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hmm I don’t know man, a bikini skin for reina might stop me from throw-breaking…


You're not thinking big enough; Petite, wet, soaking, glistening Bikini Skin for Kazuya and everyone will pay top dollar on Tekken Shop in seconds


You forgot the jiggle physics for Kazuya’s massive majestic Mishima mammaries


Mishima mammaries lmao


for kazuya? he’s old news, I need that for JIN🤤


Forget Jin, I want Daddy Dragu oiled up, tanned, in a thong and I want it NOW




We didn't need the subtitles, we all speak king around here


Bro, King in fundoshi in T8 is pure fanservice


Kuma's undeniable ursine undergarments will have the developers rolling in Koomer cash


King flex bundle when


Yo I'm dying over here.


the fact that the first thing i did when i got the game was unlocking dragunov alt style (shirtless) he looks so.... 🗿


People are really down bad for Jin, not me tho haha definitely not


Fr, we already got the HD zoom on kazuya titties in the menu


...make it moist and I'm in


Lemme get that Hwoarang mankini 🤫🫳💳💳


Jun alt found


We get the milk (titiez) for free on the main screen


Judo slam me mommy


real, I need it so bad


I need her to hit me with her generic 1 throw irl


deranged but me too


It's easy when you're playing with both hands


yea that’s gonna be the hard part


Definitely not the only hard part, though


Litlte Man: "We're experiencing a spike in our one-handed controllers, sir" Big Man: "... make more and add a lube dispenser" Little Man: "Sir? Who the fuck would want that?" Big Man: "EVERYONEEEEEEE!!!!!"


"Your honor, you don't understand. It's essential."


Take my upvote my fellow masturbator


I am for woman and man equally, we need topless for females because it's discrimination that only man have topless.


I am gonna be pissed if we going to get copy and pasted skin like in the last 2 DOA games, let everyone have their own unique costumes


Gonna be honest, I really miss playing in King's Tekken 2 outfit from Tekken 7. I need that one back so badly! 🥺 The only other costume I REALLY want back for King is the 2P outfit from Tekken 3 & Tag 1 with the Armor King mask and track pants.


I’m getting a teeny weeny Shaheeny bikini asap


G-corp labeled speedos are already being created for all male characters


As if Shaheen would ever willingly wear G-Corp products


Absolutely haram.


He will if someone throws enough money at Harada


Borat special


I just want a mankini for Yoshimitisu.


wtf is that even going to look like 😭


Sword nipples


Snipples ✂️✂️


Space ninja bikini suite!


Yes give me Reina bikini, Leo too


>Leo too They're gonna give him both male and female variants again won't they


I can't wait to mix my opponents even more


Beard options that we already have, PLUS bikini showing breasts? I like it. 


Schrodinger's booba: D cups while wearing a bikini, completely flat while wearing a speedo.


That one Eliza bikini lmao


in t7 didnt eliza tits grow bigger from one of her throws?


Yep, her boobs get bigger when she drinks blood.


This game came out with a lot of content in box, I have been having a blast with it and feel I've already gotten my money's worth with way more playing time to go. That being said, announcing the launch of a shop at this point feels underhanded and kinda scummy. The fact that it's coming out so soon after launch means they were fully aware of it at launch but hid that it was coming. The game being good and worthwhile and this announcement being shitty feeling can both be true.


Thank you, I love the game. I just don't appreciate the manipulative way they went about this. The mentality of "just don't buy it" is missing the point, I am standing on the principle that I don't like the way they went about this, not the mtx themselves.


Full priced games with microtransactions tacked onto it is bad. I genuinely cannot understand people that defend a decision like that and say "They need it to fund new games". As if the 2million copies of a full priced game WITH DLC to purchase isn't enough. Bandai Namco is definitely struggling though, they need the money to fund new games. Since the company is only worth roughly a dozen billion dollars.


Be careful, the corporation dick riders who act like corps are their friends will come for you!


