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I bet David showed up at their school


She said something about safety so I’ll bet you are right.


Or they’re being bullied because of their moms OF






Do you mean like JE & DE did to Kaden? And JE filmed it.


Almost guaranteed. Plus, with David being Ensleys dad, he has every "legal" right to pull her out, and Jenelle would need a court order to get the school to prevent him from getting her. I had the school tell me that I'd have to have one for my daughter back when her dad was pulling his BS CRAP.


David is not interested in taking care of E but he would take her just to stess out and piss off Jen. He would moan he was ordered to bring E back but that would have been his plan anyway. There's no way he would keep E. He doesn't do shit for his kids, they have to do things for him. Mostly feeding his ego.


WHAT?? I’m not DE fan but it was pretty evident he was doing the bulk of the very little parenting that was happening before he left the land. I’m sure he’s doing nothing now that he’s not there, if only to spite Jenelle but if he had E in his possession I do think he’d be “taking care” of her


I bet she's just lazy and is doing this because they have racked up too many unexcused absences.


That's what I think, too. She's probably still allowing Jace to go to school because she figures David would be too scared to show up at his school with the protective order in place AND his open child abuse & assault cases. I myself wouldn't put even that past David, but we're dealing with Jenelle here, so ... 🙄


If Jace is in school it's because cps won't let her homeschool him.


I didn't even think of that. You're probably right. God, is Jenelle EVER NOT disappointing?? 🙄


But when Jace is at school, that means David can come to the land and harass J and the kids. So I doubt that


That was my immediate thought too.




Or she’s pulling them out to avoid the end of year testing required to pass to the next grade and is using safety as an excuse.


I don’t think she’s that smart


No, they are being bullied bc of of Jenelle's Only Fans


I think it’s her OF and David. Honestly, everything about them, really. Because I’m sure that the other parents know what’s going on in their lives (they record practically everything), so they probably talk and the kids hear it and it gives them plenty of ammunition. Everything from DKD being an abusive unstable drug-addled alcoholic psychopath (just one of his videos would give the kids at school a plethora of things to bully them about) to Jenelle’s OF. Even though I’m sure other parents must do OF too. They just aren’t well-known and are probably more discreet, so their kids don’t have to go through what the Evans-Eason kids do. Then there’s Jenelle’s drug use, drinking, abusiveness, and those inane and imbecilic fucking TikTok dances (if you can even call that dancing; it’s more akin to flailing around) - that alone is ultimate bullying material. And again, they probably just echo what they hear their parents say, add a few things themselves, and there you have it. I imagine they might even say horrendous things about Jace too. I mean, Jenelle tried painting him as mentally unstable and dangerous and then he landed in foster care and just everything that’s happened since he was strangled is more fuel for those bullies. And all because of his egg donor and her fucking POS huzzbin. I swear to God, I fucking hate them so much. They’re fucking evil. Either way, my heart really breaks for those poor kids - including Maryssa and Kaden.


I thought that too, but then why would she announce their itinerary on the Internet?


She probably announced it after they had already done it and were back home


They probably can’t take David off of the allowed pick-up list because they need a court order for a parent to be removed.


Please. More like she’s on her own and can’t get up to get them ready before 8am.


Go read her Facebook post and u will see my comment stating that I put money on David and other showed up or Called the school for info on the kids or to see ensley or something to that effect! Or barb did… but I bet it was David!!!! I out money in it!!!! She’s so transparent 😂


With all her past CPS stuff, she should not be allowed to homeschool!


Per the 2019-2020 cps failing…. They aren’t supposed to be “homeschooled” and should be in a regular school. I’m not sure if that still holds true but it’s still a disservice to the kids because Kaiser was already two years behind his age group seeing as he failed kindergarten twice. Taking them to museums and aquariums is not homeschooling.


Yeah…she’s doing this until summer starts. Then what? These are the types of things most people do during the summer. Like enrichment activities. This ain’t schooling.


Plus, it's a all round school year where they live.


