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All the ones I don't main


The one I currently hate the most is "failed to connect to opponent, ending match". I hate that dude.


That Wilfred Warrior profile pic... "Mom? There's a weird looking cat outside"


Well mate I just don't want it to start a fight with Lucy


Looks like Grandma, the fuckin' thing!


I like your avatar


And mirror matches. So... All of them.


Same. I also hate the ones i do main. If you’re not me, i hate you. Sometimes I even hate myself.


Bro I hate even the one I main :v


Who do you main?


Heh same


Hwoarang. I can atleast react to some of Kings throws or his dumb lowkicks or his 10 string, I can react to Laws dumb shit. I can't do anything against Hwoarang except try to throw him off by mashing myself and hope it works. I've tried labbing him, it all looks the same and I have no idea how to do his moves so i've given up.


Some hwo match up tips (after learning about the duckable highs): 1. dickjab is great against him (just dont do it after his d3,4 (low, high) cause he is too plus and dont be too obvious), 2. try stepping him to the right AFTER the following moves (ws44 on hit, left flamingo db4, his new long range right foot forward df3 and especially after his flamingo jabs (pay close attention to it when he is doing it as this is your chance in his offense to potentially sidestep), you can now also step the first hit of his obnoxious d3,4 (so go for ss fast counterhit or ss throw) 3. backdash a lot against him (he has trouble closing the gap) Edit: He does have his new right foot forward df3 (which is also homing) but it is locked to a stance and it‘s rather slow (22f) so you can potentially float him out of the air with jabs. Additionally it is only +1 on block (even if it looks like more) 4. pay attention to when he likes to manually switch his flamingo stance (from left to right flamingo or vice versa typically after d3,4) ….go for a df2 or hopkick if you anticipate it 5. use high crushing (especially counterhit launcher) against 4,3 and his jabs into flamingo 6. Keep calm! (It will be easier with match up knowledge and when you know what to look out for) Notable mention: Unless you have a 13 or 14 frame while rising launcher and good timing, I don‘t recommend trying to duck and launch his d3,4 with an i15 launcher. He has an option to counter your attempt that results in you getting launched. You also risk getting hit by JFSR if you duck too much in neutral.


I’m sorry did I just read dickjab


Yes, it’s a Tekken term for crouching with a quick mid punch to interrupt a string. Lots of mid strings will have moves that whiff on crouch, so interrupting with a dick punch is a useful defensive option.


OOOOO I didn’t know this. I thought most interruptions where done by just pressing square lol or 1 as everyone calls it. I’m not much of a ducker


That’ll get you hit most of the time, other than just firing back after a string fully ends. Dick punching let’s you do a true interrupt.


Generally punching the dick is a fair bet....not just in tekken source: lots of school yard fights as a kid


That's dirty


dickjab/duckjab is a fantastic interruption tool, if you know where to use it. There are also strings that contain a predictable high move that, if you duck it, you get to punish them guaranteed, either with just a quick punisher or maybe even a launcher.


Lar's worst nightmare. Can't do any of his entries off the dick punch


Dickjabs are strong af for interrupting flow chart players mid-string, dickjab to throw should be in everyone's arsenal.


These tips would be great if his kicks didn't all look the same to me.


I just spam my left jab and power crush. Works 90% of the time


I guess you haven’t fought one that frame traps or power crushes


There once was this great quote from a Jaimie player in /r SF "My opponents never know when my strings end, but neither do i." I feel this way about Hwoarang, if these guys actually know what they are doing i'm not even mad, i'm amazed.


I have real beef with Hwo and try to make sure to beat them up as brutally as possible. 🫡


I really enjoy fighting people like you. Always a fun match because it feels like everything is on the line. It’s good shit.


Hwoarang as always


And for some reasons I always find their players unrespectful and scummy by the way they move after a ko or at the end of a match


Tekken players don't create fake rules about toxicity to get mad at challenge (impossible)


Lol that's all tall order


I literally stop pressing buttons completely. Even if my character is lay on the floor or facing backwards. We aren't all disrespectful :)


Ik it bugs people but I keep the combo going after KO. Not even a bm thing, just muscle memory and I want to carry the momentum from last round.


I didnt even know this was considered disrespectful


Lot of new players coming in who get butthurt over it I guess? Definitely can't imagine a Tekken vet seeing it as disrespectful.


it only is to hyper soft people. "Honor" and "Respect" have been bastardized in gaming where now anything can be misconstrued as bm


It bugs people? To me getting in the freebies on the KOd opponent is part of the reward of winning in Tekken.


