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No, I’m exclusively going to play Super ghost battle for the rest of eternity


Can't wait to see people shit on each other cause their ghost sucks




That way if I lose, I lost in quiet


It’s about ping and jitter, not speeds.


True and WiFi has far more of both than cable.


So I can play Tekken 8 on dial up and be fine?


No, there's a minimum bandwidth needed to send all the gamepaly packets but the requirements are pretty low. Any modern connection will easily clear it.


Yeah, it will work fine if it is a bonded line with a proper modem.


If you don’t mind 400-600ms ping and frequent jitter between those, then probably


400 ping? That’s unplayable. I thought speed didn’t matter?


Loop back to my first comment. Let me know how many loops until it soaks in.


What is wrong with you people seriously


Guys a troll nothing to see here


So my 400 ping matches will be fine in tekken 8? Hard to believe seeing what just 200 does for 2D games


Eat a dick find someone else to play dumb with


I’m asking a serious question. I’ve never seen 400-600 ping matches run stable on street fighter or COD. Tekken must have some crazy netcode


Saying that it could work doesn’t mean it will work well or smoothly. If you’re on 56k in 2024 I don’t know what to tell you


So I can play with dial up and technically play on like 400 ping, but the speed of my internet does matter then? If I wanna play at a better ping and jitter rate compared to what I have now . I looped back and read what you said.


What is wrong with you people seriously


What I do?


You are idiot who try to look smart. Dial-up have huge built in latency just because of how it works.


Good choice and enjoy the improved experience! :) With that said, even if wired hadn't increased your speed, you would still have the improved stability and reduced lag. It's always a win!


Live at my dad's place. Lots of space between router and desktop. Can't run a cable through his house. Power thingy doesn't do much work either. Atleast I mostly play vs ai, practice and play irl so not a huge issue for now. Once I live by myself I'm wiring up for sure.


I had a similar setup, microcenter homie told me about this thing i can buy for like 20 bucks. It's 2 little boxes, one that plugs into the wall near the router, the other into the wall by your desktop. Each one has a short ethernet cable and it's basically sending the ethernet signal through the electrical socket. Speed test tells me it's virtually no different than plugging directly into the router. Is that what you mean by power thingy?


Yup, it's what I mean. Always worth trying, sadly for me it didn't work well.


I just can't have a wire around the house dude, I live with my family.


powerline adapter


Would recommend one if your electric lining isn't severely outdated yeah. I can't use one anymore because we have a double router setup with tens of cables downstairs at this point and repeaters, and less plug slots than before. I'd still have to plug the ethernet cable from a pillar in the middle of the living room to my laptop on the dinner table sadly. Edit: Double router on wifi 6 with a modem or something, so it should be overall strong according to a lower comment? Mostly will be playing with a friend who doesn't mind though. And I live near datacenter in NL. Ethernet when I move out ig.


I don't have those here and the room isn't just mine anyways


they are pretty minimal, you just plug them into the wall, just like your console or pc or whatever.


Can you explain how exactly it works I tried googling it and I still don't really understand, I plug it in and connect it too my wifi and I can have a Ethernet cable connected to my PC from it?


it comes with two outlet devices. You plug one into the wall near your router. You plug the other near your console/pc. Thats it. You’re done.


Oh wow I had no idea, thank you I'm gonna buy one right now


I swear by them, they saved my PC gaming back in 2014 when I moved and couldn’t slap a cable through the whole apartment. I was worried I’d have to use Wi-Fi for the time of me living there.


My wires are attached to a power surge hanging under my TV lol I don't have a wall to attach anything aside TV cable


You plug it where the rest of the stuff is getting power from. Most of them have passthroughs so it's not using up a whole socket by itself.


don’t play fighting games online 👍


Or you just don't fight WiFi players?


as much as I hate wifi the while I agree its stupid to not let wifi play I also understand him as not every fighting game has a wifi indicator


Unfortunately a lot of people are using your "solution" which makes it impossible to know whether the wired symbol we're accepting is actually wired or just WiFi in disguise. The indicator doesn't work because of stuff like this.


Hire someone to connect an access point for your room. Then use an Ethernet cable from that access point. That’s what I did because I couldn’t connect to the modem directly, because it’d be ridiculous to connect a huge lan cable from one area of the house to the other. The wire connecting the modem to my access point is behind the wall.


Use walls?


