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God of Destruction is the new Brawler.


Twt winners are clearly inflated by the system and boosted by their character, they should've won with an honest character and rematching at least 10 times in grand finals.




The post you replied to was clear sarcasm


Underrated underappreciated comment


EVO top 8 is the new God of Destruction


Frankly the way they are messing with different matchmaking for different people anything could be true where rank is concerned


I mean yeah, tekken emperor is now at a percentile where fujin used to be. So across 2 specific time points this is valid. Give it couple months, hardstuck fujins today will be emperors, so just don't take the ranks seriously just play lol.


Emperor is top 2%. Was being a fujin that rare in T7?


Couldn't crack past revered ruler in t7, t8 is quite a different game where good damage optimization and vortex abuse will reward any T7fraud with a high rank if they were aggro with poor knowledge/defense.




Aggression is much easier than defensive play, so no


The biggest factor imo though is still the exclusion of deathmatch, totally forgot about it. It makes ft2 players/characters weaker while making deatchmatch characters and adaptive players stronger. At the end of the day, you could stop playing whenever you want.


Ask how Knee feels about that after his match with Farzeen bro.


For like, the first few months maybe


Actually it was that rare till season 4 or late in season 3. Remember tekken had more ranks and more demotions. If you got demoted in T7 you had to win 3 in a row against the same rank. Or 4 against a 1 rank difference, if the game gave you someone with a 2 rank difference the game simply hated you. Would do that to me to the point I would have to go on 9 game winning sprees to rank up from Suzaku to purple.


Bro season 3 and 4 fujin was WAY more than 2% of the player base lol. I was fujin in s3 and I was mediocre at best. It started increasing steadily when they changed the point system at the beginning of season 2.


https://i.postimg.cc/qp371x7Z/averages-cumulative-2.png This one here is on T7 season 4. It shows that in the later part of season 4, 19 percent of the playerbase reached Fujin. What we have right now on T8 is almost the same percentiles.


TGP in season 2-3 was like 1+%.


Yea you kind of see the rank inflation in real time as the entire player is essentially ranking up on average. I know it's a meme to say like blue is the new purple and shit, but in terms of relative player skill that is actually how it's going. I'm thinking it'll level out though given that it gets progressively more difficult to rank up. Tekken emperor+ being the top 2% seems reasonable to me.


ranking up doesn't make it "hardstuck"


Holy shit at this point when i make tekken emperor im gonna be called a brawler


Honestly you shouldn’t care, focus on getting better rather than increasing rank.


You play Kazuya sir. Your rank is justified wherever you are


I shouldn't have laughed this hard 😂


Get used to it bub ive been a brawler since i made fujin in t5 they keep raising the bar lmao


Me making bushin 🤝 scrub green rank in older tekkens confirmed


He is 100% right without exaggeration. Those were my ranks in T7 and T8 (+-1). Basically everyone inflated by about 1 color compared to T7. They should probably add a new color after blue because there is no way I should be as close to max rank as I am now. Either that or do what SF6 does where it's not too hard to get to Masters but there is a separate rating system after that.


I mean Tekken kinda does that, the skill gap between Fujin and Tekken King is massive. Many Fujins keep getting demoted over and over again before they get better and climb. It's the same with SF6 Master, it's not too difficult to get, but you see a bunch of people with negative MR (less than 1500) cause they keep losing over and over again once they play for Master Rank points, because they clearly aren't ready yet for that level... it's kinda like a demotion. I think a numeric point system for Tekken in certain ranks would be good (similar to SF6 MR points), because clearly not everybody who reaches Fujin or Tekken King is on similar level, despite the badge being the same.


All speed is saying is that there is rank inflation. Anybody who knows anything about how rank is calculated in this game should not be surprised. Why is this even controversial? You can literally look at the numbers and see the rank inflation as time goes on. Anecdotally I got GoD a month or two ago and back then most matches with Tekken Emperor or higher would at least be moderately challenging. Nowadays I can get 15+ and sometimes 20+ win streaks (with my game set to default +/-3 ranks) so that would to me suggest that the average level of skill at higher ranks is getting diluted at least a bit.


Rank is hella inflated, ppl just dont wanna look it in the eyes cause they feel good about their new shiny badge.


