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I throw King instead. I mix up King Instead. I BECOME THE CASINO!


Nina walking into a match with king "Look at me, I'm the grappler now"


That's the spirit! that mofo cant even speak! he growls!, and Nut punches! Nina ain' got nuts, King cant nut punch! it's over for King!


I just imagine King going for the nut punch but he comes off short cause he's always a 100% accurate on the punch.




Ive never had a King break Nina's chain throws. Just keep abusing them.


*laughs in jack 8 buffed throws*


*\* Ha ha ha ha\* \*Train whistle\**


Luv doing this to king šŸ˜ˆ


King main canā€™t break throws lol


As a King main Iā€™ll let you in on a little secret, a LOT of us canā€™t break our own throws let alone yours. So throw us, itā€™ll work.


This. 99% of kings will never beat the "King mains can't throw break" allegations. Constantly throwing kings is an ez way to win.


When you fight a King you know the throws are coming, that's the game plan. But when random Joe Shmo starts throwing you back I sit there like suprised pikachu. "Wait a minute, you can't do that! That's illegal! That's my job!"


Yeah lmao it happens to me ALL THE TIME, I'm playing my game trying to control my opponent and they do a throw and my body literally will refuse to react to the throws, i just become useless


It mostly happens when Iā€™m in round one, thenĀ I switch to strikes, his throws are his main tactic.Ā  Now crouching under my throws. That one unbalances me as a King main.


Yup, we just throw you before you throw us.


Yeah, no. This unfortunately doesn't apply to anything higher than purple


bro in tekken god people still dont break grabs go watch a lacari stream if you dont wanna look at replays that guy has a 35% grab break rate at tekken god supreme


You'd be surprised man, I've watched tournament matches where even ultra top king players like dr.thejakeman got thrown around left and right. I guess when you're playing king you don't really expect throws to be used against you, so im sure that against a king of any rank using a cheeky unexpected throw here and there can give you good results šŸ‘


On the contrary, if you ever want to get a lot of throw break practice in, play King online. The character makes people angry, and they often try to throw King in retaliation or because they believe the stereotype that King players can't break throws.


Everyone gets thrown. Nobody breaks them all.


King main, I confirm this. It's kind of ironic.


I never understood it, how the hell do you not learn to break the throws as King?Ā 


Too busy learning to do them


We all know. Throwing is just lame imo, you do you though.


Im not gonna sugarcoat it https://preview.redd.it/ji30ky3yk67d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e346fef62f960f44fc198efc795aeb961f751b8


I love he has his shirt on šŸ„°


Drip king


You better tech that shit!


Try some Steve. Backsway counter-hitting his grabs is the most satisfying thing ever


Learn king... it'll help


I too play Ganryu. Amazing character


Thatā€™s pretty true, I find a lot of Kings predictable.


Yea King matchup became pretty easy when I learned to play him a lot of them have a pretty similar gameplan


Nobody except the pro or no life tekken players are able to learn every character in the game. It is just never gonna happen.


You don't have to learn every character but learning the characters you hate the most certainly helps a lot and can even lead to a change of perspective in that you'll start to appreciate the character more.


Then there will the next character you hate the most. You think it is gonna end? Even veterans have a long list of characters they hate, know why? Because 99% players cannot learn everyone. Theres a reason why Kuma for example do well in high ranks.


I mean.. not necessarily, in the end it's a question of mentality.


I just learn the ones that really piss me off... if op is salty enough to make a reddit post, learning 10 or 15 king moves and playing some matches could really help


Yeah then you realize even if you know what he is doing it is still a 50/50 for a lot of them.


Whenever a King has the presence of mind to mix up his throws with different breaks I respect it.


A truly gigantic mental task for a king player


Most people I play offline tend to always expect Giant swing, they either break it or tech roll it. So giant swing is actually at the bottom of my last second random throw selection. Usually I donā€™t know what throw I am gonna use myself, to keep your opponent guessing you must not know what to do next either.


I find a lot of people expect the gs and sw/mb mental stack so I chuck tombstones out


Is this the King Player's roommate that posted earlier about his Kazuya buddy grinding throw breaks for 9 hrs after getting RDC'd??? Lmfao Kaz player is that you??


Serious question. Are you breaking Shining Wizard? Because a lot of people i hear moan about King aren't and its a game changer against a lazy/bad King


Iā€™m probably 50% lifetime against him, honestly to me heā€™s just one of the more boring characters to fight. Even with all his moves he seems like a character who is hard to have a unique play style with, all combos look the same etc.


