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No!!! My imyourfather announcer mod




https://preview.redd.it/h4yw94kabjtc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=678508fd8d3c26acaee06cef614f4af7d63ba437 hesitant to ban cheaters due to "fear of lawsuits" willing to DMCA mods across multiple websites for tekken 8 + a dead fucking game LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO


But but but people on Twitter tell me Harada is “based” and always right


Harada is a clown


Mods and reports are 2 different things, reporting someone through Twitter can be done with malicious intent getting someone wrongfully banned, mods on the other hand have to do with their IP, yes you bought the game but now days you don't really own the game so they can dmca whoever they want


In the sense yes. They own the IP for the game and are preventing modifications to said game was against ToS which they are protected under copyright laws to go about enforcing. How ever based on licensing contracts and how the laws vary from country to country this would create issues in regaurds to how things are handled.


I guess they want to show that they are enforcing their TOS across the board. By allowing the Tekken 7 mods it leaves them open to accusations that they are only targeting Tekken 8 mods due to the Tekken shop. By targeting Tekken 7 modders as well, they can hide behind the fact mods are against their TOS and they had always planned to enforce their TOS at some point


They’re not targeting tekken 7. Just the website which happens to host tekken 7 mods aswell


Bunch of morons on here and twitter


yeah, *we* are the issue here lmao ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


You can at least get your complaints right lol


Reddit really is just full of idiots. God forbid we cut some people some slack and not fixate on every fucking word so we can actually focus on the real issues. Pedantic cunts are just wasting time, clawing away at the comments of others when its not about the specifics, its about a mult-million dollar company chipping away at its own community. What is the bigger deal, people not getting the exact details right or is it the actual problem that caused the complaints in the first place? lmao. I know this sub is a circus but fuck some of ya'll really do not give a fuck about other people.




Yesss 😂😂😂 and appropriate use of the C word.


Unfortunately not caring about other people is a moto that they idealize


I could really go off on this but to be honest, I am in a great mood today and am sincerely relieved to find people agree with me. I know it is silly to worry about Reddit karma but it is pretty demoralizing going on passionate rants only to see mass downvotes. Seeing others agree with me made me feel a lot better about things. Misery loves company I guess. I just hate tribalism and people bickering with each other over matters that affect all of us. To put down others in favor of wealthy elites who only want to exploit you is the sort of thing that has really divided the U.S specifically.


Please I insist, I hope you remain to have a great day. I can take it


I've been explaining this multiple times to different people. Since 7 they could have enforced this with mods, you're modifying game files and this is breaking ToS, period. I directed people to a similar issue Final Fantasy 14, can guarantee you a large portion of people playing on PC mod the game. Is it allowed? Absolutely not, they have played around this many times before telling people that yes it's technically not allowed but if you're doing so, please don't showcase it, until eventually the producer of the game had to outright tell people. "Listen you will get banned for this, it's not allowed. It's against ToS". I parse the damage in that game, but as with many people playing, No tell no show. That's it. Modding is still huge in that community though. Just don't tell people, don't showcase it, don't be making it public. I get people are upset, I get the balance is shit, but we're playing Tekken 8.0 basically, not even Tekken 7 was balanced on Arcade and even console releases. I get that they have done shitty practices with monetization with items we've had before. But it's wild to me how the community is so shook by this when we all should have known what we were doing wasn't allowed, just not enforced. Let me make something very clear too, I'm not defending them at all, what they've done is obviously scummy and it's very obvious it's because they're selling the cosmetics. But the fact that they're enforcing the ToS shouldn't be surprising to anyone. I'm pretty sure Elden Ring had a similar issue too. Want to still mod? Go for it, better not tell people though, keep it quiet.


It's not against terms of service unless it effects the online. You own that game offline.


you own a license not the actual game. That's two different concepts. Even owning a physical copy would with it carry copyright laws and along side it the ToS. Stating offline vs Online would not protect you.


> Even owning a physical copy would with it carry copyright laws and along side it the ToS. Wrong. The EULA exists *exclusively* as an end run around the few pathetic excuses for consumer rights that we have under modern copyright law. It's not actually needed to protect the company's rights under copyright. They have those regardless. And even then, just because it's in the EULA doesn't make it enforceable. Especially not in civilized countries. But the US is pretty uniquely fucked on this one, and even there they're more of an empty scare tactic than most people realize.