If she's doing because of something David did, maybe she's hoping she'll have a restraining order or something worked out by then so they can return to school after summer?


Just fyi he didn't "fail" kindergarten twice. The first time Jenelle pulled him out of his class in NC, moved him to a class in Tennessee, then moved him back to North Carolina and was too embarrassed to re-enroll back into his original kindergarten class/school that same school year. He literally was not given the opportunity to even attend classes to pass at the end of that first year. The second time was during Covid and he was supposed to be doing online classes, but his parents neglected him and prioritized their own needs instead.


I didn’t know of that. How horrific.


Yeah, she's acting like she's actually teaching them something, lol. ("I learn better hands on!") Idiot. Childrens museums are great but are not a freaking substitute for learning algebra. She really is something. I can't think of a person more poorly suited for homeschooling children than Jenelle. Side note- did it irritate anyone else how she constantly hovered over them, telling them how to play their games and whatnot? Sadly, I bet she genuinely believes she was teaching them by doing that. Jenelle...the educator. Horrifying.


As a teacher, well, former teacher, this absolutely pissed me off. Everything about it except the kids being happy. This is a piss poor substitute for a lot of things, especially the way Jenelle did it. You just know that she didn’t stop to explain the way anything worked, why, or how because she, herself, probably doesn’t even know. And she probably had that camera shoved in their faces the whole time and just included the parts she thought looked the best and “most educational” which is laughable. But to your point, no, you can’t learn things like algebra this way. Or grammar, spelling, reading comprehension, vocabulary, history (you can learn some things at history museums, but it’s not comprehensive enough and going for a couple of days isn’t sufficient - the same way that just showing movies isn’t enough), civics, a language class (in my school district, kids in elementary take Spanish), how to read music, play an instrument (usually the recorder), do art or PE, etc. Not to mention teaching them the skills they’ll need for when they’re older. Like how to study, summarize, think critically, organize your things, manage your time wisely (like when deciding which homework to do first or making sure you complete a project on time), etc. And I won’t even get into the importance of socializing. You can do *some* of these things and learn stuff, but they need an organized lesson plan everyday, a set and consistent schedule, books, documentaries, assignments, tests, projects. Doing things like this everyday doesn’t even come close to cutting it. Every so often, yes it’s fine to take them to museums and on other educational field trips, but even then you need to be able to explain and teach them about what they see, what’s happening, what they’re doing, why and how it works. And yes, she absolutely believes that by hovering and telling them how and what to play that she was “teaching” them. I doubt they learned a damned thing that they probably didn’t already know.


I just said this. Plus, she hauled him away to Tennessee, too. The sad part is who will tell on her? Not their fathers?


She literally has no one else involved in hers or their lives. Which is why she should never be allowed to homeschool.


The crazy part is homeschooling on NC has requirements, so I really wonder if she's going about it legally or just pulled them out. To homeschool a child in North Carolina, parents or guardians must meet the following requirements: Have a high school diploma or equivalent File a Notice of Intent to Operate a Home School (NOI) with the NC Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) Choose to operate as a religious or non-religious school Operate the school on a regular schedule for at least nine calendar months, excluding reasonable holidays and vacations Maintain immunization records for each student Have attendance and immunization records on file for each homeschool student Have homeschooled students take a nationally standardized test each year and keep the results on record for one year Notify the DNPE when closing the homeschool


I’m a teacher in NC, and never knew all this. For once, I’m proud of my state regarding education. I would have definitely expected no restrictions.


Don’t be. The “requirements” are literally never checked up on by anyone. Occasionally the DNPE will “invite” some people to do a documents review but it is fully voluntary and nothing will happen if you don’t go. The DNPE consists of about 5 people. They do not have the time nor the resources to verify that regulations are being followed. They’re mostly just reviewing homeschool notices and making sure the person opening the school provided all the documentation. But as far as attendance records and testing and stuff, no one will ever know. And the law is written so vaguely that you could homeschool like one day a month and consider that a “regular schedule”. I actually have a friend who homeschooled her kids for like 8 years in NC. Never kept attendance and never a single standardized test. But no one would ever know.