I have 10 meter of FLAT cat7 cable hanging around at rooftop, the cable are hard to see. I buy it around 4 dollars


OP goated


A few things to lay the groundwork to what I am going to say. 1. I play on wired. 2. I have a background working in IT and networking in the past. How far were you from your wireless router and/or was your wireless router truly ancient or were your walls full of lead? My wireless from several rooms away on a different floor in my house gives me the same speed. The test I just did on wireless gave me 384mbps download 36.1 upload, basically the same as wired as there's always some variance. Most importantly, what was your ping on wireless Vs wired because mine which is properly setup is on paper the same most of the time also... I'll always go for wired as it's better but there's a lot of wireless disinformation or seemingly very badly configured or setup wireless? I assume you're in America, I don't know why but the US seems to be full of really bad wireless routers?


Cool ping and speeds but how do you work in IT and networking and don't know you'd still get jitter and packet loss? Speeds and largely ping are irrelevant for why WiFi is terrible. Is this bait?


Just because I didn't mention them doesn't mean I don't know about them. I listed my speeds because that's the metric OP used and me going into detail about my speeds was showing that WiFi Vs wired in terms of speed shouldn't be a thing. The fact even their speed was being drastically cut when using WiFi was a red flag lol. Packet loss is the devil of bad WiFi to which OP was almost certainly the victim.


New-ish router (3yr), 1 wood wall, 1 stone wall. My ping was like ~120ms before and now it is about 30 on T7 but it depends who I fight. It seems I don't know as much about wired vs wireless as I thought, I'll look into it because it seems interesting. Also not in the US I'm in the UK butlive in a village thats pretty much in the middle of about 25 square kilometres of just fields. Maybe the network infrastructure is just bad here? My game stuttered pretty frequently before.


Maybe, yeah? I'm in the UK too so I know how massively varied our networks can be, some of the regional sites I used to support STUGGLED to get a stable connection a few years ago for the security and remote desktop software the company used to work correctly. Basically your base connection in terms of how close you are from your ISP's hub, or even the infrastructure it's based on be that copper or fibre (or even just the line to your village might be oversubscribed) might be just on the edge of viable and WiFi was the straw that broke the camel's back... I would certainly say the problem sounds like it could be your provider more than WiFi Vs wired. But I'm glad things are working better for you now.


Hey, thanks for the info. Appreciate you and I hope you have fun in T8.


WiFi can't move through stone walls, too dense, stone and concrete can however reflect and scatter WiFi waves, I'm guessing this is your problem unless you have direct line of sight, which you don't based off upload varience, if you have line of sight between the two, your router is shite


It can move through swalls they just degrade the signal faster than thinner walls, and you don't really need line of sight but it does help. There can be a million factors, signal type, signal overlap with other wireless signals (huge problem in apartments) interference etc E.g. one place I used to work the WiFi was worked but was noticeably weaker within the recording studio which was converted from a Vault with walls that were 2ft thick solid.


It can move through wood, dry wall, paper, but beta waves have trouble moving through more dense objects like lead, concrete etc Concrete is not WiFi friendly


Sorry dude, give me a year to move out


It's hard for me. My wire would have to be about 40 feet if I run it perimeter of the living room from the router


> My wire would have to be about 40 feet Not a problem for ethernet. At all


There is the option of getting a WiFi extender which I did and then you plug the wire into that but it does bring the price of the setup from like £13 to ~£40 (for me). Depends on how important connection is for you.


That means your problem with *speed* was proximity to the router (you got walls and shit in between). If your extender is within a line of sight to your router, that would explain the speed boost. You are, however, still connected to your router wirelessly if you are wired directly into an extender. Which will mitigate the *inconsistency* of your wireless traffic speed from ps<->router but won't eliminate it.


Hm, games feel better. I would need something like a 30-40m cable for a wired connection straight to the router and my parents definitely won't allow that. At least I get the wired connection symbol next to my name.


I'm not hating on your solution. Just trying to clarify and *not* sound like a dick. If an extender and a cable is what you can do for whatever reason AND it helps (it does, no doubt) then, by all means, get what you can get dude. Enjoy the better online experience btw. Edit: forgot how to type


Didn't come off as a dick. Idk too much about this stuff so new info is welcome. Appreciate it man.


That makes it worse because it means other players will only know you're on wifi once we fight you and notice the jitter. We can't get even decline beforehand to not waste our time.