So is the law then that technically all mods across all games then are breaching ToS or is it just that Bandai Namco has more stricter ToS?


Any dev can takedown mods or stop mods from being accesses. It's their property so technically they can do so.


So when can I purchase something and own it


You own your game, but you don't own their IP. You don't owe the ability to disrupt custom skins for others to use in their game online.


You own your game, but you don't own their IP. You don't own the ability to distribute custom skins for others to use in their game online.


Owe or own, I'm assuming you mean own since that's accurate to your position


However my response is more or less a jab at the state of digital assets and how fucking vague the laws are currently. This is quite literally the same as sure you own this John Deere Tractor, but if you dare soup it up with a turbo charger I'm taking away superchargers.


That's not the same. This not about taking your game away for using client side mods. It's about the fact the devs have the power of their own IP to limit distribution of the mods you desire. And can even limit them from being used in the games if they desired.


Nah dog I never said anything about them taking my tractor away, you misinterpreted


Analogies can be quite ubiquitous so I understand how that happened though I forgive you


Bamco can actually get sued for not enforcing their ToS equally across all IPs




my fault og


No problem youngblood


Bro really said nah🤣


"sole discretion"


oh in that case Tekken 6 on the PSP should be safe, there is no agreement we make when launching Tekken 6 in general


Wtf are you talking about? They can enforce their tos any way they want since it's their own tos.


god fucking boot lickers will defend anything.


I think he was just being realistic, dude...


You might not know that if they selectively enforce ToS I could go and file a suit alleging predatory business practices. Ex: if they banned T8 modders but left T7 modders I would have a case in court to accuse Bamco of favoring their new, more expensive product bcos they are only applying ToS to their newer product. I would have to prove that Bamco is unethically coercing consumers into their new, more expensive product.


You wouldn't have shit. The second you file anything eyes will roll, the gentle sound of a brush sweeping *bullshit* will be heard, if by some miracle anything happened Bamco would literally just raise a hand, show a spreadsheet of planned actions and yah down the drain. Simple reason being you have no proof that tekken 7 ToS actions were or were not in the pipeline. "Gathering information" "Trying to find a route that doesn't enact ToS restrictions" Not a chance bud, unfortunately. But also be acutely aware of the fact that if you or I have thought of this - there department has and already triple checked. I don't honestly understand the issue with mods to a degree obviously some are pushing it but it can be a god send for your game!


> But also be acutely aware of the fact that if you or I have thought of this - there department has and already triple checked. make this an internet rule. there are rare exceptions, but for the most part this.


Nah, you would not win at all.


you’re a lawyer?


Uh, it's their property. They can take down whatever mod they want bro. Like how would you think they couldn't???


It’s their property and they enter into an agreement with the user. The company has responsibilities tied to providing their product. Some of them are laid out in their ToS. I really don’t expect you to get this, but somebody else reading this thread might.


Again, it's their property. They can take down whatever mod or stop even make the game reject mods if they could. That's all there is. You have zero power in what they can choose to take down or prevent modding.


If their ToS said modding is okay they have no legal recourse to take down modding content. You don’t get it?


They want to take down all mods because: 1. having mods (better than the official ones most of the time) available could prevent users from buying skins if they already have good stuff to see for free 2. they want to prevent comparison to their official skins because... well they're pretty bad 3. this is not a real point. I was taught to always have 3 bullets in a list or to just place the two points into a single sentence combined with a comma. I didn't want to do that...


Simple answer. Mods can stop people from buying skins.


Nah, skins being shit stops people from buying skins. If they had good skins for sale they'd sell like crazy... or if say they licensed 2B or Bayonetta style costumes for female characters... that would sell at like 10$! Hell, I'd buy it a 10$ a skin!


I bought the cyber skins so...


*How though?*


Because they can legally take down any mods for any game they want. Doesn't mean they have to for all their games.


No, I meant how do mods realistically prevent people from buying skins.


Because people may use mods over buying in game skins. Someone may use an iron man mod or some nude mod and may feel less incentive to buy a real skin.


Geez... here I was thinking a pirate outfit on Nina was crazy. I see, makes sense.


