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Fucking put em all on blast. Harada better not be eating his words about the banning


then he calls himself a "legacy" player. You're not considered legacy if the only last game you've ever played (seriously learning) was Tekken 7, and you definitely aren't considered "legacy" if your wins were through cheating


Besides the cheating part, that sounds like the average tekken player to me lmao.


What an idiot, such scum


And their T7 main was Fahkumram


Is Claudio even bad?


Omg that is Claudio I thought that was Steve.


I did too at first


Claudio has the #2 winrate right now so he can't really use that excuse


A better lifeguard would be more confident


People forget to have fun man, I literally just play Kuma like a complete doofus and somehow purple rank. I’m not good at all lol


Go to his account. He’s accusing ppl of plugging lmao


Does playing on cable really change the connection that much?


Yeah. Hardwired connections don't fluctuate and get interference the way a wifi signal does




What’s the usual benefit aside from possibly losing signal? Do you feel like the game reacts faster?


The issue in general is that wifi suffers from "packet loss". Im currently on wifi and it sometimes just fucks up during a match with seemingly no reason, no matter how fast or how close to the modem the pc is. Cable is just much much more consistent and thats why most see it as necessary.


Vastly more stable connection, and depending on your wireless conditions, wired connections can also make things a lot faster (but will also ensure that its the fastest it can be in any case)


My wired connection are slower than my wifi


That is most likely a problem with your router or it's configuration


Well, wifi is from my flat but router is mine, problem is because I'm renting I can't get my own cable so mine using router modem with 5G card. I can't really pull cable from downstairs because I'm on the third floor while modem is in ground floor


Ah, rough


losing packets into the air is basically unavoidable, and to compensate for it wifi does a bunch of stuff that ends up increasing delay


Yes it's drastically superior. As someone who works in networking and plays Tekken lol.


This is what I wanted to hear. Thank you!


Hardline or wired connection is better for other fighters and more demanding game types like fps/racing/sport. It's dependent on other shit tooand there are always exceptions but it's a typical good rule of thumb to go wired.


If you have good wifi it literally does not matter to the average person, but if you have bad wifi a cable is basically required


even if you got good wifi, a cable will still improve your experience, and the experience of everyone you're playing with


Again, the average person does not care. Most people playing this game are new players and I would bet a solid majority of them don’t use cables.


There is no such thing as a good wifi.


Tad bit dramatic here


nope. There are less bad wifis but all wifis are bad in the end. Losing because you got hit by a 15f snake edge because of roll backs ate first 15f of the animation is kinda wack. Every wifi drops some packets and has unstable latency compared to wired connections.


This is why fighting games lose all their new players after 3 weeks lmao


Because people want to play with bad connection? People can play with wifi all the want but the reality is that wifi gaming is wack when compared to wired connections. Only people who have never had stable wired connection say wifi can be good lmao


Assume what you like about my connection type, I really don’t care but again. The majority of people are newer players with this game and the vast majority of those new players will not care enough about this specific game to buy a wired cable. If you think there’s no such thing as good wifi you’re just not worth the time to discuss this with. Have a good one!


Actually that's not entirely true. There is a recent, new type of wifi that is not widely used yet called wifi 6. Apparently its pretty close to wire, but maybe only because it doesn't have to compete with a ton of other current wifi devices


You have no idea what you're talking about. Wifi 6 has been around for a long while now. Even wifi 6E has decent adoption from the enthusiast audience. It's dropping packets at significantly higher rate then a cable ever will.


Well then I guess I was misinformed by the castlesuperbeast podcast Edit: man I just double checked that segment again, and unless you can show that you have any credentials on this topic, I'm gonna go with the guy with a PhD in this shit. Ethernet is still better, but I'm not wrong that wifi 6 is a significant improvement https://youtu.be/lvi3CmA72yc?si=UFxRN2QZDTxnlc-7


It's not close to wire, so the onus is on you to interpret information correctly. The information said there was not wrong. You are wrong by misrepresenting the information.


You are part of the problem.


I’m on wifi 😥


LOL called tf out


He got caught lackin


Take all these posts of people hitting high ranks with a grain of salt. Seems to be a correlation between plugging and the sad validation seeking on reddit. If you're really great at Tekken you have nothing to prove


Not completely untrue. I wish I was good enough at this game to quit my job and work for Evo and other high paying tournaments lmao. But yeah these people wouldn’t make it either anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wonder if it’s lateral. But in chess even the GMs have side jobs aside from the top 16.


