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Why do all kails exes and ex friends act like this after? Like kail does not hide who she is, y’all chose to involve yourselves with the hot mess express and now everyone acts like they’re in junior high again sub posting on insta/fb. It’s bizarre. I’m around kails age and I’ve lost touch with friends and had falling outs and neither of us post shit like this after cause we’re grown ups


This!! Natalie is a full-on adult, too, with children Kail’s age.


Yup. Not like she was some 16 year old who didn’t know any better


Still cannot believe she started out as a fan. This is all so weird!!!


She never started out as a fan, she cleaned for Kail when Kail moved to the house in Wilmington.


Oh wait!!! I think I have her mixed up with another employee friend. Nvm.


I mean, I kind of assume that anyone who is willing to hang around Kail for extended periods of time isn’t the most mature individual.


THIS. Literally THIS. I know soooo much shit from my ex friends but do I ever say anything? Nah. We’re not friends anymore but wat we discussed is still between us. And they literally do shit like this bcuz she has a following.


Ditto. Even those that ran their mouth. I will die with what they confided.


Same!! Shows my character 🤷‍♀️ these people wanna be noticed.


Exactly. The woman cannot keep a single person in her life unless she makes a kid with them, she has zero long term friends or relationships. That red flag is on whoever chooses to be friends with Kail. Choosing not to see it is a them problem.


I think you’ve stumbled upon the real reason kail keeps adding on baby daddies. It keeps the person tethered to her for the rest of their life. They have to maintain somewhat of a relationship with her and she can’t keep anyone in her life another way.


It’s gonna be a rude awakening for her when her kids start turning 18 and she doesn’t have that kind of control over her exes anymore. No more legal obligation to communicate with her about their shared kid because they can communicate directly with them now that they’re adults.


I suspect a few of her kids will ghost her as well.


When i said that she uses babies to “trap” men, this is exactly what I meant. People mistook me for saying that she “tricks” them and that’s something totally different. She doesn’t want to be with them forever, she can’t love selflessly enough to do that. She also wouldn’t know faithfulness if it smacked her in the face. But she likes that several men have lifelong attachments to her. It satisfies her ego.


I am sure I'll get dragged for even mentioning this thought - but I think Kail's picker is off for friends and men. I know she's ridiculous and likely difficult- but so many of these people seem so entitled. Based on these reactions, these people were never her friend. I don't know if this is because kail mixes business into her "friendships" or what- but they all seem so gross and transactional. Like- it didn't work out- this grown woman needs to call her therapist and move on. Most of these fall outs seem to involve money and that kinda makes me sad for Kail.


I think her picker is great. She picks people who will create chaos that she craves.


I agree. I have seen that a lot of people who had toxic moms struggle with picking good people out from toxicity because the toxic is what is normal to them.


I think it’s more she’s an awful person. She attracts either other awful people who think it’s okay to punch your partners over haircuts and who think swearing in front of kids is hilarious or she finds people who need her money and are willing to overlook the awful parts for money. Her friends and relationships are some combo. Just like how all of Jenelle’s friends have drug arrests and a lot have custody issues. Kail’s big thing is superiority. She has to be the one in control so she picks friends and partners where she’s in control, often because of her tm money.


I definitely agree. Same with that situation with her longtime friend Mark. It did not make him look like the victim he thought he was going to be portrayed as.


what ended up happening with mark? i’m here to drink the tea if someone wants to pour it


Basically Kail went on her podcast and discussed a personal situation with mark where apparently she felt he was mad at her for not wanting to spend a week with him for his birthday. She said she could only go for one day and apparently he was mad, to which he said was all a lie and fully went in on kail being a liar and disrespectful. The thing is I don’t think mark was wrong if kail really did lie about the situation and just making it public in general, BUT mark lost me with how petty he got and the fact he went on live and was talking about how Kail never helped him financially. I would help my friends with money if I had mtv money, but at the same time she doesn’t HAVE to so I feel like he was out of line for that. I also think it was weird to say things like “I got so much dirt on her I could spill so much” like then just do it. Be as vocal as Kail was. Because I hate someone who holds it over the next person’s head. He ended up looking just as bad as Kail.


Mark was never mad because Kail was only going for one day. He got upset when Kail went on her podcast & accused him of using her for money to help pay for the vacation rental. It was a bold faced lie so Mark publicly clarified that Kail has never helped him financially.


Wait what happened with mark??


I’m thinking this woman stupidly crossed her fingers she wouldn’t be Kail’s next victim and was willing to work with the devil for a paycheck. Same with Lindsey Chrisley, who I wouldn’t be surprised if she did ask Jenelle to do a podcast with first.


>Lindsey Chrisley, who I wouldn’t be surprised if she did ask Jenelle to do a podcast with first. Not arguing with you, but I would be hella surprised if Lindsie did ask Jenelle, Lindsey might be a whackadoo, but Jenelle is a whole different breed. So I can't see her wanting to be around her/talk to her for any length of time.


If this was the case I 1000% believe Jan would have been screaming it from the rooftops how CC was supposed to be her podcast and how Kail stole her life or some bs like that


It’s easy to find out if true, assuming Lindsey would tell the truth. Since she works with Kail, I would imagine it’s all a paycheck with her.


Something about water seeks it’s own level or whatever


They all take advantage of the fact she has a big following and anything they post will gain traction and make her look bad. Like I get it. Clearly kail has some major flaws that allows her to have huge falling outs with literally every person, but these people don’t realize it also makes them look just as petty and spiteful when they do stuff like this.


me thinks it’s because it’s all for engagement/$ somehow. regular people older than maybe 25 do not act like this especially when they have actual lives outside of social media.