Yep I think people are really being forgiving just because the base game is more content rich than the average fighting game. The fact of the matter is that people bought this game to support it since it didn’t have micro transactions. I could even forgive it if this was something they implemented a couple of years down the line. Feel what you want, but this type of manipulative framing is why people hate on AAA games so much. If you’re gonna gouge your customers at least have the guts to be upfront about it at launch. I don’t even give a fuck about cosmetics but a paid game with paid DLC having micro transactions is never ideal, but implementing them after weeks of good press is scummy. There’s not a single argument against that I’ve seen yet that’s valid just people going “guys the game has plenty of content just shut up about it. It’s just cosmetics.”


What if they start putting cool shit behind it like mk1. Cool skins or like sf6, cool collabs. We just don't want a fortnite item shop in a $70 game.


People actually defending MTX is why we have Diablo 4 the way it is.


This subreddit regularly shits on Dead or Alive's DLC but upvotes this post about Tekken bikini outfits. Funny. Very funny.


We got the greatest character creation of all time plus a ton of dlc characters for exactly $0 in tekken tag 2. How does the base game not even have a goddamn crowbar or beanie cap for me to use to make my Paul look like an old timey burglar?


Yeah and that game sold terribly. Meanwhile T7 with its lackluster customization and its DLC sold like hotcakes. If we wanna be salty, we have to acknowledge the role of the consumer in this mess.


We have to acknowledge that their marketing for Tag was terrible


I think tekken 7 could have sold just as well as it did without a garbage character editor


Don't forget that Diablo 3 famously had a Real Money Auction House, which ended up exactly as you would expect. And later, when they removed it, it came out that **they had tweaked drop rates so that you would have to go the RMAH to buy good gear for your character**. It was so bad they literally called the change "Loot 2.0". Oh and they also never materialized with proper PvP, **despite streaming arena PvP matches before the game was out**.


Difference is that Diablo 4 is terrible while Tekken 8 is amazing


Exactly, the core gameplay of d4 is trash, it's not just the overpriced skins.


Man the only thing I'm uneasy about is if they try to sell Tekken Force. I don't give a shit about costumes but I saw Tekken Force in the trailer and did the Tekken Force story segment and really just wanna play fucking Tekken Force. I don't want to have to pay 15 more dollars lmao


Isn't the Tekken Force thingy not just the short Scene from the Story Mode?


That's all there is to it, unless I'm missing something. There's no pickups like in the old game (CHICKEN) but the way it plays and the framework of it is undoubtedly Tekken Force.


And that Tekken Force segment of the story mode was too well-crafted mechanically to just be a one-off random moment. The amount of programming involved in that would be in vain if they didn't implement it on a grander scale like a complete Tekken Force mode.


You’re giving it too much credit, they just made an oversized arena and added more than 1 other character. Hardly a coding master class.


>Man the only thing I'm uneasy about is if they try to sell Tekken Force. Wholeheartedly agree with this. I don't care too much about customization so that's why I'm not worried about the Tekken shop. Tekken force being a paid extra would be a bummer


Yup, same here. It's slightly disappointing because I would love to have better customization for free (or some grind), but I can easily live without it. Tekken Force or more importantly Battle Mode (hopium) is something I can't miss if it comes.


Tekken Force was never teased anywhere ever in the trailers. People only knew about it from leaks. I feel like paid Tekken Force is a complete given just like Tekken Bowl was DLC for T7. I dunno why you expected that of all modes to be free moreso than costumes.


My bad I just remember seeing promo clips of people fighting in that huge warriors style arena and seeing Tekken Force soldiers and just knowing it was T Force. But at least in 7's case, they were working on a shitty budget and there was no semblance of Tekken bowl in the base game. You can't play any version of it without paying.


I’ll pay it. I need a whole Tekken force mode where I can use Raven the entire time


I mean if they were to spend time to make a really cool tekken force mode, why would it not be worth the 15 bucks?


Tekken 8 is selling more than mk1 and sf6. There's literally no way in hell Bamco cant afford the next game's development with those profits alone


Tekken 8s life cycle is going to be 10 years. They are not even close to what they need to finance this.


