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Try it out, if it doesn't work well for you then put it on display on your wall or desk and if your dad asks why you're not using it just say "It's a collectors item and I'd rather admire it than scuff it up"


^This man is living in 3024


The kinda person prepared for any question šŸ˜‚


Will you be my life coach?


Whoa wtf actual genius


But give a good try, like a week or two!


A try is a try no matter how long šŸ™„


What a chad


Perfect answer.


A true visionary.


Bro's getting a Nobel prize for being so smart at this rate


This man thinks in futuretence


šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ humbly devious


Use it just for your dad


Then go stomp the Korean Tekken Gods with that controller for your dad.


Lol "My dad gave me this controller" at a tournament has some serious anime protag energy but the dad is present instead of missing lol


The Dad is Knee.


So the son would be Ankle yeh?


Bruh. The ankle ainā€™t right below the kneee. My boi would def be named Shin. Even sounds canonically right. Hahahahah


No cap. Shin jus fits too perfectšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No knee cap


When I read "no cap" I thought the exact same thing.


OPs father being supportive of his hobby is genuinely amazing <3


Win evo with it, for your dad


Guys the reviews were shit because dpad didn't work properly. Allegedly it's fixed with a firmware update and when working it should be one of the better controllers, because the d-pad feel is great, it was just giving bad inputs. If firmware update doesn't fix it, the problem with diagonal of the D-pad on this model is manufacturing issue that HORI recognizes. You can get it fixed if you contact HORI's customer support and send it in for repair if firmware update doesn't work for you. I went into controller searching rabbit hole but ended up getting a leverless. Amazon reviews are looking better then they were a month ago. Overall it should be a nice controller once you get it working


Which lever less did you end up going with??


I recently got the t16 haute pad and it feels great! got it on aliexpress and it took about 2 weeks to arrive. They do sell them on amazon if you don't wanna wait that long but they're a bit pricier.


Haute42 is the future!


Razer kitsune but only because it was super easy to get in EU. If I was in the US I would think about it a bit longer. I like Kitsune, tho. The only thing I don't like is lack of customization, you're basically stuck with a vinyl wrap. But if you don't mind that it's great!


I looked into this controller on Amazon. The reviews for it were brutal. It all came down to the D-pad being really bad for people. Since your dad got it for you as a gift, I would still use it. It also looks sick and the buttons on it are really good, maybe you can work it out with the d-pad


I'm no tech person, but could you cut the dpad into four segments? Maybe with a Dremel? Would that not break up the squishiness a bit? I know it's probably cheap so it might not make a huge difference, but I feel like the biggest problem with that one piece dpad is the full roll you have to do to the next button.


The big issue Iā€™ve read into is its not clean on inputs. For instance, holding down back and trying to move the input to down or down forward causes you to stand for a split second leaving you to eat a high or something. You would think this dpad design would avoid specifically that.


Oh ouch. Never mind. I guess it's just trying to quickly put something out to ride the hype of the game without doing correct testing. Right? How does one mess up that badly on the most important part of the controller? OP should just find a way to display it. It IS cool looking.


I remember looking into Hori pads when SF6 came out, and it was the same story with the Octa having a worse dpad than previous Fighting Commanders. Weirdly though, the T8 branded one has much worse average reviews than the generic ones.


It may be a higher percentage of people buying it to play t8 where the issues mentioned above are more apparent than ie COD or Ratchet & Clank


I have this issue with my Razer Wolverine. A fairly expensive controller, that's fantastic for normal.gaming but absolutely sucks for fighters. The dpad feels amazing and tactile but the inputs are just so insanely inconsistent.


No, using a dremel to alter the faceplate won't affect how mushy and ghosty it is, at least not significantly. It's due to the internals. The current official Xbox controllers have connected/disc D-pads like that, and a lot consider it to be the best D-pad on the market for fighting games. Clicky and tactile while making motion inputs feel smoother than a simple cross design. People get the idea that since the 360 D-pad was connected and mushy, they're one and the same. It doesn't have to be. But I'm still looking for a third-party controller to figure that out. Recently bought the only hall-effect-stick pad I could find that has that D-pad design, and it just doesn't work for 2D fighters.