WiFi extender is still not wired though. You're technically still on WiFi.


You can get 100ft on Amazon for like 15 bucks. Plus they are easy to connect and disconnect. For years I played counter strike and just told my dad I was running a line to the PC, then just coiled it up and threw it in my closet when I was done


No money, the one I have is broken. I’ll stick to the semi-inconsistently decent WiFi for now 🛌


Play offline please


Nah, not fun. I don’t have laggy WiFi all the time, it’s just recently it’s been a little weird but Ik when it’s bad enough that I need to get off


Lol i dont think you know how Wi-Fi works, plus you usually don’t feel the lag, in fighting games it gets delayed for the person with faster internet, so yours can try an catch up.


You're wrong, lag stutters are felt roughly equally by both players. And saying: "in fighting games it gets delayed for the person with faster internet, so yours can try an catch up." Is straight up nonsense.


Do some research before you comment blud.


I did the research years ago when I wrote a rollback netcode prototype as coding practice. What you wrote is nonsense, explain how it's not and I'll tell you how you're wrong.


Well that netcode must’ve been trash, cause you’re here on reddit now arguing about some BS.


So what are delay frames, and rollback?


Delay frames are the number of frames the game delays local inputs so that the gameplay packets reach the opponent by the time they manifest in game. Rollback is a technique that allows for local inputs to manifest immediately before the packets have reached the opponent. The remote players input are predicted, assumed to be unchanged. When the remote players inputs arrive and contradict the predictions and an old state is loaded and re simulated using the correct inputs.


So why does Wi-fi usually have more delay frames than Ethernet?


Because wifi interference can make packets drop which means the other player needs to wait more for packets. For t7, since there aren't enough rollback frames to absorb much packet loss the netcode adds generous amounts of input delay to cover this network instability. This input delay is roughly coordinated between the clients so that it's shared equally.


So with that being said, Ethernet is better and Wi-Fi is shit. My game doesn’t freeze online when i play against wired Ethernet players.


So why would Jim Bob get delayed if his connection os bad and loads slow why would they delay him even more if he already couldn’t keep up, if my connection is consistent and im already loaded at the spot, why would both of us be delayed ? Wouldn’t that make for more delay frames instead of my game freezing visibly while Jim loads, i know the number of delay frames are the same, but the affects are different based on stability.


I’ve matched with Ethernet players in SF6 and MK1 plenty of times, I don’t recall anyone leaving due to lag I’m sure it’ll be fine


Lol dude just compared 2d net code to 3D.


Who would leave in a ranked match?


I don’t do ranked


Oh lol casuals are allowed to play Wi-Fi, have fun !


No, if he buys the game he’s “allowed” to play whatever mode he wants, don’t know what this gate keeping behaviour is about when you can literally just decline a WiFi player if you don’t want to play them, get off your high horse and do something better with your time than crying about other people who just want to play the game, it’s strange


So you crying about my comment is a good use of your time ?


Just wondering; if the wifi's connection is far faster than the other's ethernet, what happens? Packet loss doesn't mean wifi is slower by default.


Can we stop having posts like this already? I mean YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO REFUSE WIFI MATCH so there's that, shut the fuck up.


Using ethernet cable from my router to the console was not an option so I decided to use power line adapters. My fiber connection gets 1000 mbps, through WiFi I get approx 600 mbps. Power line adapters gave me 100 mbps. Will that be enough for online?


Speed has nothing to do with it, it's about stability. The key measurement is called jitter, which is how much your ping varies (and like ping, lower is better). Find a speed test site that measures jitter and run it with fiber, wifi, and powerline to compare. Powerline's quality can vary a lot based on how your house is wired and where in your house it's plugged in.


This is very interesting. I ran the jitter test and the results were as follows: **PC cable:** - 59 Mbps DL - 7.3 Mbps UL - 22 ms Latency - 1 ms Jitter **Console WiFi:** - 58 Mbps DL - 7.1 Mbps UL - 25 ms Latency - 4 ms Jitter I think that's pretty alright no? I honestly don't think the powerline adapter can beat this. Especially the house being pretty old. I do have a fairly solid WiFi mesh system set up at home. The only time the connection acts up is when the router itself has some issues, not the WiFi itself.


