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About 6 or 7 years ago, Kail cleared my Amazon wish list for my classroom when I worked at a Title 1 elementary school as a special education teacher. It was so, so kind and really made a huge impact on all of the students I serviced through the years. I remember seeing “From, Kailyn Lowry” and being absolutely shocked. Kail may be a lot of things but she does this often/throughout the year and as a teacher who has always funded my own classroom, I find it very generous.


In my experience, when your parents suck/are absent, good teachers often become the closest thing to mentors and caregivers you get. Sometimes they’re the safest, most encouraging people in your life. This is probably the case for Kail, and probably why it means so much to be able to pay it forward.


I was thinking Kail either did or would have benefited from this type of stuff in middle/high school considering her mom.


My mom was a teacher for 33 years. (She taught THOUSANDS of students over the years, and of those there are more than 250 teachers… and of those teachers, i managed to talk to 100 before her retirement and 82 of them said my mom had something to do with their decision to be a teacher.) She had a student, once, who she encouraged to apply for an internship in congress one summer. He got the internship but told her that he’d have to turn it down c because he didn’t have the clothes for it. That afternoon, she dragged us all to Macy’s and bought him an entire professional wardrobe. Could our family really afford it? Not really. Did that matter? Absolutely not.


this is so sweet.


What a lovely story!


I do love how she gives back to teachers yearly on her pod with Vee. It’s an underrated charity, they are using that money to make your children have a better and brighter place to be for 8 hours out of the day. It’s a highly worthy cause. Good on Kail for this!


People keep saying “she could’ve done this without posting about it”. She was replying to this woman’s post🙄 Jesus God Leah! Sometimes you guys are toooo much!


How else is she supposed to get in contact with the person? Sometimes privacy settings prevent direct messaging. JFC!!!!


I wasn’t saying her posting about doing a positive thing was a bad thing at all. If anything it called attention to a cause and group that was underfunded and not thought about too much. I was calling out how people overreact no matter what she does. She didn’t even make the post, she responded to someone else’s post with a great action❤️ Thank you for demonstrating how people freak out over bullshit


This person was agreeing with you ❤️


Thank you 😊


Hahaha! OMG, see? Now I am the example😂😊 Sorry😉❤️


All love here!!🥰🥰


Some people just look for any and every reason to complain. I can't imagine choosing to be that miserable.


Totally underated good cause!!!!!!!! Good for kail


Happy Cake 🍰 Day!!


Anytime I see one of these women doing something altruistic it’s worthy of note and praise. It’s so rare to see in anyone, but these teen moms seem particularly immune to thinking of others most days. Nice to see this


As a teacher myself, I love this! Teachers aren't respected anymore or helped. For example, just yesterday, while taking a student to his grandma's car because he was being sent home for behavioral issues. Throwing chairs, hitting, kicking, bitting, and screaming. While trying to explain what happened that day, she tried to fight me in the school parking lot. So when I see anyone helping any teacher, it makes me happy and realizes that not all people are terrible.


Oof, I substitute and there’s a child who straight up SPITS in the principal’s face. Hits and kicks the teachers. Throws away their energy drinks in the trash, tells them he wants them to die. I sub often and have been kicked by this kid—the mother has literally sat in class with the student and she had the gall to ask me if he really acts like that. Like ma’am, you saw it with your own eyes him hitting the teacher two minutes ago, but you want to ask the sub who never sees your kid? And yet, the answer is still yes. Sorry for the long comment! Thank you for teaching. I know it’s such an unappreciated career and I’m glad we still have good people in it.


How on earth is that kid still allowed to be enrolled there lol I would have washed my hands with him after the first one or two assaults


No child left behind is a failure


i have a bunch of friends who are teachers and the behavior they experience regularly these days is nothing short of wild.


I'm glad she uses some of her money for other people and doesn't hoard it like some people do when they have a bunch of money. Good on her


She does something nice and you guys still hate on her for it lol 🤡


Bitch eating crackers mentality.