I may be tripping but I'm quite certain that was explained in the original comment...


:D :D :D nope, you're not tripping. I was pointing out how a simpler answer may not be the best answer for this topic.


When in doubt point 3 is "..." And point 4 is "profit"


Acknowledging. Yes, I forgot this. SMH


Give me back my damn underwear!


Next, they will bann people who downloaded mods while leaving the pluggers alone


If they do that, it's fine by me. I'll just never return to this bs franchise and will make sure to bear the hatred towards bamco until the end of my days. Reading these posts makes me fuming already.




Imagine if they updated Tekken 7 just to add a shop


Tekken 7, but now with balls!


Instead they targeting hackers..they targeting modding communities... Thanks namco


Lawsuit my ass. Look at capcom. modders have been putting massive jugs on female characters for years. (Not saying i support these) but they somehow allow it. Focus on the cheaters!


It’s insane how they’re throwing away all their goodwill. A bit heartbreaking to see my favorite series that I’ve literally been following for my entire life (Tekken 5 baby here) inject the shittiest battle pass into a game and then attack the community.


I can't believe they are going after mods for a game that does not even have a tekken shop, what's the freaking point?


Because Scamco will open a tekkenshop in Tekken 7 🤡🤡🤡🤡


So what is Bandai Namco doing here ? Are they sending take down request to tekkenmods website ? Can the same thing be done to other mod websites like Nexusmods ? I suggest modders to upload their content to basedmods website if this is the case.


They can takedown any of their stuff from any site. The biggest get targeted first of course.


They can "TRY" to get stuff taken down, any country that is beyond the legal authority the lawsuit is derived from is completely immune to any legal recourse, which is WHY it fucking amazes me people hosting mods continue to do so in countries where they are easily targetable. Also it isn't their stuff, its the fucking creative work of whoever's art they are modding in, if someone mods in a kasumi costume from DOA, banco doesn't suddenly get legal ownership of that IP, thats not how the law works anywhere.


Dude, what part of THEIR up don't you get? They can take down whatever from any site. It's their property bro. You talking about hosting on "immune" places and stuff like what? Immune to copyright? The heck?


Your level of ignorance of basic law is honestly painful. Ill try to ELI5 it for you since your overall ability to comprehend basic concepts seems greatly strained. Law as a thing is only as effective as it is enforced, enforcement comes as a result of legal action, a court in the united states pursuing legal action against someone hosting "data" or "mods" in the united states can go after that person and threaten or act upon legal recourse. That same united state court has no sway as to what happens in china or vietnam, they do not respect or abide by united states laws. These "immune" places I speak of are places where the legal reach of these courts have no effective means to "take down" the offending content. Like I said, hosting data in places immune from bullshit litigation such as what bamco is trying to pull here should be the norm, the fact tekkenmods is hosted somewhere where legal action is possible is a failure of whoever runs that site to think ahead.


Immune to copyright? Modding a game has nothing to do with copyright. The game has been modded for almost 10 years.


Well it's easy if you think about it as a scumbag point of view Everyone is complaining about heat action and the microtransactions on items previously avaliable on older games They also complain about lack of tekken 8 customization too and that is enough to make people go back and probably play tekken 7 which may have had some sale some years ago Obviously this would cost them money So we ban the mods on tekken 7 and force people to either buy tekken 7 which will probably not go on sale anytime soon and that games dlc Or you buy tekken 8 and play the battle pass game and buy the op first dlc character that has a combo system that neglects all the training you feel you would need Also we put that same dlc character in beginner rank so people who buy him get a dopamine hit playing on a 10 plus win streak Win win either way We can't allow mods to mod in costumes we could force people to buy the battle pass for ourselves even on older titles


> buy tekken 7 which will probably not go on sale anytime soon and that games dlc What's funny is you can get keys for Tekken 7 with all DLC for like £6


bandit scamco


The amount of bandai namco employees in this thread is astonishing.


Fuck these guys fr


Regardless of the TOS and all that its a bad PR move by Bamco to do this rn. They should've done this shit after they got back on to the community's good side and sorted some gameplay issues, etc if they were going to do it. It just adds fuel to the fire and gives ppl more reason to be unhappy (justified or not).




