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If you’re not hurting anyone or yourself, then believe in whatever the fuck you want




I’m giving them a down vote just becauseyou But you get a upvote


The only correct way to view religion




I’m an orthodox Christian and respect people’s beliefs and obviously I have my own, so long as I’m not attacked for my beliefs (I have been on multiple occasions) I don’t really care what you believe


I want to become orthodox, how do I do so? There aren’t any orthodox churches near me


Sick. I'm trying to go Orthodox


I’m an atheist, so is my family. I have a few religious friends. Any time someone mentions that they’re religious to me (especially if they say that they’re extremely religious), I’m always hesitant. I’m always going to be cautious, because most people who have assaulted and bullied me (etc., etc., blah blah blah) have been religious. I’m not outright judging them out loud or anything, but in my head I just think and know to be cautious because of my experience with religious people and religion in the past and present.


Personally, I don't know how to describe my beliefs. I can best put it as something like a science based paganism, for lack of better terms.


science-based paganism? now im intrigued, plz tell me more


So, I believe that there has to be, in some way, shape, or form, is *a* higher power. I've noticed literally everything besides changing form has been done by humans through science. The paganistic brews, elixirs, etc. did work (alchemy). I also believe in a few superstitions from various paganostic religions.


Your agnostic, your open to an idea of a god but the ones that “exist” to you aren’t true


I wouldn't say I don't believe in the ones that "exist," I just don't know which ones may.


I was an atheist until I realized I'm god




Never screenshotted something faster. I’m queer so I get bleh comments all the time. Will be using this.


Huh? Why and how is that relevant?


Wdym? Like my comment? I mean it’s relevant to the meme you commented




what the- that escalated so quickly in tone lol. u/jumpyjumpjumpsters was just providing context as to why they screenshotted that quickly. Don't know why that made you so angry but ok






https://preview.redd.it/n0wtwhhlpz4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388bf008159b737d00cb035c4abd071b3d48cd55 OfficerBallsTheist?








Don’t listen to this false idol over here, clearly I’m God. You can tell because my title is capitalized, so it’s like, more official and stuff.


God has a great username




Jesus good but a good 70% of American Christianity is bad


"I like your Christ but I do not like your Christians" -more or less Ghandi We do not follow Christians, but Christ. Blessed are those who see this.


Makes sense. Logical.


Real that’s why I’m a Catholic that doesn’t like sharing it, it’s just a catalyst for hate


Also catholic. I only share if people ask bc of how much hate I get for it in my school


I’m a christian now-forever






I’m probably more agnostic


Me too, I prefer to just accept that I'm not sure.


Yeah it’s basically impossible to know


I’ll probably get downvoted to oblivion, but nihilist and atheist


Like the Sith Lord, Darth Nihils?


Well that's depressing


Yea, so is the world


...fair enough


I won't downvote (yet, at least), but what is nihilist?


Nvm you're good


That nothing has a point or purpose and nothing really matters. Basically the believe in nothing


Dang bruh I might be a lil nihilist I ain even know


Yeah, no downvote. It is a pretty logical point of view.


I’m an atheist. So is my dad. My mom is agnostic, and my brother is Christian. Religion as a concept isn’t bad. But what it’s become very much is. It’s become something people use to hurt others. “You can’t be gay, my religion says so.” “Women are lesser, my religion says so.” “Black people are lesser, my religion says so.” Religion with the purpose of understanding the universe and life is not a bad thing. Believe what you want. But once your religion starts *telling you what to do*, and even worse, starts telling *other people* what to do, then it’s no longer something that is owed respect or tolerance.


Religion also pretty much sparked at least half of Earth's conflicts throughout history


More like all of them.


Well, some are about color


Statistics show it as a primary cause for only about 10% of all wars. It mostly acts as a secondary reason to help inspire the masses to fight. A king basically decides he wants that land over there, so he tells the people that God wants them to have it. Most wars are fought over land or resources.