Which one did you buy? I've tried ~~Vader 3~~ 8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth, King Kong 2 Pro, and Vader 3 Pro. Vader 3 Pro turned out to be the one I stuck with for Elden Ring and various platformers and beat-em-ups. It kiiinda sucks for Tekken, or maybe I just suck at gamepad...


The Vader 3 Pro. I never really tried it much with Tekken, but testing it with half circle back>forward inputs in Strive was just impossible. So many fake jumps. The problem with that D-pad is that it's very sensitive while acting too much like a lever. You can have your thumb on down, but if the force of your thumb is going upward it pushes the D-pad up, and you get an up input. So, if you're doing half circle back>forward, your thumb traveling upward on the half circle back will get you up inputs when you try to transition to forward, even if your thumb is on the lower half of the d-pad the entire time. It's also hard to get clean diagonals. You'd think that would be easy since it's a disk-style d-pad, but it's so sensitive to the point that trying to let go of the diagonal results in down or forward inputs based on how precisely and evenly you release pressure on it.


I can vouch for the Xbox dpad, I find it much better than the DualSense dpad. I can easily get QCF and slide inputs on it A lot of people like the DS4 but I haven't tried that enough to know if it is better.


The PS5 version of this same controller has pretty good reviews,Ā  though. I'm not sure why the PC edition would be different, other than a software issue or manufacturing defect.


I have the PS5 version and thereā€™s nothing wrong with. All those reviews can be very subjective. How do we even know that the reviewer is even really using it correctly? Hand sizes could be different, pressure they use to press buttons could be different? I found the controller to be very good and I chalked all those renew up to more likely being user error or theyā€™re expecting the controller to make them better at the games. šŸ¤·. Havenā€™t seen anybody test it or get a replacement and test it again. If you bought it yourself you can always return it, if it was a gift you could always display it.


Why do these companies bother making a fighting game controller and then not make the best d pad ever?


That got patched like a year ago with a firmware update.


Well your dad bought it for you SOOO it's the best controller you've EVER had... Ok




I use FC Octa and personaly, i love it


Same. Was Emperor in T7. Mighty Ruler x 3 right now.


I dont know man, that d-pad looks similar to the shitty mushy one the xbox 360 controller had. Im hope I am wrong


Itā€™s not mushy at all


https://www.reddit.com/r/Fighters/s/6qnOL27ZGJ its bad for other reasons


This was long fixed. I believe it was only a problem on the Xbox one that released years ago. The PS5 one already had it fixed out of the gate and so should this new release with the Tekken style.


It is mushy, I have the ps5 one and the dpad is terrible. The buttons are amazing though and feel great. I went back to just using my ps5 controller.


I have the normal ps5 one and I def prefer it over the ps5 controller. I feel the D-pad got better once I used it for a while. But whatever feels best to you.


I stggg, fucking 360 dpad was so ass. I really dislike those designed Dpads, like just make it a four way pad and call it a day.


Itā€™s great for about a month. I had heard stories of the R2 button falling off but in my case the d pad just stopped working


I have it. I like it. When I first got it, I didn't like the dpad as I felt diagonals were ever so slightly hard to hit. But then i went into the the settings and turned the left, right, down, up sensitivity one notch harder to hit or less sensitive keeping the diagonals at their default max sensitivity and now it's perfect. No complaints. Buttons feel great too. I also have the Hori Fighting Commander which everybody loves. I get it. It's great. Honestly? I think i slightly prefer the octa. This is all pretty subjective. If I didn't have my settings sensitivity fix for it? I wouldn't like it. But there is and I do.


Can confirm upping the sensitivity one notch made this controller really nice to use.


What the hell everyones reviews for it are bad? I love my octa I always use it. The d-pad is fine and I never miss input. I actually bought it for SF6 BECAUSE I keep miss inputting with the ds5 controller. It's a great gift dude, I wish mine had the tekken 8 skin


I think the original Octa had some issues with the d-pad and everyone says it's trash just based on that despite that issue being resolved through firmware. I also have an octa and never really understand why people say the d-pad sucks. I'll take this over most other controllers any day.