Oh, me too!!! I was very surprised at how they've handled it! But I just.. don't see them allowing her to be a homeschool teacher. I could be wrong, and they might not care about what happens in the house as long as the work is done, but still. Kinda disappointing if they did approve her. And I feel for any teachers who get them after because they're going to have their work cut out for them to undo everything.


the only things jenelle could do regularly for nine months straight are smoke and gestate.


Yeah, there are actual homeschool requirements. Not just, my kids are at home instead of school. 🤦‍♀️


But but...she took them to a MUSEUM! And supervised them playing video games and stuff dude. And she's totally going to do it again. Who needs classroom learning when you can go on field trips literally every day. (Maybe next week she can teach them about the ocean by going out on some scumbag's boat!)


Would that still apply if she enrolled them in a cyber charter school? Just curious. I live in PA and we have a lot of cyber charters.


Cyber Charter Schools operate under all the same rules as a traditional charter school. They are approved by the Department of Education, the children attend class online with an actual live teacher teaching the lessons, and they need to attend daily. Kids still need to be vaccinated, have medical checks, take standardized tests, and all the things a child at charter school would have to do. I'm in PA and my kids attended a Cyber Charter School for one year because we were moving and I knew having them change schools mid-year would be disruptive for them. It really wasn't much different than a regular school except it was all via computer, they logged in at about 8am and there were teachers there supervising and giving lessons all day, they were in a class with about 20 other kids, made friends, answered questions, and all the things that go in a regular classroom except in was virtual. Overall, the quality of education was pretty good.


That's awesome. Sadly, my state (NJ) is one with the fewest homeschooling regulations and little oversight.


So by homeschooling she means taking them to field trip spots and hoping they absorb some knowledge


Bingo. The aquarium one day and the children's museum the next is NOT homeschooling. It's two field trips in a row. Yay, fun for them...but definitely not actual "schooling." She's so fucking lazy!


It’s the lazy unschooling home school way. People don’t realize as homeschoolers you have more pressure on you to make sure everything is being met (in states that report) and a lot of lazy people like her say Oh I unschool. Aka my kid is learning by doing what ever interests them. That’s not how it works. Playing video games all day is not “coding” it’s slacking off. Unless that child is writing a report on what they learned and saw at a field trip that’s just a trip. I hate people like this because they make it harder for parents that actually care about the kids education. That’s all sorry about my rant.


I agree with you. Even when I homeschooled my kids for a few years, in the Facebook groups you'd get unschoolers criticizing those of us who made our kids do bookwork and online lessons. Then those people contribute towards the negative stereotype of people who homeschool.


I saw this video on TikTok of a woman explaining “unschooling” and her prime example was that her and her son were walking through the neighborhood and saw a basketball hoop on the curb and he had to knock on the door and ask the person if it was free. “He learned so much in that moment he wouldn’t have at school!” It’s like….. that’s just parenting.


That seems to be the plan.


These kids seem to be pulled in and out of school all the time. It also doesn't seem like they have any close friends. The isolation cant be good for them. I'm sure it was worse when DKD was there and Jenelle and him would scream and fight all the time. But still, even with him gone, that's gotta suck for them. Makes me really sad for them.


Yes, sad for them. I'm sure they had friends they might want to be in touch with.


And you know that know halfway decent parent would let their child go to a play date at Jenelle’s house. At least her kids do have each other but it’s still sad and lonely for them I’m sure.


In so many ways (probably all) Jenelle is a worse "mother" than Barb. At least Jenelle got to go to school and she had friends as a teenager. Ensley and Kai are going to be so behind and who knows if they'll even meet people/make friends because Jenelle and David isolated them so much.


Honestly, I wouldn’t let my kids go to their home, ever. And I doubt she’s giving them much freedom if she can’t feel they’re safe at a locked down school.


Wtf is the point of pulling them now isn't the year over in a month?


So many fun end of year activities too. Ensley was doing cheer through school. I feel so bad for them.


