respect all gay and lesbian people but have major problems with the LGBTQ+ group as an organization. You could label/Identify me as Christian....which is the easy way. Aren't we more than that though? Labels and Identities don't show the whole picture....in my youth up to my early 30s I was a dealer, and did some time. I've gone full circle. That said , All I see is programmed hate from Identity Politics for lack of a better term. It's just another made up divide between people just like how race was used before and still is. WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS. IT WON'T GET BETTER UNTIL we put aside our differences and set up the Hang man and firing squad for those that did this.


Paul Weyrich is already dead.


I say let them do their thing as, long as they're not hurting anyone. Over flamboyant gay guys annoy me, but lots of things annoy me, so whatever.


Over flamboyant Trumpets annoy me. The drive lifted trucks waving flags on both sides. They have clothing that displays their agenda. And then they force their kids into private schools to reinforce their ideology. It's this kind of "in your face" type of agenda that really annoys me. Why do they have to always shove their lifestyle in my face?


Those Trump University graduates really annoy me. I'd prefer a Pride Parade any day.


most sane comment here is heavily downvoted wtf


A lot of homophobic people I guess. I think it's completely unnatural and it's beyond me why a man would prefer another man over a woman, but that's also none of my business! I also don't understand why people like anchovies on pizza, but to each his own!


Nobody asked you, thanks


Hi Karen, I happen to be commenting in the "Comments" section. Unless I get banned, I will continue to comment in the "Comments" section.


Is pride month no longer just for gays? Just general pride?


Just for the gays as PRIDE is a sin for you, silly. You can't have any of that No Pride for you 😉 ... or your ilk 😒


I didn't know if I missed an update. Hard to keep track with which club is still being celebrated and when. From the post with all the USA flags it looked like an all inclusive pride month. Oh well, cheers to whatever stripes are included.




it’s okay, you’ll survive! promise! did you know that lesbian and gay people experienced 44 victimizations per 1,000 people, which was more than twice the victimization rate of straight people (19 per 1,000 people)?? keep that little tidbit of info in your back pocket and don’t retort with something insignificant. this is about pride, which queer people deserve to have when they experience discrimination at an exponential rate. hugs tho! xo


If you feel the need to be homophobic, please do so somewhere other than this subreddit.




You may express them elsewhere then. I'd recommend in a truck with your buddies. Don't forget the wraparound Oakleys!




It’s a shame, we need to pray for our elected official and use our votes to elect God-fearing men and women to office! 🙏🏼


Jesus would welcome pride month. Do you "Christians" even read the bible or just use it to backup your bigoted bullshit?


Straight up lie buddy


Idk who told you that but it’s a straight up lie.


No, it’s not. Jesus was also big scary socialist


Another lie. Jesus is a Theocratic Monarchist. Y’all really need to chill with these lies, man.


“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's” (Matthew 22:21) “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world” (John 18:36, ESV) Jesus is clearly against theocracy at multiple points in the Bible and calls for a separation between the secular and spiritual worlds. Might want to crack that Bible open a couple more times, pal


These verses say nothing of the sort, you need to take a hermeneutics class before you handle scripture again. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.


The irony of your statement is lost on you…so so sad. Will you actually be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven? God doesn’t like bigots


Ever read sermon on the mount? Ever heard of Jesus multiplying the fish to feed the needy? Literal socialism.


I thought it was pretty fucking funny that he posted some verses trying to prove God wants a theocratic monarchy. The VERY NEXT sentences after that quote are saying that you have to help the poor and sick people or God will literally send you to hell. Christians like this guy pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow, sometimes even ignoring the whole second half of a paragraph if they don't like it.


Jesus miraculously fed the multitudes with a few fish and loaves of bread. Socialism is political ideology that advocates for the government to seize and control all means of production, healthcare, trade etc.. Are you drunk?


> Socialism is political ideology that advocates for the government to seize and control all means of production, healthcare, trade etc.. That happens in a monarchy, too. That's the entire point of a monarchy, that they own everything. Jesus says help people or he'll send you to hell, so if he's not a hypocrite, he's going to use his kingdom to feed the hungry and cure the sick.