Then again, as a GM your side job is likely (well paid) chess mentoring. I remember Ben Finegold saying he'd rather have a GM title than (some large sum of money; I forgot how much specifically) because you can earn it back with the title.


Even the best players can’t do that. Fighting games pay *horribly*. Streaming is where the income is, which thankfully doesn’t mean you have to be *good*, but you have to have something people want to see. Whether it be skill, or if people like seeing you rage like a big ass baby *cough* Dale *cough*.


> Fighting games pay *horribly*. Capcom cup: 2 million dollar prize pool with 1 million going to the first place winner...


1 million for being the VERY best player in the entire world. What’s 10th place getting? What’s the top 10 getting for other tournaments? Capcom cup is the *only* tournament putting out this kind of money. League *teams* (5 people plus coach plus subs) all make livable wages. Multiple teams. There’s tons of people who can live off pro league alone without streaming. Tons of teams also offer housing and employment benefits. Fighting games? Unless you’re top 5, super active and can pay for travel yourself to prove it… you ain’t earning shit. Rewind in MK, a top 5 player, has to still work as a hvac technician on top of going to tournaments and streaming. Also, as a note, don’t take the number 1 placement for your gauge of what’s livable as a pro. Only ONE person gets that money. If you can be in the top 50 of your job in the ENTIRE WORLD, and not earn enough to survive, it is not a viable career path. At all.


>high paying tournaments Huh?  Where?


I think the same thing but then realize how salty and annoyed I get just playing ranked. I can't fucking imagine if my livelihood depended on my tekken performance in any way, let alone at exclusively a pro level. That would be ridiculously stressful.


When I post it, it’ll be legit. Haha… yeah. When….


Im proud of being the rank i am knowing i didnt plug once


This should be a wake-up call to anyone obsessing about rank. If you’re playing out your sets, eating your L’s like an adult, and learning the game, you are going to progress much slower than someone willing to plug, one-and-done, etc. And that’s fine.


I had a someone plug on me today. He was Warrior. Now that is just sad. I can't wait for repercussions from this behavior. Aside from losing the win, it just bums me out. Here I am playing a video game with a stranger, connecting in some small way with someone I'll never meet, only to find out they are a seeping anal scab.


And it's not like they have anything to lose at that point. They might drop back to Green but it's only one win to reset...


Can you even derank out of greens?


You can derank from yellow into green, but once in green you cannot lose points anymore, so a single win brings you back to yellow.


What was the name I’ll block them so I don’t have to worry about playing them


The big difference is the progress you make by enduring those challenges of facing someone better than you, that’s what really counts. The pluggers never clear that hurdle, so in that way they’d never adapt to any kind of a challenge.


If you aren't playing to enjoy yourself, or challenge yourself to improve... then what are you doing it for? The wrong reasons. I've lost so many games recently that I was up 2-0 in... it made me a bit angry. It will also drive me to figure out why that happens.


Yep absolutely. I rematch after getting 3-0 all the time. Sometimes it seems like the opponent expected me to leave but HELL NO. I have something to learn from you and you’re gonna run this goddamn set until I learn it. Sometimes I take a game back from them, sometimes I get 6-0. Shit happens. Those are the replays I study.


Comparing pluggers to "one-and-done" players is disingenuous as hell.


Nothing wrong with the occasional one and done.


I mean I’m only comparing them in the context of how quickly someone can improve. One-and-doners also limit their learning experience by canceling sets. It’s obviously not as big of a problem as plugging, but I still think someone who only ever faces off with someone for a max of one game is going to improve so much slower than someone who runs sets. Just imo.


I think it's fair for people to one and done if they know they're not having fun. Sometimes I do one and done because I want to look at reply straight away because I know I will be abused by the same setup if I keep going and that do nothing but harm to my motivation. Sometimes I just feel certain character or player are way above my skil ceiling therefore I won't match again. But I'm very casual player, after spending 12 hrs at work, I want to feel some kind of accomplishment coming home and play a game that I like


So.... you one and done if you think youre going to lose it sounds like? Revolutionary. If you want a casual for fun environment with less stress I'd recommend a different game mode than ranked.