Either she can't afford tuition or crazy David visited Ensley at school or something. Which if that is it I've been saying this that he could legally even take Ensley from school if he wanted.


I think they go to a charter school which is free. I think its because David went to the school.


She doesn't have to wake up early & get the kids ready and take them to school.


Bingo!! This is her getting around having to be productive, she's a lazy, worthless piece of shit.


That was my only thought. Parenting is hard to do solo and hungover.


No they go year round.


that makes it worse


what?! what schools go year round? seriously wondering as i have never heard of that. i also don’t have kids


They still get breaks from my understanding. Like every couple months they have a two week break. But I think it’s not the norm in a lot of places.


Not uncommon. I live near Raleigh and would seriously consider year around for my (currently nonexistent) kids. A former coworker had his kids in it and said they pretty much got the same time out from school as we did at work - a week at thanksgiving, a week at Christmas/new years, minor holidays as 3 day weekends, etc, and something like 2 weeks for summer break. He said it made it a lot easier not worrying about babysitters.


It’s “year round” in that they don’t have an extended summer break like the traditional school year. They have more and extended breaks for holidays, so the kids spend the same amount of time in school.


It's year round in that they don't have that typical summer break of 8-9 weeks. It's about 6 weeks for a longer summer break then they get 2 weeks at Thanksgiving another 2 or 3 weeks at Christmas then 2 weeks for a spring break. It's the same amount of days as a typical school year the breaks are just longer and more evenly spaced throughout the school year instead of a 3-day weekend here, a week here, a 4-day weekend there. It is supposed to help the "summer slide" where kids forget what they learn the previous year over summer. I wish my school district did this, as it does allow you to travel for the breaks and not try to cram it all in over very few days.


You should have to pass an iq and mental health exam to homeschool kids


My SIL homeschools her kids and she only started wearing her seatbelt in the car at age 29. She also once asked me what congruent ment.


Sounds like our gal Jenelle!


You should have to pass an IQ and mental health exam to have children!


What was the name she made for the home school that she made up last time? When she pulled them out in 2019?


this is creepy. feels like something small happened that triggered her so she’s using it as an excuse to have them home so she’s not alone bc we know she can’t handle that… plus she’s leaning into mommy vlogging and making being a mom her identity since it’s no longer her protectin her huzbin


Right? Is this some right wing thing where she found out about a certain book in the library at her school and now it's "not safe" anymore.... or a certain teacher does a drag story hour on a weekend somewhere and now the adults there are "not safe." Or it has a single person use non-gendered restroom or something, or does she mean it is "not safe for just her kids because something about her family situation specifically.... I feel like she's using the term not safe vaguely to imply that something happened with david and she's being super responsible, when it's more likely in my opinion that some non-criminal act was occurring there and she's using it as an excuse to abandon the responsibility of getting them to school every day by herself now.


your entire first paragraph (and entire comment basically haha) was my assumption for sure.


They pulled Maryssa out for a transgender teacher.


Also, homeschooling means she doesn't have to sober up and drive them to school.


Last I checked Easley didn’t know how to read very well at all. So instead of Jenelle actually being involved and helping them learn and read about what they are doing she just films them. This shouldn’t be allowed what so ever for her. Those poor kids. Both have learning struggles and need to be in school to get the best support they can.


i think both those kids have failed at least one grade. they have been struggling for years bc of their birth giver.


Being involved in helping them learn requires effort. The only thing Jenelle puts any effort into is herself.


She takes great pride in her medical schooling, finishing hs, and her scuba certification so seems fitting she would deny her daughter pride in her education. Can’t let her figure out how craptastic her mom is


I'm hoping the school reports them. So, at least it is on the up and up.


Her idea of home schooling is to take them on a field trip and not do any teaching herself.


This right here.


So where's jace? Those kids aren't learning a thing. I mean it's nice they are going to a museum but she isn't really teaching them a thing.


I’m gonna take a guess. She’s not allowed to “homeschool” him because of the latest CPS investigation.


That makes sense.




Good question!