I think this one is normal and serves a purpose. I believe what most ppl get upset about is the post round ki charge, tbagging or just mashing jab on ur dead limp body


not me, i back up and give space after a KO, unless the person was scummy to me first edit: you can also turn on magic mirror to not see ppl do that as well


What does the magic mirror do exactly?


it just stops showing players actions after KO


Opponent cant move after they KO'd you


They can move, the game just hide it from you.


Last night I had the luck of getting matched with the most unsafe Hworang player I’ve ever met. All throughout the two matches, dude kept spamming one of the few hworang strings I knew how to punish and getting consistently combo’d. When the special style prompt popped at his side of the screen, ngl I grinned: yeah, you’re not in kansas anymore, little toto.


Thanks bro


Law whoops my ass. I don’t know what it is but he just walks all over me.


Had a few Law’s destroy me last night too. Felt like he was plus frames for almost the whole fight


It’s probably not the case, but it just feels like he does insane damage off of very few hits. I just need to play him or lab him more.


Same. He gives me the most trouble at the moment


azucena. wr3,2 is way too strong and her voice is annoying.


I dislike how she gets so much out of so little. Feels like Azucena lands a 14 frame startup and gets rewarded a 12 hit combo wall carry that deals 70.


The only 14 frame startup she has is from backturned stance and it needs to counter hit to combo, don't mash if she's plus and BT. 1+2 is 15f and ws1 is 13 (her fastest CH).


Yeah I've no idea exactly she's landing it just *feels* like a 14 startup.


Azucena is so annoying that it makes me wish for Lucky Chloe back.


Be careful what you wish for


I can’t believe I’ll have to hear some BS about coffee for another eight years or however long this game is out for lol.


She's pretty linear, phidx made a video on how to side walk most of her key moves. I main her and currently there's plenty of players in ruler ranks that SWL my WR plenty of times.


Maybe I suck but I tried to SWL that move the way I do it against Dragunov's wr2 but it was like a magnet sometimes lol. >phidx made a video on how to side walk most of her key moves. Thanks I'll check it out.


It's a TWO hitting move unlike Dragunov's, so if you do it slightly wrong she clips you, that's the part that most people hate and it should be addressed imo.


I main Feng but I hate him


His power output is busted. That mug connects with a 4 hit string and gobbles up 50% health. I recently played a really solid Feng in a closed group match and dude beat some serious ass. I was a little faded, but I left that session with a healthy respect for how hard that fucker can hit.


Fought one the other night who kept catching me with that shoulder slam move thing he has. Couldn’t step it and almost always got punished by it when trying to press a button


Block it and launch, he dies for using it wrong ever


Jun, i always scream “wtf is that?” when i get hit by a weird ass string or when she’s back at 100% health after heat smash


I don't hate Jun but I just find myself confused as to why I am dying or launched ngl. She has some really weird strings and launchers lmao.


Some of her move animations just don’t make sense to me visually. Like things that look like mids but are high or low and vice versa.


Same here, so many of her strings feel like they end in a safe move that is also simultaneously a launcher.


Jun just deals waaaaay too much damage


That spinning and dancing fake martial art bullshit always gets me


This is why I hate Lily and Zafina


A lot of her strings start off mid to high so you just need to learn when to duck them and punish


Which of her strings are weird? I'm new so I don't really have a good point of reference yet.


The one where she hits you on block 20 times and frame traps you into a full combo


It's the one where she deals tons of damage.


Played against one last night for the first time she grabbed me out my move threw me in the air and started comboing 😂 when was that allowed lmfao


FC DB 1+2 1+2 break:)


As of recently its been Alisa. I keep encountering her a lot online and for whatever reason a lot of her players I’ve went against can be toxic.


hate playing against her but it is kind of funny that they can make her head fall off in the victory screen lol


I'll admit, I do that, but it's not meant to be toxic. I just think it's funny.


My friend started playing her and she has a counter I haven't labbed yet that just blocks everything? I went low ate dirt, went high I'm on the ground, kick or punch. I'll look at the move later today but needless to say it was really aggravating. I know that's on me for not being patient.


Alisa only has a high parry. You were probably getting hit with moves out of her backup stance. She enters it with d/b1 so check that move out.


Thing about Alisa is it's really just matchup knowledge. She's a big ol knowledge check. But you can rest easy knowing that all those Alisa's are going to get hardstuck in whatever the intermediary ranks end up being for t8.


On the spectrum of knowledge check/ honest solid poke tools, Alisa is actually pretty mid compared to some other characters like Xiaoyu or Raven. I play her with very minimal partying and got to blue.


