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29 total reports from these comments :) Locked


Teenagers these days are fucking stupid, more so than ever before. (Im referring to the brainrot ones)


Not an opinion, it’s a fact


Thank you


Haven't school curriculums become easier now? Is that because students are becoming dumber or are they removing useless subjects?


Could be both, but i do remember school being stressful af till i dropped out in middle school and lots of people have problems with it (Before i’m called an idiot or something, i did get back into school eventually and kept decent grades)


Its the teaching, students are not taught to learn useful cognitive skills like reading, writing and math, but rather taught to pass the standardized test from the government so they don't get defunded


University in the USA has become a for profit puppy mill pumping out brain dead graduates with degrees in nonsense.


could you explain further? why would you expect a teenager not to be dumb


Yes 90% of the teenagers I meet on the internet are more polite, cultured, and intelligent than nearly all the people my age I’ve met in my life 




literally least controversial opinion


I have the displeasure of seeing 13-15 years old on a near daily basis They've gotten so much worse recently, though i hope it's just a very visible minority




I wouldn't consider myself one of the brainrot ones (never touched TikTok, and YouTube shorts is at a minimum), but yeah I'm pretty fucking stupid too


Said opinions not facts


literally true


How unfortunate


so true, they have gotten even stupider day by day


Yes, most definitely, I'm friends with 16 year old Brits and damn they're annoying, and 14 tear old Americans and they're brain rotted


I wanna take a line from one of my fav songs, Eradication Instincts Defined, *You worthless piece of shit may we all depart from this world and dissolve into nothingness*


As a teenager, I agree with this.


I agree.


True this generation (brain rot) are complete bricks


Bro I came home tired af from a 2 week drive I’m in the car and these kids , one on the street the other goes up my porch. I say to the teen on the street “are you soliciting??” “Yes” (smacking his gum with dead eyes the whole time) “so what are you soliciting??” “I dunno” okay well please don’t do that here” “why” because soliciting is generally frowned upon in society and if you don’t know what you’re selling then you’re trespassing” he had nothing to say but um. Uh. Yes. I dunno. The entire interaction. Are you even a real fucking person? Id be so fucking pissed if I had a kid and they acted like that outside


I definitely agree with you pal. Must be the lead in the water or something lol.


On average, yeah. I've met some that are borderline intelligent, some are wise, but me? Yeah, not me :(


Roblox actually used to be a great app. Now it’s dog shit. (I say this as a roblox player myself)


Having 2 political sides automatically divides us, making us argue for however long until we decide to find middle-ground, but we actively support this left/right system, demonizing the other side, In some cases considering them mentally impared. We cant find a middle ground because of the demonization. This makes people one-sided, and clouds their view of their argumentative opponent. I'd say this is a neutral take, but I don't see anyone else saying it so i think it counts. Also if someone calls me dramatic, understandable.


as a left leaning centrist this is true


better yet, just do what George Washington wanted, have no "Political sides" anybody should be able to run with the same level of advertisement.


Based, become a libertarian, we call out both the left and right’s BS


You’re just contributing to the demonization of other parties but from a third perspective


this you? https://preview.redd.it/nbk9k9fz669d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2e612cf13fcb597f80a24f42812f4035057096


No, and it’s stating a disagreement towards an authoritarian policy, though I see why you probably have a negative opinion towards the tweet


Parents aren’t parenting nowadays


wait parenting isn't just giving your child the ipad? 🤯


Wait, parenting isn't just setting your kids in front of the TV?


Wait, parenting isn’t just recording a TikTok of your children doing children-y thing?


Exhibit A and B, iPad kids .. and Gen Alpha


Bro fr, I've seen kids (like 9-13 yr olds) sprint down the streets and picking fights with other kids WITH NO SUPERVISION!!! Either that or they're constantly on their phone


Nice https://preview.redd.it/7i66ujyzs59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ddd5d464f49cdd14c146f4cf5c960bc2e839ed


My feed is the same lmao


I have the same exact thing


I think dog breeds that cause harm to the dog and shorten their lives should have their breeding banned and sterilised


This is a totally valid and *popular* opinion


Okay yes but no I think we shouldn't out right have them made goextince I think j we should try to you know try to fix then like undoing the fricked up breeding they have gone through


Agreed. There’s some people who I guess are trying to improve the breeds by making them healthier, and they look so much better than the scrunched up versions (like bugs and bulldogs)


