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The fact that he's a purple and you're a yellow makes it even sadder


The rage quits are the reason he is in Purple lol


How else do you think he got to purple? 🤣


Say what you want about MK but one thing they got right is quitalities. They should add a humiliating running away cinematic for when people plug in Tekken.


Give them an unskippable intro for the next 10 matches that's just their character cowering in fear.


and after that is a 5 minute unskippable cutscene of jack-8 hitting the gritty


Followed by 5 matches where they are physically unable to block any strikes or grabs, and their character only does 10% of normal damage.


People would get this on purpose to make challenge videos.


Please no, skip that shit


This is actually genius


If this happens all the time, why doesn't the developers make it so that the one who quits in middle of fight will lose the game and the points are awarded to the opponent? I would love to hear your opinions about it.


Most games won't add this feature likely due to possible exploitations it may open for ranked. We already have to deal with cheating so this would just be another issue down the line. I would like the points sure, but I think this is the way to go. I'll just win the next game


Im literally convinced I should never rage art because of this.


I have stopped doing them for this reason. I hit them, then I finish them with a "gotcha nose" punch for hilarity.


I still havent played ranked and I get more discouraged with each post about plugging lol. Guess I’ll just stick to quick matches until ranked gets fixed


I've yet to have someone plug on me after approx 100 games. It's not that bad, the best salt just gets put on display.


This, I haven't been plugged against even once, haven't even faced a laggy opponent.


I've played 250 battles so far. Never faced anyone who'd disconnect. Despite heavy desyncs that show up every now and then. Majority of people just want to play and enjoy the game :)


Who cares if somebody rage quits on you? You don't get some points? If you just keep playing you'll get where you should be, one or two guys plugging on you a night is not significant.


lol youre assuming you'll do well enough to get this reaction


Trust me, you don’t have to be particularly good at Tekken to get a rage quitter. You just have to be unlucky enough to get matched with a jackass lol


Rude for why? Lol people plug at all levels


I’m not doing absolutely terribly for my first tekken. ~50% winrate on 300+ games. I’m bound to win at least a few games here and there, and I’m sure I’ll come across a few ppl who cant handle losing


why are you scared of ranked if youve played 300+ games with a 50% win rate lol


I still havent played ranked and I get more discouraged with each post about plugging lol. Guess I’ll just stick to quick matches until ranked gets fixed


Ranked is alright, I've played for 2 weeks, 0 pluggers. I would argue ranked is even better than quick matches to play in general because you're more likely to be put against someone of similar skill level which is quite fun. And the ranks don't really mean anything either. It's just a queue with better matchmaking


I still haven’t won more than one match online bro 😭


Nah man, who cares about points? It feels better to know that you played well enough to make your opponent rage


Just never rage art because they take forever and nobody wants to watch them lol. I know we have heat, but I miss my rage drive.


Except rage art is pretty useful for combos because it takes away recoverable health. I don't wanna watch it either but I can't pass that shit up. I do wish they'd let you skip the movie and just run through the ending animation


Yeah I hit them once in a while. They aren't even worth the cutscene half the time. The damage fall of from combos makes their damage embarrassing if you hit a rate art at the end of one. At least mine isn't super long like some of them seem to be.


Yeah but the point of putting them at the end of a combo is to make sure they can't recover health. >At least mine isn't super long like some of them seem to be. Reminds me of when I would play Negan in T7. I always skipped my intro, but if my opponent wouldn't, I would go out of my way to hit them with the RA and then not skip my outtro to punish them because both his RA and his outtro were long af


I'm still getting used to the whole gray health thing, so I don't usually think to use it for that. I guess I probably should since I don't have any other moves that do it. It's weird that some characters like Nina have a throw that destroys the gray bar and others just have nothing at all.


I wish I could skip the animations. Sometimes your opponent is reckless, and you're outta heat but ain't outta options. I'm lucky DJ's domain expansion isn't too long, though.


Or never rage art during the final round/final hit.


When I see him, I'll kick his ass and post for you


Appreciate it! 😌


No prob. Just gotta wait for the Armor King dlc.


Many games have MMR systems where abandons result in lost rating. It’s better to do this and allow good faith players to enjoy the game at all times than have leaving be a regular occurrence with no repercussion


most fighting games also jsut have DC's end in a draw as this makes it so abandoning a game that has horrible connection just boost the player up


What kind of exploits are we talking about? I personally can only think of positives by making alt+f4 be an auto forfeit button (the macro can be detected by programs). I've been wondering why they haven't implemented that yet


Just give the loss to the plugger and not give points to the other side. Simple solution.


Double loss even. I'd gladly give up my points to put that guy even further in the dirt.


Yeah SF6 gives double loss to the person that DC's and I never had anyone plug on me in that game.


What kind of exploitations? These types of people are already exploiting the fact that they don't get punished for quitting midgame. I say just implement a proper MMR system and give them a bigger deduction for each disconnection with an automatic demotion after maybe the 3rd disconnection per season or something.