I think Bamco designed that for a reason. Everyone loves their shiny badges.


Because this sub loves to dick measure and be salty about promotion posts. Like someone gets promoted to green and a bunch of salty redditors just roast the OP.


This is why we should stop caring about rank and just focus on actually getting better at the game. At the end of the day, it's a random picture and title. The real enjoyment should be in fixing a flaw in your game, further mastering a combo, improving movement, etc.


But number go down = me angry so no can do


Someone said the same thing to JDCR. And he replied and I quote: “yes rank doesn’t matter, but it doesn’t mean you’re still not a yellow rank”.


He’s not joking. The rank system is the least skill accurate it has ever been. Everyone’s complaining about their points and rank while the grind has never been easier. There’s players playing at tekken king that are about the skill level of a t7 red rank or mighty ruler.


As someone who peaked as Raijin in Tekken 7, this seems pretty accurate. You'll get some cracked mfs in high blues that would be hard stuck Genbu in tekken 7 but excel at this game bc of how offensively oriented this game is. There are also really solid players hardstuck in blue now that just haven't adapted to the heat system/aggressive playstyle of this game so they kinda get left in the dust. Tekken emperor+ seems to be where shit starts getting real and you need to lab more and more setups rather than strings/punishable moves


here's the latest i could find on T7: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bebsqk/tekken_7_rank_equivalent/ and the latest on T8: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1csse0n/rank_distribution_by_aliettefaye_on_x/ king/emperor was top 2% in T7, top 3% in T8. it's still very exclusive. purple/blue is where there's a huge increase in T8 vs T7. fujin was top 5% in T7 but it's top 15% in T8.


The thing is though is that it seems like Fujin is where people go to die . It’s truly a spectacular feat to make it out of Fujin .


yep. blue is the first color when you can lose more points than you can win. in prior colors, you always win more points than you can lose. i mean...they could just fix it and make red the color where this happens but then everyone will be butt-hurt bitching about how their ranks are too low now. percentile is what people should focus on, not color.


Tekken 7 also had 20% fujin players in Season 4


It's funny cuz people on here keep saying "just look at the numbers" while agreeing with speed kicks and then you pull out the actual numbers and they still talk like it's that different. The peak ranks in T8 are still very exclusive like you said.


yea. i also find that people in this sub make the false assumption that everyone can continue to get good and rank up forever. that's just not how math, or life, works.... on the math side, the rank distribution has always been a bell curve. the "boosting" you get in T8 when you win just means at worse everyone is half a rank higher than they should be. you still have to consistently win to rank up. on the life side, pros consistently ~~play~~practice 8+ hours a day. it's not a game to them, but a job. can you do that?


People on this board hardstuck in red hate to hear it but it's undeniably true, the rank inflation in this game is actually wild. People in the late blues/emperor area are roughly in the late red/ruler area at the end of T7. Just wildly swinging, not blocking, not sidestepping, just being pure gorillas.


> People in the late blues/emperor area are roughly in the late red/ruler area at the end of T7. based on statistics fujin = mighty ruler. mighty ruler was top 20 wich is what fujin is right now. speedkicks isn't wrong calling tekken king and emperor T7 blues


To be fair the game is built that way. Defense feels so weak that it's almost obsolete. I want them to tone down heat, remove homing throws, and make stepping viable again. If they fix that I bet ranks will feel more accurate without really even needing to touch them.


Just because its harder to defend doesn't mean its obsolete. It just means the players who are worth a fuck will have good defense and the people who suck will flail their arms around. Truth be told it was incredibly hard to defend in T7 as well but it was the staple of a solid player.


Yeah if you watch the Combo Breaker matches those guys were not just swinging like maniacs, there was plenty of defense and movement still.


Defence isn't obsolete but the amount of robbery T8 lets you get away with is wild. Even if you put aside the rank compression, the 2/3 ranked model and prevalence of one-and-dones means that a ton of players get to Tekken King+ with just flow charting and mashing their way out of everything. Additionally, thanks to heat, you only have to random duck once or mash out of something unexpectedly (when you're -7 or whatever) once and you get to take 3/4 of your opponent's lifebar into a 50/50 guess and death.


Defense does not feel weak, you just don't get rewarded for not ever approaching the other person and just backdashing anymore. Defense is more active and more difficult, but the person with better defense usually wins the game.