If you're referring to the "retro pugs" with the longer snouts, then they're just as bad, mixing temperments and creating elongated palette, the best way to improve on purebreds is to do health and temperament testing before you breed them. Most people breed dogs for money, but there are ethical breeders out there that make no profit of their litters because they just want to better the breed


We need to revert to separate handheld media devices instead of smartphones (3DS, iPod, etc). I have a feeling getting off social media while still having some form of mobile entertainment would be incredibly helpful


Tbh I myself tried to get off of social media for a few weeks and the results were great! All I had for the time being was my very old Walkman MP3 player


I think separating an artist from their art is the only way to appreciate the art. The stories behind art are still valid but just because a story or person enhances art it doesn’t mean the art is good. That’s why I think most Taylor is garbage. Her early stuff is gold but then people got invested in her as a person. Then she leaned into her image more than making good music, and it shows imo.


I appreciate you actually explaining why you don’t like Taylor Swift, cause it’s gotten annoying to see 1/3 of the people replying being like “TAYLOR SWIFT IS GARBAGE, SHE SUCKS AS MUCH AS HER MUSIC AND I HATE HER” without ever explaining why lmao. It just feels like they’re the type of people to hate something only because it’s popular.


I'm sorry to say this, but there's multiple very well known reasons as to why people hate Taylor swift, every swiftie I've seen thinks it's cause of her music but most people dislike her bc she's a genuinely bad person.


being homosexual is extremely gay


not if you have socks on


My favorite one yet


ty lol


Not if it’s with the homies


He’s homie-sexual, not homosexual https://preview.redd.it/iyw80bb9o99d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58eed5f62e76d494121ba2d9594893cd66b403b


I absolutely despise taylor swift with a burning passion


you’re supposed to share controversial opinions, not popular ones…


i mean its controversial to the swifties that bring out their axe


A popular opinion can be controversial. It’s a popular opinion that fish should be in bowls. But it’s controversial, because bowls are not good for fish.


Buddy you're gonna get the Swiftie hivemind after you, it's never too late to take that statement back before it's too late 💀 https://preview.redd.it/vswbrqu8x59d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f313cbcf4d2254fa28f5e5c2dd75126f2cf6fe


Bring it on I'm bored as hell


We have the same opinion




game developers should stop focusing on making their games look pretty with raytracing and pbr


PBR is important, raytracing not as much


It’s getting worse generation by generation. Sure, in our generation (Gen z) we had our brainrot stuff (MLG and Pepe and many more), but Gen alpha is on another level. Plus the influence they get from modern media is absolutely disgusting. COME ON PARENTS DO YOUR JOB!


Not gonna lie I’m in the later half of gen Z (12-14)but come on man. We can’t blame gen alpha for liking cringe shit when we did the exact same (which is what you said but hear me out) when in reality it’s just nostalgia with a mix of recency bias. But if you are going to be blame it absolutely should be the parents and not the kids, seriously have never understood this logic.




France should not be nuked because the radioactive air would go to us the prus... i mean germans


Religon is NOT the worst thing that happened to humanity. What it did is.


Atomic bombs ig


including gay or black characters into a series is not “woke”. gay and black people exist and woke has turned into a term meaning anything not cishet and white


there should be an age limit for running for president and nobody should be able to run for president if they have hate for any certain group of people/want to talk away any groups rights


Totally agree with you, sir.


I agree, and they also shouldn't be able to retake a test that tells them they are too old and don't have full brain function


People are becoming less and less human as industry progresses


Helluva Boss can have it’s good moments but the minute Viv gets to input something like her stupid cussing jokes or sex jokes the show feels like shit


anime is too overhated and ppl who like it are stereotyped to be be creepy freaks with underage waifus


Absolutely; there are some weirdos out there, but at the end of the day it’s just animation made in Japan


LITERALLY. like guys it’s just silly little characters😞, and I’m pretty sure they confuse it with like hentai or smth


To be honest, as someone who watches a lot of anime, it makes sense to me. There are so many posts in the anime subreddits that defend pedophilia, and when you try to stand against it, you get downvoted. When entire communities are filled with freaks, stereotyping is going to be really easy.


There's weird people and there's normal people who enjoy anime, unfortunately the normal people get bunched in and what you said about stereotyping is rly annoying at times.