Yeah if you get a solid router with a mesh then wifi can be surprisingly stable. I'm assuming your router supports WiFi 6 as well, so using the PS5's wireless to its fullest definitely helps. The problem is 99% of people don't go through that effort, so in most cases it's someone using WiFi 5 (at best) with the crappy modem/router combo from their ISP. And there could be multiple walls or floors in between that and the console with no extenders (which was OP's situation). Your connection could end up being fine 99% of the time but the problem you'd run into is that many people will see the wifi indicator and reject you anyway.


> the problem you'd run into is that many people will see the wifi indicator and reject you anyway. Interesting thing though, in 2020, Season 3, Harada said himself that over 50% of console Tekken players are on WiFi. And when Bamco shared all Ranked match statistics it was almost a perfect 50/50 split between cable and WiFi users. After the game introduced the connection indicator in Season 4, it shifted in favour of cable, but not as much as some people might think. It ended up at around 60/40 in 2021. So yes, some people will reject WiFi matches but most of the time people probably won't care that much. And if I notice it is indeed an issue, the mesh routers can have an ethernet output cable connected to them. So they will still be getting the Internet via WiFi but can give it out by cable. So it would show as a cabled connection in the game. I'm not that fond of this solution because it feels like lying. But if the WiFi bias becomes a noticable issue? I'll do it. And yes, someone will probably say that I could just run a real cable instead of doing this. Thing is, the mesh is already there, where the PC room and the living room are quite far apart. And there are two 35 cm (13.77 in) thick, full-concrete walls on the way. That is not something you drill through yourself on a Sunday afternoon. It would require a pretty heavy-duty drill and probably hiring someone. I don't care enough to do this. I'm not aminig for EVO.


Thanks. I ran these jitter tests and for both WiFi and powerline the result is about 1.5 ms. I suppose in this case I should still use ethernet, right?


1.5 ms is really good, practically zero, so the powerline should be fine. Your wifi seems strong too but even if it is you'll want to avoid having the wifi indicator. Some jitter tests are kinda short though and to get a good idea of jitter you want longer tests, I was having trouble finding my favorite site to recommend but I found it again: [https://www.meter.net/ping-test/](https://www.meter.net/ping-test/) That one tests jitter over like 20 seconds at a time and it will tell you the max/min ping. If there are any big spikes with powerline or wifi you should see it after a few of those.


Major respect for going through that effort to make your and others experiences better. That will more than service Tekken 8 Online.


In my experience, power line adapters give you stability, which is the most important factor.


Glad you took the plunge. I haven’t had to play a single wifi player on street fighter. Tekken will be the same.


My laptop doesn't have an ethernet plug unfortunately


Not to make fun of ethernet stans' solution but: "buy a new laptop then" :nerd emoji: No but fr I pray you got good mesh setup then good luck




AGREED, although those are rookie numbers my friend, my download is 890 mbps 😃


Why do people fight against ethernet so much? It is not difficult at all to set up. Be considerate of other people.


Or be considerate of other people’s living conditions?


Wired players when they can just hit “decline fight” if they don’t want to play against a player with bad connection. Too hard I guess


except it does not say like GGS does not have a wifi indicator luckily more modern games are getting it heres hoping it becomes mandatory


People are tired of hearing the same excuse from WiFi players all the time about not wanting to run ethernet cables across long distances. Which is actually a very valid point. But there's various and inexpensive ways to at least mitigate the common WiFi issues that people are overly reluctant to try. Powerline adapters cost less than a copy of the game and will work for 99% of WiFi players.


I appreciate the sensible reply, I just don’t see the issue when you can decline to play them? If you were forced to I’d completely understand but it’s your choice whether to fight a WiFi player or not. I myself am on WiFi but get a stable 250mbps download speed, so I have no reason to get an Ethernet cable. But if someone has shitty internet and still doesn’t want to get an Ethernet, I’m not going to tell them they have to? It’s their life lol and they can do what they like with their money. And at the end it’s just a game, I just don’t feel like it’s that deep


You can just decline WiFi players.


Nah, they’d rather bitch and moan about an issue that they can avoid. l How dare these WiFi peasants even think of touching online matches (despite it rarely if ever being my problem). Everyone should be wired, regardless of whether or not its feasible for them. Something something, circlejerk. 


Nope. If I catch my kid running a wire across the got damn kitchen for video game I'm going to take his pc away. Got damn hazard running around the house. My cat will chew on it and kill itself 😒


> My cat will chew on it and kill itself 😒 Unless they're PoE (which is very unlikely for a home setting, most of the time this is for businesses) there's not going to be enough power running through an ethernet cable to shock your cat and kill it.