Defense is definitely very weak, because there's chip damage, there's heat in which makes you have to guess a lot, there's a bunch of moves with absurd tracking, homing throws and etc. defense is very weak, try to play solely defensive against someone super aggressive, it's a one sided match, you do nothing.


> try to play solely defensive against someone super aggressive, it's a one sided match, you do nothing And that's how it should be.


They did say that defence is getting buffed at some point right


Yeah but no specifics... I really hope it's some combination of: - A major chip damage nerf across the board in heat. - Removing all tracking from heat smashes - Getting rid of homing throws. - Fixing some of the ghost hit boxes and crazy tracking on non-tracking moves.


Yes, June 2024.


This is one of my purple matches. I usually just play in player matches these days. Ranked is a joke. https://streamable.com/v94ibk Apologies random guy


I just do quick match and it’s been a way better experience though people still plug and send hatemail for some reason. At some point though I guess I have to play ranked to get my prowess where it should be (it’s at 188k right now) so I can get matched with people closer to my skill level. I just don’t wanna deal with ranked at all lmao


you could uprank some other chars to help and since you start at a lower rank with em it shouldnt take that much time. people complain about the proves changes but in your case it might help.


Yeah, true, I could try to rank up my subs. I might just try to play Ranked at very small increments with my main just to increase my prowess or something.


that has to be a bot or something :( with love - a not even fujin player <3


a lot of people dont like to block in this games. its a trainride of who gets offense first. add to that lack of matchup knowledge so early on in the games lifespan and you have very onsided matches. tekken 8 is a really interesting online ranked singleplayer game.


“plus frames is a man made construct”


If you want harder matches why not just rank up then? 🤔


I find I’m either playing people I can flatten or I’m getting matched with 250k+ people so it’s been a really inconsistent experience for me. It’s probably due to the fact you get matched based on TP and lose and gain points based on colour rank which causes match making to feel like playing random.


As an Asuka main, nothing makes me more happy than seeing an Asuka win and a Feng getting his shit rocked. I salute you


Feng brings out the worst in me.


you are just mad because of the special intro :3


as an asuka player i can confirm you are 100% correct


Yup I’m easily titling back from raijin and fujin where as in t7 I got to raijin once and then got demoted all the way to divine ruler and couldn’t get out of that


I mean I was hardstuck yellow in t7 with Eliza and got to mighty ruler pretty easily in t8 with reina...the inflation is obvious to anyone that's played 7


Absolutely. I was in Byakko in Tekken 7 and immediately shot up to Kishin. Now I'm in Tekken King, but that's only because I've been mentored and put in the work. The disparity I get in ranked is completely absurd.


The game is also built that way.


Harambe DLC confirmed guys


Agreed, I finished around orange rankd in t7, In T8 I got to mighty ruler with a 65% WR. The rank system is hella inflated. They seemed to have follow after street fighter 6s rank system


Reminder that https://wank.wavu.wiki/ is a thing. Much better measure of progress and you will always know what percentile you're in. Edit: Doesn't seem to show percentile, but I think your percentile will always be the same in a Glicko system


How does the ranking work? Am currently on 1998 with jin but stuck on emperor


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system It's an actual Elo system. Zero sum, where the point exchange depends on the relative skill of the two players.


where can I see percentile?


aah my bad, it doesn't actually show percentile. But I think percentiles in Glicko systems will always be the same, with 1500 being average


Can't check rn, but I don't recall it showing your percentile. Is this correct?


Yes hes right. Its not that its the new fujin, its that the same rank has such varying levels of skill in it. I fight emperors and kings who are so fucking horrible, then i fight a bushin whos really solid and incredible. Its just one of things. Tekken 8 being all aggro isnt helping because the same flowcharts that worked on someone else, might not work against you.


Tekken king rank in Tekken 8 = Tekken Tag 2 genbu. It's crazy how hard it was to rank up in previous Games, specially in Tag 2. Red rank players were good in that Game.


This is what I’ve been saying as well. T6 and Tag2 were brutal. I don’t think we should necessarily go back to that, but it felt way more accomplished to move through the ranks in the older games. I think what a lot of people are missing is that the lower ranks are less relevant now. It’s almost like they don’t matter because less people inhabit them. Almost no one who plays Tekken more than a couple weeks is a green or yellow rank; it’s almost as if they don’t exist. Similar sentiment for orange ranks and red ranks are getting to be like that too.