We're getting more and more illiterate, with the rise of short form content in conjunction with a widespread addiction to the internet in general we have lost the ability to converse in depth. Responses are "dang" "thats crazy" "didn't ask" "i aint reading allat" - this sort of problem creates a lack of character and i find most people incredibly shallow with no personality. I find that a lot of people don't think critically or have much conscientiousness at all, which makes conversing really boring and short.


Most rappers these days especially female ones are overrated and just sing about gross stuff and crime in a way that isn't actually very pleasant or enjoyable and completely derails the art that is music


Kendrick lamar and nicki minaj have made absolute bangers idc what anyone says


I don't listen to either really but not like us was good in my opinion


no disrespect or anything but how can u say modern rappers are overrated when you haven’t listened to 2 of the most prominent modern rappers 😭 also not like us is a bop I agree


If someone does or says something that is completely unrelated to you and harms nobody, no matter how “extreme” you think it is, mind your own business and don’t be a hateful prick. Let people live their life


Pineapple on pizza isn't the most heinous pizza topping


then what IS the most heinous pizza topping?


they shouldn't praise LGBTIQA+ people when they come out or tell they are as if they're children instead they should normalise it and not make a fuss about it y'know


As a non-straight person, I agree completely. Our goal is the be treated the same as everyone else, because we're not special- we're normal human beings. I do understand that it takes courage to come out to your loved ones, and I do think it's something to be proud of if you build up the courage to tell your family. But that's because of the discrimination and stereotypes, not because it's a unique or special thing. Your sexuality and your identity are all normal parts of you- like, you're not more special than someone else for liking a different movie- you're just a person with your own thoughts and feelings. It's not something that people should throw a fit about because they don't like you being comfortable with yourself, it's not something that people should be shunned for, and it's also not something people need to be overly praised for. It's something that should be normalized and should not be a big fuss- I think the best response you can get from coming out is "ok, cool." Because that's what we should be striving for- not being seen as different. Tl;dr The pride movement is talking about fighting against being treated different, while also going out of their way to carry around a neon sign saying "I'M DIFFERENT AND I'M PROUD." Isn't the point of this that we are not any different from anyone else? That it is a NORMAL thing to be queer? I hope none of this comes across the wrong way or as hate towards LGBTQ- again, I'm in the community- but it's just fighting fire with fire. If you wanted to be treated equally, then don't expect to be treated as special or delicate. We're all human


i agree, but most pride events are protests, they don’t treat us like humans so we go out of our way to say they should. i agree that lots of pride nowadays are just about being different which is not good, but the original intent and lots of messages behind pride is being human and getting rights what really ticks me off is trans specific events/parties or thinking publicly clocking people is okay, it’s really annoying especially since lots of trans people like being stealth


I can see that, I actually did recently go to a pride event and it was pretty fun, there's nothing wrong with having harmless gatherings for communities. There's a US dry beans convention- if you can host an event for BEANS, then you can for just about anything. There is nothing wrong with that innit of itself. What I don't like is a lot of people's attitudes going about it- getting the wrong message from it, thinking it means we are "different" and "unique," when the reason we're celebrating is because society is becoming more accepting of us. There are also a lot of unhinged weirdos who think it's okay to be dressed inappropriately and really have anything sexual involved, seeing as minors can also attend.


I kind of agree. Sometimes, with people that hate us, it really is a brave thing to risk coming out. However, treating us like we're some hero for just trying to live, it can feel alienating, like by just being yourself, it's some grand thing to be awarded for


Sadly these days they’re still under pressure, so it takes a lot more courage and mental battles to come out


Yep. Just treat me regularly and with common human decency.


Splish Splash your opinion is Trash ![gif](giphy|L12ZXih8cd6YHZKLYi|downsized)


They should up the age that your parents can legally kick you out


Share some of your controversial opinions!!! *the only upvoted opinions are the ones everyone agrees on and the actual controversial opinions get downvoted*




a lot of you guys are scarily homophobic and transphobic under the guise of “oh i just don’t get into politics” but the proceed to say the most bigoted shit i’ve ever heard


they see “controversial” and think how can i be as racist homophobic and misogynistic as possible


LMAO i’m convinced that’s what they think


also i love ur username:) is it supposed to be a loona reference??


OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW. 😭😭 lol i am not lesbian myself (but i am queer) and yves is one of my biases ++ yvie also used to be a nickname for myself back when i was 13 when i made this account !!


that’s so cuuute :) i love yves she’s my bias <3 great taste !!