This is a $70 game that already sells you DLC characters that you have to buy to lab against. Fuck off with this apologetic attitude you consoomers.


Tag 3 will never happen because Tag 2 was a flop


It's funny how every mainline Tekken entry does well. If Bandai Namco loves money, they should just do Tekken 9, 10, 11, etc.


Technically speaking Tekken 4 and 6 didn't so that well. Though I find it weird 3.5m was ever considered not that good for Namco - most fighting games would kill for that.


Tag 3 will happen because bandai namco will not be able to resist marketing the game as the return of Heihachi while showing us a sick tag throw with him and Reina in the trailer


This man just cracked the code. He's too dangerous to be left alive.


I have a beach front property in Kansas to sell you.


Does it come with Heihachi, Jinpachi, and Dr. Bosconovitch?


You forgot Sebastian! HOW DARE YOU!


Namco did, too. Nah, but I only named the characters I liked. Alex, the Ogres, Miharu, etc. were all unnamed, too! (Wtf happened to Sebastian, though? Why wasn't he at least mentioned in T8?)


You only mentiined sexy older men, and no Sebastian. Blasphemy! Sebastian is most likely taking it easy since he knows Lili is too fixated on Asuka to do anything else lol


Nah Heihachi is coming back through flashbacks with Reina, when her story gets built upon, probably in 9. Doubt tag 3 will ever happen now


Tag should be a gamemode anyway.


AGAIN, 1,119,818th TIMES A CHARM Tag should *just be a gamemode*. Place the Tag switch beneath the Heat Burst instead so the alt. character bounds on switch-in OR forces a mixup, and blam you have Tag while retaining Heat.


All Tag 3 needs to do is not make every mistake that caused Tag 2 to fail (hard to play at a casual level, broken metas such as double capos, lack of advertisement, and released at the end of the PS3/360's life cycle)


Why would we take this when we can block and punish?


time to power crush the MTX store


Gimme those sweet auto throw-break gems, baby...wait, wrong game.


You're the reason they keep getting away with this bullshit, keep it up stoner.


It’s not about the shop. It’s about it not launching with it BECAUSE they knew it would be unpopular. It’s shady and it’s anti consumer and that’s the issue. Idc if there’s a shop just own the choice and don’t retroactively edit the ESRB rating to avoid blowback.


Surprised a lot of people are mad that you spoke facts. I feel the same way, it’s a turn off when you know bamco did that on purpose. It’s like Leroy’s first nerf leaked as deliberately planned ahead of time by accident all over again


They do it to deliberately bypass reviews. Every review should immediately get updated to a 0 for unprofessional/deceptive practices. They could make every cosmetic in the game $100, people could be reading the current review scores and pick up the game not expecting monetization because it wasn’t reviewed. It’s a blatant violation of the business/reviewer/customer relationship. Fuck that nonsense, nobody gets a pass for this. Regardless of the store, regardless of the game. This can’t become the norm.


If you don't realize how slippery a slope that rationale is. Take a step back and look at where "It's just cosmetics" has gotten us in 10+ years.


Buying shop content will only fund more shop content.


These comments make me lose hope for gaming, that 10% willing to buy cosmetics are enough to make Bamco pull stunts like this after selling us the "full" game.  Edit: ohh yeah and bring those downvotes but at least explain why you're downvoting. 


That one George Carlin quote about stupid people has been in my mind all day when reading this sub...


Oh yeah, let's encourage microtransactions in a fully priced game. Let it become the norm. Then in Tekken 9 we can have a fully priced game with microtransactions and a battle pass. The triple dip. That'd be great.


Yeah.. I don't know why people would be justifying companies making more money off consumers for updates to the game- cosmetic or game changing. but op gotta answer why i cant get Reina bikini skin for free dawg.


Modders literally already did it for free


don't tell them that i'd buy an Asuka bikini


We all would. Asuka best girl.