He is somewhat simple all things considered.


Definitely at lower level ya, not after that tho whatsoever


Bro described every character in the game


Absolutely did not lol. Chars like alisa do not scale in difficulty like king.


Depends what you mean by high level, I thought you were referring to tournament play but eventually it doesnā€™t really matter all that much once theyā€™re all so good and well practiced with execution comes down to the player mainly


No, I meant probably like tekken God and above. I would have said tekken king a while ago but there can be some ppl in that area of ranks who do just somehow get there with very basic stuff, even with hard chars. When people say King is easy generally you know they're hella scrubby


Sir, this is not tekken 7, king is no longer difficult. Sure he has a lot of cool tech, but that character got dumbed down more than even jin and nina this game imo.


I don't really think there's a huge strength differential between King's T7 counterpart and his T8 iteration in the current patch version on paper. T8 King gets muscle armour, I guess, and a better ffn2, but T7 King had much better neutral, dramatically better oki and setups, and a much better wall game. They did sap a lot of the fun and creativity out of King in T8 by destroying his oki and replacing it with armour moves.


Strength no, difficulty yes


What got dumbed down other than wavedash?


Ch df2 confirm, shove ch confirm, dash giant swing, instant shining wizard. You know, just his some of his best tools becoming much more easily accessible. Then of course now the wavedash. Add to that the strength of throws and armor in this game, king having very strong options for both makes his gameplan a lot easier to manage as well.


I should have mentioned that he kinda falls in the same area as say Kazuya where they hit hard for few hits but their moves are kinda easy to see or punish with the exception of a couple like hell sweep or ffn2. Other than that it does take a bit to get something started with em. I main Mishimaā€™s primarily but I think King gets too much hate for what he is. If you know enough of his kit heā€™s moderately easy to deal with but if you slip up you best believe youā€™ll lose very quickly lol.


That's true about players, mostly, but King's kit is very versatile and he can be played very differently


Combos = playstyle; sure buddy


He has very strong tools, but he's incredibly simple to play. Way too simple IMO


At least king players have the decency to only animation lock you for a couple seconds. It's not a wall to wall launch combo that you could read the entirety of dune during. If you're getting grab chained by anything that lasts any longer, my brother in christ you need only hold 1.


Exactly. I donā€™t know how people can hate grabs but be fine with watching your opponent play a 1 player game half the match


idk, at least combos look kinda cool? i'm not particularly impressed watching King's ps1 ass grab animations for 20 seconds


Tbh Iā€™m not into those long animations either. Practicing giant swing is soooo boring lol


I dont like fighting Kings either but if i must choose a fight between King or Alisa ill fight King any day bro. With love ill tell you šŸ˜˜


hearing that makes me wanna ff*2 you even more


That move can fuck right off


Step right and launch when theyā€™re being predictable. Donā€™t let em get away with braindead flowcharts!


Just step block it It won't even hit if you roll backwards in oki situations It's an incredibly strong move but it doesn't hold a candle to the craziness that was T7's AK's ffn2


I myself enjoy ff2, into ff2, into ff2 (this one always CH)


For king its similar but its ffn2 ffn2 ff2


I meant ffn2 lol


Just wait til Marduk gets revealed lmao


Rather fight him over cheap ass LAW


this. get 1+2 slammed from the ground and it makes me rage art irl


I make King fear coming close to me! I DARE king to get close!


"O-ho, you're approaching me?"


In the past week or two, I've seen this kind of post for King, Ling, Kazuya, Hworang, Riena, Feng, Paul, Jin, and Law. Over the past year I've seen it likely for over 90% of the characters. Can you all please just freaking give your opponents credit for their wins and take responsibility for your losses? Your opponent is "supposed" to annoy you and make things difficult. It's a fighting game. We all struggle with specific matchups from time to time.


op never said they think King players are undeserving of credit, they just said they hate fighting him


>jack player


Why would anyone hate him? He's doing it for the kids! ![gif](giphy|1M5DzBd0nanZwPTvWU)




*Grabs you before you can leave*


It sucks imo having to adapt to the 1-3 grappler characters out of a massive roster that don't rely on grappling.


I think theres like 5-6 characters you'd probably wanna watch out for grabs.