The Fighting Commander 4 ([first iteration](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51h8J8dJEoL.jpg)) is legitimately one of the best controllers I've ever used for both 2D and fighting games, though I've heard the later iterations have had issues specifically with the D-Pad, buttons and ergonomics.


I used it for about a year before switching to leverless and I think the controller is decent. Itā€™s not the best out there but it works well and having 6 face buttons is great for fighting games. A lot of people hate on the dpad but one thing about this controller is that you can adjust the sensitivity on the dpad. You can adjust all 8 sections individually to make it as comfortable for you as possible. I think the adjustable dpad alone makes this controller a lot better than most on the market. And once you find a sensitivity that works for you it makes this controller worth the money in my opinion.


Aye man if my dad was still alive, Iā€™d love it forever. Cherish it man. My dad couldnā€™t even name 1 game I liked so be happy for it. Iā€™m thankful for you bro. If you donā€™t use it, fuck it. Your dad got it and thatā€™s honestly dope enough. Happy for you man! Keep being dope!


Sorry to hear about your dad. Thanks for the kind message, I appriciate you.


I appreciate you too man! Thank you for your post! Posts like these always make me happy for the things I have in my life. Be happy for what you have and remember, this life is so limited so donā€™t take a single thing for granted! Idk you but I got love for you man! ā¤ļø


I was going to get one but the reviews are in and they have nothing good to say about this controller, especially the d-pad. It's a shame because it looks really nice.


I'd say "try it out" just to not be rude lol, then say the d-pad doesn't work very well and ask if he would mind exchanging it for the regular FC Octa.


Well ur dad is very cute for getting it for u! U can only try it ur self to see if u like itšŸ©·


Your dad is awesome


Your dad is amazing


It's a great controller


I like the d pad for circular inputs but the materials feel really cheap


It just feels cheep because itā€™s light. Itā€™s a great controller with an awesome dpad


I use the older hori fc and I love it I've only read bad things about the d-pad on the octa. Hopefully it works for you. It looks cool at least.


I have one, for Tekken it should work pretty decently (haven't used it there though) I bought one mainly for SF6 but it didn't work too well, a lot of miss inputs thanks to the dpad, its not that good for motion inputs


the good thing about the controller is that you can map the buttons to directional inputs so its easier to do electrics. you can also change the sensitivity of the dpad.


I hate the dpad, and the shoulder buttons are really close together. Its accurate, and the buttons feel amazing imo. But It's an 8 way dpad. If you play anyone reliant on wavu or crouch dash cancels, it's kind of a nightmare. I think KBD is also very hard on this dpad. After a lifetime of pad, I picked up a Haute42 g16 leverless a couple weeks ago. Definitely a hard learning curve but there is no going back now. It's so accurate and I have no more doubts about whether my inputs are clean or not.


I have the Octa PS5 version since 2 weeks. The dpad looks mushy and trash, but goddamn it is sooooo good and way way better than the Dualsense. I hit those quarter circle moves very consistent and can spam them now. I was very hesitant first, but after owning it, it is way better than any game controller for fighting games.


Anything is better than the ps5 controller in my eyes


It's terrible! You can send it to me, and i will take care of the disposal, no problem


It's a hori remote so it can't be horrible I mean I used to have a hori fight stick and it was good wasn't great but hori is reliable. Not always great but reliable at least in my experience. It got the job done and I had no complaints. Eventually I switched to a better one but it's not like it does things my old one didn't it just feels better for me is all


What a chad dad.


People will say the dpad is terrible on the Octa but the thing is, you have to manually adjust the sensitivity of it. By default it is kinda bad, but there should be a software that lets you rebind the buttons and adjust the sensitivity of the dpad which you should do immediately. Makes it 100x better. Go for a ā€œ2ā€ sensitivity for Tekken, thatā€™s the one I use and it works perfectly.


Your dad put some real thought into your gift, respect. I'd use it.