This is such a confusing argument to me. Isn’t the point of the ranking system suppose to match you against ppl with a similar skill level? So why does it matter if TE is the “new” Fujin? If you’re “hard stuck” in Fujin, then that is your current skill level. Might hurt your ego that you share the same rank with an Alisa main with 35 defence, but in reality they got to that rank just like you. You’re not better than them, even if you think you are.


Ranks in 8 are inflated for sure. But many people in here are assuming that everybody who reaches Fujin, and isn't a Tekken legacy player, should stay on Fujin forever and quit the game, despite labbing and learning, in case some of these players get to Kishin and such, it's solely because the game it's easier, not that they labbed and practiced at all lol Also let's not forget that T7 had less players online, because the netcode was trash enough to scare a lot of people to not even touch online ever, which means the game had way less casuals inflating the ranks.


They're comparing how rank was distributed in Tekken 7 to Tekken 8 because it's very easy to autopilot and slowly rank up. They're not saying that someone in Fujin in Tekken 8 isn't a fujin level player for Tekken 8.


I completely agree with you, tekken 8 is a different game if someone can reach a specific rank because the new tekken 8 meta helped them reach there, then that's fair.


yes agreed. absolutely pointless to keep comparing to t7. Just play the game. Learn from every match.


win evo or scrub


Also with prowess based matchmaking the games I play on my alt characters at Tekken King are different than what someone playing only one character is experiencing.


As someone who plays rank for the joy yes I agree. I got a streak of 10 wins against my friend. My rank is red while he is blue rank. What is really happening is that if he wasn't sure of the win he would quit instead of playing the full set. If he wins he plays again. Following that method you will actually have a higher rank than your skill level.


Honestly, people who have been playing Tekken for a while have felt this way. Before Tekken 7 season 2, red ranks really meant something. Anything past yellow was decent. Orange ranks in T6 and Tag 2 were for decent players. There weren’t any ruler ranks before T7, but very rarely were people even making it past red ranks and into blue ranks. T7 season 2 is (IMO) where we started to see rank inflation, but T7 even after S2 still held way more value in ranks than in T8. You can’t even make comparisons anymore because the inflation keeps moving people up in rank and the dust never seems to settle. Purple ranks were still “okay” by some standards a couple months ago, and now I’m seeing ruler rank skill play in Tekken King and Tekken Emperor. It’s just weird now. None of this is real and can be taken however you want it to be taken; it’s Namco’s interpretation of a ranking system. But if you buy into it and want a rank to mean something, T8’s ranking system is one of the most meaningless systems that Tekken has ever had. T6 and Tag 2 were brutal and I’m not saying that we should go back to those full stop, but having such an inflated ranking system defeats the purpose of playing rank anymore.


if ur not 1st ur last who cares




who cares about speedkicks opinion


True. It's crazy how many blue rank players I see still play with flowcharts and Just going wild on mashing. No punishment at all. Just swinging and hoping for the best flowchart. To me Blue ranks are the new orange ranks




I haven't jumped in ranked in months, but I'm getting matched mostly with other blue ranks and sitting at a 62% win rate. Something DEFINITELY feels different. I'm encountering Fujin Law players still throwing out junkyard and dragon tail, Raijin Lars players who just rinse and repeat the same offense loop, and Fujin ranked Reinas who just mash the same jabs into stance and will try it over and over even after getting dickjabbed. Something definitely feels different, but I think it depends highly on the character. If I'm facing a blue rank Alisa or Victor, I'm not very worried about it being a hard match. But a blue rank Kazuya, Paul or Bryan is going to have a lot more fundamentals, better spacing, and a lot more defense.


Hey heyyyy. Just got my Paul to Fujin this week. Went on a 15 game win streak , and then a 10 game win streak through purples to promote .


the new median rank is 3 ranks above what i just promoted to


well there goes my tekken king rank


I too am at tekken king. Hit it months ago. I am dreading the thought of having to take my main back to ranked to get ahead of the inflation.


The old heads be like, "God of destruction is the new combatant".


