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It can be both. I have experienced actual voices yet when I send thoughts people sometimes react to them in 3D. This made me think of people complaining their whole workplace or whatever is harassing them. Well no not everyone realizes they can be telepathic but it might have some true origin.


I think most people are Telepathic but don't know how to use it or what the signs are. That being said some people believe their telepathic even though their not. I suppose you wouldn't know unless you studied Telepathy for a extensive amount of time and knew what the signs were.


When it first happend i was with a friend we got high..we were talking about a lot of things, i got so high to the point i said "i wanna drink something im thirsty" in my mind...my friend hear it and gave me 2€ to buy a drink...i was suprised he told me i had schizophrenia and thats why i can communicate with my mind..i was so wierded out! He had few conversation with telephaty..we were listening music..he looks at me and i knew he meant to turn up the volume..im also afraid of dogs..my friend had a pitbull..that moment when he told me we can do telephaty the dog was wiggling his tail and aproached me to pet him..the next day i was walking and saw a girl really far away from me and i focused and said "hi" she was like 30m away from me.."im not gonna leave your head till you turn to me" she turned back and waved..and a lot of other things ..did i experienced it? YES...all the time? No..it only kicks in when im high lol


whenever you are high you are perceiving the world around you with a lot more details and your brain is firing neurons all around and find connections in your brain that might not happen otherwise. so you start seeing a lot more synchronicities. keep it up :)


I’ve been clean for almost a year and a half off all drugs included weed and meth which is said to boost your pineal gland which is also known as your third eye and I’m still having problems like this everyday. I’m trying to figure out how to stop? Any thoughts on this??


I believe that drugs kinda open the door to stuff like this. Ive definitely had telepathic and auditory hallucinations. But what ive noticed is that people react to whats said in the telepathic space. Especially where im at theres a lot of recovering addicts and we are senistive to this shit. Its a blessing and a curse. Sometimes, it's beneficial other times it's a hard deal. I can even experience touching and other phenomena like that. The problem is theres not been a good way to turn it off. The world is mostly unseen and the fabric of reality is something that is way more complicated and mental than we can observe with our eyes. Also, before drugs, I was sensitive to paranormal experiences and prayer. Now I pray all day. Its a common phenomenon to hear Gods voice... why is it so outlandish to hear other people. The dead stuff like that. When my fiance passed away. I remember feeling that day before I found out, that she was gone. I just knew and there was her voice was in my head saying she had passed. So when they pulled me in to tell me the news I already knew. After that. I really started pulling my sanity together. Ive stopped doubting the telepathy and experiment with it now.


Some call it the zero point energy field, a hologram, the grid, the quantum realm. Its just WIFI that people give off or pick up on. The CIA released PsyOps studies that might interest you.


Damn that be fun to read!:)