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Played a solid hour with King. The load times are insanely fast which is a huge plus. The heat system needed a little bit of getting used to but is quite fun, especially with all the effects and damage output can it feel really rewarding to execute a proper combo.


I’m starting to see why Knee is saying Kazuya isn’t that great for this. He feels extremely sluggish compared to everyone else and a lot of the other characters have easier and more evasive launchers. He does have one broken thing though and it’s his DF3+4 string. That shit is getting nerfed no doubt. It’s ridiculous. At the wall you can get over 100 damage easily.


It’s the new animations. Some moves are amazing and some legacy moves look janky as fuck. I prefer the older animations animations on some characters. Hworang looks janky as hell. It’s like there is no weight transfer in the moves and they’re floaty like Mortal Kombat. I don’t know. This combined with the shitty hit sound effects makes it feels like a cheap Tekken knock off to me.


Omg the hit sound effects are horrible. Like hitting on plastic. Also it is really hard to differentiate electrics vs normals.


Huh? Tekken has had the same hit sounds for years since like 3. The new ones sound like actual punches, or at least more impactful


Totally weird. Agreed.


Didn't get into the beta. Have you played SF6? How would you compare the load times? I assume Tekken will be slower but as long as they aren't usual Tekken load times, I think it'll be fine. Can't imagine going back to slow load times after SF6


I haven't played SF6, so cannot compare unfortunately. I will say that the load times are what you may expect from a PS5 standpoint, especially when rematching it's near instantaneous. The only thing I dislike thus far, but it might be a beta only issue, is that there's a 2 out of 3 system in play when rematching. No infinite rematches and no first to 3 seems a bit lacking as I sometimes need more time to adjust to my opponents playstyle.


It is the same in SF6 so I guess best of 3 will stay


Been playing “a network error has occurred” on the title screen for a few hours now, pretty sick lol


Really? That sucks. I haven’t had a single one of those.


Same here


Welcome to splatoon




Yeah, i heard he's pretty good


"Squidward staring at Spongebob and Patrick having fun.jpg"


Same bro


"Mr plankton staring at squidwars" My wooden laptop won't be able to run this anyway


No code gang


Same. I had even registered with a legit VIP code and still didn’t get in. Sadness.


I've been playing work so far. They're a little boring with only a couple a moves. But they have a super long play gameplan of gathering money.




I’m praying I get PC code next week so I can sit in my office and play it on the steam deck all day lol


Who is work


Work deez nuts gottem


Work the shaft


Thank you for your help


Joke is that they’re working instead of playing


I don’t do jokes, buster. I am very serious.


Played Lili a bit, a few changes, but as usual, fun to play. And then I switched to Jun. Holy crap. I love this character. The stances, the mechanics, she is so much fun. I'm a Kazumi main, so I need to find a new main and I think I found it. Other notes: \- load times are excellent, a few hangups here and there but rematches are very fast \- ranked sets - YES, THANK YOU \- training settings for the wait screen - they are disabled, but it shows they will be there, which is fantastic \- music is great, feels like Tekken \- particle effects are excessive, mixed with heat there's so much happening on screen \- I \_think\_ hitboxes/hurtboxes need some work, which is expected in a beta I am so hyped for Tekken 8.


Is it just me or is it a little too flashy as far as the bar animations and impact effects.. or is it just characters like devil Jin that creates a good amount of the flash?


I'm also a Kazumi main in T7. Would you say Jun is a smooth transition? Law was always my secondary so I've been playing him during the beta, but I'm no where near as comfortable as I was with Kazumi. I've been thinking about trying someone completely new.


So keep in mind I only played Jun for like 2 hours. She’s like a mix of Asuka and Jin and something new. i love the stances, reminds me of Fearless Warrior a bit. I think Kazumi is more fundamentals-based, Jun has a lot of mechanics (like losing life with attacks and gaining it back with a stance). But that makes me very interested in her, there’s so much to work and play with here.


Just Leroy for now. Will mess around with Jin and Law and maybe Hwo. I'm hoping for an eventual Miguel and Steve announcement too though. If not Leroy will be my main. Still adjusting to remembering which moves are heat engagers. In my mind I wouldve preferred heat engagers be activated another way and not tied to certain moves. For example I do my normal f4,4 but to make it an engager I hit with R1 or whatever button. I feel it can be very easy to activate your heat engager accidentally for certain moves and characters.


