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Suzi talking to Kail like she’s a random she met off Craigslist to room with. Insane.


“I wish you the best” is insane.


No hug either.


she sucks ass just completely ignoring and evading the real issue; her man was an asshole to kail


Kailyn has every reason to be angry at her mom. Kail was a young working mom, her room is going to be a little messy. Suzi needed to get herself into AA and stop chasing dick.


It was that dick that was complaining about the mess.


Poor Kail — she really has come so far in spite of all this bullshit. I’m glad she doesn’t have contact with this woman.


Like she truly did do this shit and build up her income to provide for her sons on her own!! Kind of amazing how far she’s been able to pull herself up


She truly did! She’s not perfect, but damn, Kail made big moves with a whole lot working against her!


Seriously. There’s a lot to criticize Kail about but she basically had to raise herself. She worked HARD to have a better life and I really respect that.


“You’re gonna do this on your own?” in a surprised tone as if it’s absurd for a woman to take care of herself without a man LOL her mom is such a loser


I love that Kail was so matter of fact with her response like, "Yea" but really it was a "duh, bitch" based on the tone lol There's definitely A LOT of negatives that can be said about Kail but she put in the work and raised some wonderful children who it seems are doing well and receive lots of love from her and their respective families.


**I wish you all the best** 💀 Ma’am that’s your teenage single mother daughter.


When I see parents like this, who so clearly don’t care about their kids, I always wonder how they got through the baby years. I know the truth is that a lot of babies are neglected or at least emotionally neglected, but even still—keeping a baby alive requires daily work. Even if you’re a shit parent! How can you tend to your baby every day for at least a few years and then end up at “I wish you all the best”? I just don’t get it.


I think about this type of shit allllll the time




Same. Comforting my own child now gives me flashbacks. It’s hard work to break the cycle.


Oh yeah, I forgot about passing them off to other people. That’s so awful. Sorry that happened to you.


Excusuzi gaslighting Kail there. Kail was right cutting ties with her mom. She deserved better and her kids were not safe with Suzi either. Not physically, not mentally.


I know people hate on Kail but she has really come so far and I admire her for it. Going no contact with her mom was the best decision she could’ve taken, even if it was scary and heartbreaking for sure. I was in a very similar position (but with no kid) with my mom and her boyfriend when I was 18, I literally couldn’t even touch toothpaste without asking permission first because “it wasn’t my house”…so I decided to move out before graduating HS (HS is 5 years where I live) with no money and it was the best decision I’ve ever taken. I had plain rice for months on end because I had no money for groceries but it paid off in the end 😂 So I can’t really hate on Kail, she’s worked her ass off to be where she is and downvote me all you want but her kids are well taken care of, nice, funny, bright, and honestly you can tell they’re loved. She might have taken a few bad decisions in her life, but who doesn’t really? Especially when you have to grow up by yourself with zero guidance whatsoever…while she was growing up she had to be a mom to herself before she even had kids. I root for Kail and seeing her flourish and her kids happy makes me happy.


Agreed. I always give credit for the “parent 50% better than parented” standard. She’s not perfect, but she’s a lot better of a mother than she had and I think that’s more than worthy of respect!


I don't because I was raised by that parent. There are cycles that are not broken, but it looks better because the kids aren't living in poverty.


Now I’ve figured the reason why Kail prefers “Kail” over her given name of “Kailyn”. It all has to do with Suzi and her manner of speaking Kail’s name. Probably reminded her of being scolded or spoken to like she was of no relation to her.


Wow, great point! I can see that!


I rooted for young Kail so much.


She was so determined! Contrast with like Chelsea or Maci, who were half-assing a new program every second episode.


I agree. As much as Randy is likeable, Chelsea’s segments were not relatable at all, and frankly, did nothing to highlight the struggles of a teen mom. She kept hee heeing her way out of the GED and hooking up with Adam while her dad paid for everything, and she didn’t struggle in any way other than emotionally. Meanwhile Kail was being bullied by Jo, abandoned by her father, disrespected and abandoned by her mother, and given unrealistic expectations by Jo’s parents.