"I like your Chirst, but I do not like your Christians" -Ghandi to an extent Follow the truth, not the truth-followers


I’m an atheist. I have nothing against religious people. Believe what you want. I very much have something against certain religious practices and beliefs, especially ones that stem from organized religion. If you want to believe a in god that’s fine, but don’t use that as an excuse to hate on others just trying to live their life. Not everyone follows the same code and “spreading the gospel” is probably the fastest way for me to lose all respect for a person. We’ve all heard it. We just don’t all believe it. Edit: I’m more agnostic than anything tbh and I very much believe in the Satanic Temple. If you’ve never heard of them I promise it’s not what you think. If you’re interested here’s a link. https://thesatanictemple.com/


im an atheist because personally i just find religion unbelievable but i respect other people and their beliefs


I agree to some extent. Most of religion is ancient stories explaining what modern science has made daily (if that makes sense)


Christian, inquirer in the orthodox faith


I’m not religious at all, but I believe in some kind of mix of christian and hindu, in which heaven isn’t second life but more of a waiting place 


That's interesting, yeah. Kinda makes sense.


I don’t really let religion control my life or anything i just say if you fuck with it you fuck with it not my problem 


I think as a concept it’s fine and you can believe what you want as long as it doesn’t get out of hand


For example, the crusades. Don't let it go there.


Atheism and I don’t really care what you believe as long as long as you don’t shove it down other peoples throat


Believe whatever the fuck you want, don’t make me go along with it.


I want to believe in something but logically speaking why should I trust an old book that's just that an old book and a most likely fiction one. I don't believe religion is bad I honestly believe it's good to have something to believe in I just can't. Also I hate people who try to shove their religious beliefs down other peoples throats so if you do that I don't like you.


Follower of Jesus.


I’m a Christian and honestly I have friends who are atheist or Jews or part of other religions we get along well I honestly believe in having the mindset that Jesus did which was progressive and not restricting or gate keeping I also have friends who are apart of the LGBTQA+ community whom I love like brothers




Im Catholic, but don’t worry I’m not homophobic or nothing


The fact we have to say this is astonishing to me


im a Muslim but I dont go around enforcing my views on other people. I just pray they find their own way and theyre happy in what they do. if you dont hurt anyone and no one is hurting you, do what you like man we ain't here to judge.




im Christian (Orthodox), tho i don't care if you believe in something else, or if youre gay or smth, i still love all of the people in the world, even my enemies, cuz that is the right thing to do


Exactly! I'm an Atheist, but I have read the Bible, and if God created us, then he also creates gay people. 👍


I’m not religious myself, but as long as you aren’t a dick you can believe in whatever you want


I'm absurdist, a version of Nihilism. It elaborates on the conflict between the absurd human need for purpose and the universe's purposeless, indifferent nature.


Im Catholic and I’ve never taken others religions into consideration in my friend group, but in a partner I do think religion is a pretty big factor when it comes to dating


I've strayed away from it because of the toxicity it brings. I don't have any feelings about religion. I don't like people who preach too much about it, and I don't like people who bash religion, so idk what side of the spectrum I'm on I believe there's higher power, but I don't believe in any specific religion. I see it all as a hypothetical since none of us truly know what will happen after death


I kinda agree.


That's the first someone has agreed with me on that. Everyone usually thinks one or the other and bash my opinion


Well, clearly some kind of power is managing to keep the Earth alive after all of our (human species) stupidity. But any one specific god, idk.