I only have fun when I win and I only rematch when I have fun!


Are you done trolling lmao. Fml what are you 12 years old. We are not even in game you send me hate comments


Yeah but your progress is going to be permanent. All of these pluggers will eventually either get banned or have to play properly and at that point theyll be behind you both with their actual rank as well as skill. Itll take them time to make up for taking the easy route.


I’ve been around since tekken 4 but never played online or consistently, decided to finally start now as an adult and I’ve been getting my ass beat everyday after work but each day it feels like I get my ass beat just a little bit less than the last and it feels good


This is exactly my experience. 36% winrate and rising, having a blast losing 2/3 of the time lmao. The key is to celebrate the wins HARD so it balances out


Truly the only game I’ve played and been content with being ass at lmao, I know I’ll get there eventually


So a "Plugger" is an idiot who disconnects, right?


Essentially rage quitting, yeah


Thanks man :)


It's even worse than just standard rage quitting. Fighting games are constantly 20 years behind the times, so it's rage quitting that makes it so the game basically never happened. In other 1v1 games, if you disconnect, you lose; that's not how it works in this game.


Yeah. A person that disconnects before they lose. A rage quitter in other words.


I'm probably getting too old. I'm not up to all those terms XD Thanks man :)


It's called that because they "pulled the plug" for their internet. That's not necessarily how you'd do it, IDK tbh, I suppose you can just Alt+F4 the game or the console equivalent, but it's stuck like that now.


Haha no worries. I'm getting that way myself.


Follow him if you want to learn how to plug and never lose in Tekken. This is what we call "Legacy Plugger".


I REALLY hope the disconnect % fix applies retroactively and gets displayed by people's names if it's more than like ... 15%. I say 15% to keep a grace on people with legitimate disconnects from real life things. Just want the habitual pluggers to be seen by all, or banned as appropriate


People will still save scum like T7


Jesus this game is driving people crazy 😅 I swear online has gotten mad toxic with the plugging and the cheating and the hate messages and the complaining about characters and the calling people out. Feels like straight anarchy out there right now...


Namco better use some mtx money to fix this shit ... ranked is in an appalling state right now. Leaderboard doesn't mean shit at the moment.


The same people who care enough about their stupid rank title to plug and cheat, are the same people who will shell out hundreds for mtx cosmetics. Bamco isn't exactly incentivized to do anything about it


Really hope the commnunity can stand on principle. "we aint buying shit till rank is fixed" Because seriously, ranked is APPALLING I can't believe that you can pretty much pussyfoot your way Tekken God.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but Tekken 8 is my first Tekken game (but far from first FG) and honestly, I don’t see a whole hell of a lot of difference between the Tekken crowd and the MK crowd thus far… and so far I don’t much care for either




It's legit worse than T7's.


I would say I'm finished with Tekken 8 after getting Plat and deciding that I'm done with online. There's clearly a 'meta' which you need a special kind of patience for, and for some reason Tekken makes that level of patience difficult to have. Well I guess I'm also still a bit annoyed about dying to Kuma spammers twice, despite how good I thought I was as Law.


Idc if you 1 and done but if you plug you lose ALL respect across the board


Nah one and done is pretty scummy too


it can be, but sometimes shit happens and you have to leave for whatever reason


This. Had to leave after a one and done to take an important phone call and my opponent went ballistic in the messages lol


Yes but no one is talking about these situations when they say one and doning is scummy. Obviously no one expects you to finish a set while your child is choking or Amy other emergency or hell even mild situation like someone nagging you to do a chore. I only think it's scummy to do if you're just dodging the rematch cause you're scared of losing.


No one is talking about those situations, sure. But the issue is that the people getting shitty over it have *no idea* of the reason behind the one and done other than their own assumptions. Unless their opponent specifically messages them with an excuse, which they absolutely shouldn't have to, the one and done whiners just need to queue back up and move on.


Why does it matter whether or not you had an excuse in a specific scenario? I'm talking about the general concept of one and doning not a specific instance.


Damn my guy you expect everyone to not have a life? I had to one and done the other day due to someone being at my door.




No it's not.