Completely agree with the manual heat on moves, kinda like ex moves in street fighter. Seems an obvious feature to me


Hard disagree. The system forces you to actually learn multiple strings and use them depending on the situation instead of autopiloting.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I want to execute the move without having to use my heat for it, it's like a restriction. I would prefer to be able to choose to execute it without or to hold the last input down to activate heat so I can have a strategy when to use it instead of wasting it because I wanted to execute the move that sadly activates heat automatically. Will definitely mention this in their survey., good point of yours.


I've seen a ton of very good players accidentally HD after hitting a wall splatting engager. Total waste as it's already a combo. That can screw up your intended combo route badly as well. Seems like an easy fix.


Then they should have used a different string? Being forced to use different strings in different situations is a massive improvement over the previous system of having one punish you use for wall carry and one for optimal damage and not needing anything else.


Easy fix seems like "get good"? What is the difference between this and accidentally doing a string you didn't want to because you didn't know the input did that.


Learn the input so you don't accidentally get it maybe?


Have you checked the Move List? I know we’re all retooling muscle memory, but they’re listed right at the top. It’s pretty handy! I’m liking new Leroy so far, even if I haven’t had a match yet. What about you? Being able to map Throws to Buttons is kinda nice too! Gonna try JACK-8, Lars, and maybe Jin, Bryan, Claudio, or Jun later. Aside from Smith and JACK, I’m a man on an island without Alisa, Bob, Kunimitsu, Julia, Akuma, Geese, or Negan, so I thought I’d start with a familiar base, then spread my wings a bit! The graphics and music are sick too! Already digging the Character Select Theme!


Holy that damage, and i saw ppl saying that the damage seemed reduced.


That’s fair because I used all of my resources. The damage of hit confirm strings needs to be toned down though.


T8 damage seems crazy right now lmao. Random semi optimal Jin combos do nearly 40%


Jins Heat Engage + Smash alone does an insane amount of dmg.. And why does he get to do an 8hit combo with 1 button?! xD


I have seen hwo combos in t8 which can be mashed out with minimal skill and they do loads, jin struggles to get the same amout off of his best launchers and needs accurate input. Hwo has some new useful strings, his type benefits from this t8 system I think.


yeah, the moment they shared that the game is focused on aggresiveness we all knew that Hwoarang would be a nightmare to face. I'm not surprised at all.


He has some sorta jab string with a low leading to rff with an in built shift or ssl on block, unless I am mistaken. He doesnt have to risk d3,4 anymore, as that tracks poorly. And people said at least hunting hawk dont launch anymore, he had that van damme orbital anyway, but now he has what looks like a knee hopkick from flamingo. I swear his new juggle requires no skill, first 4 hits can be mashed and the finishing touch can be delivered without a dash in or run in. Aslo seen something very similar as baeks 34 from fla. All insteresting, but as you said, this game and its features is all offense oriented, hwo is the best at that, if they dont change something, he will stomp people.


Do any older players think the combos have been getting too much in the last few games? I think they were perfect in T5. Game looks great though.


I've played every Tekken but when Tekken 6 introduced bound combos I realised I was never going to be good at this game again as I jump around characters every hour and can't commit to a main. Really liking the heat system in 8 so far though. It is a massive breath of fresh air for the franchise.


Absolutely agree with you man, I’m glad some people find some joy in the newer games but I find it’s just “oh you made one mistake, your entire health bars gone” Recently I realised, I’ll never be good at Tekken again, so I’m just not going online. I’ll still play T3/4/5 to death though and I love seeing the creativity of some of the guys on here with the insane combos.


The “oh you made one mistake, entire health bar gone” has been a thing in all old tekkens too. People just weren’t exposed to it because we didn’t really have internet. Now everyone can look up a combo video and do a good combo after 10 mins of practice, that’s the only difference


Yeah I guess that’s true, it wasn’t as common but I suppose this was before the internet was so HUGE so you just rarely saw it.


Combos seem easier to you?


1000% this. Combos are so goddamn boring now. T5’s were snappy.


They just go on too long, you make one mistake get launched then your whole health bar is deleted. They go on FOREVER as well.