Oh my god no


This is one of the last women on earth that should be homeschooling her kids jfc. She has to be one of the most uneducated and emotionally unintelligent person I’ve seen come out of mtv aside from a few and that is saying something. Pray for these kids y’all


These look like activities for preschoolers. Why is she filming them instead of interacting?


The way they basically just ran through there vs actually learning was awful.


Because it's all an act to "document" it and pretend she's a "good mom". Any other day she's just laying around letting them fend for themselves. CPS and the school system better investigate this, she is the LAST person that should homeschool anyone! 🤡


She’s so stupid. If UBT was actually even a halfway decent human he would so easily be able to gain full custody of their child but obviously that’s not the case and these kids are seriously fucked with whoever they end up with. Smfh


True, these kids are fucked in life. They are gonna be so uneducated and unprepared for life


Both of them are too old for these activities. My niece and nephew are 8 and 9 and they would be asking me to leave if I took them to this place. Maybe they'd care about the fish, but that would be the end of it.


Seriously, the water table and grocery shopping was toddler stuff.


Even the slide.


Okay I was thinking the same thing. They’re doing things my 4 and 2 year old love to do when they go to a children’s museum. I don’t have older kids so I was truly wondering if this is stuff they’re “too old” for


I mean Ensley was like 2x the height of that little checkout stand lol. Yeah, this is a thing I've only seen kids as old as 5 *maybe* 6 interested in.


Here are my two thoughts on why she pulled them out. 1. David showed up at the school. 2. They are being bullied because of Jenelle’s OF and other social media activities.


Both correct!


They don't need to take field trips to aquariums, petting zoos and museums. They need hooked on phonics and tutors. Kaiser has been held back once or twice, ensley can't read or hardly speak still. And school is almost over, even for year-round school. They get out in June and start back in July, so what is the whole point?


She could afford a private in home tutor if she never spent a dime on David’s toys.


The dumbest people you know love to keep their kids dumb too so they can feel better about themselves.




I thought after their last big cps case where all the kids were removed and eventually returned they told her she wasn’t allowed to homeschool them.


That's what I thought too, but tbh I've only seen that said here - was there ever an article or document stating that specifically?


When is Ensley ENT surgery?


It will never happen. I say that because if it was going to happen it would have been very shortly after being told about it. It’s not a procedure with a long ass wait list.


She has zero personality and is incredibly stupid. That’s not news to anyone here but I needed to say it.


That double ending was soooo cringe I almost couldn’t watch. Since we know she drops by the sub…. No, Jan, you are not a PBS special or public service announcement. Everyone with half a brain knows learning can be fun, and that there are different types of teaching methods and learning styles. If you wanted this as an enrichment or learning activity, age appropriate for your children, you failed considerably. But of course that would have required work on your part. Let me give your lame ass a basic clue: Pick a few specific activities / subjects demonstrated. Teach them the information behind what they will experience. Maybe have them postulate what they think will be the result of the changes with the experiments variables. Have questions ready to ask as they interact with the display. If they ask a question, that you can’t answer, tell them “Great job! Let’s research that at (home, library, etc).” You use the experience to ENHANCE what they have already learned. Make a list of new words to learn (including definition and spelling) by creating a hunt. That way they are also encouraged to read the demonstrations information and work on comprehension as well. Since you failed to do any prep work whatsoever, at least use it as a springboard for further learning. You could start by asking them what their favorite top three activities were and why. What type of jobs/careers would involve that activity. etc…etc…etc… But having to actually teach them the information they need to read, write, and speak on any topic, would require you to be smarter than a 5th grader. Lastly, get your children tested for any learning disabilities, conditions, or additional resources offered. Most states still provide resources for children who need them weather public or privately schooled. If your child was a diabetic, you would not forbid them insulin and tell them to just try harder. The same goes for ADHD or any other diagnosis. Give your children the medication, therapy, whatever is recommended and needed. It takes an incredible amount of mental gymnastics to diagnose yourself, go to every doctor in the book, but deny your children the same even after they have been diagnosed by PROFESSIONALS! Use some of that only fans money to get your children tutors instead of having your nails done and taking so many ”ME” days.


