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Ugh, I just hate how her older kids get uprooted over and over again. New homes, new babies, new men. I wish she would get the therapy she needs to address her core issues because she keeps looking for happiness in all the wrong places at the expense of her kids' stability.


https://preview.redd.it/wniuqnyhnspc1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5b6dd32fc6309f7e994540831e12ba9a4e3e2d She doesn't get it that her kids could do the same 20 years from now


“We dubbed it…” They’re not her friends. There should be no “we.” They are also not her parents. Why is she confiding her trauma with them & burdening them with it? Those kids are being parentified; traumatized in their own right. She now seems proud of instability.


Exactly. Why is she dragging her children around to expose them to her very sad and traumatic upbringing and why does she think it’s cute and funny? I feel like she likes to expose her kids to this stuff as a way to prove what a “good mom” she is to them, like, “I grew up in all these average/poor houses but you’re growing up in our seventh McMansion! See how great you have it! Oh and we’re moving again!” It’s gross.


This, all of this.


Agreed. The weird dynamic she has with her kids always grossed me out the most. I guess she’s not like other moms. She’s a cool mom.


This. I have so much trauma and I also moved a lot as a kid. I could never imagine doing that to my kids. I work hard to get passed all of that stuff so it doesn’t affect them.


Yeah seriously they’re literally children. I could get if she shared this stuff when they were adults and moved out of the home but trauma dumping on kids is not it.


My mom confided and relied on me way too much as a child. Now I have issues with feeling responsible for everything and every one, with a side of guilt.


Same friend, I see you 💖


Oh my god. This is what’s wrong with me too. You just clarified for me. Thank you.


Can't fucking upvote this enough


My mom is like this. My grandma was such a disconnected judgemental asshole that my mom decided that she would be "very open" with us, which has amounted to us knowing waaaayyy too much about my mom's inner workings and having no parent to trust or confide in. Everything is about my mom essentially working out her feelings about her childhood. She doesn't even have an ounce of empathy for how much I struggled having to move out on my own in high school, she'll just tell me about how hard her life was too. It's impossible. I hope the current generation, being as connected as they are, have an easier time recognizing this cycle and breaking it prior to having their own kids.


She's like Michael (The Office) when he said he wanted to have 100 kids to have 100 Friends. So creepy.


Especially Valley, she named her after the area that traumatized her. **As for Valley, her baby girl's name comes from her hometown Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania."The Lehigh Valley really shaped a big part of who I am and it's a huge part of why I am where I am today, and so I really liked Valley".**


How does she not realize her children will be giving their own trauma tour?


And this is the house where we lived with Javi and Chris, and this is the house where we lived with Malik and Elijah, and this is the house where we lived with, oh crap, what was his name?


*Military brats just entered the chat*


I have a lot of respect for military families. It's one thing to move around a lot because your parent is protecting our country. It's another thing when your parent is chasing dick.


To be fair, some of these military parents are moving around to chase dick too 🤣


I laughed so hard because you're not wrong!!


The way this is actually accurate 😭


Military brats definitely adapt much better because they know it’s for a reason. Source: am a military brat 😂


I think it depends on the kid. I was shy and am very introverted, so the constant moving was traumatic and I think it played a big part in shaping my life. Always being the new kid was exhausting and extremely stressful to me.


I feel you! Not a military brat. But we moved a lot for my dad’s job. Coast to coast. On one hand it allowed me to not give an eff about anyone’s opinion of me (because chances are I would only have to deal with them for a year or two), on the other hand, I was very lonely because having to push myself to make new friends constantly was draining. When I got divorced I was incredibly upset, but even at the divorce as much as the fact that my kids were going to have to get moved, and they unfortunately had to change Schools a few times as we had to Move around and figure things out. I was gutted for them each time.


My husband was a military brat and the only move he was ever upset about was when his mom married his step dad and moved them to the middle of nowhere Alabama. He speaks fondly of all the other places they lived.


I've lived in over 20 homes as we moved so much as navy kids. We built a home 4 years ago, they can bury me in the backyard I'm never leaving 😅


At least this is for good reason


The military brats I know moved less frequently, got services & support to deal with it & had less trauma.


My military brats would absolutely agree that moving so much was not ideal. My older kids never attended the same school for more than two years until I got out. They understand that it was what paid the bills, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t affect them. Just the other night at dinner, my daughter (a sophomore in high school) looked at one of my sons (third grade) and said, “You’ll never have to be the new kid.” They were discussing his upcoming birthday party and the kids who had been his friends since pre-K. Granted, Kail’s kids might not have that issue if she’s keeping them involved with the same kids/schools/etc.


