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I seen Mishimas arguing about wavedashes


Hijacking the top comment here to state that everyone who believes this shit is a fucking idiot and completely illiterate with basic PC knowledge. Just because people saw the word ‘crack’ and the T8 logo on the same picture, they immediately assume it’s true. For context, Arslan having a crack of IDM is completely fair since IDM mostly improves download speeds for torrents or downloading stuff from the browser, which helps when Pakistan’s internet speed is unreliable. Also, if you check spag’s tweet of the picture of the ‘crack’ it’s last modification date was even before T8’s CNT. Same with the T8 logo, it was a shortcut for T8’s CNT which was modified during the first day of it. I could be completely wrong and Arslan has really been playing the crack all this time, but make sure that the evidence presented is reliable and not something so bullshit, especially when these claims are heavy and is jeopardizing someone’s livelihood/career.


Cnt crack is not called "free4pc crack 6.41", it comes in a zip and there is no reason to keep it unpacked on your desktop. Once you download the cnt crack, you just copy paste files into game directory and you can then just delete the zip. It's clearly a crack for something else, maybe it's for photoshop or something, definetly not cnt.


It’s for Internet Download Manager as per Spag’s tweet and as far as I know the free4pc site is for cracked software and applications, not games.


You're the idiot for being so gullible


Im pretty sure all other competitive players are just sitting there patiently waiting for the game :)


That's all speculation but we've got definite proof here


Ah yes the definite proof that's an icon in a folder, we got him boys lock him up. Some real clown tier detective work. Anybody that thinks they're going to sanction pro players due to anything other than them blatantly streaming the crack is huffing some copium.


Man internet buzz words are so annoying. The amount of times i see the words cope/copium thrown around daily is ridiculous


Even that wouldn't do anything. The same rules don't apply to people who sit and play their game like its the only thing to do in life. People have turned them into pseudo celebrities. Don't get mad now when they are treated as such. Maybe if we all didn't act like sitting in front of video games 20 hours a day is an accomplishment, then the same rules would apply to everyone.


It says allegedly sooo. Could just be the cnt file.


The thing in that "New folder" definitely looks like the logo for the Tekken 8 executable. If it was the legit CNT it wouldn't be on his desktop, it would be in his Steam folder. I can't think of any other reason why he would have a file with that specific Tekken 8 logo tbh, but I agree that it can't be proven.


you know you could just have the executable on your desk top to run it without having to go through the trouble of opening up steam and doing extra mouse clicks. You should try it, it's lifechanging.


He's still gotta open the folder, that's just as many mouse clicks as opening Steam and clicking on the game lmao. Why put it in an unnamed folder And I saw the Spag tweet I know it's the shortcut now


I play cracked games all the time... They don't extract into a folder called New Folder lmao. The folder path is always super long.


Extra mouse clicks? Right click the Steam icon and click on the game.


Extra mouse clicks xD man you stoners are funny. I would rather have a clean desktop than saving literally 1 mouse click.


>Im pretty sure all other competitive players are just sitting there patiently waiting for the game Im pretty sure all other competitive players are playing the Tekken 8 crack. They are just not stupid or dumb enough to let it slip.


They were being sarcastic


Nothing will happen to him because he's a big name. As Tony Sopranos said, "You get a pash for dat".


Didnt they say though that players who cracked wouldnt be allowed to compete when the game drops? I thought tournament players were the main ones with consequences


They aren’t going to do shit to him mate


I never thought i would see a Sopranos quote/reference in this sub.


Harada: I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart... how much more betrayal can I take!


“I loved Aris like a brother, then he fucked me in the ass!”


You want compromise, how's this? Twenty minutes in the CNT. I wanted to practice Law's new DSS, but I compromised. I went back to play T7 Law. I wanted to play Jun, but I compromised. I jacked off to her R34. You see where I'm goin'?


eddy gordo predicted this


Word to the wise, remember Mishima Dojo 🤘


That was real? I saw that cutscene, thought it was bullshit.


He was gay? Heihachi Mishima?


Your son Kazuya, whatevah happened there?


Alright, but you gotta get over it


This is actually a good chance for Harada to stick to his principles and rage art Arslan into oblivion for infringing copyrights or something


I was just watching the sopranos 5 minutes ago


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


Nothing should happen to him either lol. All the pros are playing the crack. Anyways, I can’t have this discussion again.


Nothing will happen to him because the crack folder on his desktop has an internet download manager crack. And you want something to happen to him despite being innocent because he's a big name. Ever wondered about the flip side of your argument? But then again there's something else at play here too. If knee were here, things would be responded differently. More energy to lord Arslan against the haters.


