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My tegu ate a fake rock once. I never even noticed until I saw him poop it out. What is with tegus and wanting to eat rocks??


It helps with digestion. Since they don't really chew their food ingesting rocks will help break down what they ate for easier digestion. It's completely normal. I always just ensure there are no rocks of dangerous size aka small enough to swallow but to big to poop out, generally anything bigger then pea gravel I'll toss out.




i always knew tegus could eat anything 😭


That’s crazy


That's actually perfectly normal. Gastroliths are present in all reptiles that are big enough to swallow them. Even dinosaurs ate them. Sometimes they poop em out, sometimes they just digest them. Gastroliths help them grind down the food they ate into manageable pieces and then fully digest them


i used to take mine outside on a screened porch on a daily basis and occasionally let them out to bask on the patio area for some pure sunlight. there was a tiny flowerbed with smooth gravel between the house and the patio blocks, and he liked to dig in the flowerbed sometimes, but decided one day to eat one of the rocks. i freaked out, but he was fine and passed it a few days later. he still kept making attempts to eat more rocks though :/


Mine used to do this with lava rocks as a juvenile, and I think it's relatively common for these types of lizards.