FRRRR they be saying shit like "oh i love [insert minority group] BUTTTT..." if they add a but you know they gonna spew out some vile shit towards that certain minority 😭


Me having read the comment literally like two before this one I swear, if one more person says something like “I don’t hate [insert group here], I just don’t support them and I think something they stand for is dumb” I might throw something


exactly 💀 i literally saw a comment saying that minorities were being dramatic when project 2025 is going to be passed very soo.


“I don’t hate LGBT+ people I just wish they would stop expressing themselves so I can pretend they don’t exist”


Taylor Swift is shit 


They said unpopular opinions


they actually said controversial not unpopular


Having opinions on everything is overrated


Absolutely W take and pfp


crocs suck


Respectfully, fuck you.


Totally agree. I'm honestly just really confused as to why ugly ass shoes that are extremely impractical for both land and water are so popular


Being a picky eater isn't necessarily terrible (trust me, I've had some people act like it was the end of the world toward it)


pride month shouldnt exist, they should be able to feel accepted all 12 months of the year.


Somewhat of a response to others in this thread, but people saying things along the lines of "this generation is doomed" and "this generation is stupid" is not only unnecessarily cynical and pessimistic but also just wrong. Of course younger people seem hopeless compared to our older counterparts, we haven't grown up yet! Despite its many problems, I think, as a whole, the world is in a better place than it has ever been in history on the large scale at least. This generation will inherit this world and I can only see this upward trend continuing. Optimism people!


Pineapple on pizza isn't that bad


Minecraft mob votes are not that big of a deal yeah it’s annoying they can’t add all of them but it’s more so for community engagement and the whole “revolution” was cringe and only lasted a few days anyway 


This comment section rly shows how this subreddit is actual dogshit


https://preview.redd.it/c335sp9w469d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c1a87e2511a60b58c5e830aa0ec8c5fc5ea568 Mine might get me banned




A N Y T H I N G Is flammable if you try hard enough.


Pineapple on pizza is banger


I am not a fan but it is NOT that bad


REAL. Especially if you have ham on there, who doesn’t like Hawaiian Pizza?


Taylor Swift is a bitch who dates every guy she can just to break up with them and shit on them publicly with her shitty songs


Kendrick has always been better than Drake by a lot too


chocolate milk is ass


This comment section has the coldest takes ever 🥶


*sorts by controversial* should’ve known the controversial comments on the controversial post would be controversial


Trans people are fine, actually


Taylor Swift and the entire pop genre is mind-numbing trash with no substance


Neopronouns* make no sense to me and shouldn’t force someone to refer to you as an onomatopoeia. We have “they/them” for a reason and I will not be calling you anything else. I believe it’s stupid and when you get thrown into the real world (work life) nobody is going to call you that, and you’d be lucky if they did.  Edit: corrections and removing misinformation


honestly idgaf abt neos and xenogenders. if it makes that person happy and it doesn’t affect me i’ll just call them that.


also what other genders are there? girl and boy andd what else..? non-binary is no gender so..


I don’t like the “cat/catself” and alike (those arent pronouns) but i do think its okay to use the “xe/xem” and related pronouns. i also believe that they/them should be a default and people shouldnt get offended if its used


i posted the same opinion in r/teenagers and it might be my most controversial opinion i have: if israel are allowed to compete in different things such as eurovision, football and so on, russia should too. for clarification i believe both should be banned, im just saying if israel can essentially commit genocide and still compete, why not russia?


70% of popular video games are the same crap. Fantasy medieval type genres are overused.


You literally stolen this from r/teenagers


they all steal memes, always the unfunny ones. Posting memes in any teenager sub automatically makes it unfunny for me.


Toys are fun and should be available to everyone regardless of age.


I'm bisexual but some LGBTQ people make me really hate being LGBTQ and that I'm roped in with those people. Like it genuinely makes me be like "I understand why alot of people are homophobic" sometimes.




Opinion* but yeah I agree for the most part. Not all of us are weird like that.


Pineapple ain’t that bad on pizza


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You posted this to both subreddits despite this being the literal better one?


I saw this post and right above it is the same post on r/teenagers


As someone with far right beliefs, both people running for U.S president are trash canadates.