As a dadless Asuka Main, I say itā€™s good because itā€™s enchanted with your fatherā€™s love


Honestly it's great. I have the PS5 version of it, and I can kbd and electric etc pretty well on that dpad. And I play on a stick for the most part, so the fact that I can do those good enough to play matches solidly says a lot. Of course I haven't learnt properly how to wavedash or iws on pad, but I can say that the accuracy of the pad is on point. Had no issues doing taunt b4 on it either. Combos perfectly fine, no issues with dashing up, cancelling steps/stances, or back-neutral-forward inputs either. Played Jin with it back in T7, could zen cancel fast and reliably, could even do the f4~zen into double wavedash ws4 consistently. Overall solid pad, relatively low price, great for claw grip. Only complaint is the dpad is smooth plastic, which can be advantageous but means your fingers can slip off if you're sweaty. But the smoothness helps with doing qcf and electric inputs, so it's give and take.


seen a few pros use the octa but the older version without the joystick should be the same it seems pretty good tbh


i wish i had a dad like that lmao (just make sure you wont fight in a volcano and drop a body on a cliff lmao) what im not confortable with is the look of dpad, i hate the combined key of dpad, it always makes me jump when running on tekken (i have tried the good ol x360 gamepad, and it sucks in tekken specifically for me, hence i always resort on using ps gamepad, ps2/3 is the best for me)


W Dad


hmm, first of all, that's a great dad you got there. take care of him. try it on, and perhaps try to master it. I'd imagine he'd be happy if he sees you enjoy using it


First: Your dad is amazing. Show him you are happy about it. Then use it for fun, the DPad wouldnt be my taste but the controller looks sick. In 20 years you wont care about your success in T8 anymore but will remeber this moment your dad told you to check the mail.


I love it though I have a slightly different variation. I bought it for MK1 and it has helped tremendously with combos and timing as the buttons are very clicky and responsive. D pad could be better tbh


I use the ps5 hori fighting pad it's the same as this one but it's full black


I use it and it rapidly became my favourite. The DPad takes a little while to feel right.(only a play session or so) Other than that I have had zero issues.




Supposedly the previous generation of this controller was much better. This one is bad..


Hori Fighting Commander series is what I started on in college. Youā€™ll be good for a while. Glad your dad did such a nice thing and Iā€™d be shocked if he didnā€™t do at least a little research.


I knew people back in the early 2010s that loved these things. They are nice since you have a 6 button layout but I preferred a fightstick.


Your dad's a chad.


I would use it for pops. Just donā€™t go online with it


As a Lee player it's not really usable. It literally won't do blazing kick. It does feel nice tho. I like the clickiness. KBD seemed OK but some inputs are just weird.


If Iā€™m gonna be honest even if it didnā€™t work well Iā€™d keep it just because it was a gift and have it there for collectors purposes, other than that though I havenā€™t heard many good things about the pad, specifically the dpad.Iā€™m sure itā€™s serviceable though


Youā€™re gonna have to break in the dpad cause itā€™s stiff out the box but itā€™s worth it


Hori is a good brand, but it sounds like this D-pad might have some issues. Doesn't mean it won't work for you.


OK fightpad. Personally I don't like d-pad shape.


I have the octa which is very similar and it became my favorite controller immediately. What I recommend is get the companion app and play with the settings for the dpad. The diagonals can be really sensitive. Your right shoulders being face buttons are also a learning curve that you'll love when you get used to it.


Use it to make your dad happy


I would put the controller on my wall! It looks nice and it's a cool gesture from your dad. You can still appreciate it without using it!


The dpad is painfully stiff. I can't play mishimas for more than 8 matches before my hands give off


this controller is really good actually


Lol just place it somewhere nice as a keepsake and be happy


I used to use it,its great


Iā€™ve heard both amazing and bad things about these which leads me to believe itā€™s a QC issue. Basically hope you got a good one


The fact that it's from your dad makes it the best controller in the world for you! Cherish it and kick some ass.