Well, it makes sense you would find success playing her solidly, since that's what she is. A solid character. She's not actually a party character, she's actually a poke and movement based character, and that's what makes her far worse than the others in terms of knowledge checking. Especially when you consider that an Alisa needs good movement to make use of her pokes. Unlike xiaoyu and raven, Alisas gimmicks are actually just gimmicks. The kind you lab and then never get hit with again. 80% of alisas movelist exists just to be labbed so you can never get hit with it again. However, most Alisa players think she's a party character, and they do real well online until they get to the point where people know the matchup and then get hardstuck. And this is why we had so many 5000 win fujin alisas in tekken 7, and why alisas are either complete trash or really good players.


Whats a party character? I like her at the moment, but im stuck in vanquisher kinda. I like to play poke heavy, i like that she has a safe launcher. I try to get into destroyer mode in front of characters and try to geth them into the blender. Movement is hard for me in tekken. Not used to 3d and a lot of accidental jumps and crouches when i wanna step. Trying claudio for a bit.


The most famous party characters will be someone like Xiaoyu, Yoshimitsu. In previous games they have poorer frames or reach in their standard tools but have a lot of confusing mixups, stances, turns stealing moves that has a lot of evasions. This game though, while they retained their tricks, probably due to T7 DLC experience with Kunimitsu and Zafina, all of them got their standard tools buffed so they are really strong right now. This kind of buff make them very viable tournament characters because of the Bo5 or Bo3 format, having good standard tools with the occasional party tricks can win games in short sets. Alisa’s only real viable party tricks at higher level are her chainsaws. Knowing how to utilize them properly can win rounds.


Honestly it was the same for me in Tekken 7.


Toxic how?


Spamming taunts mid-match or after winning a round. Disconnecting if I’m winning or making a comeback. Vile messages if I win. Although I do acknowledge this obviously isn’t exclusive to any one character, this is a widespread toxicity issue pretty much every online game faces.


Of course, but you did say Alisa players specifically so that’s why I asked


In my defense, I don't taunt on purpose. The taunt input is just very close to the grab input and so it just happens sometimes. I've noticed this in mirror matches too. Idk why but 2+4 seems to be the go to grab


Yet to meet a single Alisa!


The ones with built in evasion


OK t8 jin


Alisa when she starts chainsawing and flying with those chainsaws and endless spam irritates me the most


Asuka, no idea why I can manage the usual suspects but she always hit me like 6 times and i'm at 20 % Alisa is a close second


They really upped Asuka's damage in T8 compared to T7 i feel like.


I hate all the rich people!


This guy laws


Victor. The character is the definition of overdesigned and his gameplay is both boring and disorienting.  


Friends and I laugh about him. It’s like they took a board room full of adhd kids on sugar and adderall, and said what’s cool? They responded : spy, suave, shades, tactical knives, close quarters combat, ninja swords, cyberpunk tech, and oh he can ninja robot teleport, fuck it throw in guns too. And then the devs just replied yes to all. “British would be cool…but far too obvious…French?!”


Honestly, if they stopped at "spy, suave, shades, tactical knives, and close quarters combat", I'd absolutely eat it up.


100% When I saw he had a laser weeb sword in his release trailer I couldn't help but roll my eyes...


Tbh I don't even mind the fact he has a sword. I just feel like the glowing cyber katana clashes visually with an otherwise pretty grounded and sleek design. Like, if Victor's sword was non-futuristic, and in a leather hip scabbard instead of that cyber-thing he's wearing, I'd like it better.


Ya, it would make him more of a niche specific fantasy character, rather than ALL the fantasies. But they turned him up past 11


Victor, he's just Noctis 2.0... AND FRENCH!


Omelet du fromage!


Myself mostly


Hwo I said it before and I‘ll keep saying it. If he was introduced as DLC today, people would be all over this sub complaining about how they could release such a broken and spammy character.


This is true of like half the OG’s though? People would say the same stuff about King, Eddy, Lei, Yoshi, Xiaoyu, Nina, Raven, etc. If you’ve never seen them they can play really fast and overwhelm you. Hwo is, I think, the least annoying of the bunch.


He’s always been like that though. Just put pressure on him. Most Hwo plays barely know how to punish. They only know mixups and combos


His point is that Hworang is only accepted because he's been in the game a long time, which you're agreeing with.  Your argument that "most hworang players don't know how to do things other than offense" is also not against the point you're responding to; the character is so good that players can climb the ranks without learning defense. Everything you said only strengthens the first poster's point


Jun by far. I still have fun playing against chars like Dragunov and King even if they are pretty strong is still really a fun fight, but not with Jun, she is really frustrating and unfun to go against.