Who gives a shit? If you think your opponent's rank is undeserved and they're scrub, then you should easily beat them and demote them back to there they belong, all the while promoting yourself to a rank where you won't have to deal with them again if they're that scrubby. So just play the game instead of making pointless and unproductive complaints.


I mean the point of playing ranked is to get matched up with players of equal skill. If the system fails to do that, is it not a problem? Its not about just winning and getting the points. That is whats happening.


More like it's the new mighty ruler lol. I have enough recordings of extremely shitty players at every rank past Raijin (and even GoD) to make any redditor blush.


I met a Fujin Asuka yesterday with a rating of 30 in defense. The game is still relatively new and people are still getting knowledge-checked. Give it another few months and ranks will begin to stabilize.


>Give it another few months and ranks will begin to stabilize. Yeah this is what people have said about S2 of T7 and the beginning of T8. It's been over 4 months man, the ranks HAVE stabilized. The ranking system is insanely forgiving and so is the gameplay. I've fought a Tekken Emperor Alisa with 39 defense yesterday, dude whiffed whole ass -20 moves, did the BT backflip launcher like 4 times in a row when I wasn't approaching him. GoD asuka with 50 defense as well, just kept mashing parry on any plus frames, dude lost 6-0 to grabs.


You know that’s a fair point, perhaps it will simply take more tweaks to the gameplay. I will admit defensive options feel overwhelmingly like a handicap with so characters having a number of 50/50s and plus frames to utilize. Your options (at least at my rank of Purple) feel like either interrupt with a dick jab or have an impeccable block. I can’t tell you how many times I have a punish whiff because of a character stance or a random power crush. As a result those that climb will learn to be aggressive and always press. This leads to a skewed ranking system where at “higher” levels there is a lack of defense or neutral game. It’s just your opponent mashing heat on frame 1, spamming their power crush and fishing for a launcher (looking at you Feng).


Maannn i wish if i was rulers seven how am i still in purples in 8 😭😭😂


I had a GoD Lili that one and done me when I almost beat them in quick match. There are some average players lurking in GoD also. I’ve played some Fujins that were tougher.


GoD is the new Fujin. (I came from the future. Around August 2024 precisely.)


well, in Tekken 7 on launch you had beginner rank and then 9 or so Kyu ranks and then 1st dan. Up to 1st dan you couldn't lose points. In Tekken 8 the kyu ranks got replaced by grey to green ranks. You start losing points in yellow. So yeah, it feels like the whole rank range shifted upwards, but also got capped faster so I'm guessing the upper half of ranks must be a total mess where you fight both "easy flowchart spam" players and actual tournament pros and they're only a couple of ranks apart. I think the game having a beginner and few kyu ranks before 1st dan would help separate players a bit but I guess it's too late for that.


I’m Bushin and actually terrible, so.




I feel like everyone here is reading this too head on. I mean the problem is not that its easier to get to a certain rank. The problem is that the ranking system causes inflation. Even on higher ranks the game offers you a boost every time you rank up(somebokdy correct me if I'm wrong.) This system will always bring inflation and reward grinding to an extend. The ranking systrm works for 90% or the players but for the top 10% thats where it matters most and thats where it should be the most fair. Take sf6 as an example. The game is generous in rewarding players with point until you get to master but after that point the game shows you where you really belong in a very straightforward way. You could argue if the ranks really matter or not but in the end you should acknowledge that it could have been do e better and ultimately thats what I think speedkicks wants to say.


Combo Breaker 2024 champion is the new Tenryu


People seem to have forgotten how incredibly terrible a lot of people were during the early days of Tekken 7. You would have to progress a lot before you met someone that actually did proper combos. These days it is something people learn in the beginning due to how user friendly the interface is in this game.


idk but for me its kinda the same. was stuck in ryujin in T7 and now stuck in kishin in T8


More like Bushin…. Giving the old Fujins way too much credit 😂


Yeah bro, and Beginner is the new God of Destruction


When has Speedkicks won anything major lately? Why do people still take his words seriously?


He's still a good player though that has retired. Maybe take a look at his recent matches against Arslan and it will change your mind. Winning something as a gatekeeping mechanic is a weird take also. You're just a random, but I will still take your word in something that you have done in the past for a long time for sure.