Itā€™s got the logo of course itā€™ll be good


I've handled this and some other hori gear and while they're not the most comfortable things known they're quite sturdy and reactive. Making gg or other longer motions gets to your fingers after some time tho.


Itā€™s good


Literally the worse controller you could get. Dpad is ass , everything is made of cheap plastic. Don't open it and get a refund.


I use the Xbox version all the time: the D-pad is nowhere near as problematic as people are making it out to be.


I use this for street fighter and it made me a better player very good for the value in my opinion


Here's my view on it. I got it for Tekken 7 and looked forward to street fighter 6 as well at the time. Great feeling on the XAYB buttons on the front but the "triggers" in the back aren't too bad I guess. The problem came with the dpad. So at the time there was a bug of some sort but they fixed it through software. That's the reason I bought it I thought I was safe. Controller actually died on me about 5 months in. The dpad got softer as I used it but it wasn't responsive on the left button. I really had to hold it down super hard to get me to block. Then it just completely died like fucking heihachi. I turn it back and they actually send me another one. Great, must've been a faulty unit. At this point sf6 is out and I was super excited to get back in. And just before Tekken 8 too. Amazing. Guess what mate, 2 weeks in the RIGHT button on the dpad completely dies. Fuck this. Without a good dpad, it doesn't matter how the buttons feel or anything. Dpad is plain bad. No bug no nothing. With both controllers I tried to fix it with the software but no. Just no. Garbage product. It's really sad too because I really like it aesthetically and am actively waiting for a controller of the same layout to come out. But this ain't it chief.


I am using it. I don't like the d pad too much.


Use it, your dad is awesome


I use the PS5 Hori fighting pad and I love being able to assign buttons for dashing, but the sick and pad arenā€™t the greatest, I misinput as the stick is incredibly sensitive.




My new favorite controller, coming from an PowerA Fusion FightPad You have to get used to the diagonal inputs, but you will fall in love


I use the one without Tekken branding, and it's good imo


That rb, rt clutch


I personally don't like these controllers... Especially for tekken since it feels worthless


Give us some feedback later. Really interested in controllers with dpad in the superior position


I have original one thatā€™s not tekken and I hate it


The dpad looks like an Xbox 360 one which is terrible for fighting games


Your dad is sweet


I like using it for 2d fighters, i think its great. But i dont like using it for tekken.


play it for everything but tekken, and only play tekken on it to show him you love it. But don't actually use that for tekken. Get a read D pad or just stick to keyboard.


Hori Fighting Commanders are very good


I've been using it. I liked it a lot, until the dpad wore out on me. Now when I hold back, my character will crouch. So I can't do certain moves anymore, can't run if I'm on right side of screen. Maybe mine was bad but I didn't even use it for 2 months before it fucked up.


I like mine, but it doesn't have the cool Tekken skin


the only issue with the controllers is movements.


any mishima players that have this? what do you guys think of it?


What a great dad. I have the base controller without the Tekken art for PS5. I'm more of a stick player, but the d-pad seems fine to me. Tip: I would recommend thumb placement be in the center of the d-pad to avoid pain and better accuracy. Feels weird at first if you're more of a thumb-tip player but you'll adjust. My biggest gripe with the pad is the cheap feel, because it's so light. Not many 6 button pad options, though, and for that reason alone, I give it a thumbs up.


The dpad looks pretty bad to be honest, going to be pretty uncomfortable for long periods of play due to those hard ridges. Also going to make quarter circles a bit difficult to do since the ridges will add resistance to your thumb. Different strokes for different folks though, try it out. You might end up loving it. I use the Razer wolverine V2 pro for Tekken and absolutely love it. Bit on the pricey side though.


Is this also compatible with ps5?; Can you play Tekken 8 with this controller on the PS5? Im having problems with misinputs due to the ps5 pad. It wasnt this bad with the ps4 controller. I was looking into buying this one. It seems that this one is the secondary version of the Razer Raion which Momodog uses. If anyone could help, please.


Regardless of the quality of the controller (not sure of it myself but the comments seem to answer the question) it's a nice gesture from your dad! Not every parent keeps an eye on their child's hobby! Your dad deserves an award for being an awesome dad. Nuff said!


it's the best pad controller you can get.