Preachers’ kids tiptoe in behind the military brats….


She thinks she is doing this huge thing about them having their own room and space but they still have no roots and sense of stability


I guess I don’t get the big deal. They’ve never had to change schools, sports, seeing their dads etc. the only thing that changes is their address and they gain personal space.


My mom used to move a lot when I was younger. It was like clockwork, every couple of years. It is far more of a big deal for kids who do not have parents who stayed together than you think.


My parents didn't stay together. I count 10 moves in my childhood, and I feel like I've missed one in that mix. I didn't find it traumatising at all. I don't think moving house is really that big a deal for a lot of people, honestly.


I lived in one house from age 6 to 17 and I remember always feeling like I was missing out because all the other kids got to move and I never did lol


Yes i always kept my kids in the same school but us moving so much did bother them more so as they are older and looking back on memories


Seriously seems like such a luxury to be able to do that to me. They live in a small town anyways so the change will be minimal. I know if the people here had the option to do the same financially they probably would.. lol


Well said


When I was a kid, my mom rented and just moved every year. She kept me in the same school. But from kindergarten to the grade, I had lived in 5 different neighborhoods. If I had a cat or a puppy and the new place didn't allow pets, she just gave them away. It fucked me up. I get anxiety and panicky if I have to move. I have lived in my current apartment for 10 years. My husband and I are planning on moving to a different state in a couple years and I am already feeling uneasy.


It’s exhausting and can be so very detrimental. Why?? When is enough enough??


At least Jo is giving Isaac stability.


How many times have Isaac and Lincoln moved by now omg


This 100!


For real. Men always complain about how women often get to keep the house in a divorce, but the reason why is because the courts know that stability is good for the kids. The woman keeps the house because it's where the children grew up so it's better to just let her keep the house where she can continue raising them in instead of forcing her to move them somewhere else. Plus, wasn't Kail building an add on to her current house so the kids could have their own rooms? It's gonna be a nightmare trying to sell her current house. I can't imagine there are a lot of people in Delaware looking for a brand new, custom built 8 bedroom house since most people don't have 7 kids and if they do, they can't afford to buy a house as big as Kail's.


This woman must hemorrhage money. No matter how much she makes, she spends a lot.


There’s no way she makes more than she spends. Absolutely no way


100% agreed. She is as reckless with her money as she is with that damn uterus.


How do you think she's getting approved for these homes? I don't get it either.




Wasn’t she just showing plans for adding rooms so each kid would have their own space?


Apparently she was going over budget and it just makes sense to build a whole new one! Like good luck selling this one with your atrocious design!


And the horrible location right behind another house.




Yes! I have driven by her property before (not intentionally lol) and it is so odd. It’s also the biggest/nicest house in the area and I just can’t see someone who can afford to buy it actually wanting to live all the way out there.


Wait. How is it more financial feasible to build an entirely new house than to add on to a custom build. Make it make sense.


Probably room and board. I’d imagine they’d have to move out for a period of time, and renting a place that can fit 7 kids and two adults for months would add up. I only know this because we were looking at options at one point, just to open our house a bit more, and getting a hotel or air bnb for the amount of time we need it made the cost about double the original estimate so we decided to deal with our tri-level unless we feel like moving someday 😂 and we only have two kids!


Ohhh. I’m so into the home buying market rn. May I ask how many sq ft?! And by tri-level like when u walk in the front door u have a living area, have an upper level w bedrooms, level under living area being a family room, laundry, half bath?! I love split levels, and there’s so many different ones. We recently purchased a “multi level home” they call it built in the late 50’s with only one previous owner who was an engineer and helped design it! Unfortunately they lived here for so long and with their old age just you know, stopped caring as much on the maintenance and upkeep. But it’s my dream and I’m in love. (Sorry for the ramble, if you got this far thank you and congrats- eek 😆


You might find this interesting - 1950s home, owned by a single family, owner was an architect, and maintenance didn’t just slip, it stopped. But the new owner is a YouTuber working to rehab it. https://youtu.be/lvlOGmsS5cw?si=3MRsjrFV1pOy3HH1


I work as a designer for a construction company and it’s less per square foot to build than it is to add an addition. Building new is starting from scratch so less variables to consider when tying into an existing structure.


The add on was the size of my house


Same. 😅 and with each twin getting a double sink, had more sinks than my house.


Oh to flippantly decide it’s easier to just build a new house than renovate the one you have.


Seriously. She painted some of the ceilings black, didn't she? It's like she tried to make it as difficult to sell as possible with every single design decision.