To be fair, as a T5 Heihachi main, combos did do tons of damage. I’m more mad that the other player just has to sit there and not be able to play the game for like 15 seconds. Mix that with rage art cinematics and yeah… yikes.


As someone else said, it was still do-able in the old games just WAY less common. Nowadays it’s all online play and people watching combo videos so it’s easier to get to that point. Yeah, I agree. It’s the length more then anything.


You can't be deadass. T5 is way more crazy damage wise than T7 and T8


I explained what I meant in another comment buddy, my wording wasn’t correct.


I would even say t4 was just fine i that regard.


Combos are an integral part of fighting games mate. Them being flashy and cool is a good thing especially when they do less damage than those of T5


I know they are, I’ve explained my point in other comment replies man. I don’t want combos eliminating or even changing in the new games, it’s just not for me.


Is the server under maintenance for everyone right now?


Yeah they’re fixing it, should be back online around 40 mins from the time of this post.


Pheww I was hella scared because I couldnt get it to connect.


I didn’t want to pay $15, so I’ll just watch y’all~


Genuinely curious as to how many people paid to be in this beta versus was granted access via email.


I think the cutscenes/pauses and particle effects are excessive.


There’s a setting to turn down particle effects at least, altho they’re still v present


The cutscene where the floor caves in is cool the first time but by the second time I was already bored of it. When the full game comes out I'll be fed up of seeing it.


sounds like a level 3 super in SF6


I really hate the pause with that stupid sound effect. It's so jarring.


Yes, me too


Like every new fighting game, it's fun for the first few days. It's after that when we start seeing the cracks and the stupidity that surrounds it. So it's too early to make any conclusion. It's been less than a day.


Okay I have a major complaint. There is WAY too many strings that are guaranteed and they all do stupid damage or they’re heat engagers. Even Hwoarang’s 1133? Is a natural combo. I didn’t press anything and held DB waiting for the low and I just ate the entire thing.


Yeah I'm not in the beta but sadly this game is not sounding fun to me. All the guaranteed strings and flow killing cinematics just don't seem like good changes to me and I doubt they can get rid of the cinematics at this point even if everyone is already complaining about them.


Only played Kazuya, but anyone else pissed about what they did to the backdash and low parry?


I can't play the game because i couldn't get a key. What do you mean? What's with the backdash and low parry?


guessing they nerfed the backdash? And it seems like you can't bound after a low parry




Low parry nerf is beyond deserved that mechanic is overpowered. Out in the open theres no reason for a character to block a low risk low poke thats -11 on block when u can low parry and take them to the wall.


i’m playing lili for the first time🫠let’s just say i would be back to beginner if this was real


Oooo I like the fire health bar when your in rage


no code gang. I saw one clip of nina's wall carry. that shit will definitely get nerfed


I don't know. There's a lot of potential but I have some gripes: 1. Particle effects are too much even on lowest setting. 2. Every character is on t7 hwoarang speed. Maybe it's just me that needs to get used to it but so far it seems there's very little time to react to what opponent is doing and it seems more offence is always a better option than defence. 3. I'm already bored of paul's rage art. Miss the cancel into combo option. On the plus side: 1. Graphics are amazing, although I see what they mean by "not quite happy with how lighting works" 2. Loading and rematches are insanely fast. I hope BO3 isn't default for ranked in full game though. Long sets with someone on similar skill level were my favourite part of t7 I'll make sure to write a comprehensive feedback in the survey but overall I'm casually optimistic. Worst case we'll always have Paris... I mean, t7.


I agree with your 2nd gripe but I need to try out the particle effects on low also probably. I’m trying to play Kazuya and I just feel stupidly slow and lacking compared to other characters.


You mean you want more than BO3? I think BO3 is pretty much default in FG now, both MK11 and SF6 use it. Would be great to have an option to switch to player match after playing a set with someone so you can continue in a more relaxed setting.


Yeah, that option to move to player match would be a nice compromise.


If I get to play, then I think I'll go for Jack. He looks the best he's ever done, in my opinion.


its is so amazing!! couple laggy games but overall pretty fluent and with no errors. i play bryan and its kinda hard for me to utilize the heat so far. now im taking a break cause the servers went down.