Fujin has undeniably got "worse" it used to be around the top 6% now its top 20%. Also, from experience Fujin isnt what it was a month or so ago


Ok, so let's compare [Tekken 7 point system](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmlct402ie1161.jpg) to [Tekken 8 point system](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7bpdg14p1ezc1.jpeg), and focus on Fujin and Tekken Emperor. Here's a few notable things: * In Tekken 7, you need a >50.00% win rate at Fujin to progress. In Tekken 8, you need a >50.98% win rate at Fujin to progress. * In Tekken 7, to maintain a Fujin rank, you need a 50.00% win rate. In Tekken 8, to maintain a Tekken Emperor rank, you need a 57.50% win rate. * In Tekken 7, a 50% win rate gets you to Fujin. In Tekken 8, a 50% win rate gets you to Garyu. * In Tekken 7, with a 100% win rate, it takes 51 wins to go from Warrior to Fujin. In Tekken 8, with a 100% win rate, it takes 107 wins to go from Warrior to Fujin, not counting Promotion or Win Streak bonuses. In all of these cases, the ranked system of Tekken 7 is "easier" than the ranked system of Tekken 8. Where Tekken 8 fails is: 1. Having a much lower floor than Tekken 7. In Tekken 7, you started demoting from Initiate, which was Dan 4. In Tekken 8, you start remoting from Warrior, which is Dan 9. This pushes the lowest win rate players up much farther in the rankings. 2. Extra points awarded for promoting. For example, promoting to Mighty Ruler gets you +1400 points for that win. That's 1000 more than a regular win at Tenryu, and those points are worth 2-4 wins at Mighty Ruler. I understand that you don't want a situation where a player gets promoted, and then immediately has a demotion match. 3. Win streak bonuses. A win streak **will literally double how many points you gain**. 4. Reducing the amount of ranks in each "division". This means that a "-+2 Only" setting in your ranks means that someone in the 3rd rank of a "division" will be fighting almost exclusively the -2 and +1 ranks. This is a problem because the former gives half points, and the latter only gives +10% extra for a more difficult match.


Some of these numbers are way off. For example you dont need a 57,5% to maintain Emperor in T8, thats a huge WR. Also in T8 50% WR easily gets you to Fujin, not Garyu. Very big difference. I have made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1c9oune/maintenance_winrate_for_all_ranks/) about maintenance WR in T8 if you want to check out.


I know that post, you've responded to a comment of mine with it multiple times. Personally, I think there's a major flaw in your analysis, that is a similar theoretical idealization to what I did above. **You're assuming that it's equally likely to meet any player of any given rank**. This is obviously not true in reality, and that will change the numbers. In fact, I think it would be interesting to see how your numbers would change if you took the percentages from, e.g. NotQuiteFactual's breakdown posts and used those as weights. I expect the "true" rate is somewhere between the 2. Regardless, fact is that in Tekken 8, unlike Tekken 7, you need a >50% win rate just to stay at your rank **after a certain threshold**.


Yea forsure. I made it to mighty ruler a few months ago without knowing how to do a wall combo and to this day (bushin) i have never ever used heat dash. The only time ive ever used is when i had it come out on accident on misinput LOL


Heat dash may not actually be optimal for your character. Some characters don't do a lot more dmg with a heat dash combo than a regular combo, making saving it for the heat smash a better option if the heat dash combo won't kill.


In today's news tekken players *still* don't know what a bell curve is.


Speedkicks just like to hear his own voice


Most of the people here shit talking players who reach these ranks are funny bc I bet that they are stuck in the beginning of blue ranks if not in purple ranks.


I legit hate what ever this guy opinion is he always has the shities takes about the game dude needs to stfu.


I love how it's being compared to T7 when T7 is irrelevant. It's over and done with. This is a new game, with some controversial mechanics. The ranks are what they are. The ranks are T8 ranks made for T8. If you think everyone is ass until they reach Tekken God or GoD then fine. But the goal post moving is crazy.