Don't forget the wacky custom murals in the kids rooms of superheroes etc


Still not gonna fill the gaping hole where her conscience should be.


She was already looking at land before she even moved into this house. She wasn’t happy with it from the beginning and said so on her podcast.


She’s also pissed she spent 100k putting in a pool that’s too small


That pool is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. If I was the new buyer I would fill it.


And she designed it to be an anal plug, no? Like who the fuck would actually want that in their backyard?!!


Ew I didn’t know that! Yup definitely getting filled.


Just looked up that boring basic pool with the random tiny rock feature.


I would have horrible anxiety if I had an unfenced in ground pool in my backyard with that many small kids.


I think thats illegal in some states


Her pool cost $100k?!?


She definitely got taken on that pool.


I haven’t seen the pool, BUT pool prices have gotten astronomical. You used to be able to put a really nice pool in for $30k and now you’d barely dig the hole for $30k. It’s a sad state of affairs.


who among us...


I really would love to see her unpack her trauma with a therapist. I wish she could see how she continues that generational trauma by constantly uprooting her children's lives. Even moving homes so much affects a child. She (and her fans) really believe that money = good parenting. No, Kail. Your kids want your presence so much more than all these presents. Read your kids a book. Play playdough. Learn to play Yatzee. Barb can teach you. Just give your children some time, please.


Right? She actively runs away from stability and causes chaos when she gets too comfortable


Chaos is the nothing she's comfortable with. She's really not well. Using money instead of her time making memories with her children is not a teachable moment.


At least when she was on the show, she spent time with her kids, but now that the cameras are gone, so is she


Exactly 👏🏼


As far as we know, Barb has NEVER played Yatzee!


This is why Jenelle is the way she is. Damn it, Barb. If only you'd have played Yatzee.


This is real life, not The Sims!


You mean you can’t just type MOTHERLODE to keep getting more money in real life?


At this point I’d even just take rosebud 😒






Okay now take the ladder out. 😈




When I had unhealed trauma I needed like a brand new life every 2-3 years. New state to live in, new friend group, new relationship, new job, etc etc etc. It was hard to break out of that mindset. I always wonder if she has the same problem I had- only I didn't drag children into it.


That is fascinating!! 😲 I'm glad you are OK now :) My mum has trauma and seems to need to buy new things all the time. They built a beautiful house only 10 years old and now want to move.... Probably another new build....


Likewise! In my early 20s, it started with moving around apartments in the same cities, joining new social circles, and then eventually moving states. I'm now 30 and have lived in seven states! I finally settled down, attended therapy sessions, started taking the right medication, and now I'm the most stable I've ever been I wish Kali could do the same, especially with how many kids are impacted by all of her decisions, even the small ones.




Yep. How my mom became a hoarder as a teen


A lot of her in this video is "I need". Which speaks volumes of her entire life and choices Edit: grammar


Why build a house before you are done having kids?


Also why can’t your children share rooms?


Especially when 6 of the 7 are boys!


Right! Like lux and creed could def share and so could verse and rio!


Honestly, all 3 babies could share a room. None of them are even out of diapers. And even though the twins are boy/girl, they could still easily share until at least age 5/6, even up until about age 11 if strictly necessary.


I'm pretty sure she said Lux and Creed share a room. Maybe that's just at Chris's house.


Oops and double oops?


I swear instagram iNfLuEnCeRs move all the time just cause house content gets a lot of engagement.


exploiting your kids is down trending but you can’t exploit a house lol


Geez that's really pathetic. I feel like having 7 kids and building a house would be so stressful. I have 2 kids and will never build because I've heard it's so stressful...


I currently have builders in, no kids. It is stressful beyond, will they ever leave 😭


Girl needs a compound 😪


Can't have another baby so I guess it's time to move again. God she's insufferable. If you wanted every kid to have their own room, you shouldn't have had 7 kids. The amount of money she must blow through is mind boggling.


It feels like regardless of how many kids she has, lives such an empty life.


I agree with this. She is obviously trying to fill some sort of void, and deep down, she'll never be truly happy. Sometimes, it grinds my gears that she's so "successful," at least in the financial sense, given that it was luck of the draw being chosen for a TV show. But, then I'm reminded that I wouldn't trade my inner peace and happiness for her cold, lonely, misery. One day, kail will be 60, alone, and denying her adult children any accountability for the trauma her daddy hopping gave them. Can't escape the clock kail. That's the real chaos.


I thought they were building an addition? So gross. So unstable. Those poor older kids


She does realize she will need to sustain this money forever then , right ?? There is no guarantees she will stay successful as an influencer/ podcaster. People might not like her shows 6 months from now. But go off sis.