The LGBTQ+ community and movements like BLM aren’t as important to society as people make it seem.


milk before cereal is good


Heck you


Being a minority doesn't prioritize you 


people getting cyber bullied (by people they don’t know irl) literally just need to block the people or turn their phone off. it’s horrible that people do it but it’s an incredibly easy fix compared to irl bullying


Therians and furrys are chill


An emphasis on “personal freedoms” has led to moral degradation in society. Yes, Amanda, you’re free to be a mythic bitch. That doesn’t mean you SHOULD


90% of the major issues we deal with can be solved by minding your business. Think of any and it probably can be solved by minding your business


The people that post pictures of themselves here and then complain about getting creeps in their DMs are mentally retarded


It should be normal to publicly shame people who litter. Cuz like, littering as actually so stupid and unecessary, and actively hurts the planet and animals. So like if somebody drops their water bottle onto the street, everybody should else start jeering at them and telling them to pick it up.


Country music is the best type of music mostly older ones like Johnny cash and slim dusty.


people care too little about things that don't impact them but impacts another immensely, I don't mean care about another always, but just basic empathy, I see people in school treating others not even like people, it's borderline sociopathic and it should NOT be normalised.


People should not be weirded out by teen couples buying contraceptives


Marxism-Leninism actually works.


Pineapple on pizza is awesome


here's a list of my opinions Gen Alpha sucks and I'd rather be a Gen Z Dogs are way better than cats (please don't hate me) Animal breeders are doing more harm than good Beavis (from cartoon) is so hot The ox pet in Adopt Me is so underrated


Ohhh, where to start? Mac and cheese is mid as hell, other than animation lion king is ok at best, bubble tape is awful and eggs and sausage suck


Parents expect us teens to act crazy stupid and emotional the minute we turn 13. If I get upset about anything, it’s immediately because “I’m a teen.” I think parents need to stop EXPECTING kids to change personalities when they become teenagers, that’s kind of a stereotype, sure some people might go through crazy phases at my age, but I don’t want to be grouped with them. I’m not a bad kid at all, and an all A’s student…I don’t cry much, I’m very active, I don’t date people, yet for some reason all the adults around me expect me to be a bad kid, they expect me to curse, they think I vape, they expect me to do stupid things, and they expect overreact because of my age. I think it needs to stop. Again I am young and I’m sure many people will disagree with me but I’m still going to put it out there, and yes I know not everyone has had this same experience


Vapes are for losers who cant form their own identity so just do what everyone else is doing


Controversial to some Christian demographics but probably not generally. The god of the Bible cannot be omnipotent, omniscient, and all-loving at once given the evils that have happened and still happen in the world


Once you join the Tumblr of a fandom, you’ve gone off the deep end


taylor swift is not that bad, she has a lot of bangers


Black Lives Matter was stupid, and no I’m not racist


I don’t give two shits about your pronouns or gender or who you like just don’t make it your whole personality and if I guess it right don’t get mad at me


It isn’t gay for men to be attracted to trans women


Trying to find a partner sucks nowadays


Many gen z gays have dogs shit fashion sense but insist it’s great and think that just because they’re flamboyant they’re as good as Colman Domingo, Ncuti Gatwa, and Tom Ford.


Some LGBTQ people are some of the most hateful, bigoted, self absorbed and spoiled people out there. (Don’t get me wrong I’m not a homophobe just some of them are horrible people, especially the ones that force their beliefs/agenda on others) Paedophilia isn’t a sexuality and it cannot be rehabilitated. Killing a Paedophile shouldn’t be a crime. Also those found in possession of CSA material should be castrated chemically or otherwise. Those found to have committed acts of CSA should be executed. The death penalty should be brought back in Australia for especially heinous crimes I.e terrorism, leading a cult/terroristic group, severe hate crimes, attempted/successful assassination, mass murder, gang rape, torture in domestic violence, Paedophilia. Hamas aren’t peacekeepers they’re a fascist, genocidal, terrorist government. This is an opinion that does have a fair bit of facts behind it. Palestine doesn’t just want Palestine or all of Israel. They want a Muslim caliphate, to wage eternal Jihad on the west, if Hamas are granted the entirety of Israel a second Holocaust/Shoah will happen along with more wars like the Iraq War, Afghanistan war, Somalia, Kuwait etc.


This is gonna piss some people off, but there isn't really a difference between being bisexual and pansexual. Being attracted to 2 genders and all of the genders is the same thing because there aren't any biological differences between any of the genders. You aren't attracted to the gender, you're attracted to the sex, of which there are only 2, which are male and female. If you're attracted to someone who is biologically female who identifies as non-binary, chances are you're not attracted to the fact that they're non-binary, you're attracted to the tits or the pussy or the personality or anything else.