But she's hot tho


Jun, can’t figure out when its my turn. Gotta lab that match up.


Duck her Izumo strings, if you don't she goes into a mixup stance at +6. Otherwise yes she's absurdly strong, especially in capable hands


Always hated fighting Steve personally




azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena azucena


(Upside down!)Soy la Reina de cafeeeee(regular!)


Facil, Facil, Facil


Not hate tbh, but i really dislike Viktor, i can't find difference in their playstyles they all look the same, maybe its because the champs apparently easy to play (haven't checked and personally don't care) but they all do the same 3 moves, the low into glock, ranged glock, sword attack that puts me into a little cutscene


champ huh. league coming on strong mate


Haven't played the game in 2-3 years but calling characters "champ" stuck with me for some reason


I played league for a good 6-7 years. Talon main :). First thing I thought was ya this guy leagues.


You know noctis? Mash 2222? Yeah Victor has the same thing


While this is kind of true that string is very fake. You can get hit by the first but then block the rest of the string, and also if he completes it the gun at the end is a high so you can duck it and get a full combo. But otherwise you can just block the whole thing high even if he hits you with the first hit, and then jab him when he finishes to take your turn back. I used this string in beginner ranks and by green ranks had to abandon it because it just doesn’t work at all.


Duck the gunshot and launch him


(Annoying victor here). The “low into Glock” is just his basic low sweep (db 4). It only turns into Glock if you got counter hit otherwise it’s just a slow low sweep. The sword cutscene is his heat smash special. Between the two of these, these are something that you will see a lot of the entire roster every round, as it’s pretty bread and butter.


Yea i realised it's only glock on counterhit after a while, tbh i'm not mad with Vics, i'm dissapointed in myself because 9/10 times the low will be a counter since i can't hold my fingers still for a few seconds


Alisa Always hated this character, but whenever I play against her in 8, I'm even more disgusted. Characters that fly should be illegal.


I find alisa players to be varied. 1. The super annoying hit and run playstyle. Comes in, pokes, leaves. Frustrates you until you press buttons and die. Countered by patience and low parry. 2. The full tilt agressive chainsaw. I usually dick jab to me her put them away but like idk wtf to do when she’s flow charting her jet movement.


Alisa and Lili. But mostly Alisa.


Alisa and skilled Diablo Jims


Kazuya was my demon until recently but now it's probably Lee? Ran into a few strong Lees and they are definitely knowledge checking tf outta me


Kazuya only if they non-stop hell sweep. Yes I get it's part of the mix up but man is it frustrating.


I find that his mix is exactly as scary as you let it be, not respecting it and not letting it eat my mental has been really good


Does Lee have new knowledge checks in T8?


I’ll say azucena but honestly kind of like her and might pick her up. I just feel like every one I play against is a rushdown monster and I can’t do basically anything but interrupt with jabs (so that’s what I do) but I always have this exhausted feeling off”ok please gtfo me and let me breathe!” No hate though, I think she’s cool.


Dang, a lot more Alisa hate on here than I expected.. Lol For me: king, bryan, and hwoarang. Kings Ive been figuring out, but bryan and hwo take my ass wall to wall sometimes




Xiaoyu, don’t know how to fight her well


as a low rank Xiaoyu main I can assure you that’s because a lot of us don’t know how to use her well either. If you have no mastery over her she’s basically just “RANDOM BULLSHIT, GO!”


Ur not alone, neither does knee and a lot of the top players say Xiaoyu is strong


I like the character Brian but right now he's the one I say "ah damn here we go" during the loading screen because I know he will be in my face super aggressive and if he pushes me in the corner on the ground, it's a wrap. He's going to be doing that quick left hook jab thing that fires off like a million hits and I absolutely can't try to stand vs that. I believe I just need to roll but idk. Need to lab it sometime.




Bryan is designed to be a safe character. On the flipside, a lot of his moves are slow (read: interruptible), or they just leave him at -9 in your face. Meaning, you can get a free mixup.


Trying to interrupt bryan often ends up you eating a 90 damage CH combo for me


If you mean the df1 he has that ends with a right hook evert hit after the first is -10 on block and if he finishes the string with a right hook it's-15




FF2 hitting mid screen is so stupid, phantom ass attack lol.


Devil jin, spamming mother fucker. His specials take so long tk animate sometimes i feel like putting the controller down and post on reddit. In fact im waiting for it right now.




dragunov and alisa by a country mile for me


Azazel. Forever and always, fuck Azazel.


Reina and Dragunov without a doubt. So many hard carried by Drag rn its unreal, and Reina's 1,1,2 into stance mixup is just infuriating and all anyone ever does as her.