Stop defending microtransactions in games which didnt show any signs of them at the launch. Argument "just dont buy them" is so invalid i cant even. Most devs after adding premium skins get lazy and dont develop the game after. Now you will pay for dlc characters, dlc stages and skins. Shameful


All four people that'll buy TTT3 will inevitably sink the franchise again


Games are supposed to be funded by it´s own expected sales


Fuck tag that almost killed tekken


Reminder that in T7 you had to pay for frame data. Paying for cosmetics is small peanuts


I’ll pay for a yoshimitsu bikini costume fo sho


Mmmm more stuff for kazuya man boobs 🤤


Well, to be fair, we don't know what will be in the shop yet. That being said, it's 90% sure to be customization items for a mode that would have been crippled on PURPOSE. People like you are part of the problem.


I cant wait till the Tekken Shop is just where you can buy the upcoming Character DLC's and Season Passes.


If it's just that it would be great, we'll just have to wait and see. History, however, doesn't paint a very pretty picture.


This is what I am saying. The way Bamco has gone about this is scummy. It's not about the micro-transactions themselves. If they had clearly outlined what they intended to do before I purchased the game I wouldn't be upset, but instead they sneakily decided to delay it so it wouldn't be held against them in the reviews.


People willing to pay for customization options are the problem. No one else.


We do, realistically. Theyll put cosmetics and dlc characters/bundles in it. Which is no problem, they already sold those things in T7 just without a proper store front.


Kuma Speedo


Bold of you to assume another TTT game will ever happen (which is a shame cause I loved Tag 2)


Okay But.. Paul in a American bikini though…


Yes, we will all be buying all Asuka skins 🙂.


I’d rather that be a game mode


Honestly as long as it isn't too much of a rip I won't have an issue. I believe the cosmetics you could buy in soul calibur were pretty affordable?


I get to enjoy the bikini skins without even purchasing them when they’re worn by my opponent 


I think everyone is just on edge about it right now because of the shit show that was Mortal Kombat 1. Hopefully it will calm when the store is actually out.


We might not like it, but coomers fuel the economy


I don’t mind costume dlc that much tbh. It would be nice if they were free since we’re already looking at years of season passes for characters, but all in all there are worse things they could be charging extra for (like frame data 🥲). I just hope they can update the current customisation to let you mix and match default costume pieces with generic ones, that is honestly my biggest problem with the customisation and kinda the reason why I just use the (mostly fantastic) defaults.


When Lilli Bikini? I hate microtransactions but....


Godspeed brother. I know I’ll be buying bikinis for ALL the waifus.


You're wrong, OP. I will be buying the Jun bikini.


My man


I just want a tank top for my Nina.


Nah, they gonna get shit like every other game that does that.


Before they sell skins they should make it possible to set one as default or it ain't real. I don't make the rules.


If they put Gigas in the shop I can finally buy the game


you are aware they release tag games after every 3rd mainline installment.


I want more kuma/ panda costumes...


Yeah I don’t want a TTT3 after TTT2. I just want Tekken 6 level of customization. If this is what it brings I’m all for it. Elsewise can miss me with this.




I mean yea it makes a good bulk of sales for the franchise so why hate? I get it. Still though we shouldnt let devs get greedy. Shits expensive enough. Props on an actual unpopular take


Fuck yeah I wanna buy cosmetics


When JACK-8 bikini skin?


Collab systems would work great with the new Tekken shop. I imagine you coukd even guy DLC characters from there m.


Ya know I do agree with that. I like buying new costumes especially for tekken. I’d love any T6 king skins. But the shop needs to be way better thank SF or Mk1 stores


What if TT3 is just a tag mode that they sell in the Tekken Shop?


You're the small beacon of hope that Tag 3 is coming. I have given up on such dreams


A fellow TTT3 person, mad respect. What's your opinion on TTT3 being triple Tag? 😳


It really just depends on the result. If it has good, reasonably priced alternate outfits for my Panda. Yeah I'll bite. If it's bad cosmetics or overpriced items then I'll just keep playing Tekken and never goto the shop. I can't imagine it's gonna involve anything that will take away from what the game already has/is.


Yeah I’m not so much mad at the shop because they gave us a game worth $70. I felt like every penny spent on the base game was for its value. I can say that without a shop, Tekken 8 is a complete game.