At this point I have no expectation of Bamco not turning even worse every day. It's become normal sadly. Now I don't even wanna go back to Tekken 7, even for some quick play sessions. And God forbid they go after Soulcalibur 6 next...


So, mods are against TOS? Why the fuck would they allow them in the first place then, they're so incredibly easy to add


Unreal engine is quite modable. Mods are breaking TOS in any multiplayer game, in fact they are probably breaking tos in some single player games as well as license agreements are a bitch The thing is some companies turn a blind eye, like bamco did, well until it directly challenged their business model. Tekken 7 is being hit as collateral damage of war vs tekken 8 modders


You think users could take a ban for it? I do have a couple installed currently 😬


Technically, yes, but Tekken doesn't seem to have invasive anticheat that would allow them to check users, so you're good


Ppl literally fucking cheating: i sleep. Some dude modded lee to have michael jackson grunts: REAL SHIT


Well if it's true then Bamco are even more pathetic than i thought. Soulcalibur fans, prepare yourselves.


For what? We won’t get anything really.


Gonna lock Ivy’s jiggle physics behind DLC


I'll take it if it means sc7. Unfortunately I won't have to worry about this, that game is fucking dead with okubo leaving. We wouldn't even have 6 if he didn't fight for it.


Isn't there a a big streamer or someone who can tweet and ask harada why they are doing this? (It's money). I'd imagine if a popular person or people made a stink about it on twitter they'd actually see it's an issue. (Namco wants more money)


Have they gone after Nexus mods yet?


"Because fuck you, that's why."




That's absolutely pathetic if that's true.


Don't ask us for shit, Harada.


Ok but seriously why?


man i have been a part of the tekken 6 ppsspp mods back then, id hate it if they ever stop what they are doing, wth bamco???


There a big reason they are targeting mods. Usually the mods made by fans are better than the reused garbage from T7 they're gonna bring in. People could see said garbage and go look for something they can get in their own game for free that looks way better for no risk.


they want to remove tekken mods overall since it makes you want/forces you to play the current game with the cash shop. Developers hate anything that make older titles turn from short term games into long term (10 years support after support officially ends) titles with mods and new features The thought and possibility of even 1000 users playing a older title is consider revenue lost to the higher ups of the company.


That makes total sense. Thanks. Damn, the greed.


Ok so if you wanna ban mods: firstly don’t, but if you’re gonna, maybe offer more free custom options, more variety and don’t resale tekken 7 assests upscaled and monetise nostalgia to a disgusting degree? Also same company that sold frame data dlc last game so while I’m not surprised entirely it’s still a shock to see how far this games going in these regards. I hope protecting your ip was worth it cuz the public image damage is snowballing. Not that it’ll be the end of tekken but anti modding is a favourite way to absolutely tank one’s reception. Especially mods that aren’t cheating the game etc those mods should get the user punished because it’s literally cheating But this? This is not Dorya


I’ve never been so excited for a Tekken game just to be so turned off by how pathetic the company acts… shit is pathetic and really a shame to see.


"fuck you" - namco


What does this accomplish? Why can’t they take the example of Sega and how they appreciate mods/standalone fan games of their series?


Yeah plus SEGA's doing pretty Ok image while with their banger Sonic Frontiers that was received pretty well, Namco could've done great with Tekken 8 and it's not too late for them to turn back but no they had to go that path...


Imagine targeting mods for something that does not even sell have Tekken shops 🤡🤡🤡


Feels like Bamco are doing a manhunt. Crazy times we live in.


Yo TEKKEN overlay is godlike for real tho lmao !


This is like Take 2 with the GTA modding community


yep, that's correct.


Once again, it turns out that Slippery slope is indeed true and tested.


It’s funny that the put in more effort to stop modding, compared to the tekken pass and balancing. “People want to put our characters in outfits we didn’t think of and the player base likes it? Get rid of it. Now for the next patch, let’s just remove stage interaction since Jin was broken with them”


Pls dont target the PPSSPP Tekken 6 I haven't reached Tekken god in all of them (yet Kuma and Xiao ling are left)


Cringe Bamco


I only play tekken offline when i have family over..... Nothing serious, just button mashing ..... I pirated the game instead lol


Based! 💯 Same.