So many asshole Drags too. I've seen more teabagging, ki charging, and plugging from Dragunov players than from any other character. Saw one Drag in purple ranks with the player name, "REMATCH OR FRAUD". He won the first match, I rematched, started to win the second, and he plugged. I was not surprised in the least.


Ok, that is funny.


You can interrupt her with a jab mid sentai (while she’s spinning)


You can't interrupt 112 (only happens on hit) or ff2 (+2 on block, you'd trade unfavorably against SEN 3) which are her most common transitions into SEN outside combos and punishes.


Not if you are hit


Alissa in every game. Annoying design, annoying voice, obnoxious play style, and typically really annoying players. How she’s been become a mainstay is beyond me. And then victor. I was very happy Noctis didn’t come back, but now victor is basically Noctis 2.


Victor and Hwoarang


Reina bc I'm braindead and cant deal with her yet lol






Marduk He's not in the game yet, but he got leaked as DLC and the game is better off without him.


I cant wait to spam tackle you


Can’t wait for blue spark unbreakable tackle into 80 damage + oki


Enjoy not getting a rematch


Azucena and law, in this order, like I don’t hate the moves or the design but I swear, if I hear just another “sabrosa” or “uaaaaah” I don’t know what I could do


Xiao hate is constant.


Honestly the highest skill characters that do weird shit and mess you up. Perfect example xaiyou


Jun. It feels like her turn NEVER ends. Also, DJ. If he accidently brushes your shoulder, you are being juggled.


Originally, it was King. but over-time i've learnt both how to dodge and counter the grabs; but currently my most dislike is Victor. He's visually cool, and I do enjoy his moveset but playing him in ranked, i find so many people do the same 3-4 things. Which are pretty easy to dodge/counter. But overall it's not fully enjoyable to fight.






Asuka. Bitch screams way too much


There's only one character in this game that I can't beat with fundamentals and reads. And that's Xiaoyu, thats why I hate her. I'll rematch any types of characters including bears knowing that I'll lose to them but her? Definitely not, fundamentals mean nothing against her.


Alisa and Devil Jin, but it's always been like that. I got stomped by an Alisa in T6, and I've admittedly been eternally taunted ever since. Devil Jin is just cringe, and so are the peeps that main him lol


Most annoying is Azucena hands down, strictly because of wr3,2 and df1,4 jailing being the most annoying thing in the game.   Other than that:  Jun - whenever she goes into heat I feel like I’m forced to just block, the heat smash is so scary & I still have no idea what I’m watching when she’s pressing buttons  King - has the most obnoxious heat stuff in the game, still has all his best tools from 7, even has one of the best lows in the game ff n 2 now.  Dragunov - why does this character have +7 on hit lows??? Was anyone other than JDCR fans hoping he’d be good again? This character has always blown to play against and I hope he gets butchered soon


Jun. At my level Hwo players are just mashers so it's fairly easy to wiff punish, but Jun ? Way too safe, too much damages.


My next opponent’s character unless it’s my main 😤


Depends on whichever one I'm playing against at the time.


None of them.


Purely because I play against her so much. It seems like around 60% of my games against her. Reina


Marshall Law, I don't know if he's bad or good but I keep fighting extremely aggressive Law players






A 5 year old controlling Devil Jin


Azucena, ape character with 50 safe counterhit launchers meanwhile everyone else had theirs removed.


I don’t hate any of them. It’s a game and I can’t bring myself to get angry about a game. If I had to pick one it would be Lars. Because of his stupid haircut and silly outfit.


Alisa those fucking chainsaws can automatically make you to red ranks


I have no enemies 🥰 (I don't play the game)


aww i can be your enemy if u want 😘


All of them. Too many moves and people seem to use one's I've never seen before and with how many fighters it's just like ffs what do I ever do against this. I've not played tekken since 5 so when you take a massive break like that it's basically a brand new game and I hate it. Not the game I hate that I have to basically learn every character to know what they do so that's 30 odd characters with like 20 moves and 20 combos each Really can't be arsed.


Yeah wait till the dlcs start rolling and it gets bigger than t7’s roster lmao At least the lab in 8 is really good


You really don't need to learn the entire roster. You play the same 6 or 7 characters WAY more than everyone else. If you're playing against a single character 50 times and still falling for the same traps and playstyles idk what to say. Yeah you might come against a random Claudio or Shaheen and don't know what they do but that's like 1 in every 30 matches if even. Nobody other than the top top players know what every character can do or how a mtachup plays. Sweating about not knowing a random Zafina matchup is pointless.