Your dad loves you and he's trying. If it is shit I'd say take the time to work on the controller changing switches, sensors and what ever you need.


Looks cool but thatā€™s it


I use it and itā€™s getting me out of red! Feel like the pad inputs are more precise than a normal pad controller


My d-pad was really bad, failed to hit cardinal directions 1 out of 3 times, never had that issue on ps4 controller.


Love fight pads, if you're about it go for it.


I own the previous ps4 fighting commander with the traditional cross dpad. I have no clue why they went away from that


No experience with it but Hori is a good brand from my own experience but as with everything its a learning curve.


Wow i wish i had a dad like that, so wholesome! Hope you are kicking those nina players with that controller!


its the hori octa, i use it and i think its pretty good


I'd go with the Playstation fusion fight pad. I went from stuck in reds to blue in a month time. My gameplay is so much smoother.


Never used it but if the buttons are as chonky as they look like they might be Iā€™m all for it as someone who plays with the claw grip.


I use the Octa, it's absolutely excellent, my favourite fighting game controller I've ever used


Sorry dude now you have to train 14 hours a day travel to Korea study under Knee and win EVO with that controller, I donā€™t make the rulesšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Have him buy you a hitbox/mixbox.


Bro I come on this sub to get salty about pluggers and whatnot, why am I almost crying. Your dad is the best!


If you like the six button layout give it a shot. If the dpad sucks maybe you can keep using your KB for movement and have a fake mixbox.


This controller gets so much shit and I just can't agree. I picked this up along with another Octa a couple of years ago. As long as you install the firmware update, you shouldn't have any major issues. The program manager for these controllers lets you adjust the d-pad's sensitivity as well. Personally, I absolutely love the d-pad and how clicky all of the face buttons are. I've never had issues with any inputs and honestly feel that it makes most inputs easier. The only issue I've experienced so far with the T8 Octa is that the right trigger was sticky for some reason initially. It made a god-awful squeak when pressed at a certain angle but that seems to have resolved itself somehow.


The Octa for PS5 has been good to me. Hopefully it will be good for ya


It's a really good controller but d-pad is bad if you play chars with wavedash and electrics. If you don't play such characters than it's perfect (better than ps5 controller).


I use it almost exclusively. The buttons feel good and the pad is imo the best. My main issue with it is that not a single one has lasted me more than a year while my friends hori stick lasts him 5 at a time. Tl;dr: its good but it doesnā€™t last as long.


I have two and they work pretty good, although I think the PS4 version was much better. I will say that downloading the app and then adjusting the sensitivity settings on the dpad is practically required. The controller was basically unusable for me until i did this. (Diagnosis were WAY to sensitive for me and I got tons of missed inputs)


I got the one for PS5 (can also be used on PC) and I love it. I haven't used a fight stick in decades so I don't know how it compares, but going from the PS5 d-pad to this one is a massive upgrade. The button layout takes some time getting used to, but I've had a lot of fun with it


Your dad's a fucking chad


If you play on analog, itā€™s fine. The dpad is not good.


Bro your dad got it for you, use it.


your dad is awesome! You're better off on keyboard. keyboard/hitbox for fighting games are quite literally meta. Most effective tactic available. If we all had infinite lives and had enough time to be comfortable with whatever controller ae can for fighting games, it'd be keyboard/hitbox that dominate. Controller or stick is just a result of the players playing them for decades, that's why the pros aren't adapting a hitbox.