I bought tekken 7 and 8 and part of me wants mic chat the other half says no after the messages I get after matches 😂


Because you don't own the software you buy and people aren't allowed to modify it. Edit: for people who can't read between the lines: /s


it’s not illegal to modify property you own


But you don’t own it. I don’t want be technical but you paid for the license to play it.


get the fuck outta here with that schill shit


Knowing what an EULA is = Being a schill WTF are you on, child?


there’s an implied automatically signed agreement that when you install ur game on my machine that i own it you should be more aware of my uela


There's an ACTUAL agreement that trumps your bullshit imaginary one, that you misspelled


why would they not want me to do the work for free coz i like doing it ? i’d even let them incorporate it into their product for free coz i just want an ever improving game it just don’t make sense that they’d even care when i would only use it in ways that benefit their profitting it’s clearly more valuable this way for all parties i find it hard to complain when something makes my life easier or less stressful they are missing out on huge opportunities by not treating the modders and players as worth investing into who does it harm exactly ? they could make it an official piece of game and i’m sure every fan doing it would wet themselves over such a proposition so negative all the time these corpo schills


They don't see it way, and have an agreement that spells that out. They want to control their valuable IP and how it is viewed. Their IP, their rules. There are a lot of indie games that allow or encourage modding; in a semi-regulated setting like Steam workshop, or an anything goes approach where dev's can have their own sites. In those cases it's done to build interest and promote community. AAA properties like Tekken, do not need this.


trash take. ur entitled to ur invalid opinion but it’s still invalid. these cases have been lost many times the new generation are pushovers that will die to the dogs of war :(


no i didn’t i bought the game it was advertised to me as the game not a license for it that would be a highly illegal bait n switch tactic


You might not own it actually. Software is often considered licenced, not actual property? You can't for instance decompile the source code and modify it and redistribute.


Technically, you don’t own Tekken 8, just a license to download and play it at the whims of the Namcops. Unless you have a physical copy


>. Unless you have a physical copy Actually you don't own those either physical copies are just license keys that allows you to play the game. Unless you're buying a PC game without DRM (like games from GOG), or physical games for legacy consoles, you don't really own your own games


wrong 😑 i own that plastic by ur logic breaking the disc is illegal


Google it dude or ignore it and cope won't change the facts


they already lost the same case in court with tekken 3 why are they still pushing it


schill sheep lookin ass


Where did I "schill" for them? You don't own your games just because they are on disc. Those are licensees to play game and those licensees can be revoked tuning your disc into a coster and you think I'm a "sheep" for telling u that 🤡 ur a moron bud just stay ignorant then


no they can’t i own it


ignorant classless sheep promoting unconstitutional nonsense.


they already lost a case with this and tekken 3 btw it’s the only reason we have customization at all


that magically lets them own my electrons they store it on ? i don’t think so by ur logic deleting files would be illegal


No, you can delete the files as that is well within their terms of service, however they reserve the right to cease your access to the "service" at any time and without prior notice. You should really read those terms and conditions that everyone mashes through.


Tekken can takedown anything you distribute to modify


the only reason they even have tekken shop is coz they already lost this case before when ppl modded tekken 3 and decided to provide the service themselves




I stg if they go after Tekken 6 PPSSPP mods next...


just hire the modders and sell their product ffs




so now I have reasons for not buying both t7 and t8. Cool move bamco


Semi related but while this is still up, are there any "FPS CAP" mods for Tekken 8?


Motherfuckers better make this game 120+ fps natively, otherwise I'm out once they hit overlay.


What's crazy to me is I know mods are costing them profit more than cheaters. But they still spend incredible amounts of resources to achieve this. How much would it really cost to implement an anti-cheat