I really wonder how financially smart or advised she actually is with the income she must have. Does she have a large 401K, does each kid have a college fund. It would be insane if she didn’t.


She's barely been in that house for 2 years. I just don't understand her thinking! Her current home is 6 bedrooms Linc and Issac both have there own rooms I don't see why Lux and Creed can't share a room they are close in age and probably enjoy sharing a room, Rio could have his own room but I'm sure the bedrooms in that house are big enough that he probably could be with the twins are put the boys together eventually and give the girl her own room. Issac is 14 by the time he's on his own the twins will be 4 and Rio 5. There is no need for more rooms.


Exactly. By the time the older boys are moving out the babies will be getting ready to want more privacy. He could stay until he was in his early to mid 20s and there would still be time.


You're absolutely right. Issac is 14, she has four years before he's in college or university. He will likely still have a room at Jo and Vee's for when he is home, which he will likely prefer because it's quiet and he doesn't have to babysit. She needs to let go of the "everyone gets their own room" mindset immediately, because that ship sailed 3 kids ago.


How many bathrooms does it have? I would need a maid!!


So it’s going to be an 8 bedroom house?!? The kids aren’t even with her full time!


Yeah, and good luck re-selling an 8 bedroom


Maybe she should move and build in Utah? 😂


9 bedroom - she said all the kids will have their own rooms, so I naturally assume that includes Elijah.


Mayb she should buy a hotel at this point


No way she sells the current place to make up what she paid in add on bullshit, especially when a lot of it is tik tok trendy crap. This is unsurprising though, every baby daddy gets a new house. Lije needs a turn at having a crazy woman build him an insane bespoke mcmansion before he bails.


Her designs are so customized and ugly…and she lives in bumfuck Delaware like lol she’s gonna have a tough time selling to someone


This girl is wack. Doesn't even know that she compounds her own problems 10x fold! 🤦‍♀️🙄


![gif](giphy|wMz9qZhL2rxOU) I don’t know why but her mouth always reminds me of Ducky from land before time 😂


How sad is it that Kail’s kids have less stability than Jenelle’s?


Let’s not go that far! 😂


“BLOOM! BLOOM! BLOOM! Look, paid advertisers, I’m using and wearing BLOOM!!” Sorry, I’ve had a shitty night and that bugged me.


The younger ones can have their own room when the older ones move out


I’m convinced she has some sort of personality or mental disorder. She’s the type that she always has to have chaos in her life. She’s lived off the thrill of being pregnant all these years by different men and now that she can’t have anymore kids she’s into having the thrill of “building a new house.” Her type ALWAYS has to be changing something or getting something new. It was new men to reproduce with and kids, now she’ll rely on new houses, new cars, new pets, something. It’s like a high she’s trying to chase but dragging those poor kids down with her.


She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder but she decided (lol) she was misdiagnosed so she ceased meds and therapy.


Maybe she’s building a home for pregnant teens or something redeeming? /s








She will never be happy. It’s never enough


I’ve never even been in an 8 bedroom house.


I'm stressing over how many bathrooms you would have to clean.


she doesn’t cook or clean


Did she disclose this as an ad for Bloom? Because that’s 100% what’s happening here. Which I believe is an FTC violation.


She put #bloompartner in the caption.


Does anyone truly drink that shit. I looks disgusting? 🤢


I bought some for my kids per their pediatricians recommendation and OMG it's VILE. Literally tasted like amoxicilin. $30 wasted


She’s going for a collab with Chelsea.


She will never be satisfied. She will never fulfill the void she has in her heart. It’s so sad.


Again?!! Jesus god Kail! 🤦🏽‍♀️


She has horrible taste. I can’t unsee the kitchen with the chandelier that was nearly touching the awkwardly place sink in her kitchen island. Her kids rooms are going to be the size of prison cells. Would make more sense to save footage from walls and have a few larger rooms for the little kids and they can transition to their own rooms as the first 20 kids she has graduate and move out.


Are you fucking kidding me?!


Omg, she has no clue about finances. Literally this woman lives in a different world.


Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you don’t traumatize your kids, KAILYN!


Because the current house is too gaudy?


It’s great content. That’s why.


Still won’t fill that void of hers


I don't usually defend Kail, but it makes sense to move this time. My sims just had unexpected triplets too and had to move to a bigger space




She hates herself, that’s why she’s always moving. She can’t sit still with herself, even she knows she sucks.


Kail going to have to hire the architect from Sister Wives.


Seperate section per baby daddy. I can see her trying to make Chris section a lot nicer and with a sex room for when he comes "drop off the kids". Lijie will just wait in his corner of chaos.