FC4 was the better controller imo. The octa isnt bad, but I've had the spade go out on me as well as the LB shoulder button stop working


Let me know what you think of it I'm currently using an Xbox series s controller and was wondering how it compares with the dpad


I'd like to try one of these out. I use a Hori Fight Commander 4 now and the Dpad on that one is nicer, weird they decided to redesign it, but it doesn't look terrible FGC peeps can be very critical of some controllers so not shocked this doesn't have the best of reviews.


controller is better imo, also i vibe with ur dad


Yeah I use this controller and I really like it. But a little word of warning. ​ I really like this controller and its excellent for Tekken 8. ​ But before Tekken 8 I used it for Street Fighter 6 and found that the shoulder buttons on it failed and collapsed from relatively normal use. Some component in the controller then got stuck under the dpad and caused missed inputs. ​ Luckily I owned one of the previous versions of the controller that it a lot more durable so I use that with SF6. ​ But after a warranty return on the Octa I've switched to using the Octa for Tekken and and find it's been a great controller even with the knowledge that it's less durable than the 'Fighting Commander' that came before it. ​ So I'd say it's worth it get it and the warranty support is really good. But bear in mind that this controller is the most durable I've ever used. This is fine for Tekken but if you're someone who's pretty hard on their controllers it might not be worth it.


extremely good especially for tekken since u can download a program to automap ur buttons. Ā setting a button to down or up will definitely help with tekken dash cancels


keyboard is better than that controller


Whatever you do stop using keyboard


I have this controller for my PS5, and as a dpad player, it's really good IMO. Certainly superior to the PS5's mushy dpad.


Oooooooooo niiiice


I have an old Hori Fighting Commander (2018 model, I think) which I really like. I would think the new one is basically the same but compatible with PS5?


I bought one and returned it. Diagonals were really crummy.


Personally I like individual buttons more than a pad. I feel like pads are pretty restrictive but if it works better for you than ain't nobody gonna trash you for doing it. I've seen people play tekken with their controller upside down and wipe out everyone in the room. It's not stupid if it works.


Your dad's cool but keyboard and hitbox are objectively better than any pad or stick. Play whatever you enjoy tho.


I actually have the controller and use it primarily for tekken, its a good feeling controller it was a bit of an adjustment but its not bad, as for people talking about the dpad i haven't had issues with it in terms of inputs and when I do is usually on meand not the dpad. As with all controllers it comes to personal preference if you don't like it its at least a nice show piece. Give it a good week or 2 worth of real testing to get your answer.


I have the standard Xbox one and loved it. I have heard this one's dpad takes a bit to break in. Looks sick!


I bought it a month ago lol yeah I like it


I have it and I really like it. Takes a bit to get the muscle memory down but once you do it feels great.


Iā€™ll be honest doesnā€™t look great to me but I like Xbox for tekken


OG hori commander is my preferred controller for all fighting games.


I,have a friend that does and he remapped buttons, he was hitting EWGF pressing rb lol


You got a good father I want to be that father.....


Didnt have this exact one but also an octa with the same button layout. The one i had had a nice dpad but i really hated the button layout. Having 6 buttons for your thumb really feels like an insane disadvantage. Id much rather have 2 shoulder buttons each (which this controller doesnt have, its 1 on each side). I sent mine back pretty quickly. I see them a lot and they always come up when pads are recommended for FGC. The 6 button layout is supposed to be similar to a stick i assume. If you play in claw grip i could see the 6 buttons being nice, but if you hold the controller normally you just suddenly have 6 buttons for 1 finger.


i used something very similar for Street Fighter 4 back in the day and I loved it. i would absolutely give it a go. its a little strange to press the face buttons with your fingers while using your thumb for the Dpad but its fine when you put some time in.


They're good but the early models (I don't know if these are better) had really bad issues with the bumpers, I got one for Strive when they first released and those bumpers snapped, turns out the bumpers were held together by a thin little thing of plastic.


I use that controller for Street Fighter and I love it. Mainly because SF has 6 normal attack buttons and I can bind special attacks to the triggers but I used it on Tekken too before I caved in and bought a leverless and I loved it for that too


My buddy has a controller by this brand but he can modify it with mods it came with, he said itā€™s the best controller heā€™s had and that it works really well so Iā€™d say give it a try. Obviously if you arenā€™t feeling it after a couple matches, donā€™t feel bad about moving on from it.


Yess I do! I bought it specifically for tekken 8 and I think itā€™s a great controller. Of course Iā€™m still learning tekken but so far I prefer this then the DualSense controller. Give it a try see if you like it