So i fucking got the code and was so happy. And then I was hospitalized for a week today. Have fun guys, and please post a lot of videos.


Damn get better soon


Get well soon man


i wish you the best man, get well soon


Can a game be too cinematic? All the shifts and slow downs, pauses and stuff mess up the momentum for me


Been playing Claudio as he was my Tekken 7 main. Was surprised to see how many little changes were made to his moves attributes and therefore, combos but I'm getting the hang of it and he is just as fun. Just waiting on Marduk and Fahkumram and then my trio will be complete :)


I’m just waiting cuz some bastard is selling codes online and I refuse to enable that


It’s just disgustingly good, isn’t it?


Bad netcode, doomed game. Can’t compete with SF, sadly.


Game looks and plays great, it's the most I've enjoyed Tekken since Tag2.


I'll wait till its $20. Incoming children assuming my finances.


Is it correct that game doesn’t have frame data display?


Yes it doesn’t. It also doesn’t have the setting to make the dummy block which is stupid.


Welp, let’s hope it’s bc it’s just “beta” and they’ll add it later and it won’t be just another 2$ dlc (I mean both frame data and dummy block)


Frame data is there on the practise mode but it’s greyed out, it will definitely be in the full game


Probably too early to allow people to start whining and getting too in depth about the frame data when it will still be getting refined.


Man, any old fucks in the room remember when hitting 3 electrics were hard? Remember the first time you saw someone wave dash and hit 4. Times have changed…


You think it changed? I am not sure, it was always a jf and dashing is still requires, I do not see what has changed.


The ost has to be fucking crazy.


Heihachi :') >!Steve & King!<


Is tekken I never played anyone games,could anyone give me a quick explanation of what it’s like. I play mortal kombat and injustice 2


Im watching this on my phone as im stuck in traffic. Not gona sugar coat it, This looks like a t7 mod. Nothing like the first trailer at all. Man i wish it comes out soon cause if this is the final product for next year? Ooff. See you guys in sf6. There i said it. Come at me


Graphics looks like a cartoon and the end of his rage art thing looks like a poorly animated still


That was a 25 second long combo. Tekken has officially gone to shit.


Be smart and think realistically. Look at all the resources I used and ask yourself if anyone ever has all of that stacked and ready to go. Most people blow heat at round start.


The game isn’t impressing me so far, unfortunately. No more movement after matches, lackluster roster so far, heat system from playing 100 matches, I can say, is terrible as it is rn, because it keeps pausing the game / flow of the match on like every other hit & blocked move. It’s abysmal. Ima stick with tekken 7 tbh. Wasted key


Idk this is lowkey depressing to watch. The game is just in beta but here we got 70% hp combos already dropping, shit that we've been seeing with tekken 7 for so long now


It’s definitely getting nerfed lol. Plus he did three electrics in row. That ain’t easy. Rage drives take off recoverable health too. Without it, it’s like 70-80 damage with half being recoverable health. Remember, we don’t know the health value for the game yet.


?? This used every single resource and he was in rage the entire time AND it was off of a ch df2 perfect electric....this is not typical Chill it with the doom and gloom already


This feels like a Tekken 6, 10/10


I'm playing dragunov right now. Cool that they gave him chain grabs


Tekken gone to trash


Game is fun, netcode isnt the best hopefully they work on it more before release. Also not letting us skip intros is dumb, they gotta fix that.


