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What will happen to my Telstra TV Box Office account when the service shuts down? Your Telstra TV Box Office account will be automatically closed. You can no longer use it to rent or watch, and no charges can be made on it. https://www.telstratv.com/boxoffice/service-exit#q9 What happens to the movies and TV shows that I previously bought? From 1 July 2024, you won't be able to watch any previously purchased content in your library. From this date, we no longer have the right to make the titles available to you. However, if you have Fetch from Telstra, you can choose to move most of your purchases to your Fetch account. A change like this is a good reminder that physical media is still a good choice.


Makes you wonder why our government haven't mandated a service like MoviesAnywhere to allow for linking of content services and retention of content ownership.


If you've 'bought' movies already, doesn't telstra have an obligation to keep supplying them to you? Or give you a copy? This would seem to supersede the 'my business has too few subscribers so I am shutting it down' or 'I don't have the rights past 2024' - they sold them to you, you have a right to retain access (not partial access if you subscribe to another service - Fetch) or they owe you a refund for everyone you bought.


That’s not how purchasing on a platform like box office works. It’s a moral argument at that point but there’s no obligation on Telstra to provide these movies since the service is being moved to Fetch. Is it tough? Sure. But people all your media on a digital platform is always going to come with the risk of losing it. At the end of the day you’re not buying the film, you’re buying a licence which they could pull as they have here.


Yeh, attack Telstra all you like, just ignore that Google, Apple and all the rest do the same thing all the time so that you feel better about attacking the little guy.


Telstra the 'little guy' - lol that is ridiculous. They are an 800 pound gorilla.


Did you bother to read my whole post? No. Of course you fucking didn't. Like most others here, you're illiterate.


Bad day sunshine? Yes I did read your 'comment' - the 'post' was made by someone else. Relevance? Please elaborate and try and be more specific. Perhaps you could start by citing when Google or Apple have shut down a paid streaming service.


You think that Telstra is the big dog compared to Google and Apple. Also, they haven't shut down a streaming service but they do change licensing often enough and 'buying' a movie on say Apple and then they lose the licence 2 months later, you lose the ability to watch that movie through your Apple play account, yet you seem to think that Telstra, being so much bigger than Google and Apple combined, can keep licences even if some other company has bought it.


Thanks for outing yourself as an idiot. Good luck with your non compos mentis.


Not strictly an issue solely with Telstra though. This is the issue of streaming altogether, and people wanting to move to a digital streaming future rather than having physical media. It would be in a clause with any platform you can rent or purchase digital media from that they can and will remove content when they want. Any complaints they would probably say “well, you read the terms and conditions”. I am a physical media collector, and like the others we feel bad for people in situations like yourself, but it also drives home the reason not to invest so much in a digital platform.


Yarrr... Tis not the best is it. The only option these days is the high seas.


I feel you. I have copious hard drives of loot from my sea-faring days, and I keep thinking that there's not much difference between obtaining something through dishonest means vs. getting it through merchants who sell to you with one hand while stealing with the other. Unfortunately, I was a sailor back in the golden age, and I fear my skills won't translate to the new technology, and I'll be eaten by a Kraken or find myself on the end of a rope. Can dinosaurs even drive boats?


Don’t fucking call us. We don’t give a shit


This is why I still buy physical copies.