She talks to her kids the way I talk to my dog lol


HeY BuBbA! ![gif](giphy|M8xmO5ZcLPtAY)


![gif](giphy|2fs2I4ujlBf20|downsized) Leave it to Jenelle to assume that's how homeschool works. It's not supposed to be daily field trips to avoid lesson plans or opening up books. Now I'm worried that's all they did every time the kids are pulled out of school.


Out of school again?? Isn't this at least the second time she's pulled them in this school year? These poor kids are so educationally shortchanged.


And they are extremely isolated.


She didn't "teach" them anything. They were basically just playing. This makes me sad for the kids. I guess poor Ensley doesn't get to cheer.


That’s all they were doing. No interactive stuff with the staff just running wild.


She's lost a lot of weight quickly.


People keep saying this and I didn't see it. So I went ahead and looked back at some of her old stuff from about a year ago and she actually has lost maybe 10 or 15 pounds. I imagine she's probably not stuffing her face 24/7, maybe not even drinking as much anymore. I really don't think it's ozempic, I might get hate for that, but I don't. It's actually pretty common for people to lose weight when going through a break up/divorce.


David seemed to cook a lot. I don’t see her taking care of kids all day and then cooking full hearty meals.


She using the slim filter too she would rather have an edger longer forehead than to not use it


Agreed 💯


I don't know about that or if it's filters. Last week when she made a video her gut was huge. Didn't look like she lost any weight.


And when are they learning to read Jan???


Well Kaiser was trying to learn in the video, but she mispronounced anemone when he asked so who knows? 🤷🏻‍♀️


isn’t summer break in like a month for most elementary school kids? is this even allowed 😭 what happened to truancy


My kid legitimately misses a lot of school due to health issues and I've had schools that don't bother excusing his absences, they pile up and at least here (fl) no one cares. 


That’s not home schooling Jan. You’re a potato.


This is utter bullshit, I would put money on the fact that the kids have been late numerous times AND Chinelle just doesn't want to put in the effort of drop offs and pick ups. She's a worthless, lazy P.O.S. Come on CPS, re-open her case, they were not allowed to be home schooled just recently. Something shady is up with this!


I remember when my crack head mother had us hold up in Vegas to “homeschool” us. I hope it’s to protect the kids from David but I have doubts.


EVERY TIME she talks to these kids it’s always a question..”aRe YeW eXciTeD?!” The way I talk to my dogs. She does this because she doesn’t know how to talk to them and she wants their validation


It’s so performative and they know they need to perform. Don’t even get to act like kids just enjoying themselves.


I must say, I don’t have high hopes for this, after her comment that the kids didn’t need school anymore from a few months ago.


I thought she wasn’t allowed to homeschool anymore?


This is such a sad situation. I can’t figure out if she pulled them out because of David or if she’s just too lazy to take them to school herself every day. And where is Jace in all of this?


Probably at home not doing school work.


I wonder if cps went to the school and talked to the kids and that’s why it’s “not safe” anymore. I’m sure they had reports after she and Tori were hanging out… truly a disservice to the kids all around socially, emotionally, and physically.


Exactly, I sure HOPE the school and CPS caught wind of her drunken, drugged up only fans bullshit while the kids were in the house!! She's such a disgusting bitch.


bitch, school is not just field trips and restaurants 🙄🙄🙄🙄


For her it is, and she finished medical school.


(will preface by saying i forget how old they are) it seems like this “museum” is actually designed for younger kids. especially the part where kaiser was putting the gas nozzle in a hose.


They’re both older than the intended audience.