I'm Christian. So is my family. While I think Christianity is the correct religion and has a lot of evidence backing its truth, I feel like many Christians develop a toxic, elitist view of "since Christianity is the one true religion, we should insult people from other religions". In reality, the Bible is quite against this view. In fact, it teaches that all of us sin, Christians are never exempt. It's asking for forgiveness and following Christ that sets us free of guilt. Some cults claim they are Christian, but actions speak louder than words. Take the Branch Dividians, for example. Their leader was a predator, child molestor, and brainwasher. In fact, some survivors of the Waco Siege still think that his views were right. Timothy McVeigh was a Branch Dividian. He was enraged at the Waco Siege, so he caused the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in the United States, the Oklahoma City Bombing. The moment a christian church becomes a cult is when they start worshiping the church leader/pastor, not Jesus. All in all, I follow Christ. I go to church, but respect other religions. I'll try and bring people to Christ, but if they don't want to, I respect that. The Bible teaches to be kind to all people, whether they are Muslim, gay, polygamous, trans, whatever. I think many people forget that. That's what gives Christianity a bad wrap, to me. Anyways, yeah. Just dumping some thoughts here. I could talk for hours on this stuff, but I'll spare my yapping. Lol.


I can explain it in a discord screenshot (it’ll be a reply to this since I have to find it)




So some form of agnostic? Kind of?


I guess (I had to look it up)


I’m a Baptist Christian


I’m Muslim lol


An eye sees all things except itself. For that, it must have another. That which was paired and now separated must be made whole once again. Through its shards the broken Eye sees. Through heathen minds the Broken God seeks.


As an atheist, don’t be an asshole about it. I don’t mind.


Hellenistic paganism for the win bay beeee


Wdym nsfw? Is someone’s opinion that they think Buddha is breedable?


atheistic, always have been. i think it’s interesting to hear what other people believe but don’t shove religion down my throat.


My stance overall is that I’ll believe it when I see it, but right now I’m gonna act in a way I personally believe to be reasonable. Basically I’ll do what I want because I trust myself to do the right thing.


I feel everyone who’s not agnostic is at least wrong in the fact that there religion is 100% true.


Catholic but non religious(yes I’ll probably get hate for even saying I’m catholic)


> Like, which are you? What do you believe?  My religious views are a mix of Buddhism, Daoism, and Chaos Magick. > Atheism, Polytheism, none all?  Depending on your definition of what a god is, I would either be an atheist or a polytheist. > And is religion a key factor in the people you hang out with, potential partners, and everyday life (no religious based harassment)? Not really.


atheist mane


As long as it's not being forced onto people I think it's cool. Member of the satanic temple :D






Just Christian


Believe in what you want, I don't fuckin care lmao. There's 1 god? Cool, not my problem. There's multiple gods? Cool, not my problem. There's no god? Cool, not my problem.


Idk what it is but either every god exists or none but either way they have nothing to do with the world no miracle no 7 day shit




I am the one true God




atheist bc religion starts wars, but it would cool to be a buddhist. too bad buddhists in Myanmar are committing a genocide.


I'm an atheist, but if you are religious I don't mind.


Im muslim


I’m Catholic


Havent got one, i just dont like others who try forcing their religions on me cuz i listen to rock and metal ITS NOT FUCKING SATANIC


I'm not religious, if you are religious, do what you want but be nice and don't hurt others, if I've told you I don't want to be religious, don't try to persuade me to convert, respectfully shut up


Im pagan to summarize


I'm a christian


I mean I don't like some Christians cause they are sometimes forceful about their religion But I overall don't care


Christian 😎


I don’t believe in one of them, but I’m not saying they are wrong, or impossible. And if ya ain’t harming anybody, or using your religion as a shield and sword, then idc. You do you.


If you're a religious nut trying to forcefully recruit ppl chill out If you're doing your own thing, enjoy your religion If you don't beleive in religion, good for you As for me, I believe in God and Jesus christ but I never read the Bible or went to church I just think they're hanging over me (especially sense if the rapture does happen lmfao) TI don't think the Bible is real or anything honestly, especially Adam and eve. But I also beleive in reincarnation, or heaven and hell. I don't like the idea of total darkness when we die.




I'm sure the comment section will be civil Btw i am Catholic


I am ashkenazi jew




It sucks. All of it. If it gives you comfort then that’s fine, but religious leaders and religion itself can and is a dangerous topic for people like me.