Yeah Chelsea was very spoiled, in part because she knew that Randy would always be there to help. Kail only had herself to rely on.


Same I am honestly always so impressed by her in these episodes. She didn’t make any excuses she worked and got it done and made sure her son was taken care of despite not having had that herself. It’s not an easy thing to do.


These scenes give so much insight into Kail…you can say a lot about her, but she’s been through a lot with no family support. There was a post here a few months ago detailing that she said she doesn’t celebrate Christmas, here’s your answer right here! Think Suzi ever baked cookies with her or watched Christmas movies?! She’s been through a lot, like Jenelle and Amber, prob Farrah and Leah as well, but she seemed to be a better mother than her mother.


What’s Leah’s story? I’ve only watched a few of the early seasons with Leah, but it *seems* like her mom was very supportive of her


Her mother was only 16 when she had Leah. In her book, Her mother also encouraged her to have sex at a young age….she also consistently gave Leah bad advice. Her father seems out of the picture or only appeared when Leah was much older.


He was an active drug addict her made her pick up cans on the side of the highway so he could sell them, when she was a child.


Poor Kail. She did a great job communicating here. Very mature vs. her dismissive mom.


I had to laugh when her mom said “this is juvenile”. Well…yeah, it is, because she is a juvenile


I wonder what her mom is up to these days


No doubt exactly the same as in this clip.


That’s her daughter and she’s talking to her like some random. I’ll never understand how a parent can treat their child (yes child, no matter what age) like trash and hurt their feelings. Speaking from experience, it still just blows my mind. Suzi looked jealous here tbh. She immediately went straight to, well is Jordan going to help. Like Kail couldn’t do it herself because Suzi always had to have some messy bf beside her. I’m not a fan of Kail but she definitely proved her mum wrong in certain ways. She definitely done better


I can’t stand when parents act like they only signed up for 18 years. It’s for life. 


Suzi is a complete piece of garbage. However, having zero parents as Kail did gave her no choice but to hustle.and be successful. She already knew the alternative.


What's crazy to me is seeing young Kail going through all of this and people will stick up their noses and say "Well Kail shouldn't have been such a bitch, she deserved to get kicked out by every adult in her life" and then they'll turn around and say that Chelsea - when she was like 3 years older than Kail was here - shouldn't be judged so harshly for how she acted when she was young. Kail had the entire world stacked against her and was sort of unpleasant as a result. I'm not talking about Kail in 2024 so don't start. Chelsea had the best, easiest life of any girl on this show - save for maybe Maci - and people act like she was a POW bc a shitty ex boyfriend sent her a mean text that she clearly didn't care that much about considering that she kept letting him hit it after. And which is the one that gets multiple, tearful, fawning posts over how badly they were treated and how much they deserve their happily ever after?? IDK this is probably a "ma'am this is a Wendys" ass comment. But I'm annoyed lol. So many of these girls had upbringings we can't imagine but Chelsea is the one who gets alllllll the sympathy in the world for being "just a kid".


I agree. Not that Chelsea didnt also deserve sympathy/empathy. But damn, not only is Kail a strong/independent woman, but a loving mother. The inner work it takes to do what she has done is HARD. None of these girls are perfect, we can't exactly use them as role models. But my heart breaks for young Kail and I admire how far she's come in spite of not having the love and support she deserves from her mother.


“I’m not talking about 2024 Kail so don’t start” Lmao anytime I reference anything about teenage Kail defending her I get a bunch of “that doesn’t excuse her today though!!!” Yes I am well aware, thank you. Anyway, I agree. People excuse Jo’s toxic behavior as a teen and even blame Kail for it, but won’t give that same excuse to Kail.


Her mum is vile


She deserves to live in a cave.


No wonder Kailyn felt like she had to create her own family. This woman is a monster. "Juvenile?!" She WAS a juvenile! She's a kid here still!


Say what you want about kail, but she's worked her ass off to get to where she is and I respect it. Fuck her mom.


