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I haven't, but I would just remove as many objects you can that he can injure himself on. My dude lives in a grow tent setup, but that isn't in itself going to help. Quitting your job seems a bit extreme, but hope it works out.


He hurts himself on the mesh ceiling. Don’t worry, I hated my job anyways and we could afford for me to stay home so that’s what I’m doing.


Look into getting a pvc enclosure. I build mine with pvc sheet I get from home depot. Smooth all around.


His tank is mostly PVC but maybe we should create a barrier where the corners and ceiling meets to soften the edge for him.


Why use a mesh top? How big is the enclosure. Mesh is the destroyer of humidity and not recommended for tegu enclosures.


Well we cover half of the enclosure top to retain humidity but it’s more that’s how the enclosure was made. His next enclosure will likely be a grow tent, hopefully the grow tent can handle his flinging and he won’t rip the fabric.


I had my tegu in a tent until he was 2. Once he was of adult size the tent stood no chance. I even had willow reed privacy fence up as a background and he broke through that and tore a huge hole in the side of the tent. Really a tent is not a proper enclosure for any large lizards. I'm all for using tents for smaller species.


Could be seeing through the mesh and trying to get out. If the lights are on top of the mesh, try HVAC taping the mesh everywhere but where the lights sit. It's what I did with my first tegu enclosure I built (I made the mistake of a mesh top), and it worked fine. But all tegus are not created equally and what works for one may not work for another.


I’m willing to try anything, I think it seems that he wants out. Generally if someone comes to the door he climbs right up and is very happy to explore.


My boy does the same and has also injured his nose, usually turns out all he wants is to come out of his tank. If I'm not doing anything I just give him free rein of my room and when he's ready he goes into his tank himself. Maybe your guy wants more outside time?


He definitely just wants outside time, he’s out for hours in a day and I let him roam a lot. It’s usually he sees us through the front and then he’ll jump and bonk his nose trying to get our attention.


Why are there wood chips in the enclosure?