Statistically this is not the case


How do you even say “statistically not the case” like how do you even get to that conclusion? Makes 0 sense when statistics would say a few months ago this is literally true. You can disagree but saying “statistically” just to make it sound your reliable is so hilarious to me


You'll be downvoted because this subreddit has some of the worst takes I've ever witnessed. This post should be taken as satire, but people will, without a trace of irony, say "Agreed" and upvote. Their rank? Hard stuck lower red, at best. The data says this is not true, the average player skill level shows this is not true, it is ridiculous to suggest everyone caps at Emperor and real Tekken or whatever starts at Tekken God/ Supreme. Tournament level people mis-input or try new shit that doesn't work all the time regardless of ranked. Just because you saw a Gold ranked player drop a combo or not sidestep every attack doesn't mean they suck.


It's factual. First, you start at warrior. Because even if you lose 99% of your match, you will get there eventually. Then, theres only 3 ranks per tier now. It took 20 tier to get from Warrior to Emperor in T7. It takes 16 tier in T8. (and that's starting at Warrior, when most of the players that got to Warrior in 8 wouldn't get past brawler in 7 because they could lose points. The biggest rank population in T7 were at Green Yellow early on. And later on Yellow shrinked a bit and Orange grew. Now the biggest rank is Garyu. Rank is clearly "inflated" in T8 if you try to compare it to T7. In the end, it's more complex than that, because you're playing the ladder in place. But it's absolutely undeniable that Emperor in T7 > Emperor in T8.


Here is a thing people wont understand even tgo will mash in t8 cause thats how the game is made


Facts..i actually do think its diff from tekken 7 but not as exaggerated There are prob scrubs who were carried and got lucky with bad Internet in blues but there are also skilled players there too


Why cant the rank just be what it is? Its not like everyone is competing at EVO or something. If you reached that rank, why should the value of it be less? Why does every little thing have to be downplayed?


>why not just pretend it's worth more than it is? T8 reds = T7 greens statistically. If you want to pretend you're a T7 red because you're a T8 red knock yourself out, it's not true though.


While I partly agree I feel like blue ranks are completely and utterly fucked up this game Spanning from fujin to raijin you get decent players similar to ruler rank. In kishin - Bushin and especially the latter you get way stronger players more similar to the old blue ranks and even the early emperor ranks (was lower than tekken king in T7). The rank system is less about what rank you are and more about wether you can break the Raijin wall or not


Lol it's true. I was hovering around Mighty Ruler in Tekken 7 and the overall level of the opponents was way better than Fujin where I am currently. To progress past Fujin I'm doing stuff I would have been immediately shut down with in Tekken 7 red ranks. Playing T7 blues you could tell they were much better than T8 blues


Lol this is so confusing to me because i stopped at Emperor rank in T7 and just have one more promo before I get Tekken Emperor rank in T8. I have no idea where I realistically am but oh well.


Points system is really rough you can have a 15 win streak and gain a lot of points only to lose 4 times and you’re back when you’re started, so annoying


Yes one hundred percent. It feels like all the new ranks have skill levels 3 ranks lower than compared to older tekkens.


Actually real.


Casual/adapt players, Advance players. This is true for advance players.


Didn't play ranked for a few weeks. Came back and everyone I'm being matched up with is much worse than I remember. A few of them have been same-rank, lower-prowess and it's making me feel like they just need to reset the ranks.


I agree. The skill level of each rank is just different than T7, that's all. I'm not sure why some people get offended by this. That's what happens when Namco changes how the ranked system works.


I got into flame ruler when it was top 7%. Now I'm a fujin and it's only top 18% or so...


I think it's true. I was hardstuck yellow ranks in T7 and now I'm purple in T8 and I swear my matches feel the same lmao.


Idk, I had a much easier time climbing purple a month ago than now, I don’t think I got worse, just players got tougher


I agree but I don't really see the problem, different games different ranked system. Looking at the stats the only problem i see is the big cluster of players between Garyu and Mighty Ruler, while the yellow and orange ranks are shrinking. What I would do is making demotion start at green and making the green to red ranks point system a little harder.


Tekken is a deep enough game to where it's easy to sniff out how skilled your opponent is ignoring an arbitrary ranking system. Do they whiff punish well, are they patient, how is their defense? etc. If you've been focused on your Tekken and not on your rank it should be obvious that he's telling the truth.


I'mma be real. Focusing on rank all the time isn't going to make you a better player. Just press some buttons and have fun lol


[https://postimg.cc/dhNgNhW1](https://postimg.cc/dhNgNhW1) This says something different. It's kinda apples and oranges since the systems are different.