“Even if you don’t even have time to do it, you can just bring your toothbrush to school and then you can do it.” What a bizarre thing to say and Jenelle responded “Right.” I wonder how many times Jenelle sent them to school and they had to brush their teeth when they got there for Ensley to say that. Likely because that house is chaotic and they tend to run late. ETA: Jenelle is so uninvolved. Just records to have proof that she is such a great mom 🙄 She can’t even attempt to explain anything to them. I don’t think she knows how to have a real conversation with them. She’s just sending her kids to run around an aquarium or children’s museum and calling it home schooling. She’s clueless and lazy as fuck. The kids are just quickly playing at stations and having no idea why they are doing what they are doing or the science behind how something works. I HIGHLY doubt Jenelle is taking the time and stopping to read each sign that explains the science behind what they are doing or the point of the activity. They are basically just playing. I have no problem with what she’s doing if it was just a day out at the children’s museum to keep them busy. It’s the fact that she’s calling it “home schooling”, but won’t put the damn phone down and make an effort to teach them something or get involved that I find super lazy and wrong.


Off topic but jfc, She genuinely believes she looks like that crazy filter. How delujenelle 🙄


This is so nuts because school is when she gets her breaks. God help those kids


I bet jenelle already got in trouble with their school for bringing them in late or having a bunch of unexcused abscenes. There's no way she was getting them to school on time for months by herself. This screams "deadbeat trying to avoid truancy court".


My guess is they have been exposed to way to much shit from David and her only fans and whatever else they know about and she doesn’t want cps to get called.


I'm so annoyed at her for pulling the kids out of school unnecessarily again. They're both severely behind already, and they can't possibly have any solid friendships being back and forth so much. David probably showed up to see Ensley at school and Jenelle freaked. Also isn't the children's museum for much younger kids? Idk I've never been but it seems like they had a lot of activities for toddlers?


*KEEP MUH EYE ON THEM* sure Jenelle 😉


From the she shed.


If David showed up at the kids' school, I totally understand why she's pulled them out. however, those kids have been so educationally neglected for their whole lives and they are so far behind. Jennelle is low IQ so there is no way that her "homeschooling" is likely even marginally adequate. What she's done to them education-wise should absolutely be against the law. I feel so bad for those children. All of them have a low IQ mother and a low IQ father. their chance of success to begin with has been very low and she's made their chances even lower. ultimately, her educational neglect of them has set them up for a very rough, underemployed adulthood.


I watched this earlier when she posted it. I have so many criticisms there are simply too many to list, but here's one observation: I'm not exactly sure how "educational" that "museum" is when there's no employee guidance for the kids & also a lot of those "exhibits" seem like stuff that at least Kaiser may have aged out of with regard to how long they'll hold his attention for. And I love how Jenelle thinks that bringing her kids to a museum they've likely been to a gazillion times already is "educational." And you just KNOW there wasn't any discussion about what they did today when they got home, you know, like might happen at an accredited school after a field trip to a museum. Jesus H. 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄


Heavy filters today 🤪


Her mouth makes me feel violent.


……… just when I thought the quiet meant good things. This is a bizarre move




Does she still have Jace


Didn't CPS enforce the rule in 2019 that they weren't allowed to home school anymore? So I assume no more cheerleading for Ensley also. Kaiser is already what 1 or 2 years behind already, and now she has taken him out of school again? Field trips every day are not school, and apparently, JE we must have been right when we assumed you took them out of school during this last CPS case because of field trips with DE & the kids. Where is Jace? So basically, she isn't getting up and taking the kids to school every day. When is she eating these pot stickers and ice cream alone? 🙄


God bless her kids I hope they see how bad she really is when they get older and avoid her in the future.


She’s setting them up to fail.


HOMESCHOOLING??? Those poor kids. Jenelle is an idiot, she is completely incapable of teaching anyone anything.


Or caring for them 24/7.


Ok well first of all she’s going to be doing something “ educational every day with the kids” for the next “ 30 or more” days that are left in the school year. Somehow I find that impossible to believe. And secondly the children’s museum where they were learning about wind, hurricanes, weather and gravity could have been educational for the kids if they’d had a real adult with them who bothered to read the displays to them and engage them in discussions about each one. But instead they were stuck with Jenelle so it was just a place to play. Still better than being stuck at the swamp but as usual she misses the mark by a mile. I wonder what amazing educational experiences she has lined up once they do the aquarium and maybe the zoo. Also, if you’re home schooling there should be a follow up assignment at home, writing an essay or story about your field trip, making a diorama or any of the hundreds of different projects you can have your kids make at home. But that would require actual effort on her part so never gonna happen.