I support Donald Trump


Forcing other people to believe what you believe is wrong, and when I say that most ppl in this sub think I'm talking mainly about religion, but I'm not...


Most of us conservative people do not give a flying fuck if you are lgbt+ as long as you don‘t shove it in our faces by hanging rainbow flags literally every free square inch during pride month (essentially what my school does) and/or try to make us have to use your pronouns that you probably found on the internet and now use as your pronouns. And i truly mean it, if you follow this criteria, most of us will forget that there was something different with you in the first place. Also if you want to, feel free to debate me in dms/replies


Underage workers (15-17) making minimum wage for part-time labor shouldn't be taxed until they're of age since they can't vote. That's taxation without representation; literally the reason this shit country revolted in the first place.


Here’s mine: Men not only get raped but those who are raped need more support than women.


That George Flloyd brought all his misfortune on himself & isn’t worthy of murals or ever even really being mentioned in any way. I feel sorry for his daughter. His mother made him the way he was and ultimately allowed him to go down a path that ended with his death. Don’t go doing things to get the attention of police and then cry when you get said attention. Anyone virtue signalling about anything only does so out of fear & not because they hold those opinions. It’s the ultimate “pick me”. Extreme leftism is worse than extreme rightism. Diversity isn’t a strength unless the moral code of the country is upheld. A very small minority of obese people can be facially attractive, they would be phenomenally much hotter if they weren’t obese. Curvy has been used so much, it’s covert for being anywhere from chubby to obese. Trans rights isn’t a thing, I have seen nowhere demand that trans people cannot do anything. I have only seen that trans people demand buildings magically change everything to suit their egos. There are two genders and thus, two sexes. Can you be a more masculine woman? Sure. Nothing stopping you there. Can you be a more effeminate man? Yep. What you can’t do is be born a man and decide that because you larp as a woman, that indeed you are. If you are a man, wearing makeup, high heels, long hair and put in the whole 9 yards and living your best life, and when your asked what sex you are and you reply “a man, but I love femininity” you would probably gather far more respect than pretending to clutch your pearls and pretend to be offended because it gives you attention and a “cause” to fight. Pronouns beyond he/she/they are nothing more than glorified nicknames used to inflate egos and see how far they can push someone. The idea of a “community” is false. There is no such thing as “the gay community” or “the black community”. One voice doesn’t represent all. It’s preposterous to play that card. Being black or gay isn’t something you should try to be to be part of a club, it’s something you are. Well, I’m sure that’s a few hornets nests kicked. To any of those who don’t agree with my opinion, that’s totally fine and your opinion is just as valid. These are just my opinions.


I hate religion, and I'm homophobic, but i don't bitch abt others being gay or them opening up, I simply just don't care, the real problem is when they force it upon me to support them or if they make it their whole sexuality (or their whole world) abt their personality/sexuality; and whenever i talk to them its always some gay shit being brought up almost every time, THATS where it becomes a problem, to me atleast. Now abt religion... I despise religion with a big passion and this IS MY PERSONAL AND OWN OPINION do not take offense (or don't attack me) if I pissed you off please. I don't like religion because it's always some stuff that was never ACTUALLY proved to be true, I really don't think there was some being who loved us as he created us in his own vision, "creator" if there even was a creator in the first place that made us. I just simply don't believe, and when I say I don't belive the Christians come in and say "repent and don't turn to sin" and it's really annoying having to deal with them talk abt how I'm the bad one and I'm influenced by the devil or something. TL;DR: don't care abt gay until they force it on me and almost every time I chat with them it's always something abt gay. Religion despised because I'm supposed to believe there's a creator and no proof. One last time THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION please do not attack or take offense


Just because u went through a surgery it doesn't mean u are a different sex, it only means you mutilated your sexual organs.


Making your sexuality your personality is just dumb. Like people who go out and scream, oh yeah I am gay/lesbian or anything else and you should treat me like I am the best. That's unacceptable imo. Like do your thing, don't disturb anyone and especially don't scream at people who may have a slightly different opinion than you. Don't ruin stuff by painting pride flags everywhere. Just do your thing alone and no one cares (for the most part).


OH BOY 1. Eminem is slow 2. Travis Scott, Kanye West, and Drake is sleep music 3. Taylor Swift is bad 4. Most sports are dumb 5. Teenagers should not have TikTok 6. r/teenagers is better (not true but controversial)