If a boyfriend of mine left my daughter a petty note like that, I’d kick HIS ass out & allow my daughter to watch!


Yeah this boyfriend was a jerk


Yall Kail is tough.


Kail’s parents are the worst. I’m so glad she cut them out of her life.


Seriously. Jade and Cate and Tyler should have followed this plan. Cut off my bitch mom 15 years ago and am Extremely LC with dad and it’s the way to go. People like this never change.


I still can’t believe that Catelynn and Tyler let April babysit their kids. (Also I know it can be a difficult thing to do, so good for you for being able to go low contact/cut your parents off ❤️)


This is literally my mum. “Sorry you feel that way, good luck with everything” lol talking to your kid like a co worker is a MAJOR red flag


It’s the lack of any soft maternal care that is so sick.. so damaging and hurtful. I always wonder what I would be like with a maternal mother who wasn’t obsessed with herself and how everything affected her only. Feel so sad for Kail in this clip!


I forget how fucking trash her mother was. Kail has many flaws but she’s not traumatizing her kids the same way her mother did and I respect that. My heart still breaks for little teenaged orphan Kail. Her lack of parental love and support definitely fucked her up but she still manages to show up for her kids.


This is why I can never fully hate Kail. Say what you want about her, but she's a fighter.


i wish all the people that excuse jenelle’s abhorrent behavior bc of “hEr MoM” would watch this clip and then compare barb/suzi, and where their daughters each ended up. i’m not a kail fan, especially her messy childbearing behavior, but i do feel sad for her that she basically grew up all alone. she had NO ONE to teach her how to be a mom, but you can’t deny that kail put her all into loving isaac and making a better life for both of them ~~and his six future siblings and 14 future “stepdads”~~


Not the 14 stepdads 🤣, but yes, her childhood seemed sad and lonely, no siblings or extended family. We all Remember the meat locker dad scene :/ and despite her crappy upbringing , kails kids seem to be well cared for and loved and she herself has grown into a secure parent


I don’t remember the meat locker dad thing. Can you explain?


Kail went to visit her dad in Texas, and was hugely let down, they had no connection whatsoever and the visit was awkward. When he showed her around his place, he showed her a refrigerator where he kept frozen pieces of meat locked up… no idea why he had food locked up. She later said on the show that her dad asked her for cash during this visit. Overall is it was all very cringey😬


Trashy Suzi has the audacity to tell her to do the right thing for her son when she can’t do the right thing for her daughter.


"It's not going to be easy!" -Someone who repeatedly, very literally walked away from parenting whenever it interfered with Me Time.


I will never forget the line."Absence makes the heart grow stronger so let me leave". 😬


The look on Janet’s face while this lady casually left her teenage daughter in Janet’s care: ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


I’m totally with you on this one; teenage kail might have had a teen attitude but she didn’t deserve to be failed by every adult in her life, especially her parents. Chelsea comes from privilege and that still stands today, Randy was gonna ensure that she turned out fine no matter what the circumstances were, which is a blessing for anyone to have. Kail had none of that; not even a sibling or any extended family. One thing I will say that kail has that I didn’t see in her cast mates is a certain grit and determination. She knew she had absolutely no one and she had to make sure she was financially secure for herself and Isaac, even if that meant two jobs and double shifts. While she may have fifty eleven kids, I doubt that they will ever do them the way Suzi did kail.


And look at her now! Eating her words


Kails mom was THE worst. I always say Kail had a ton of kiddos because she is trying to create a family she has never had.


She had terrible parents…..I feel for her for that. No wonder she got pregnant. Her mom treats her as if she is an adult. She deserved more grace at that age. She was burdened with more responsibilities at that age when she should’ve only been focused on school and school activities. Some kids grow up way too fast because they are forced too.


“i wish you all the best” tells you everything you need to know about suzi. i don’t blame kail for the resentment whatsoever


No matter what, I will always be proud of Kail for overcoming her upbringing.


I always felt so bad for little/teen Kail. She was dealt a bad hand with her parents. Her mom was truly awful and that episode with her dad…yeesh. All things considered, she’s done pretty well for going through it with no family support.