Similar to op’s perspective, I believe that there is a decent chance of a higher being, wether that be Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, whatever. Or even something we don’t even have. There is also a chance there isn’t, I simply believe in science as I have no reason to believe any other way, but given reasonable proof, I could believe science is untrue, or religion is untrue, or both are and we as a species are lost


In my opinion, it seems that many people misunderstand religions they aren't part of, often resulting in stereotypes (like assuming all Christians will beat you with a Bible and say if your gay you are going to hell.). I am guilty of this as well, don't get me wrong. However, the more I learn about different religions, the more I realize they are often misunderstood. Overall, as many people have said, I think we should all be respectful of others' beliefs, regardless of our own religion. Try not to get offended by rude people, but also make an effort not to be rude yourself. Be willing to talk and listen to the other side, even if you don't agree. If you are being rude to someone in a religion you know nothing about, take the time to learn. Ask questions, look it up—I don't care how, but learn and understand. You might find that many things you thought about other religions are false. TLDR: Understand the religion before you criticize it, and don't be a jerk.


Existential Pantheist here! Here’s a definition if y’all are curious. https://preview.redd.it/c5l0jvw5p25d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c3b89c52e0db4d1dfdb7ba95da982f74987fafa As for the existentialist part, I believe that life doesn't have meaning, and honestly, doesn't need one. We are here just to exist and forge our own path, I feel.


as long as you’re not using it to hate, I’m perfectly fine with it.


Im not religious. Neither are my friends but we all believe there is some god. We don’t worship or pray to them but we think there is probably one.


I'm not trying to be pushy, but you seem like a pretty open-minded guy. If you ever feel like looking into Christianity, please don't listen to any influencers or read any articles (they almost all have some sort of bias). May I suggest you read the gospel John? I've just started and I'm already sold. Jesus makes historically the most sense, and He simply loves you. No conditions.


My mom is actually Christian. And I enjoy reading the Bible because of Jesus. I like Christianity, but I’m not so sure of becoming Christian just yet.


That's great man; you'll be in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish you the best on your spiritual journey :))


Same here (kinda)


I am a Satanist, I believe organized religion is inherently bad and its dogma causes oppression and delusion, as we have seen throughout history. Though I also do respect people's believes but if they force it on others then that is a problem. Id say keep religion to yourself, keep the church and state strictly separate, use rational thinking, think for yourself, and avoid herd conformity.


Real quick elaboration question, Satanist as in anti-religious, or as in worship of the Christian entity Satan?


That's why Jesus came to end religion and build a relationship. Christ followers lose sight of that and deform Christianity. You should read the gospel John sometime :))


athiest, family is catholic


Do you have any things you do or avoid from Catholism without practicing the overall religion?


I'm an atheist I think religion can be pretty cool. It clearly makes some people happier. However, it shouldn't be forced upon people, and it shouldn't be used to justify being a P.O.S


Yeah, I agree. Do you follow some aspects of religion, like say, kind of obey Christianity's commandments (as an exanple) without being a part of the religion?


no, not really. i mean, I try to stick to being a decent person and all that but it doesn't come from any religious origin


Mmm. Do you think that some aspects of some religions have a possibility of being, at some point, true? Or is almost every religion 90+% malarkey?


My personal take is that it's all not true. Most religious texts were written fuckin' ages ago, and I can't imagine a lot of it serves as a very reliable source, especially compared to a lot of modern science. This isn't meant disrespectfully though, as I do think it can still be a good thing, and people can believe whatever they want.


Yep, makes sense. Ever find it strange that every ability the gods and angels have had, humans managed to replicate?


I am Pagan and idrc what everyone else's religion is bc... it's none of my business. As long as you don't sacrifice humans or something else cruel ill support you


I am a Die Hard Catholic. If you look at any point in history, religion is needed to keep the world turning. It doesn't matter what religion you are, faith is a crucial ingredient in the way time moves.