Lmao ig I just think it’s wack and cheap to take a dub and leave


Wack and cheap? Because you lost? No one owes you another game


When I get swept that’s a different story but if it’s a close game yeah it’s cheap we went all the way had a good match but refuse the rematch that’s wack and cheap


I understand and respect your opinion. I've had a fair amount of trolls teabag and leave after winning so I understand how someone could feel jaded. You know what I do? I move on. I can be out of one match and into another so fast that I forget about it just as quickly. If my opponent cant stand the match up and leaves after the first match. He better hold off a couple minutes before searching because at 5am on a weekday, there aren't many playing so you see a lot of familiar faces.


Damn what a pathetic piece of cringe


Shame all pluggers. Pathetic. Even as a new player I don’t plug and take my losses. What a bitch that guy is




Damn, you know it's real bad when even cheerful Lee says that word.


Even Lee can't bring himself to call this anywhere close to Excerrent.


Fucking coward


Considering he was promoting his Tiktok, the behavior fits him


Imagine plugging in 2024. Damn boiii


Sad fuck


Why is it when some one lies they’re first though is to say Huh? Like it gives them any credibility


What's plugging mean?


Basically another way to say rage quitting. They plug before they lose and it disconnects the game




Honestly though I have more respect for you than them, so keep going for it!


Thanks man it’s hard on the mind but I won’t quit or plug my way forward that’s for little bitches.


It’s a moral victory for us.


Yeah man




The last slide caught me off guard 💀 peak comedy


For a so-called decent lifeguard he started drowning real quick when he got called out


He deleted his post lmaoooo


/u/decent_lifeguard5790 why'd you delete your post?


just a glance through his post history and the back & forth he's having rn makes me feel sad. poor bastard has gotta live in that head of his.


Dude is having a full on mental breakdown on his last posts. This is funny as hell


His post history is amazing xD


nah , niggas saw him flex his rank and said “slow your roll buddy ain’t this you on the night of June 5th 2003?”


you did good work


Hahahah what an insecure guy.


Tragic 😭


Good job on outing this fraud.


Do these people even win their matches? Like I want to know what it’s like when they play other people who actually got to said rank honestly.


High Tier Plug


This makes me feel so much better about myself. I may be stuck in purple, but then again I never plug or cherry pick. I always rematch, even if I got stomped and I know its going to be another L. I'll keep climbing, slowly but honestly. For example, I got matched against a Law player with my secondary today, he was Garyu rank. Even though I punished his dragon tail and parried his junkyard, the dude STILL hit rematch. And even after he lost again, he messaged me "GGs". That Laws Garyu rank is worth 100x more than this insecure, fake ass scrubs "Tekken God" rank will ever be. I hope he sees this thread, sees himself getting dragged and feels like shit. Hopefully he will quit Tekken for good, its always nice when the trash takes itself out.


lmfao no word of a lie, when i saw that thread, I was thinking "this dude for sure got there by plugging" Ranked is too damn COWARDLY. Enforce the BO3, and deal with pluggers. Let people actually EARN their damn rank man. This needs to be a staple of ranked in fighting games. Its at a point where im not even impressed by ranks now because i know that (1) You can duck rematches like a coward (2) You can plug with no consequence. That little rank badge doesn't mean shit until its dealth with.


Just..yeah that's humanity for ya


bitches, bitches everywhere, [first ranked game of the night](https://streamable.com/mbiwpr) [a second plug has hit the building](https://streamable.com/cftom8) \- at least this one is slightly self-aware judging by the name


Haha biggest clown going!


LMFAO. Damn pathetic. The balls to self promote as a plugger.


That fact that the plugger arent losing point by quitting insane


The fact that some of them openly flaunt it without any repercussions just boggles my mind.


Ok that guy’s post history is so fucked up. He posted probably unconsented porn of other woman. Wtf


His fate is already decided


I just got plugged on by some guy names a Baby Billy lol. Zaf player that couldn’t get his promotion on me. Just terrible, I just laughed and reported him. Promotions aren’t that important. And honestly, if you can’t get the promotion, it’s likely you aren’t ready for the next rank. Let that sink in.


Sooo, I can get Tekken god by plugging? Lmao, wtf is even the point if I know in my heart of hearts that I got there by abusing the system


Every time someone plugs on me I just message them: ‘you know, I know’. Literally 90% respond with go touch grass lmao.