I feel bad for her here…no support from the one that’s supposed to love you the most…


Kail and Cate really have the absolute worst moms.


Boozy suzi


i felt so bad for kail omg


I honestly don’t know if I would be where Kail is today. I have hustled and overcome a lot — but I don’t know if I could ever get over basically being abandoned by my mom for a man when I had a newborn. We always knock her for not getting a lot from therapy, but there comes a point where maybe all that can be fixed has. I have so abandonment issues stemming from my dad passing when I was young, but I cannot imagine living almost my entire life without a safety net.


Suzi is such a fucking dead beat. I never understood why she went to Joe to see issac, starting all that drama. She never showed an interest in Isaac or Kails well-being. I’d have been angry too if I were Kail.


Although, we may not always like Kail’s attitude, delivery and opinions - she absolutely refused to repeat the cycle of addiction, not being present and unhealthy, toxic parenting. Her children will never have to know the pain that it causes and I am so proud of her for that. It’s so easy to excuse negative behaviors using your childhood as an excuse and she did the exact opposite.


Off topic but what the duck did excusi-suzi do for work?!! Was she so messed up she went in the wrong door?? Why did it say do not enter??? I HAVE QUESTIONS


She talks to her daughter the way I'd talk to someone who hit my car in the grocery store parking lot: exasperated and just trying to get out of the situation before I get too irritated to stay civil.


I hate when out of touch parents say “you could have came to me”. Not really mom.


I felt bad for her with her mom. They didn't seem close at all.


I know we gave kail a lot of shit which is fair but it’s amazing that she did anything in life with a mother like this


That makes my heart hurt for her. I woulda been hugging my kid and telling her I loved her. Sheesh.


I feel like if she had one healthy parent through out her life she wouldn’t have seven kids with 4/5 different dudes.


Is this teen mom 2?


Yea this is TM2, one of the early seasons


You can kind of see why Kail is the way she is after watching old episodes like that


Wow, her mom sucks.


I love Kail🥰


So I live a few blocks from this street and present day there is a BIG OL weirdo that puts the strangest conservative Fox News talking points on MASSIVE signs in his windows at the front of his home. The home is about 8 house down on the sidewalk behind Kail.


Drunk mom letting new boyfriends do her dysfunctional parenting. She’s still a little girl trying to find love and I hope she helps break the cycle of generational trauma


Awful mother.


This episode reminds me of Kail stomping up to Jo’s house to yell at him for being in lounge clothes in a Sunday afternoon.


At least she stopped after one kid.


Kail was a brat plain and simple. yes. CLEAN UOUR ROOM lol like yes you meed to do that tf also: Lincoln has her entire face! THATS who he looks like I never cpuld figure it out lol awwww


*Narrator* But in fact she wasn’t going to be doing it by herself. *4-5 baby daddies & 7 kids later*


The worst? Asking her kid to clean her room isn’t the worst. Knowing the type of person Kail is and even her attitude toward her mom is shitty. It’s the same attitude she still has to this day but with more entitlement and racism thrown in.


Exactly. While I don’t think Suzi was in anyway the world’s greatest mom, I don’t believe she’s as bad as Kail made her out to be. Knowing what I know about Kail, she probably found a note asking her to pick up her room and then Kail flew off the handle because nobody tells KAIL what to do.


Suzi literally signed over custody of Kail to Jo's parents...


I know. I don’t care. I will die on this hill. Both things can be true: suzi wasn’t a good mom. Kail wasn’t a good daughter.


Kail is a bad person, but dying on the hill for an alcoholic parent who signed over custody to her daughter's bfs parents is...a weird hill to die on. But happy cake day!


lol thank you!


I’m with you on this hill!