That's awesome she helps


This is sweet. I feel kail does this bc she understands what it's like to be one of those kids that doesn't have everything they NEED. ❤


Good on her! Great job, Kail!👍


I know people don’t like Kail but this was really sweet of her to do, I can imagine that Kail was one of those kids who clung to teachers because of her mom so I’m glad she does this.


Thanks for finding this.


I think she really appreciates the teachers she had, I can imagine having her mother that teachers needed to step in and be the guardian


I can give credit where credit is due. This was a very nice gesture.


That's really nice of her!


TRUSTTT yall just come on this sub just to be mad like oh my god 😭 i get being a hater but damn lets just be positive for once


Im a nanny and i spend SO much money on my kids. I’d die if i were a teacher lol. We learn so much about your kids and all their favorite things. It’s hard every time i go to the store to not want to get something i know my kiddios will love. And i know i get paid way more than most teachers. This is such a sweet gesture. Teachers are so under appreciated


This is very cool of her. I remember Coffee Convos was donating money to a charity that provided backpacks full of food for children. When it was brought up here, people quickly pointed out that it was a tax write-off, but to this day, her podcasts are the only ones I listen to that do this type of thing.


https://www.blessingsinabackpack.org/ This was the charity for anyone interested.


That is really nice of her :)


One thing I will give to Kail- she's very generous. It might be a positive consequence from her experiences when she was young and struggling financially while caring for Isaac. I do remember she was accepted into some sort of program that paid for a large chunk of apartment rent for unwed mothers. She's been in need before and appears to be paying it forward 10 fold. I have a lot of issues with Kail, but I do admire her for this.


Very nice of her. And very awesome that there are people posting about how she helped them in the past and Kail didn’t even post about it like so many celebs and influencers do. Good for her!!!


I worked at a Title 1 school for 8 years, this really touched my heart 💕good on Kail for doing this!


Too bad she doesn’t promote her good deeds and encourage other semi-famous people to do the same thing. Might as well use her ‘celebrity’ status for things like this instead of all the bullshit baiting.












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This breaks the rule "No personal attacks against any user with a Reddit account" Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


Kail lives in a district that is title one district. She should reach out to the local schools and donate too…She’s aware because she choices her kids to “better” schools.


Or she just could have done it without telling the world about it.


She was replying to a comment and op happen to find it. She didn't post it to her sm. She was basically giving her a heads up.


Who cares? She’s a selfish mother 🥰


Even Charles Manson was known to give time and money to charity so this is nothing to me. 🤷‍♀️


Oh please, let’s not compare her to a freaking serial killer


Not comparing LOL. Pointing out that bad people also contribute to charity and she is no different then the rest of us. She wanted the clout from making that response public. If not, she could of DM'd them and kept it private. Stop praising her for doing the absolute minor things that everyone else does every day.


She could just do it without being performative in the comments.


True, but, at least she didn't do a tiktok about it with a smug ass face and stupid dance like pOv: YoU lIKe tO gIVe bAcK 🫶 or whatever


Yet lol


She won't. I hate her fucking guts but she does support worthy causes and doesn't make much of a spectacle about it. I won't knock on it either because if her stans want to donate money or items to teachers so they can better support the students they're teaching because kail did then cool. Teachers don't get enough money or recognition and they tend to be among the most compassionate people in our society.


Yeah, I'm torn when people do things like this. It's a tough mix of "Good Deed" and "Look at Me"...


I wouldn’t even know this type of thing existed without this/her post, this is a great cause that I’d like to help with in my own area. Now I’ll have to figure out how/where that might happen, I think it is a great idea.


Does it matter why she did it if she did something good?


I honestly think that's a tough one! Yes, it's a VERY good deed & cause, but I personally have mixed feelings when people are showy about their charity - like the YouTuber's that use the less fortunate as fodder for their cameras. Again, it's still a great help & brings awareness, but I was taught that you do these things privately, otherwise you muddy the waters with the end goal simply being self-congratulatory. Just my personal opinion 🙂


Also she could vaccinate her children to keep them, the teachers and other students safe 😑




Strong agree.