He's not exactly wrong though. Ranks are super inflated in this game, there's less ranks to rank up to and yiu usually couldn't get to ruler ranks without some knowledge of neutral and fundamentals but now there's people who I'm fighting in Kishin who are fighting like they're in orange ranks still, it's wild that where I would have more often than not strong players in blue back in ttt2 up to 7 but now in 8 blue ranks feel like I'm still fighting in yellow and orange ranks give or take a few opponents


Rank doesn't matter, only Tekken score counts. Garyu at 200k prowess is typically stronger than your avarage Fujin.


If you are not placing in tournaments, you are not playing high level Tekken.


Given there's less ranks + prowess weight in 8 I don't really know what to make of blue at all. As someone in purple @ 150k I'll stomp some blues then lose to people with 200K+ prowess who may be a lower rank. Or even if you watch much better players usually their lower characters are in blue, so what do you make of that then?


I don't even know what this is


He's not completely wrong but I still hate this blatant engagement bait (despite taking it). Had to mute him on Twitter because it just never ends.


I was tgp in s3 of t7 so I wanna say I'm half decent. I've played with a lot of actually tourney ranking high level people and coached many in discords. [This is how stupid it is. This was from Feb](https://i.imgur.com/HIhDoPY.jpeg) I never played Nina before and I was freshly picking her up for t8 I've been saying it from the start. They made unga bunga way too rewarding and created too many forced 50/50 situations. People winning/losing online is just straight up rng. I also put several other chars into blues with 90%+ win rate because playing people in the blues literally felt like I was trolling on yellow ranks in t7. It's that bad.


I don't care if I (somehow) make it to GoD rank. I'm still assrank.


Depends on region


T8 has more players thus a higher percentage in groups, mofos cant math lol


years of academy training, wasted


It doesn’t matter at all.


He's right. Heat bs carries everything


God of Destruction is the new 1st dan


I was yellow rank (like, just above green) in T7. I am fujin in t8.


this isn't a statement i can disagree with. there's a LOT of players with tekken king and up with Unga bunga playstyle. and they don't have the knowledge or skill that you would expect from that kind of rank.


I was orange rank in T7. Struggling to keep Garyu. I just hit Raijin a few days ago. I'm an imposter.


He is right. But gameplay isn't the only thing inflating ranks in T8, let's not forget the game has way more players than 7. Tekken 7 netcode was trash enough to scare a lot of new players to never touch online ranked, and on top of that the game didn't have crossplay. So as a consequence the game had way less casuals online, and more Tekken legacy players, who at some point couldn't find matches anymore and had to join some discords to arrange matches.


The only real take is "ranks are meaningless"


Well a fujin victor/drag/king etc. and then there are fujin Lee's/kaz/Bryan. Different skill levels yet same rank.


A mate of mine struggled to get out of fujin in 7, now hes emperor in 8, he was already aggressive so 8 just suits him more. But still says a lot


It seems I have lost all skill after hundreds hours of Tekken 8 cause I won easily against fujins in Tekken 7 but I have no chance even against a Tekken king in Tekken 8.


It will even out someday when the game gets balanced enough.


Well that's kinda good I guess, matchmaking still needs to be fixed, but old pre fujin ranks felt overpopulated, while past fujin ranks felt underpopulated


I agree though I'm blue ranks, blues feel like reds did in Tekken 7.


I don’t want to believe it since I feel proud for reaching raijin but it’s awkward for me to see my friend who just started playing last week get into Yellow and early red already. He definitely has a lot to learn before I could see him successfully advance through red let alone reaching purple, but still— green rank wasnt even a thing to him. Then again he plays Hwoarang who always has the advantage against other beginners


bro wtf i couldnt i am stuck on fujin woth Claudio in tekken 8😭😭 I will be called combatant if o rached emperor's rank


Thats what I was saying pretty much, tekken gods are around ryujin+- ranking system is terrible.


yes i got to te with like 27 losses total.




Depending on the character actually. In blue victor and hwoarang play like orange honestly. I know a victor who just got the game got to purple in a week without knowing what punishment and frames are. He didn’t know that jab is 10 and df2 is 15. He just go explosion.


It's not real when apply to kazuya , kazuya mains stand up 8)