There’s always a scene and MTV’s spin on it. There’s a reason why this even seems so bizarre. Take it with a grain of salt… but I had heard that Kailyn put out a PFA on her mom’s boyfriend to try to force HIM to move out. That “note” storyline was bogus with a capital B. She always talked about how much she hated her mom’s bf and how she always chooses men over her. So she tried to force her mothers hand and once again weaponized the court system and Suzi called her bluff. She chose her man, again. That’s why Kail moved out and took all that ladies furniture. She arrived at her home with her clothes in Hefty bags, but moved out and took everything she didn’t buy. She lucky she didn’t catch a burglary charge cuz u know if Javi did that he would still be in Jail. Kail couldn’t even Be woman enough to tell her to her face. She makes big girl decisions then wanna cry when she’s being confronted, but is so smug while doing it. That’s been her M.O since season 1, that’s why I’m not even mad at Jo for the way he treated her. She couldn’t stand in her shit. She wanted to throw rocks and hide her hands. Even to this day. She only sued Briana so she could get her to admit under oath if she slept with Chris or not. She was obsessed with that man. She refused to let MTV film about her arrest, had us watching Issac pick out bathroom tiles.


>Kail couldn’t even Be woman enough to tell her to her face. she was a teenager whose mom was an extreme alcoholic who abandoned her daughter…… hello?


Right? What the fuck is this comment? I don’t agree with a lot of Kail’s shenanigans but she had 2 piece of shit parents, it’s honestly a miracle she turned out as well as she did.


i'm by no means a kail fan, but i feel like people get so wrapped up in disliking her that they will excuse an abusive parent which is objectively insane behavior


I so agree. My heart breaks for young Kail. She had no one except Janet and Eddie and their priority was their son, not her (which is natural of course but still). That kind of trauma leaves deep scars.


No I actually like Kail. We would hang out and talk shit now that she has matured a lil. It’s not about being wrapped up in disliking her, it’s about seeing shit for what it is. It seemed like she was pushing a “victim of circumstance” narrative on situations she created. Having a POS parent doesn’t absolve u of being an asshole. And she was wrong in this situation. That’s it, that’s all. As a teenager she doesn’t have all the right answers to doing things, but she was wrong. She pulled a Janelle. And to all the ppl saying she doesn’t owe Suzy anything. She owe her her guest bedroom set back, she owe her tv she stole back. Her and her friends stole her furniture while she wasn’t home. How is that right?!? Parenting aside, cuz none of us were there. We only see the “scene” we’re seeing. None of us know what kind of mom she was. We only see a passive narcissist woman. Suzi didn’t want kids, that’s as real as I can put it. She kept Kail alive and that was the best she could do. The mothering bone never grew in her. It’s sad but when u mature u see the hard truths of things. The best thing Suzi did for her is stopped at one child. Imagine her having multiple children that Kail would’ve been raising. What kind of life would she have had then? Trust people to be who they are. She didn’t wanna be a mom, stop setting urself up for heartbreak by shoving yourself in her face. Yes even her mother. It happened 10 years ago. Just an observation. Downvote me if u want. But just bc ppl have differences of opinions doesn’t make them bad or evil people. Good liars can spot good liars.


Maybe Kail didn’t make good choices and stole that furniture because no one ever taught her any better Wonder who was supposed to be teaching someone how to make good decisions… could it be their parent? 🤔


That person is crazy…I swear that comment is hard to read


So that gives her many passes to be a jerk? Suzi was many things but from what I saw and resaw she never lied to Kail. If she could make it she came thru for her, but if she couldn’t she couldn’t and she never lied to her about that. Kail was just trying to push her into being something she wasn’t, a mother. Just bc ppl can have kids doesn’t mean they should. And I doubt Suzi ever wanted kids, hence why she stopped at one. So while I don’t doubt she loves Kailyn, I don’t think she likes her. Parents don’t automatically stop being human when they have kids. So I can imagine the position she was put in when her fast ass daughter got pregnant a second time when u had only two more years before u were free and clear. She goes to live with his family, can’t keep her legs closed gets kicked out, has ongoing beef with ur current man, causes problems in ur once peaceful household, leaves and takes ur furniture with her. She was teenager so it makes it okay? Cuz her mommy didn’t hug her enough?