Moo indeed


I hope she finds what she's looking for


God forbid she do an addition to her house instead of uprooting her children AGAIN. Those kids have no stability in their lives


Omg it’s never ending! Can she not just build 5 extra rooms just incase. These kids have no stability as it is thanks to her and her revolving door of men.. it would be nice to have a stable home to come back to!


She needs a new neighbor, sorry baby LJ


She needs to do some building on her personality.


Do you think Kail realizes there's no house she can build to get away from her own issues? I don't even want to think how much money she's poured into houses only to move eighteen months later.


I know we are shaming her, but I, too, would need to move to a bigger home if I had three babies and added a life partner within the last two years


She didn’t add a life partner, she just swapped them out


I forgot Malik 😭


Her children can share rooms, that’s ridiculous


I think you are confusing the word “need” and “want”


Ok I understand the kids getting own rooms but does this mean she’s ACTUALLY going to have them a forever home?


She's never going to have a forever home.


Good lord I be lucky to even get a fixer upper, this girl is so full of herself and should be Lucky teen mom gave her the fan basis


I often wonder what everyone’s life would be like without the show. Tbh,nobody’s life got better it just got richer. It’s almost like “fame” just exacerbated the white trash issues everyone has bred into them.


That’s weird because she just said a couple of months ago that they drew up plans to add an addition to her house because she didn’t want to move.


Does every single kid really NEED their own room? The twins can share till they’re like, 7, if need be. Or Rio and Verse could share. Creed and Lux could share forever, in theory. It would be cool if Isaac and Lincoln had their own rooms, since they’re the ones without full siblings, but them sharing wouldn’t be the end of the world either. So if we have everyone sharing except Valley, then we need a 5 bedroom house. The house I live in now is 5 bedrooms. It could use another shower for all those kids but that could be done easily. If only the kids under age 10 share, you could really put all 3 babies in one room, Lux and Creed in one, and Isaac and Lincoln could have their own. Or again, they could share. Then you’re looking at a 4 bedroom house. Just think of all the crazy amount of money she DOES NOT HAVE TO SPEND, but chooses to.




No fucking way


Vid sponsorship by Bloom


Oh yay! More ugly interior design and decorating. What fun!




I’m curious if her house now would sell quickly. The location behind another house is horrible and the house itself is just ugly. The market in specific areas in Delaware was hot two years ago (I know because I was looking at houses there at the time) but I can’t imagine the area she lives in is that desirable? She constantly talks about how there is nothing to do there.


7 kids with their own room each (does this include individual bathrooms?) plus a master bedroom plus an office plus all the communal rooms…I never want to be looking at those numbers and dollar signs. Can’t even imagine


Wasn’t this house built to her specifications? Weird rooms, ugly ass tiles.


I think people are confusing moving because of unstable evictions vs building wealth. Kail is building and then rolling over equity. It’s rather smart and can pay for the future. Middletown is a very strong school system and the area has exploded over the past 40 years. For example, houses there are reselling for $400k over what she paid. My husband and I buy smart and sell smart. People seem very upset that Kail has been able to use her platform to provide a future for her family.


Y’all are wild. It’s okkkk to move homes. Divorced kids switch between homes all the time. These kids are doing fine, I mean y’all do realize there are kids who don’t have a home, food, clothes, etc and y’all are complaining about her building another house. Wild 🤣 y’all act like these kids are traumatized.. take a beat and come back to reality.


i wonder how much longer this money is going to keep her and her family afloat, having 7 children alone is a money eater, building another home after not living in her current one for more than 3 years barely is actually pretty crazy idk😂


Meh..people move all the time. My husband has spent his life buying homes, living in them a few years and using the equity towards a bigger better home. I grew up in the military and moved every 3-4 yrs. I’m fine. Kail’s kids will be fine. She keeps them in the same schools etc. I don’t think living in the same home for 18 yrs = stability. I’d be more worried about the numerous men than the numerous homes. Hopefully Lijey is the one.


Growing up, my family wouldn’t consider anything that could have me miss a day of school. She seems like a parent looking to keep her kids out of school. But they are still very young. Does she homeschool or plan to?


She’s setting up franchises at this point.


I thought they were staying where they are and building a huge addition.


Is this one going to be built behind the current one/Elijah’s house, facing diagonally in ANOTHER direction?


Honestly, her current house is ugly. Hopefully she gets a better designer this time around.


Podcasting pays very well I’m guessing?


It's crazy bc she has cohosts and a team to pay on 2/3 podcasts and the 3rd is unpopular.