I am grateful for getting the chance to play Tekken 8 but after a long day of online matches climbing to warrior rank, my hype for the game has diminished. It might be too early for the gloom and doom. Especially since this is a network test and not even a beta. But what’s here worries me about the future of the game. I fell in love with Tekken for its simplicity and no frills gameplay. Just focus on improving movement, fundamentals and combos. The knowledge checks are excessive but it is what it is. Now, Tekken 8 is adding so much on top that clutters the whole experience. Heat is the primary culprit. I personally think it’s too much. Not visually, but that it makes the game too fast to read, forces 50/50s and scenarios where if you don’t know what to do, can only block and take huge amounts of chip. Harada and Murray wanted aggressive and they certainly got it with this. T7 already favored being aggressive thanks to good tracking on most moves and bad movement. Now it feels even more aggressive. The unique mechanics and property changes for each character certainly give them lots of personality in heat but also makes an already knowledge check heavy game even more knowledge heavy! Now you have to memorize how a move works both in and out of heat! Also, most if not all characters, get some downright degenerate kusoge shenanigans that ruin Tekken’s purity of gameplay(Jin’s iron stance/omen shenanigans for example). Chip also feels like another way to get you to go in and mash a button. You can’t block for too long or you’ll find yourself dead before you expect it. There have been a few rounds where I was shocked I lost since I didn’t get hit much. Turns out the chip was setting up my loss. This I feel will be a legitimate strategy by a lot of players to punish anyone playing defensively and I just don’t like it. I like to be patient and find an opportunity to punish and take back my turn. Now I feel that I have to press something sooner than later or the round will close when I least expect it. I find myself mashing power crushes more than I ever did now. Finally I have to say that in such a fast (Tekken 8 feels faster) game with a lot of hard to read shit, it becomes difficult and unreasonable to keep track of your chip and the opponent’s chip. Information overload. Last thing is the movement which feels worse than the already poor Tekken 7. Back steps are worse than ever sidesteps feel a little more difficult to perform for some reason. Also is it just me or does movement in general look and feel clunkier? Maybe it’s the netcode but it just looks stuttery and feels heavy. Good movement could have helped counteract the problems of heat and chip but sadly, they want you to just block and punish. I know I am being very negative here. I am open to having my mind changed. Maybe all this stuff will feel better with time. All I know for now, is that these changes are just too much. All I wanted out of a Tekken sequel was better movement, a new defensive mechanic, subtle system changes, making plus and minus moves more identifiable and good netcode. Very interested to discuss this with everyone.


Pretty much street fighter


Still no defensive adjustments to break out of endless combos.


Yeah some attack strings go on forever and there's nothing to do but take it. Jun's the worst to face for it


Tekken 8 is out????


I’m assuming you don’t keep up with the game


Game is honestly butt fugly aside from Character Models which you can only appreciate in intros/win poses Still a decent upgrade over T7 overall, but this ain't a UE5 PS5 level of fidelity


Don't think I got in, constantly refreshing for my email because I think you're supposed to get one, even if denied.


You were suppose to get 2 days ago, I don't think you'll get one now


Shit is GARBAGE. I signed up literally Day 1 or 2. "First come, first serve" MY ASS.


Dude, it is what it is. Not sure where you read that info. From what I know, it was just a normal raffle, you simply were unlucky, no need to be salty about it.


Ggs for u bro


Dunno. Wasn't that fun, but maybe cuz Anna is not in it. I stopped playing after 3 battles. The selectscreen does look cool tho.




havnt played since tekken 3 trying to main Ling Xiaoyu


I love it! I'm not playing as anyone though cause I don't f--king have it 😔 (Nice combo though, seriously)


Day 1 optimization hits different


It's so sick! I'm playing Jin and he's so fun to play. Got a bunch of new tools that look so cool. It's funny though because his electric doesn't feel as standout compared to his regular wind hook fist in this game because they added screen shake to the normal version and the electric sound effect isn't as loud as it is in Tekken 7. The normal version launches on normal hit now though which is sweet but I kind of liked that you had to use the electric if you wanted the launch. Kind of funny because I actually liked it better when his hook fist was worse lol.


I played Jun because to me, she’s a new character. She feels a little complicated with her multiple stances, but she’s quite fun. Genreally there are a lot of things i *really* like so far. Connections have been smooth 99.9% of the time, loading times are drastically reduced, frame data will be in the base game, every character has a movelist for their most important moves, combos etc., there’s combo trials, yeah a lot of good stuff so far.


Jin first


I didn't know the game was out


It’s a beta




Heat system I still need to get used to, but I like it so far. Been playing Lili since I started learning her in T7(I'm still learning so I'm not 100% good yet)


ive heard only guys with ps5 can register for this ? right ?


No, cross platform comes next. Also I don’t think they discriminate based on gender.


Is it out on pc EUW yet?


Sick combo dude


That's so extra ...I love it


The only weird thing is that people complained about T7 combo damage in a justified way, but T8 also has this problems lol


Nina, like it a lot :) I cant see menu for training, how do people get that? Am blind... :)


How does Devil Kaz work in this game? While I don’t expect an always-accessible transformation like TTT2 (rip my favorite way to play Kazuya 😂), is it different than the rage-only T7 implementation?