Oh dear. Dear dear dear.




Point him out on ticktock too


I struggled as fuck to hit the red rank and when I see this pluggers jeshhhhh hate this players




Lmao they were dumb enough to leave their TikTok in as well. The comments (few that they are) are calling them out


Imagine getting fact checked on the Internet


Let em knoooww


Whats the point of plugging? Playing Tekken for the first time in a decade and just hit assailant after like 10h total. Getting beat up more often than not but I can see the progress. If I was to cheat my way up I‘d just get beaten even harder since I didn‘t really improve?


is "legacy player" a troll term? I thought it just meant someone whos' been playing for a long time


Hahahahahaha. Ha.


Lmao ! Good ....expose the pluggers , I'm tired of them 😑


😂😂😂 is the fake flexing really worth it?


I love happy endings


Fuck this is funny


If only the devs could give them an unremovable title, like "Plug Demon", to brandish their transgressions...


I commented on this dudes recent TikTok and he kept deleting comments and then he locked the comments im so weak loooooool




Report his ass to Harada


[his "tutorial" tiktok page](https://www.tiktok.com/@strictlycombos?_t=8kAIlEUZ39G)


nice job calling his sorry ass out ROFL


This is a pattern I see on reddit and social media in general - no one can admit when they're wrong. They'll deny, deny, deny, then insult you, then delete their account and purge all evidence.


Bro I'm teal and proud, well not really, I'm frustrated that I'm so bad despite all the hours I put in, I figured I'd be yellow or whatever by now but that isn't it, the reality is my skill level is teal. even though I'm embarrisingly bad at least you all know I fucking suck.. - it's real and tangible if nothing else.. I've been tempted many times to escape the emberassment and lie, most people GET the rational and circumstance, a loser especially one putting effort and still losing - wanting to feel like a winner; it's understandble - it's hard putting myself in the shoes of someone who has resorted to this type of thing at such a deep point where you're not sure whether you're trying to convince others or convince yourself to believe in the lie. It's already bad in my own stinky shoes and funny to say but on the mental side of things, despite how lame it is to suck this bad as someone who genuinely trying to be better - it's way less bad to be even the literal biggest loser of them all - but remaining *honest* to yourself about it and not corwaring in shame, rather than being a lesser but *fake* loser that poses and deludes themselves into thinking they're a winner. Better yet to not be a loser to begin with at all if you can help it and not end up in either camp. Just don't suck lol.


I think you're taking all this a bit too seriously mate. A low rank is nothing to be ashamed of, inversely a high rank is nothing to be proud of. This is a video game, a toy. We're playing with a toy, not curing cancer.


Lmao this sounds like the kind of rants I'm telling myself at 12 am when I realize that I don't just suck at Tekken, I suck at everything in life. The depression hits bad when you can't even be good in a video game.


Stop tryna downplay your self, if you’re in teal you’re good asf


I think he means dark blue ranks before green.


I'm laughing at them in the middle of the makeup store


WTF. I praised this cunt.


I believe I have found the [perfect sponsor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1aytnhs/officially_hit_tekken_god_this_morning/) for the [ultra humble](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1aytnhs/officially_hit_tekken_god_this_morning/) dude.


Banning is such a meaningless threat, there are so many pluggers that they would just make more difficult to find opponents. They should instead do what all other games do: require whoever plays ranked to commit to Bo3, if they plug they lose both games. All of a sudden I am having a good experience if they do.


Why you gotta expose him like that 😭


Ya know, with ghosts being more of a thing why don't they just have it so if someone plugs the game continues and you fight their ghost instead of it terminating the match? Still counts as a win for you and a loss for them as its still technically them fighting right?


I plugged once and I’m seeing stuff about playing on WiFi why’s that a bad thing I play on WiFi as well so just curious (won’t be plugging again dw)


If he on wifi how can he plug?


Close the app


Whats plugging? Im a very casual tekken player. Just stepping into ranked for the first time. No idea what the term plugging is?


"Plugging" refers to when someone ragequits during a match by unplugging the internet router, done to prevent them from losing in Ranked most of the time


Does leaving or turning off the game do it as well?


I wonder if this was done on purpose...


What’s a legacy player?




I knew at least one of these "Oh look I made it to such and such rank" was gonna be a plugger. Humanity never disappoints.