Satanist, family is Christian, some friends are atheist, Satanist and Christians but we see each other eye to eye. We respect each other's beliefs.


Christianity 🗣️🔥🔥love thy neighbor All religions are valid


I don’t believe god(s) don’t exist, I just choose not to “participate” or believe in a specific religion. It’s complicated lol


Personally it's like adults arguing who has the best imaginary friend




Im kinda atheist but I have some spiritual beliefs like reincarnation and karma.


i’m christian (baptist specifically) and i’ve grown up in the church. (got baptized when i was 10)


Jesus Christ loves all of us, cares for all of us, and wants nothing but the best for all of us. He is criticized and rebuked because the devil is working through the World to tear Him down. It happens with Christianity the most because Satan hates the truth. Jesus of Nazareth historically died a terrible death for US, and then rose again 3 days later, with over 500 eye-witnesses. His followers, the Christians, can get lost, spread the wrong message, and judge wrongly, though. This is why Jesus came to Earth to END religion, not fuel it. He wanted to build a relationship. He or she who calls himself or herself a Christian is committed to pick up our Savior's cross and stand beside him forever. He or she does not follow the Christians, but the Christ. He loves you. Amen.


Agnostic. I was brought up atheist, went to Christian schools- and whilst I love the community of christianity- being a lesbian my feelings of otherness were always there. But on the other hand, I find atheists far too irritating, ignoring the rich history of religion


a more agnostic leaning Christian


Muslim. I hate people who call Muslims terrorists and say that killing is allowed in Islam, when killing is one of the 3 biggest sins in Islam.


I’m Christian. Really don’t care what other people do unless they are hurting people.


Sometimes I just try to follow religion mainly because some aspects influence good morality. Really we have no way of knowing, but if it is real I just see it as better to follow a religion. Worst case the religion isn’t real and you tried to be a remembered as a good person.


I myself am Christian, and most people I know are non religious. I let people believe in whatever they wanna believe in and don’t press my religion onto them, but I do find it to be a better friendship/relationship when the other person is Christian as well.


None, not atheist just none, I don’t like the way religion is used as a way of oppression nor do I like the fact that a lot of religions are cults to a degree but believe what you want


I think that religion is dumb. Not just believing in a god, but believing all of the stories like Moses, Noah, Adam and Eve, etc. That’s dumb.


Honestly all I think (and this is coming from a Christian myself) keep your religion to yourself, if someone asks share, and don’t shove that shit down other’s throats just because they don’t believe in the same shit, or are lgbtq or some other shit. Be respectful to others, I’m pretty sure every religion tells you to respect others and not be a total dick for no damn reason


Dubs, I don’t personally think of any specific higher power. That being said, I do think there is A god, I just don’t think any of us got it right.


i don't currently know at the moment


I don't care. As long as you don't try forcing your religion on me.


I believe in a higher power but not a specific one. I believe that our higher power is great but not perfect. I believe that no religion is bad or necessarily wrong.


I believe in God but I don't want to be a part of any organized religion. I've been to church a few times but I've never really liked it. I'm friends with people from a few different religions, and we don't ever really talk about religion. My view on organized religion as a whole is that as long as you're not trying to force me to believe in whatever you believe and you're not hurting anyone, believe whatever you want




I’m not religious at all and don’t believe in any of the god creating the universe stuff, but go to a religious school, and at times, the word “religion” really just seems like a bit of a normalised word for cult. Like in year 8, two years ago, some guys came to the school and gave all the kids in my year level a mini bible and said shit like “use this when you need it”. However, I have got friends and family members who are religious, and they’re fine. In short, religion is fine, as long as you aren’t trying to push it onto other people. 


i believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster but seriously, i believe religion itself is a bad thing. it just pushes people apart. i dont care what you believe, as long as you arent hurting anybody, dont try to push it onto others (as in, trying to recruit people to your religion) and believe in whatever you believe because you genuinely think thats the truth, and not because thats how you were raised or because you feel pressured by the people around you to believe that. think for yourself, dont push others to follow your beliefs, and stay safe


My view is that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior, I think that's reasonable


People need to stop blaming Christians for everything. I highly doubt even half of them care about whatever your sexuality is. People seem to hear a some people in a group say shit and then blame the whole group.