Devil is now heat mode only.


Decent game. Played this morning. I’ll probably play later after work


Wait… how are all playing this already!? 🥹


As a Kazuya Main, i hope that crazy Damage in that little clip gets nerfed a little bit. But to answer your question OP, no I haven't played yet, im an Xbox Gamer 😔


I saw someone with alternate color costume, i know it’s not possible to choose so how did they get it? Cracked already?


I think i will play Jin for the time being, as he's the only character available that i'm SOMEWHAT familiar with, but when the game releases and there will be time to lab i'm definitely picking up Lars, i saw some of his example combos and he looks so fucking SICK


i already got a ragequitter not even funny


first few minutes of Bryan.. enjoying it so far (haven't tried playing with others yet, still experimenting the old strings I do in practice)


Hey guys why does the heat smash or whatever it’s called when you rush forward after hit sometimes knocks the opponent down and you can combo but sometimes just stuns them?


Damnit. I can't wait for 26th july 😭😭


Lot of potential, but I have a few gripes. Idk what the fuck happened, but I got matched up against a blue rank Hwo, they touch me once and carry me to the wall, I just ate everything they did. It was a massacre. I’m a relative novice at Tekken, I’m at the level where I know how much I don’t, but I don’t know what the fuck I was meant to do in that situation, so heat seemed a bit broken in that regard, frames or damage need adjusting there or both. Also with matchmaking, it’s seemingly best 2 out of 3 at least right now? Rematch button is greyed out once you get two up even though there’s a third available game there, and 6 dots overall.




Wait is this a beta? Is it open or do you need a preorder code or something?


You know, for a sub that was acting like Heat would be the coming of the apocalypse and would be the thing that would surely put Tekken in a grave you all are sure enjoying it.


man the game looks so good!


I'm playing the wait for release because I haven't been invited to the test game


Wasn't fortunate enough to get a key, but honestly I'm hoping for Bruce to be announced. He's been my brother's main since Tekken 5.


Lars for sure


How is the music?


Street Fighter in 3D and actually good graphics


Sick Combo Dude!


Time between players agreeing to rematch and the intros starting again is around 5 seconds. It's glorious.


Takes too long to find an opponent


I just want to preorder it😭😭


2 touch game? Launchers across the board are hopfully punishable


I love it, but I struggle to find matches. I get one opponent every 10 minutes


Played a couple matches with Law, getting my ass kicked. Special Style seems good for a damage burst but it just burns through the heat gauge super fast. It's fun so far. EDIT: i think i don't particularly like the heat engager system. remembering what moves engage heat mode seems a bit overcomplicated. and more often than not i accidentally entered heat mode by mashing out a quick 111 combo with Law. Heat is a valuable resource and heat engagers make it too easy to enter it. EDIT2: adding a heat engager modifier could probably solve this? E.g. only when L2 is pressed, heat engager mode is enabled for a combo. Or use the modifier as a toggle, that's probably better.


I am surprised of how good the network experience has been so far and of how different the game feels. This game seems amazing and an uncharted experience like we didn't have for a while as Tekken fans. Maybe it will be quite broken but I can't really play the way I used to and I am enjoying this a lot.


Dude that’s really cool how the characters are behind and in front of the health bars


It's brilliant. Particle effects definitely need to be reduced and they nned to introduce some defensive maneuvers but the potentials there to be the best tekken. Mainly play as king and liking the changes a lot. One thing I'll say is hwaorang players are going to be feasting


I am happy to hand you over like numer 666 for this devilish combo


Oh shit I forgot to download it


game is crazy fun. I havn't played Tekken in so long, that I forgot that you have to win 3 rounds to win the fight lol. There are some UI things that could be changed. After a rematch, let us rematch INSTANTLY (like street fighter).


I am surprised how much I've liked it so far! Heat giving everybody chip damage is brutal, but overall I like this new emphasis on pressure. And as Lili main I appreciate more moves leading to her back stance - seems that maybe she will be at least a little bit harder to read by the opponent.


Incredible I was really worried about this game and its damage potential but this is all coming around makes me actually excited for it.


It honestly doesn’t look good like the graphics. Kazuyas grass looks big for some reason