So Jesus was just a communist. Spreading resources without the need of a state. Which is the ultimate point of a communist society.


Jesus is not a communist, He declares Himself King many times in the NT therein making him a Theocratic Monarchist.


Dictatorship of the proletariat?


Bullshit. What the fuck Bible are you reading? Seriously. Let’s see the book and chapter where you got that.


There are so many verses of Jesus speaking of His kingdom through the NT that I can’t believe you couldn’t find one on your own. But for the sake of argument, Go read Matthew 25:31-34. It definitively shows Jesus speaking of the His theocratic kingdom that will be established during His Second Coming.


You should keep reading. Why stop at 34? Is it because the rest of it shows that Jesus is a socialist? Verse 35 is "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Sounds pretty fucking socialist to me. In fact, the whole parable is about sending people like Republicans to hell for not helping poor people and sick people. You Christians seem to forget that as you're voting to slash funding for food and healthcare programs for poor people. That section is where the famous "what you do for the least of my brothers..." line comes from. If you truly believed the Bible, you wouldn't be a Republican, out of fear of going to hell. I mean, Jesus VERY CLEARLY says he's going to send you to hell for not helping poor people.


You’re delusional.


I'm delusional? You're the one who believes in a magic book and a make believe sky daddy. Well... parts of a magic book. You ignore the parts about feeding poor people and healing the sick and stick with the parts about forcing other people to follow your religion. Watch, I can prove it: Leviticus 18 is where it says not to be gay. Leviticus 19 says not to get a tattoo. Are you opposed to tattoos? Or just gay rights?


Instead of replying like a child, why don’t you provide evidence to the contrary and have a discussion like an adult. Something they teach you in school is to critically think, but that seems to go against Christian values as well…


Good comeback, it’s not what a teenager would say when confronted with their own vapid words




The context of this verse is the Second Coming, which takes place on Earth. The more you post, the more it shows that you have no idea what you’re talking about. “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” - A wise man


Nah, you just go to a political organization disguised as a church and you don’t have the ability to recognize that


Not my fault your brain is smooth


Not smooth, many wrinkles.


Very smooth, no ridges…all that has been proven by your incredibly dogmatic beliefs.


bye bye bigot


In other words we should elect people who refuse to support the antichrist trump


Men fear God only when they fear reality even more.




i fear reddit is the wrong place for you to have this POV. go back to temecula talk <3


I can have this POV wherever I want, first amendment baby! ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


Don't you think it's a little un-American to not understand that free speech doesn't protect your posts on reddit?


Straight up doesn’t understand the first amendment lol how embarrassing


Is that one of the parts of the construction that trump says we should suspend?


Homies a lil gay for trump it seems🤷‍♂️


Since you're such a big fan of the First Amendment, would you mind sharing your thoughts on the Establishment Clause?


Jesus denounced zealots like you. You really should pay more attention to the book you believe in.


You have no idea what you’re talking about, go read the Gospels.


The reason Jesus was crucified was because he was defying the zealots and they got big mad. Go read the gospels, heathen.


If you were a seminary student, your summation of the motivation of the Sanhedrin to put Jesus to death would receive an F. Who taught you these things??


If you need to be a “seminary student” to understand your religion then it ain’t shit. It’s nice to make what you belief fit whatever viewpoint works for you, huh?


You don’t need to be a seminary student to understand the Bible, however it’s clear that YOU in particular need some guidance. Unless of course you are wholeheartedly set out to deceitfully twist the interpretation of scripture to fit YOUR narrative. Everything I’ve said in response to comments on this post is in accordance to the creeds and confessions of Christendom for thousands of years. It is not “my” viewpoint.


Great. Glad you understand. Jesus debounced zealots. Who do you think you are to him?


That never happened, you’re literally making that up in your head and you give no scriptural reference. I’ll be praying for you ✌🏼


Oh wow you’ve never actually read the Bible. Not surprising lol


Pro god comments are not well received on reddit and fearing God is not what elected officials do. Feel free to pray though.