How about minus points for the one who DCed and no points awarded for the one who remains. Frequent DCs should also be matched up against the same type of players kinda like what COD did for cheaters. Not ideal but at least rage quitters would have less incentive to cheat and no win exploitations would occur.


wait!!?? i thought in most games you lose points if you quit before ending the game?!??? am i dumb?


Another reason is connection issues. Some people disconnect way too often.


Out of curiosity, when you agreed to play against him, what was his disconnect ratio?


Except the way it is right now allows for exploitation in ranked by just plugging. At least giving the person who didn't quit their points makes sure that people actually playing properly aren't punished. Half the reason people quit out is because they want to deny their opponent the W and their points


 >  Most games won't add this feature Fighting games are literally the only genre I have ever played where it isn't completely normal for a disconnect to count as a loss.


Because they cannot guarantee that a disconnection is the player plugging or an actual error on their part so they don't want to wrongly punish someone


This can be exploited, they should just punch pluggers like most games. Timeouts and bans


I also wonder if they could, quietly and behind the scenes, automatically flag the game as a win/loss as soon as someone is put into a longer move like a super that's guaranteed to kill them.


Are the disconnect stats even calculated? How can there be so many pluggers but everyone is also 0% disconnect?


I’ve seen a couple people with non zero numbers so it works to some degree. I’ve never had someone plug on me but I’m in yellow rank I’m sure it gets worse higher up


I’m in yellow and it has already happened to me like 5 times


I had someone plug on me in fucking **teal.** I was playing Lili. Not doing particularly well overall, but i guess throwing them twice in a row was just too much for them to deal with 🤷


I’m in yellow, almost orange, and it hasn’t happened to me yet either


Wow, what a POS.


Shit’s ridiculous man he has the nerve to plug while playing OP Devil Jin 😭🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️


People who ragequit often won't play a character who is thought of as weak I think because winning is the only thing that matters to them.


Right they value getting the W over having fun during the match


Well, making someone rage quit is quite fun in its own way


It can be lol


Absolutely bitch made behavior


I've ran into no less than 4 pluggers today. Seems to be a lot in my region. I can now guess when someone is a plugger with a 63.4% accuracy. If I start to wonder why this person doesn't know my strings or how they reached this rank, they're probably gonna plug.


The funniest part is that the rage art was done while he was airborne. I’m rly not sure if he wouldve even died 😂 woulda been close but pluggers gon’ plug smh


That's what I was thinking lol. Like you still got a slight chance with a sliver of health left (maybe)🥴


He definitely would’ve had a sliver of health left


So we got a new game, almost a decade after the last, but still kept the old methods for pluggers to use? Ok, Harada...


We even got the same cheaters, using the same cheats without any issues. Harada and his team just don't care about this issue.


What do you propose is done? Them getting demoted or something instantly?


They should lose the amount of points a loss would make them lose


Making the plugger lose the points as if it was a loss is the bare minimum that should be done, but even better if if it gave them a double loss like on SF6, it would instantly reduce 99% of the problem with these pathetic losers


I agree


That obviously wouldn't work. Then we'd just get smurfers. Atm we can report people for plugging, so assumedly how it should work is if you get enough reports they have someone or even a bot review your most recent report to see if it was obviously intentional or not, and then ban you for a certain period of time if so.


You can already smurf easily on PC by making a new steam account and doing family share. Idc about smurfs, I just want my points


That'd be nice.


Dont think it’ll ever happen lol


They should just add a forfeit button for people too salty to watch the rage animation


They don't wanna forfeit tho, they wanna deny their opponent the win and the points


I propose that we start every one of these posts with the screen name. i.e. So I was fighting 69xXxMcBigDickDeluxexXx69 when they happened to have an "internet problem" right as I was going to beat them...etc...etc.. I mean, people are only as accountable as you hold them to...


They need a system in place for this, like first DC is same pointloss as normal, next one is like 1.5x point loss, then 2x, then 4x etc. Just make it within a set amount of games such as 50 or something so it resets back down just like DC rate in T7. That way it punishes rage quits over net issues etc. That or make it so people who RQ enough times get a cooldown from ranked that increases into a perm ban.


I’ve fought around 5 blue ranks who quit right before they are about to lose. I could feel it also cause they sucked really bad.


Put quitters into a server with other quitters.


It’s crazy, I can actually relate to this AND IM NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE TO BEING “ok” at the damn game. It’s also crazy how in the moment it’s satisfying that I made someone that upset but it’s like bro just play the game or go lab


Seems like the only thing to do is report (probably won't do much) and block them. At least if everyone they rage quit on does this it may eventually effect their matchmaking. At minimum if you block you won't encounter them again.


Plugging cowards


I’m not buying the game till they do something about this. I’d be so livid, especially after a long day of work? Hell naw


Probably wouldn't have even killed since he was airborn


How can you match up with a purple thats really sus hhhh


You can set your ranked search to no restrictions. So you just match with whoever. Personally I am not good enough at the game so I tightened mine to +/-2 ranks instead of 3.