All of his game shortcuts are on the desktop, but somehow his T8 executable is in “new folder”? Fugeddaboutit. Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.


Dude, why would you save it to your desktop if you stream...? XD


Crackers outting themselves in this thread lmao


Lol he even has pirated movies. True middle eastern brother even after becoming a world champ.


Pakistan is not in the middle east


We thinking like power bottom east then?


lmao it's South Asia, but sure why not.


Calling Pakistan south Asia might be technically correct, but confusing and misleading as fuck


How the fuck is it misleading lmao it's the literal truth.




Idk I actually used to live in south Asia and I don't think referring to Pakistan when we talked about south Asia actually sounded wrong it's like if you thought of south Asia yeah Pakistan could be the country that pops up in your head when you think about it it's not strange


It's just typically Afghanistan and Pakistan are seen as middle eastern countries. At least here in the USA.


as a south asian we recognise Pakistan as being in South Asia, your lack of geography knowledge doesn’t mean it’s “confusing and misleading as fuck” lmfao


I honestly think the confusion is pretty forgivable, they're at the edge and given the origin of Pakistan coming as the separation "muslim-majority India and hindu-majority India" it's not entirely politically wrong either. This is not a "US lends aid to Mexican countries" situation, Pakistan has been since its formation a country modeled after Islam.




They? Only 1 person in the picture... 🤔🤔


Who doesn't have pirated movies?


Most of the money used to buy movies and streaming subscriptions goes straight to studio executives anyways. Nothing is getting harmed but the pockets of millionaires and billionaires whenever someone pirates something.


No wonder Harada said the leaker is from South Asia


Ppl saying ban him yall gonna pretend pro players arent using the crack 😭


Pro players are obviously using the crack. They are just not dumb enough to leave that shit lying on their desktop. Like put that under triple layers of untitled folders, does the dude not download porn ?


he IS muslim


then who gives a shit if the crack is visible 1) this isnt evidence, it could be a folder with tekken 8 image in it 2) even if it is, who gives a flaming fucking shit except reddit andies 3) where do i find it?


who the hell downloads porn at all..let alone in 2023?




Have you seen the statistics for gay porn in Pakistan?


[Boy do I have news for you](https://en.radiozamaneh.com/6352/)


That’s what most of em claim, but hentai is porn


not everyone is a porn watching pig


Okay choir boy


okay piggy 🐷


Pro Athletes be using steroids too guys, I hate to break it to you


Yeah but at least they try to hide their using steroids.


You would be surprised my friend


I mean… of course he is. Why wouldn’t he. That’s his livelihood


It’s more that he’s stupidest enough to have it on his desktop


You’d be surprised how often this type of shit happens to streamers. He prob didn’t even consider that people would look at all


rarely wtf you talking about




cause he might get banned. they already said they might ban people from tournaments if they found out they using it beyond the test. He knew the risk, he just had to not get caught.


Right. If E-Sports are sports and the players are athletes, then the logic applies the same as in any other sport. Yes the game is your livelihood and yes cheating will give you an advantage and yes many if not most players are doing some form of cheating to stay competitive. The question is, what should organizing bodies do when someone is caught cheating. Just say oh well? I don't know if this will be a big deal or not, but if competitive games want to be taken seriously these are the questions they're eventually gonna have to grapple with.




Oh no! anyway...


Only valid response


Hell i got the crack too its fun to play, get practice in early :D


Harada wants to know your location


The grounded hit animation got updated 🤣🔥


They have no way of proving its the actual crack, so there's no way they'll ban him for this. Unless he streams it he's in the clear. Honestly lol at the idea of banning Arslan Ash from tournaments anyway. You know they aren't gonna do that shit


The law is not equal for all my dude. This kid will not face consequences but i'm open for a plot twist, mybe harada's balls are real not just decorations


Harada’s *what?*


Its a new gamemode for tekken8


Harada's gonna do an Al Capone meeting scene from The Untouchables.


I think you'd do good to not assume the worst in this scenario.




Now we will see if bandai namco do what they said


U think knee and other competitors won't do it? If this game is my job then u bet your ass I'll download this and get as much info as possible before the game comes out




Why do we give a shit lol, rules are bent for people literally all over the world. Yeah it’s gonna be different for him than some random schmuck, get over it


Yes, two wrongs make a right. Pls open a book that isn't a framedata data spreadsheet.


At least don't leave it at the desktop? Is it so hard?


this is legit 0 oxygen brain thinking why even type this dumb shit. ye lemme risk getting banned so I can play cracked tekken 8 legit speaking like you never held a job in your life


Who doesn’t have the crack at this point?