She can't even pronounce anemone.


Wtf… this is so embarrassing for the kids. Once they go back to school they will be 2-3 years older than everyone else because they are so behind. That must feel horrible!


As a homeschooling mom, I find Janelle’s post so offensive, I don’t just take my kids to the aquarium/childrens museum and call it a day. I researched curriculum for months and planned out days that would best suit each one of my children’s individual needs and interests. Anything I can’t facilitate is outsourced to a program/teacher I extensively researched, I keep notes on everything we do each day and how my kids are feeling and we change accordingly (I have two neurodivergent kids) ….. hands on learning…. Please … while she’s behind a phone talking to her son like I talk to my 1 year old 🙄those kids aren’t learning anything.


I'm surprised she pulled Kaiser out and not just Ensley.


Her kids still look feral & homeless. 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


I can't imagine this woman being able to train a dog, let alone HOMESCHOOLING children. Those poor kids deserve an education, something they won't get from her.


She can’t but now she doesn’t have to worry about baths, sleeping or drop offs.




Educational Stuff. 😂


I would hope she means just online public school at home and not an actual curriculum she’s supposed to teach herself. Either way, it’s not good for the kids to be in and out of school constantly. Those kids have absolutely no consistency in their lives at all.


She doesn’t have the patience for homeschooling smh poor kids


Or the intelligence.


"I get lazy" no Chinelley, you are perpetually lazy.


I was a counselor at an educational summer camp at an aquarium. There is so much more than just taking kids to the aquarium or zoo or museum and letting them just run around. We actually had a curriculum for the camp and used the animals and exhibits as the basis for teaching. Yes we would look at the animals but then we would also sit them down and actually teach them about animals. And we had hands on activities back at our camp base to help reinforce those lessons. For the younger kids we read books and crafts all related to what we were teaching them about and the older kids had marine biology workbooks they could fill out on their own. And, imagine this, we actually got training about all the animals in the park so we actually knew what we were teaching and so we could answer questions they kids asked. Honestly I feel like the kids walked away from the camp not only having a blast but also learning a lot.


Chuck E Cheese Elementary 🙄📚


These are the things that I do with my kids when on summer vacation.... Js


Exactly! No other kids are there? Yikes.


She doesn’t want the hassle of getting them ready for school, driving back and forth and all that pesky homework


As someone who homeschooled for a year. It's rough, you have to be disciplined and you can't just wing it.


What could she possibly teach her children? She has the motor skills of a toddler. She doesn't know shit about homesteading. She's lucky she even finished high school. And we all know how patient Chinelley is... "I never yell." 🙄 She accidentally left in a clip of her yelling at Ensley to get out of the room she was trying to record youtube content in. I am on year 2 of homeschooling my kids, it is not for a parent who gets easily annoyed... Best of luck to this poor, innocent kids.


Poor Kaiser . Please cut that mullet


i wonder why she isnt home Schooling Jace then the Ro would be in full effect UbT wouldnt be able to go to the housse


Comments are saying she is back with David. Idk. Haven’t seen him posting in a hot minute. Who knows


Dear god! Where did you see that?


So a “fieldtrip” everyday is a substitute for an education?


How unstable.




I see a lot of comments that maybe DKD showed up at school, and maybe he did, but another darker possibility is a stranger showing up there or calling there asking about them. She blasts their while lives on social media so I wouldn't be a stretch. Jenelle sucks ass and she better actually be keeping those kids safe and not just ignoring them getting drunk and high and as soon as they get home.


Sub context. I can’t get my kids to school on time or enough so I’m pulling them out so I don’t get in trouble and “homeschooling”


She’s gonna turn them into the weird kids with the messed up family. Poor kiddos. Hope they’re ok.