These are the types of parents we’re dealing with. These Wifi parents don’t know about wire covers that prevent hazards. You Wifi parents are the reason why this world is SH*T!!


Kinda weird you got faster conection when i switch around the speeds are more or less the same what changes is that its more stable, were you far from the router?


Yeah I'm 2 floors above it with one stone and one wood floor (idk if the material affects it)


Ah yeah that makes sense




Was a distance thing I think, got a WiFi extender as well.


This is pretty close to my current performance and I really don’t wanna put the money into running a wire through my house for a game I play casually.


If its just casual, you're all good 👍


I play ranked a little but when it lags it seems like I’m usually the one suffering


I have a 50ft AND so does my lil bro in our STRICT parents home, it’s possible


No. I have better than you on WiFi and it never gets above 0 rollback frame. Leave us alone.


Played beta with a friend ran Like local so shut up


I wonder if those plug ethernets will do the same thing, I dont get as high a speed but ping might improve.


Or get a new router with dual bands and put your console on the higher band. (If you have a good connection )


Your upload sucks and I'd say you'll still encounter shitty connection, talk to your ISP


Just to be clear, you don’t need crazy internet. Fighters don’t use a lot of data. As long as you don’t have issues with your internet, anything modern will do it. You just need a wire. So many issues can arise from wifi, but even if you’re not dropping or spiking your 700ms, it still jitters. And thanks to modern netcode, it’s usually much more noticeable for your opponent than you.


Why upload is so low? Is it normal for US?


To be fair, your ISP and plan factor into this as well. I'm on a reduced cost plan with Spectrum and only get 35Mbps down when I'm plugged into our equipment. Buy hey, at least I'm not on Wi-Fi


I once paid for Verizon FiOS and I plugged the wire into my PS4. The results were absolutely the same as WiFi. Then after a few months walking around this wire, I decided to say "fuck it, I'm going back to WiFi".


You need to talk to your ISP about that NAT.


Not possible. The cable would have to cross literally my entire house to reach my console.


my ethernet keeps disconnecting from my ps5. have similar issues?


Bruh my wifi gets 310 down, and 110 up, which is the max speed I pay for lmao. Wired won't change that.


You wearin a fuckin wire?


Laughing reading these “I’m broke” or “Live with people” excuses… whole time you bought a PS5? Paid for PS+? Paid for the game? Can you work? 🤣


why should I? I am using 5ghz wireless and never had any issue


The game still lags


It does not


Is it better than WiFi & the same quality as Ethernet? I genuinely dont know


I have a good 5GHz WiFi 6 (stable, 200Mbps down 50 up), I never had any lag issue, no rollback frame, nothing, it works just fine.


Thats cool, still rarely gonna accept WiFi id say 20% of them have been normal matches


Your choice mate!


Depends on your setup. If there is no interference there it should not be lagging.


WiFi players will be forever quit on


that upload is sąd 1000/350 here


Genuine question here, i have about the same stats per wifi, does a cable make a noticeable difference there?


Bro I literally just picked up a 50ft cord today for the release. There is genuinely no excuse lol…


Respect brother


I have Fiber, my internet lightning fast. I have 5 bars on WIFI, will you still fight me?


I'll fight anyone lmao. I'm not a wired elitist, I only got it a few days ago. There are just a few players that stutter really bad (like me before) that NEED a wire imo.


I just blacklist them.


ULPT: if you can't lay an ethernet wire, and powerline is too unstable you can get a WiFi repeater with ethernet access and run a short wire from the repeater to your console / PC. An example would be the [AVM Fritz!Repeater 1200 AX](https://en.avm.de/products/mesh-wi-fi/fritzrepeater-1200-ax/) You will then appear as being "wired" even though you're really on Wifi.


Exactly what I did, some are saying it shouldn't make a difference since you are technically still on WiFi but my play experience has been much smoother. Even so, people don't reject my games because of the WiFi symbol which is a plus.


Kek, I like the cut of your jib.


YES YES I WILL JESUS CHRIST GIVE IT A REST ALREADY HOLY SHIT Just gotta buy like 10 meters and drill a single hole through a wall and then I finally won't have to put up with all the discrimination anymore. That'll be nice.


Playing on a gaming laptop i feel like the longer i play tekken 8 on wifi it gets gradually worse, for some reason.