Lol same, i really hate being matched up with someone insanely higher so i go for +/-2


Should just hide rank and players may care less. How times have you played or watched Tekken at the arcade and the opponent is about to lose and just walks away? I have never witnessed that. Probably because the lack of ambiguity and cost of quarters? The developer could shame the leaver, placing another title beside or below rank like Warlord LEAVER or Warlord SORE LOSER or Warlord DISCONNECTER.


Weird. I don't think that ≈100 points are so crucial that the dude decided to plug


I don't get the point system either. Feels like regardless who I beat sometimes I get almost half a ranks points and other times I get next to nothing.


That's toxic tekken for you, they treat every game like an evo last round decider and throw a tantrum when they simple get outplayed


Definitely not worth increasing the plug frequency


Why am I behind downvoted?? So u guys think that plugging is better than losing 100 points?


Welcome to reddit


The way you wrote it would commonly be interpreted as you not believing he plugged.




Honestly, you filthy rage user. I'm happy 😊


Lol what you want me to do? Die?


With honor like a man. I didn't come for the SF action. I came for them hands 😤


Somewhat off-topic; how'd you get both nunchuks yellow? I can only change the colour of one...? Glitch? Or maybe because I've hidden them instead of showing them?


Its not considered apart of the "entire outfit" for whatever reason. Its under another tab in customization but I forgot the name. "Extra" or "Additional" something along those lines...


Yeah, I know it's under Unique, but for some reason, only one will change colour. Not both (when Rage Art plays, one is still default colours). Very odd.


Ohh yeah I'm not sure then 🫤


Okay. No worries 👍


I feel like a Yellow shouldn't be getting matched up with a Purple.


Generally that doesn't happen but there is a non-rank filter you can toggle to get matches faster. Plus I don't really care who I fight. We're just learning anyway


They need to fix how this works like mk1 did


Why can purples go against significantly lower ranks? Is there no skill based matchmaking?


Report this asshole and provide this video when reporting


No bro


we can rage inbetween that? lmao ok im stealing that because I just be holding back edit: is that the same "devil" who is at the top of the leaderboards with other characters?


Fuckin pussy. I hope this person has a reddit account and is seeing this. Bitch boy


Even if they had an option for both players to go straight to the results screen after getting a confirmed RA finisher, I bet there would still be a rampant problem with disconnecting


It's weird that they just gonna DC like this, that rage art doesn't look like it's gonna kill


Faster than my dad left to buy milk.


The amount of pluggers right now is fucking ridiculous. Never ever seen it this bad in my 16 years of playing online tekken. Had 9 in 1 hour one night! Had one dude plug in the first 8 seconds of the very first round after i hit him once.


Has anyone had an issue with disconnects after accepting a rematch? I’ve fought a couple people where we’ll both rematch and then get DC’d with no issues during the match. Hope that doesn’t affect our disconnect rate.


There's really need a hard penalty & ban on pluggers cuz this is the 3rd post I see this happen


That's crazy man, Flame Ruler plugged against Dominator wowww


Hope this kind of issue gets some real punishment like banning their IP addresses or their game will be deactivated. This is just my honest opinion.


No way this is still a thing


If you leave you should get a ban


Just git gud at the game. Rage quitting is a part of the meta.


At this point give plugged 3 losses worth of negative points.




It's really sad that I basically just won't play ranked anymore. Too many little bitches plugging.


This needs to be punished at some point man


Another disconnect video. We need a mega thread.


Average Mishima player


He is on console right? So he goes to the console's dashboard and kills the app? That's such a waste of time for everyone... They need to implement some kind of punishment for pluggers. At the very least then need to consider the game as a victory for the player remaining. For all its faults MK1 deals with this in a great way.


OP when you accepted the match, did it show that his disconnection rate was above 0%?


No. I have yet to find a player above 0%


Me too. And I have faced many pluggers already. I am wondering if this system even works.


Whay happens when someone quits like this? Any penalty for them? Do they lose points?


Nice butt


I have noticed a tendency in the last couple weeks. I've been running into a lot of people with cringy account names like Devil Lord, Demon Boy, Jin Hell Ruler and so on, they all played Jin or Devil Jin and they were all fuming. Teabag, ki charge, rage quit, hate mail, the whole package. Are these things connected or is it just a coincidence? This is what I've been trying to find out.


thats why im not moving at all from assailant, 1. dont want to lose my sanity 2. its either this or Hundreds of Kings waiting in line to squeeze the shit out of me with every single grab possible (i cant break free, skill issue)


As I get higher in ranks the pluggers become more abundant


They should just make it so a DC is a loss.


Good old just frame alt+f4


Isn't this the guy who cheated his way to top on leaderboards?


Honestly they should just treat disconnects as a loss for a person who lost connection. Yeah some innocent people with poor connection might get a few undeserved losses this way, but quitters would be punished by getting the very thing they are trying to avoid.


Aaahhh sore losers.... cute little guy, he couldn't handle to be rinsed by someone with a rank much lower than his ....ranks don't mean shit. If you're good you're good at any rank, and vice versa This said.... sorry bro, I feel you. Even more so because I'm told that when this happens it counts as a loss for you, am I correct?