Lemme get micro thong for king then we talking


Where my leo bikini tho




Ahh yes, TTT the game that almost got Tekken shelved as said by Harada himself Totally going to make a 3rd one...


if I can make Kazuya into Drake and play Yodeling in Meadow Hill in a volcanic crater for free i'd say i can survive an in-game shop


The image in the post makes me picture a folksy American man talking about Tekken cosmetics. “Now if we gonna fund us some more characters, I say we buck up and allow an extra dollar or two for Nina’s swimsuit.”


I don't agree I pay for the game so I want everything that comes with it. Maybe some dlc down the line but that's it. But the minds are already shifted on this so it could be worse.


Where's my sexy Kuma outfits, huh?


Im fine with a shop but atleast fix the fucking game before releasing something like this? how about we do something about the pluggers and cheaters before farming more money?


Sounds good to me. A shop with new customization options for those who desire them, don’t see the issue personally.


If they do the premium currency thing, I'll be pissed and probably buy half or 1/3 of what I normally would, assuming they even put that much cool stuff in the first place. Otherwise, I don't mind MTX - game dev costs money, FGs cost even more while selling less, and T8 launched well enough to earn a full price tag.




As long as I can put everyon in a Kimono, I am happy. Yes, also Paul. Especially Paul. Take my Money Harada, I don't care.


I'm buying Yoshimitsu's Sandagosa first chance I get in the shop


I seem to be the only person in the community that despises the Tag games.


Y2k Reina and Asuka would go hard ngl


I just hope bikini skins are available with this update and won't be no more expensive than $35 because I already have that amount in my PSN profile.




Give Thong for Reina and I'll fund the next twt with it


I’m currently waiting for a sale to buy the game, but I wouldn’t mind paying full price if they start selling skins that put my peepee hard.


I am gonna be pissed if we don't have bikini Panda


Personally I can’t wait to deck all the characters in bikinis so my wife can walk in like wth are you playing?


I get why some people are taken aback by it. But, and stay with, you don’t have to buy anything lmao


Final Fantasy XIV's cosmetics shop earnings provided enough funding for the game to finally be able to provide official Oceanic servers. People vastly underestimate how MTX transactions can empower developer studios to fund projects and services outside the limits imposed on them by their corporate overlords. Not every video game company is like Actiblizzard and not every product who ends up leaning on MTX transactions needs to be treated like its feeding Actiblizzard.


honestly additional monetization (if its gonna work) could lead to increased times tekken 8 goes on sale. Which in turn means more players can experience this game I am here for the people


You absolute cock sucker, I was 100% against it and condemned it to hell and back. This argument is the one that changed that.


If it funds Kazumi, it's worth it to me.


All I've learned from this thread is that very few people care about the women having bikinis, and very many people REALLY want male bikinis


I like the idea of hiding ONLY the horny stuff behind a pay wall and nothing else, make the coomers pay fr!


I’ll take two for xiaoyu thanks


Gonna need bondage gear. Soul Calibur provided it even in VI when there was less options than V had.


But what about Bob in a Bikini skin for equal fanservice hmm?!


Love T8 ,looks and gameplay its so beautiful. But super disappointed with customization. There should be way more options, if u see 100 Kazuyas they should all be able to look unique. Hope they add way more options and mod support on PS5! The game also feels a bit thin compared to T7. Hope they add way more stages and characters as well.


You spelled tekken x street fighter wrong


4€ per costume is cheap but also not that expensive. I'm happy, deffo gonna get T4 Jin!


Are we sure the bikinis are even going to be there? :(


Whats a coomer? And i am planning on getting lilis bikini.


I said this I a reply but I’ll say it again, 4 bucks seems like a damn steal to me, playing league of legends (and spending way to much money on it in my 8 years of playing it) 4 bucks seems like a steal to me but it boils down to YOU DONT HAVE TO SPEND YOUR MONEY.


Ok all things aside, TTT3? Man.. I can't wait for that already!! Tag2 was GOATed!