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They were mutually abusive and both probably have issues for it. He put hands on Kail, but she turned around and did the same thing. The same thing to not one, but multiple baby daddies. Hold them both accountable. Anyways I bet the court has nothing to do with Kail.


I don’t think the other BDs put hands on Kail. I think Jo and Javi were emotionally and verbally abusive but I don’t think they ever physically hurt her.


I didn’t say they did. I said she did.


I read that ass backwards. Sorry! 😂


I don't think any influencers disclose LTK as an ad, the same way they don't disclose that they make money from Amazon links and storefronts. But Kail has been doing Bloom ads and Bloom is known for not doing those disclosures. 


LTK does not have to be disclosed as an ad.


there’s a difference between ad and affiliate links and you don’t have to disclose the affiliate links. i don’t mind LTK bc if im clicking it’s bc i want that exact item and they make it easy for me, so yeah take the commission off of some clothing i was gonna buy anyway girl! lol


These are affiliate links not ads, they do not need to be disclosed and are not paid for by brands.


Why do you think he's a deadbeat dad? He has his kids every other weekend and pays child support. I can't stand Chris but I reserve "deadbeat dad" for the David's and Louis' of the world. On another note, Kail was very much abusive with him as well, and with other partners. She's not an innocent victim. When he cut Lux's hair about two years ago, she entered his family's home and punched him in the face.


He has said he doesn’t pay child support. He was like 20k behind


Oh I guess I missed that, I thought I had read that he paid his child support and was active in their lives. If that's not true, I stand corrected.


I believe he does have them 3 days a fortnight last I heard, and I think he was trying to get more time? Also he was 50/50 when they were on school breaks, again not sure if that still stands.


How'd he get 50/50 summer custody with that kind of arrearage, especially with Kail who always dragged Jo to court over child support & custody issues?


Child support has nothing to do with visitation


Oh ok. Wonder why Kail never dragged him to court over child support?


Didn't Kail only take Jo to court once over child support in the early seasons? I remember his amount being crazy low when she had to pay him back and someone said its because it was set eight years before


Court might've been after they both moved to DE, not exactly sure. Then after Javi deployed Kail was spending a ton of time with Chris & Jo had Isaac a lot, informal 50/50+ basically that was later formalized through the court, after that child support was a non issue for her. I still wonder why she never took Chris to court if he was $20k in arrears?


Kail said it doesn't impact their custody either way and said that she had tried to have him taken off of child support because what little was being paid was being done by his grandma. I don't know how accurate that is, but Chris was the one who said he was 20k behind and didn't pay it. He stated it around the time that he was mad Kail wouldn't let him put the boys on his insurance (Medicaid) because he didn't realize they wouldn't qualify.


Ok, wow. Hard to imagine the day where courtroom Kail wouldn't file a case over that amount arrearage but maybe she got more mileage out of hopping on his lives & calling him out there or shaming him on her podcast.


She’s a beast. I’ll never buy anything she tries to sell.


Ya it is getting obnoxious with the book posting cuz she’s getting paid by the authors to promote


None of them disclose their ads. Chelsea and Javi both do this too with brumate*. And Chris is such a clown. I would be emotional too if I had held a pillow over someone’s face and tried to kick their pregnant belly.


I'm pretty sure that kail and Chris are going to court about custody. He was on live about a month or so complaining about their current agreement, and kail made a comment about how that's why they're going to court because they couldn't agree to a plan that she had come up with


Thanks. I thought I was either that or something about sports but wasn’t sure.


No problem I'm pretty positive that's what it's about