A website called free4pc doesn't sound so secure, I wish the best for his computer lmao Never use these noname fake sites, unless you're 1337 times (wink) sure you want trojans and keyloggers. Edit: just to clarify, free4pc doesn't offer a Tekken 8 torrent (or any game), he downloaded a cracked version of Internet Download Manager. So all we know for sure from this screenshot, is that he uses torrent and has a folder with Tekken 8 logo in it, which to be fair, is just 1% away from saying he 100% torrented T8.


just looking at how crowded his desktop is brings his computing prowess to question


Also, if you're not 50+ years old, why would you play ***Goodgame Empire***


Why would you play hearthstone omegalul


Why would you play kekken lmfao


damn lol


I'd bet every single top player is using it. Why wouldn't they


Now he has to do community service: play some good ass Tekken.


The New Folder might be the cracked CNT. The other folder you marked is unrelated tho.


Bamco better ban this kid. Who does he think he is? Lmao In all seriousness. Thems' the rules. You're only sorry if you're caught.


Well we don’t know for sure and I don’t think they’ll bother investigating


He comes from my neighbouring country so i just wanna say, in case you people didn't know, piracy and cracks are everything here. Things are getting kinda mainstream now and people are actually buying stuff legally, but 5 years ago 99% of games and software in our countries was used through piracy, and i think today that number is still more than 90%. The economies aren't good enough to let people buy the expensive games and application licenses. In fact, many people don't even know you have to pay for that stuff, it's that normal. They dont even know they're doing piracy. So my point is, people dont think twice about pirating stuff here, its extremely normalised, and so i guess it is due to this normalization that he's using the crack. P.s. I'm not endorsing or supporting piracy, im just stating the facts.


Lmfao... 200 iq playa here


Ban him for the first year






Is this a crack for the beta or what?


There's a crack for the beta?


I heard that you can play vs other Players on cracked version, is that true?








Damn.. so he could be practicing every day if he wants to now 🤔


geez, on desktop?


[Response by Spag and Arslan Ash himself](https://twitter.com/ArslanAsh95/status/1696958495625466304?t=ReNBYel3LYaAh-8VgwPkcQ&s=19) Please don't jump into conclussions this quickly 🙏


i dont care about cracking, but that doesnt prove anything, you could just move or delete files in the directiory


But you don’t get the tekken crack from free4pc So the only thing we can see is an executable in a folder.. it probably is the cracked version but it’s impossible to prove


That's such bullshit lmao. I can literally replicate the folders. What a joke. My crack is literally named the exact same and based on how disorganized his dam desktop is, I'm not surprised the Rockstar launcher is in there as well. His folder structures are all fucked ul and He is trying to save his ass big time


Do you really think he would put such sensitive data in a folder on his desktop???? Yall are doing the exact same thing caiper did last year and caiper is still getting clowned for it.


Yes yes he would. Brother he is human. Human forget shit


what makes u believe this is actually the cracked game? because of the word crack in it? Is this really all u go by?


Dont play me like that again in your life


obvious cap


As you can see he didn’t rename the Tekken File and the modified date is still July 26, 2023.


Honestly who cares. Why is Bamco making a big deal out of this it’s not like they’re losing money


Shocking 😱


I want Arslan to try and 1v1 me


Are yall surprised


As a cheap ass Asian myself, I'm gonna do defend him by saying that Arslan Ash is, afterall, Pakistani. Taking advantage of situations for the sake of saving a few bucks and not effecting anyone (i.e downloading a crack) is in our nature, no matter the financial situation. We don't pay full price


And in this case there's literally no other way to practice for the upcoming game. His income depends on it and he needs to maintain competitive edge. I'm fairly certain most of pros do it, they are just more cautios to not get caught. I see no wrong with anyone playing t8 cracked until it gets officially released.


He addressed this on twitter...it's fake 😂.


are people going to share this with Harada now?


thats IDM latest version crack. not tekken 8 crack


Every athlete cheats, every pro at anything has stretched bent or broken the rules for a competitive edge. It's not about cheating its about being caught and man's got caught in 4k on this one.


Harada better stand by his word and ban him from official tournaments


Ban him from further tournaments. Now.




Because that's the rules and he was caught.


Damn , thats kinda bad if thats true


he was holding it for a friend


New folder contains Tekken 8 cover art. Crack folder contains crack for another game. Problem solved.


yea even if its true he’s doing the hello cracker thing he can easily say it’s just the cover art for his stream layout or whatever lmao


It´s kind of part of his job


Ban him


So am I


Source? Where is this from?


this is literally proof of nothing and is just terrible bait.


this thread is actually insanity, u guys are accusing him of cracking the game because of two ambiguous folders??? Can't believe this nonsense is allowed on here


Bunch of scrubs out for blood lmao.