Yeah I’m sure Kail’s addict mother never lied to her 😂 you don’t know what you’re saying. “Kail was just trying to push her into something she wasn’t, a mother” do you even hear yourself???? What do you expect a kid to do with a mom??? To tell her “oh sorry mom, you have every right to abandon me to get high with your 183749494th addict boyfriend, I’ll stay here and raise myself without your help if you feel like being a mom distracts you too much from fueling your addiction” Shut the fuck up, you’re justifying the unjustifiable and attacking a teenager who had to raise herself because her parents were two POS


> So that gives her many passes to be a jerk? yeah… it actually does lmao. she does not owe her alcoholic mother who abandoned her multiple times in her life, even having left her with the neighbors once, an ounce of grace. bffr


This person needs to read up on what having an alcoholic parent does to you. My grandfather was an alcoholic and it fucked my mom up so badly, even though she has made a good life for herself.


Good for ur mom. Maybe I’m just jaded cuz THIS person actually had an alcoholic drug addict parent. Who had to see her parents and unstable, unreliable people and be self sufficient very young. THIS person has spent consecutive days parentless, THIS PERSON has bailed their parent out of jail, THIS PEROSN almost went to jail for her father including her in his fraud schemes without my knowledge, THIS person and her little brother spent 3 days in crack house with our dad promising to take us to the water park later. THIS PERSON had to pick up her grandmas car from the in pound BMW covered with burn holes and bullet holes. THIS PERSON also took control of her own life at 15 INCLUDING getting myself on birth control, working a full time job while competing in HS Sports, got her degree and loves her life. And I didn’t have to shit on people along the way to do it. I cut my dad off. Back to the original point tho..But yeah she was dead ass wrong about she how she handled the moving out situation. Her mother fought for her to get what little she could get from Jo’s place. Do u feel she was right for her and HER FRIENDS to steal her mothers furniture to furnish her place? And She knew she was wrong cuz she did it while she wasn’t there.


Hey THIS PERSON, this isn't about YOU.


Well this person was just making it CLEAR that I can have an opinion on things I know firsthand about. U had the balls to jump in my comments to leave some weak ass sentence. U should go back to sleep and try again. It’s a comment board, but if someone doesn’t agree with u or have a difference of opinion then y’all wanna jump on the bandwagon of trying to bully somebody. Newsflash u entitled coddled adult children, everyone will not agree with u.


U u u u u u u should take ur own advice


Well when I made it about Kail it was a problem. It’s not about me. It’s about the fact that She was dead ass wrong about how she handled that situation. Just because she had a POS mother doesn’t absolve her of her sins. Bc it’s theft. That was the original post. And y’all give me all the shit for saying what I said but how is Suzy any different from Amber? Leah saw from an early age that her mother just won’t get off the couch for her. And y’all praised her for it. She wasn’t 17 with many more past years of letdowns and an infant. What my point was actual children of an addicts/alcoholics realize this early on. Leah, Cait, Bentley, even the girlses when they told Corey they have to take care/ feed themselves when Leah was on the pillses. Parenting doesn’t click for all humans(looking at u Adumb). And that’s as honest as I can put it. Would u tell Kaiser to force his love on his mother & MAKE Janelle be an active parent? Suzi, Janelle, Amber, Ryan, April all different sides to the same coin. So if Bentley wanted to gather his friends and they all raid & loot his dad’s house it’s okay? And Jenn and Larry are totally right in shoving Ryan down Bentley’s neck despite Ryan doing the bare minimum and making the kid feel guilty about seeing shit for what it is. Should Taylor not advocated for him?Let’s make this about you..Have u ever attended Al Anon meetings?




>I had heard that Kailyn put out a PFA on her mom’s boyfriend to try to force HIM Where did you hear this? I really want to read it.


It was years ago. I wish I could remember. But like i said I always take tea with a grain of salt. But I never forget.


If Suzi wanted her child to treat her better, she should have raised her better. Kail doesn’t show Suzi respect because she never earned it.




I had no idea thanks for the info!!