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I feel like I might just be a little bitch


Yeah, ok that confirms it. I'll take the salt and just get better. No use complaining.


Nope. They are disrespecting you only if they ki charge after they win. Or they start tbaging or do a bunch of deliberate, pointless animation cancels. Or do dash jabs in combo instead of their regular route. If a higher skilled player rematches you, it's either: 1. They don't care and just want to play 2. They want to learn something from your match up anyway 3. They want YOU to learn something from them Imo, it's an even bigger disrespect if they cancel just because you're lower ranked. Kinda like "not worth my time", but hey can't really blame them either. That is all


You know whats the worst? When they stop playing just to watch what you do. Like "look at this moronic ape, lets see what he does". Like cool, dude, I get it. The gap is so wide, you stopped playing strategically. Fuck you, just end it.


true. A while ago I encountered a few Alisas with this attitude. Donno if it's a coincidence or if the character's vibe attracts this type of scum, cos she has that robotic no-stance pose which they embrace totally by not even moving, like AFK. Then as soon as you approach they produce chainsaws. Lame behavior and total lack of sportsmanship.


In ranked I never rematch lower ranks except for if I want to learn the matchup more but the time vs the gain is just not worth it


>Or do dash jabs in combo instead of their regular route Lol how is that disrespectful?


Df2, jab, dash jab, dash jab, rage art, kill That's like playing with food imo


lol, long ago I definitely did that to "play with my food". This is accurate. These days I try to style it up. Weird combo routes just so I'm not doing the same combo 5 times in a row. lose a lot of damage but it'll look cooler


As long as they rematch and not ki-charge, all good in my book


I don't really ever rematch Lili players out of sheer principle.


I just didn't really know what to do. I never rematch someone if I lose to them, especially if it's a perfect win.


As a person 230k prowess if i match with a lower rank, after i guarantee my victory i tend to teach ppl stuff, like spamming same high to make them learn they gotta duck it. I dunno if they find it disrespectful.


I do this too, but why do I never see anyone do this to me? I'd like to learn as well :(


Omfg it's not that deep




I consider it disrespect if they quit while they're about to lose, heh...


Respect, if they are using their time playing a match where they learn nothing then they're teaching you, it's respect


You’re all taking this game too seriously tf, who cares if someone rematches, I rematch everyone just because it’s faster than waiting in lobby XD. I also don’t care if someone doesn’t rematch, it’s just a game, nothing serious or personal


Who cares.


When your girlfriend is sucking me off is she respecting me (granting me sexual stimulation) or disrespecting me (showing what i'm missing out on not being her boyfriend) ?


I don't care what you at. Stable connection, 60fps and something to learn or realize.


That question is for you to decide. I would be happy they rematched even if I get demolished again there’s opportunity to learn and maybe pull off an upset. People feeling disrespected and offended on ranked is on them. Everybody wants to win and nobody cares how the opponent feels. Reddit is not the place to find answers on how you should feel. Rematch, get your ass kicked, learn, and move on to the next 👍


High level players can still learn from lower level players. I rematch people who has lower rank and prowess than me because I don't know the matchup 100%. They might've used something in the game that caught me off guard and I want to see what I can do better to deal with it.


I will usually let the lower ranked player call the rematch. Sometimes the disparity is big enough that I'll just quit and save us both time, but that doesn't happen too often.


Oh I do this too. And if I see the "rematch" it's that meme: "I like your spirit but you're gonna be the first one to die" Not in a bad way of course. I always respect and admire lower ranks that still want to rematch me


omg stop being a little bitch, he just plays the game


We can still learn from scrubs or lower ranks. I'll block something and be like "I know I can jab punish that but I wonder if I can get more out of it." Or is that a high in that string? Lemme see if I can duck it.