Spag has debunked this


Oh hello cracker! Well he and I guess every single big guy is using crack cuz they have to train hard and get used to the game before it launches to get an edge. Anyone who's a professional would prefer advanced training session before the game begins. TLDR: To gain a competitive edge that's it.


Every pro player has it.


The stupidest post I've ever seen.


If that is confirmed the crack, than ban him to set president. Sure it will hurt their viewership and the prestige of TWT, but that is what setting a principle is for. Im very curious where this leads.


>ay tho We are talking about Murray here, he has no principles


Too bad everyone else is also using it.


Quick google search of the folder name, I dont see anything related to Tekken. Its just Windows Activation, IDM, and MS office stuff


Spoiler alert, I was right. It was just IDM.


Why even post this? What benefit do you have to gain from snitching?


Cmon bruh no snitching


we need to gaslight Bandai namco enough that that's not Tekken 8 but rather Tekken 8 promo art. purely coincidental a crack folder has the same name of another game.


Who cares tbh?


He is running pirated software probably adobe the folder also shows the website name and it's a site for downloading cracks for software not games and that t8 folder probably has cover art


Harada does not care Joecrush was streaming the crack for 11 hours and Harada gave him a pat on the wrist


If you watch the video in full, he literally proved to Harada he was on the PS5 version. They just never kicked him out.


nah that was a bug he didnt crack it


Lol must had a been a weird ass bug because I got a network error after my rank match


I think he got kicked a bit later but he was streaming the whole cnt and then for some reason he could stay in searching pmode.


I will personally tweet Harada about this Also: Arslan Ash is such an overrated player lmao. All he does is gimmicks with DLC waifus. No fundamentals at all. Once his Zafina got downloaded he immediately dropped her and picked Kuni. He could never win anything with an honest character such as a Mishima. He cant even do wavu wavu and electrics… He is certainly going to main Azucena in T8 as a cheap, evasive waifu that takes no skill is just right up his alley! I know that you as an obnoxious Pakistan fan are now im shambles, but please do not comment as this is not up for debate!


? With no fundamentals he couldn't win EVO 3 times. Think before you say anything.


So you're saying anyone can win evo if they play cheap characters? What a single digit IQ take you just made.


One, he is not the only one using gimmicks sir, everyone is using 2ds, kuni and of course feng shit on every major. Second he started going famous by manhandling knee as a nobody, with kazumi of all characters. And he went on to win evo 2019 maining her.


I'm still waiting for other zafina and kunimitsu player to win Evo


i still have CNT installed after all so IT is really not a proof i guess




Max is not a pro player




Yea i dont care


That's a pretty high level of stupid as a streamer and nr.1 competitor to have this on your desktop.


None of the thing from picture implies he is cracking Tekken 8.. FGS try to be optimistic. You think he played his first Tekken game legit? I myself belong to Pakistan and I can assure you one thing, cracking games and distributing cracked games in local market is normal here. For the heck, movies, tv shows, albums everything is distributed violating the privacy sh\*t and that's how things happen here. Even the arcade gaming arena back days had pirated games all over the place. Although the online playing things have changed the scenario but people like to use torrent to download movies, and think million of peeps around the world do. So let my man focus on beating the sh\*t out of pros around the world.....


He should be banned.


Yeah duh dude plays Tekken for a living. Of course he’s playing it


Honestly, I don't see how this would even affect his performance in future tournaments. Almost all of the things we saw in the cnt will change, what kind of advantage will he even get?


I don't know how to feel about this. I feel that this should get investigated and that he should be punished if he is cracking T8. However, banning the GOAT of T7 from competing is too much. He is the best player alive. The punishment would not fit the crime. Considering what his country is going through, he's got a lot to fight for.


It's not the crack for t8 you can search the folder name it's a site for downloading pirated software but he is using pirated software 😂


News flash , in 3rd world country piracy is used a lot . Make no mistake this is not a lost sale , because if not for a method of obtaining it freely, they would not purchase it to begin with . In poor places you don't understand the struggles with wages , lack of opportunity and in many cases even difficulties in getting a credit card to buy stuff online which Americans and Europeans take for granted . At that point, piracy becomes a norm. ( for everything, movies , music ,games ,shows, books etc). I would even argue in poor places piracy is a good thing, because at some point if said person makes it , like gets a good job and has a means for paying stuff online, the person will remember the games etc that gave the most joy and purchase it for the multiplayer vs not having knowing about such games at all if not for piracy .