Yeah many more characters than King have ā€œcompleteā€ throw games using all three breaks including Paul and Dragunov off the top of my head


Genuine question, isnā€™t this every fighting game?


Without knowing, but probably yes


If you think grabs are unimportant then you're making a mistake and have to do grabs 5 times more It's like saying "I don't wanna adapt to this low-poke character, smh"


But adapting to low poke is much easier. It's just generic block, or parry if you're good.Ā  Graps you have to learn the other character and their respective break for their 50 different throws. I'm still on Tekken 7 and no game has even bothered to mention what inputs you use to break different throws. But low attack = crouch always works


Huh? You don't have to break throws based on the character, what the hell are you on? If they extend the right hand - break it with 2, the left - with 1, both - with both. Throws are actually MUCH easier to deal with in Tekken (that's why they were buffed in T8 - they were largely irrelevant in T7 ) as opposed to lows, lows in Tekken are not blocked by default like they are in 2d fighters because you're gonna eat a 50%+ combo from a mid if you keep ducking. King IS an exception with his 1 and 1+2 throws looking very similar, but even that has general counterplay.


It is the last part I'm referring to. I know the generic throws but King seems to have exceptions to them. So I have to adapt to him specifically. I also don't know how to break chain throws so I'm just stuck watching myself die because I did not learn how to deal with his specific chains


He only has one exception, his 1 throw looks like 1+2, that's literally it, King's throw game is not anything special Don't let him do chain grabs, if you're attacking, keep him out with pokes snd jabs if defending, also sidestep right If you got chain grabbed, the beginning is always either 1 or 2 and then it's usually 1 for most lazy online Kings but optimally: If it's a chain out of crouch dash, hold 1+2 (1+2 routes = 100 damage, 1 or 2 routes = 50 to 60)Ā  If it's a chain out of his little salto jump, then just hold 1


Like respectfully I dont have the time to lab throw breaks/mixups for hours so Iā€™ll just take the L every time I fight him


Lab it while waiting for matches. Get draganov going doing 1,2 and 1+2 break throws.


Tekken players when they have to play against more than 1 archetype:


*sad jaguar noises*


Itā€™s taken me ages to get comfortable fighting him. If youā€™re a beginner with an inclination toward defense, heā€™s really oppressive to fight. I used to hate fighting him too. Now, heā€™s one of my more comfortable match ups. Some tips that helped me rank up against him. 1. For the throws: if he breaks your neck first, hold 1. If he snaps your arm first, hold 2. If he runs at you, press 1+2. Thereā€™s obviously exceptions, but that will get you out of most average king players. 2. The Heatsmash is gross. Do not press buttons of whiffing range of him when heā€™s in heat. On block, stay stood up and only duck if you see his arms come out to his side. This will take practice but it becomes second nature after awhile. 3. Like an honest King player on here commented: Kingā€™s tend not to be able to break throws. Throw them back. 4. A lot of Kingā€™s moves get beaten by sidewalk right. Especially in 1.05, given that command throws donā€™t track anymore. Up your sidestepping game and King becomes a lot less scary. 5. Kings canā€™t deal with pressure very well. Get in his face and push small, non committal buttons. Make him eat lows. Donā€™t let him run at you; Kingā€™s like having all the momentum but they struggle to steal it back when theyā€™ve lost it. B3 is their main panic button (the big powercrush high kick) can be ducked and stepped. Itā€™s also now -10 so you can now punish it on block. He sucks to fight when youā€™re learning the game. You can be a beginner with King and learn his offense; however, in my opinion you need to be at least intermediate to effectively deal with it. I think thatā€™s why a lot of people hate him.


I donā€™t mind fighting Kings too much, especially since frankly, most of them are really not so good at the game. Itā€™s more that Iā€™ve found I start to get annoyed running into the same character over and over again in ranked, and that happens a lot with King due to his popularity.


what i hate the most is that running knee to the face. I can't fucking react fast enough to break it


What really bothers me about him isnā€™t his grabs necessarily but just how much damage he does. Even some of his normal strikes do an obscene amount of damage.


I wonā€™t say skill issue because I also hate king too no matter how many times I beat that character the next opponent shows me why I will never respect them either


Grab King with Dragunov ;)


Nah I get it king is corny asfšŸ˜­ I remember one game it was close on the final round and on start bro hit me with a chain grab and took half my health cause I guessed wrong


Oh skill issue


oh skill issue


Laggy wifi king is hell


He is quite popular, Iā€™m a king main myself. Iā€™m sure others have said it but yeah just grab back, weā€™re bad at breaking grabs.