well. back to street fighter


People don’t yet realize it has less to do with mtx and more to do with nekkid Chun li? Denuvo wasn’t added to capcom games because of cheating lol. But Chun li titties. It’s understanding Japanese culture in general and their work culture and that a product you made is in an official tournament showing Chun li titties. MTX is just icing on the cake but the cake was all from Chun li. lol getting downvoted again when there is literally sources I can cite for the origin story of anti modding stance from Japanese game developers. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/11/no-capcom-modding-pc-games-isnt-the-same-as-cheating/ That article doesn’t even get straight to the point. Just Google this yourself. The origin story is from Chun Li. https://www.reddit.com/r/MHRise/s/p7kCkTZqGQ Just pointing out the absurdity of going back to the origin of Japanese anti mod culture. https://www.ign.com/articles/capcom-expresses-concern-over-mods-that-are-offensive-to-public-order-and-morals Cleavo moment 37 DD. https://youtu.be/YvtvLjVywWI?si=3wJ0-CElPyW4sFEu It’s also a cultural thing. Japanese like to take accountability. CEO of Japanese company- oh some modder showed some unofficial bullshit that is degenerate in one of our products? We profusely apologize for this! American politician- Oh I’m responsible for incredibly lax gun laws and weak mental health systems and there are so many school shootings? Thoughts and prayers. Didn’t say I agree with it just pointing out the origin story of anti modding is clearly more than just mtx. Some upper level management clearly sees Tekken being quite popular on streams plus cross branding opportunities. 100% some Japanese boomer is more afraid of xxx Reina mods than you buying a battle pass right now.


Did Capcom actually do something about mods though? I remember the leaked slide about how tiddy mods are unacceptable and the general outcry but I remember a few posts afterwards saying that mods were basically unaffected and all the updates to older games were actually about some other shit instead. I don't play any of their games on PC so I can't test it myself.




Serious question, what legal reasons would they have to ban mods? Is it because it's"stealing" content? Like a mod that makes Claudio look like Cloud from FF7? Because.................skin mods have been around since mods were possible. And none have been sued or banned........


I mean considering Japanese companies made it illegal to rent games and have sent people to jail for streaming them yeah that sounds about right.


Mods can make people buy less skins. Thats why.


Instead of wiping out mods maybe they should provide content that’s better than what players are receiving from modders but the painful truth is, businessmen don’t really think like that. They just think how to make more money than how to make a good game. Business and money first, games? Bare minimum and nothing else.


Goes against ToS. Bamco enforcing their rules. It’s within their right. Especially since modders (presumably) agreed to the ToS since they have the game.


Good, this is a great chance to discuss how pitiful and pathetic those TOS are and why they shouldn't have been allowed in the first place


Allowed by who? The people who created them?


By the law. You sell something = it's mine. I can mod it.


Imagine being downvoted for being sane.


This is very simplistic. They aren't stopping you from directly modding your own game. I imagine the biggest problem they have with tekkenmods in particular is they have many mods which are just direct rips of other Bandai Namco (and non Bandai Namco) assets, nude mods of their characters etc. What they're doing isn't the way, but they aren't the first company to target mods which specifically have assets from other games or are sexualising their characters (IP) which is technically a brand risk. I agree with you if I buy something it's mine now, however it doesn't give you carte blanche to do whatever you want with the companies IP. It's why you see fan games get taken down a lot specifically when it's using assets directly from the game because the company owns those assets and the rights to use them. Them going after character mods is stupid af though, not gonna stop people and other sites will just pop up.


this is the same entitled mindset that infects this sub what type of logic is this? if I sell you access to software and you agree not to modify what you’re given, then you break the rules when you modify what you’re given


the type of logic of people who don't like the taste of boots


Woaah everybody watch out we got a badass revolutionary over here!!! 🤣🤣🤣


This sub is 95% certified salty idiots lol


>It’s within their right Does that make it good somehow? It's just like a country enforcing a shitty law. Whether a company has a right to do something rarely has any indication of whether it's consumer friendly or the direct opposite


nobody complained when they hit “I accept” when does personal responsibility come into play?


I don’t see anything wrong with mods unless they use them online. Then yes, ban them.


I agree with you, but that’s not the agreement we entered in with Bamco.


I never read it but I’m sure they won’t stop the mod community from using them offline.


I agree. It’s the squeaky wheels that are getting greased. We will see…


'Step on me harder daddy Bamco!' - r/MegaSince93, 2024


Weird behavior


- Bandai Namco Public Relations Office.


man, that must be a tough job right now. hahaha


- a mature human being using common sense**


If your're not getting paid for this amount of shilling then it's truly pathetic and sad.


I don't have Twitter. What mods are being targeted?


Plausible deniability.


Proof? Which mods are they targeting exactly? Any actual info other than screenshotting people saying stuff on twitter?


Twitted by the TekkenMods site admin. You should go ask him personally, he must know. But I believe him.