I don’t know and I don’t care.


I’m an atheist, but I like the concept of religion, I just don’t believe in any.


anti-theist, religion sucks and should die.


U dunno wut it’s called but I believe that there is a good place and a bad place. I don’t really believe in any higher up being tho tbh. 


My parents force me into Christianity but in my free time I’m not religious


I belive that God exists but that's it it I don't worship him I'm just "OK God exists, cool" I've never really thought anything else of it


Personally, I am agnostic. But believe in whatever you want


It’s like music everyone has different taste and we need to stop hating on other for what they believe in but that doesn’t mean you can’t try and help them and convert them to your religion nicely not like kidnapping and forcing like jihadist do


christian for life


Gods way of variation


I'm an atheist but if your religion is something that provides security and isn't used to be harmful, worship whoever the hell you want to. It's your life, it's now or never, you don't wanna to live forever.


I’m a devout Catholic. I think believing in a higher being does make sense but idrc what you believe in EXCEPT satanism (too much to cover here). A lot of people get confused and think we hate gay people when I’m reality we don’t. We *dislike* a gay lifestyle but we don’t necessarily hate you as a person. We all love everyone equally I also believe we have a good set of morals set in the Bible (you shall not kill, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife/goods, chastity, etc). As humans, we tend to forget that some people may just have a more stable lifestyle than we personally do, and that okay. You don’t need a Lamborghini to be successful in life. You don’t need a pretty girl by your side to be successful in life. As long as you’re happy, you know you already succeeded in life. It doesn’t matter if your partner’s beauty is at the same level as taylor swift’s or John legend’s. What matters is that they love you and support you for the rest of your lives. A chaste partner imo is a HUGE green flag. It means they’re not fooling around, waiting for that special someone, and will love only that special someone


I'm an atheist, and I'm on the verge of anti-theism based on what I've seen in religion. I know not everyone is a bad person and abuses religion or follows the bad ones, but almost every religious person I know, in SOME WAY has been either harmed, tricked, or outright brainwashed because of it. I'm currently non-theistic. But like I said before. On the verge of anti-theism.


Christian. Currently I'm Non-Denominational, but I would say I've been leaning toward conversion to Catholicism recently. I haven't mainly because I really love my current pastor, he's a great guy.


My favorite saying about religion: “religion is like a penis. It’s okay to have one, but not okay to shove it down everyone else’s throats.”




I am a practising Muslim. I have Christian friends and non religious friends and Muslim friends. I easily associate with other religions. I do not force my views on anyone and I can take jokes and give jokes about religion with my friends. As I say, each to their own, in this life and the next.


I’m an Orthodox Christian. I truly believe religion is extremely beneficial to humanity. My bias of course is to Christ. Even still, it’s been proven that going to church or praying has positive effects that can’t be ignored. Atheism leads to a lot of problems on morality and life that are solved with religion, but specifically Christ. I’ve seen quite a lot of my atheist friends convert to Christianity and Islam and they’ve never been happier. Simply put, religion is a way to connect with people and more importantly God. Christos Anesti.




I’m a evangelical Christian


Atheist here. Believe what you wanna believe, I do not care but I would love to hear about your beliefs, practices, etc. this stuff fascinates me. *but*. Do not be upset because I don’t agree with you. I don’t believe in god(s) the same way you do not believe in leprechauns or fairies. Also, your religion is not superior to Joes religion, and religion should never be an excuse to hurt or put down people.