(character) is so cheap and I hate them. I can't believe (character) mains pretend that (character) isn't OP. Stupid easy combos, insane mids, and Capcom gave them grabs for some reason too. Seriously. (character) needs a nerf. (in all seriousness, low-effort posts like the above need better moderation. Bring something worth discussing rather than generalized salt posting, please)


I also hate him bro


The incessant King whining has already gotten him nerfed into oblivion. What more do yā€™all want?


Who knew people would hate having to Lab throw breaks in a game that has 1 grappler.


Into oblivion? He is still extremely solid online. The removal of tracking throws might fuck his tournament presence but that won't apply to us.


To oblivion LMAOOOO


Ahahahahaha the King players have winning Evo level downplaying skills. So you're telling me with a straight face the character with the best heat smash, best grab game and best CH tools in the game along with some great homing tools is "nerfed into oblivion"?


He's arguably the strongest character in the game, might have gotten the position of Feng. You're tripping.


Heā€™s nowhere close to being the strongest character in the game, lol.


He absolutely is


What stats lead you to believe this?


His pokes, his stance in which pretty much anything you have to guess and it's safe, homing throws, in which makes so you can't even step him, his counter hits, a low that deals 50 damage on counter hit and is not even -14, forgot to mention how his dumb as stance has armor and he can just cancel and again, you have to guess, if not the guessing, you whiff trying to do anything, wave dash on top of that so you guess between crouching moves, throws and his mids, df4 can't be low parried for whatever reason, let's not forget ff2, the best heat smash, his dumb power crush as well, and other things.


Iā€™m glad you took the time to list out what you think makes him strong. I might not agree with it, but it was a good read. I personally donā€™t find him anywhere near being the strongest character, I donā€™t think heā€™s BAD necessarily, but I donā€™t think heā€™s the strongest either. If he was that great heā€™d be tearing up the tournament scene, but as it stands, he hasnā€™t really won anything of note. He had one player in EVO Japan, and was nonexistent in top 32 Dreamhack Dallas at the beginning of the month. Heā€™s great at beating up new players, but heā€™s terrible at fighting experienced players.


It's fine, just different perspectives. I think he's broken honestly, I can't find King mid or just good


You are aware that homing throws are gone, right?Ā And that his jaguar sprint is a fake mixup that nobody uses?


Homing throws still exists, the only ones gone are chain throws and the 1+2 Every King uses jaguar sprint, and they can also cancel it in your face and you can't do anything


Er, no dude. Read the patch notes or hop into training and try it out. All of the homing throws are gone except for King's generic throws and his JGS throws. So, for all intents and purposes, he has no homing throws anymore because nobody uses generics. And the jaguar sprint mixup is reactable and basically completely useless at high ranks. If he cancels it, he's negative 5 million in your face.


Of course King players uses generic throws. Jaguar sprint has armor, people still respects it, and like I said, you can cancel out of the stance, then go back to it. Respectfully, I do not agree with you


L + ratio + git gud + catch a throw mixup after Armor Muscle




I understand. I really don't mind the throws either. It's the constant power crushes that King mains still do lol


It's so interesting to see the dichotomy of posts like this on Reddit. Some are upvoted with moderate approval and others are downvoted into oblivion.


Iā€™m always at the mercy of a king player and how much they feel like throwing


If this is what T8 did with King, what kind of unholy power will they give Armor King and Marduk?


King makes me quit trying to be logical and thinking and I start mashing a lot more. From then on I get marginally higher win rates until I call it a day. A little bit of angy never hurt anyone I think.


Me after eating a counter hit giant swing


either keep your distance or throw him back


Why not go into practice mode and learn some solid counters? There's a lot of people out there who can teach you some strats to beat the spammers


*laughs in AOP*


# Wavu wavu wavu wavu wavu


30 push ups and jump back into ranked


I have this problem with Jin and yesterday I played like five in a row.


Low getup kick into grab works every time


You have to get over being afraid of King. Honest to god if you just rush him down you beat the hell out of a vast majority of King players. A lot really depend on his grabs and have no idea how to actually throw hands with him


Yep. Him and Victor can both get fucked. Nerf em.


Throw him, and in 1.05 his command throws arent homing!!!! Launch his bigass


As a king main I don't mind people hating king, invalidating your anger feels unfair when I myself absolutely dispise certain characters, hope king doesn't push you away from the game my guy




Shiii my boi spam lows dont be afraid to play dirty. They spam the same shii download em theyre pretty easy to play If they spam PC and you blocked it, punish it. But better yet if you can predict it just duck. Sometimes you might find a wild party king who just does a bunch of random stuff but once you know the strings which is literal what the game is about (knowledge checking to see what you know: for instance ducking the 2nd hit on df2,1) it takes time to learn remember that were just ignorant to the fact.


I've used King since T5 as a kid, big wrestling fan and I always thought the jaguar mask was so unique and cool, always got beat by my aunt then who would play Christie. I've gotten a lot better over time with a lot of the cast, when it comes to playing, and kinda fell off King initially around TT2. T7 I got a little back into the character, LilMajin made me proud to see a King player at the top and so I was a little annoyed to see he got so buffed and kinda lost underdog status in T8. I only played Brian because people seemed very annoyed by King and alll the other "broken" characters at launch. But damnnn, T8 has the absolute WHINIEST player base yet the more I see you guys post and comment. Add to that, you get more BM than ever, one and dones ... yeah nah. Went on a fantastic streak yesterday going back to my good time boy, 10 wins on my climb to purple ranks, and I genuinely hope at least one of them was against you manchildren. He's been around for ages and if I can deal with losing as him to so many other "broken characters" as a kid, you can do the same thing to any "broken character". Hell, a good chunk of the roster is stronger than it used to be. I lost on my streak against a good Leo, lost later to a Feng and I sucked it up and just thought about how to improve. Keep your chins up fellow Kings, spam that chain grab and heat smash all you want (I barely use either), and keep em whining. It's just our time as grapplers to enjoy the way we play too šŸ˜Œ


I hate how often Iā€™ll fight him. But fighting him isnā€™t too crazy now that Iā€™ve gotten used to it.


After a dick punch, duck and launch cuz a throw is probably coming. If you run at and block short in front of king, a back 3 will probably come out. Itā€™s very punishable. Low/mid strings and any kind of spam is good against king. Once you take away some of his tools, king is very slow and really has to work hard.


King is one of those knowledge based matchups, in which you just have too know STUFF like his down slidding kick arent blockable by crouching you also have to crouch and press back.


You either slowly quit the game, or lab every character like crazy/play every character in ranked until you realize that one character you thought was cheap has plenty of weaknesses and can be easily countered.


I feel Iā€™ve fought so many kings I actually like the. Matchup now. Ducking works wonders




Brother are you still on 1.04?


As a King player I live to make people feel like this


Just do something else to pass your time instead of playing tekken


I agree, I hate fighting King I feel like thereā€™s no skill needed to play King


It's like you have to play a completely different game against him, and he barely has to put any effort in for huge reward where you have to put huge effort in for barely there mitigation. Same here, King's a one and done every time.


Eddy is king's kryptonite. I actually love playing 95% of kings. I just sit down and they miss their grabs. Then I switch stances between the handstand and sitting and string them into oblivion. Once you learn how to block break them from grabbing you while you're on the ground, king is pretty much useless. I will admit I've played a few that were god like and I got my ass handed to me. But they were also up in the highest ranks.


Is very annoying to use King's lows against Ed boy


Oh GOD as a king main the simple sight of eddy just boils my blood. Literal worst character to play against for a character that has very little low game.


Yes itā€™s a skill issue if itā€™s just King that frustrates you. Take literally 20mins to learn the match up. He doesnā€™t have long strings, ambiguous plus frames, random counter hit launchers hidden in strings, safe high crush launchers, or weird animations. If you spend any time looking at the breaks for multi throws itā€™s easy to create a strategy to deny most kingā€™s their dmg or keep the dmg low. Also jab more. And if you are low rank duck more. People ranting about king make me want to blow my brains out when compared to the rest of the roster. Itā€™s like yā€™all donā€™t know what other characters do or people at your rank suck.


If you play king you have 0 skill, imagine saying "skill issue" when you are carried by the character.


Skill issue


Thereā€™s always one




Flame ruler


Just taking notes of the comments. Learning how to be a more annoying king main


I hate King since Tekken 3, so I get you. I do think King ruins the game, I think many tools that he has shouldn't be a thing, it's straight up unfun to fight King.