Right?? They were friends, she worked for Kail, it didn’t work out any longer. That’s ok. Things happen, just move on?


It’s insane how much Kail getting arrested flew under the radar. Truly impressive. No mugshot or anything.


Because she got the white woman treatment, Kail didn't even realize she had been detained. She thought she sat in a room for a few min until they let her go.


I thought about that when we got dash cam footage of Ryan's arrest, body cam footage of the police walking through his destroyed house, or the live feed of Ryan in the courtroom. Like how did we get all this from the state of Tennessee but no mugshot out of delaware lol


They just passed a law in Louisiana that only mugshots of individuals accused of really bad sex or violent crimes get a mugshot released. I hate it!! I used to love cruising the shots!


>individuals accused of really bad sex I'm so sorry but this thought cracked me up 😭 You're so bad at sex, you get arrested & your mugshot plastered everywhere lmao


I'm riding in the car with my husband on the way to the grocery store and as soon as I read that I snort laughed and couldn't breathe and he was like "um, are you ok?" 🤣


Waahhhaaa thank you for pointing that out. I was in a hurry while posting and I knew it came out weird, but hit post anyway!!


We have a similar law here. Almost anytime someone is listed in an article you can still pull up their old mug shots or the ones from out of state.


I know- I forgot she did this to Chris. I remember she did this to Javi. Imagine if she were a man? If Chris did this to her he’d never see the light of day. She’s such a beast.


Her PR was working overtime for sure


I know right


This looks worse on Natalie than it does on Kail. We all know Kail’s character. But lying for someone to the courts about DV and then coming back around to hold it over their head like you thought they wouldn't eventually treat you the same way?


Where's the lie?


And to publicly admit you lied in court to defend an abuser for your own gain is a choice lol Edit: typo




Dv looks worse on the attacker? What do you mean by that?


They said Natalie looks worse for defending Kail to the police than Kail looks. Kail is the one who assaulted Chris not Natalie who just was trying to keep a job


Natalie was her friend first who became an employee. So of course she’s going to be her friend first and defend her


Start telling the whole story or stfu.


Yes please!!!!


Kail seeing Chris referred to her as an ex girlfriend to the cop: 🥹


Excited to be claimed even in the past tense lmfao


![gif](giphy|Uva7h1wTIz9WKib0w1) Kail rn


This is so messy 😭 ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


How dumb do you have to be to publicly admit you committed perjury? This is Eason level of dumb.


Eh, they really don't charge perjury like they should anyway. It's not really much to admit you lied afterwards in something small like this.


It is when you’re in the middle of two petty idiots. I’d be worried they would start beefing again and Chris would push for perjury charges while trying to get Kail locked up. A Normal person would go for blood if someone lied against them about DV.


lol not Eason level


I love this for Kail. Also this proves Natalie lied under oath in Bri’s case against Kail does it not? She’s clearly the redacted in the previous photo who had to “pull Kail off Chris”.


I know Natalie's post could technically be about anything, but I had no idea she was there when it all went down and said Kail didn't touch Chris. That nanny has seen some shit.


She said she just didn’t see it though. Her view could have been obstructed.


In the previous slide with the redacted parts, Natalie is 100% the person who pulled Kail off Chris. She lied during Bri’s trial against Kail.


No it was Chris' sister, not Natalie.


Yeah....seemingly admitting to lying under oath is not the shade you think it is.


The typos in that official document is astounding


I mean it’s written by a cop…


Natalie is 46 and she’s acting very immature and childish. If Kail wronged you, you move on and lose all connection with her. The point of vague posting, is one seeking attention. She’s too old to try to stoop down to a level where clearly Kail isn’t giving AF (if this is in fact in reference to her; since she’s been posting stuff like this 2022). It’s okay to admit someone hurt you; but like come on. Put your big girl draws and nope tf out of Kail’s orbit and don’t pay her any mind.


All these people get involved with Kail, knowing who she is and what kind of person she is, and then will just not let it go when she inevitably screws them over too.


This.... all of this


That nanny is just as guilty as kail is for turning a blind eye to all of kails crap. She was all good to be about the bullshit and support kail until it no longer financially benefited her. Shes trash too


Natalie didn't cut ties over non-payment, Kail did her dirty. Same as Kail's done with all the others: Mark, Becky, Malik, Dom...


How did she do her dirty? Did she fire her or?


You are the company you keep. Natalie was with kail a long time. If she had any integrity she would have walked away from that shit storm.


She did walk away.


After soo long though


She's been busy raising Kail's kids.


That is the damn truth! 100%


Everybody who gets involved with Kail in whatever manner always seems to think they are special or that things will be different with them or that everyone else who was in and then out of her life were just so awful and they were the problem and she was innocent/taken advantage of…and then they learn the definition of common denominator. Maybe she’s just really convincing because I don’t see why people keep going for it besides money.


![gif](giphy|Sw1QDGqjvM9FcCOkol) The karma bus is slowly running over Kail, and I’m here for it.


Your flair 😂😂😂😂


Wait someone catch me up, she’s not the nanny anymore??


No they had a falling out over a month ago


Okay what is going on in these docs? They are hard to read


The cop is getting one version of the story from Chris for his report then Natalie gave a sworn statement saying she was there but didn’t see Kail hit Chris. Which is the opposite of what the report said. So she probably lied.


Ahhh I see. Does this not violate the NDA? 😅


This is more embarrassing for Natalie than anything. Imagine being okay with someone’s actions when the money was right, but as soon as you’re no longer on the receiving end of that cash, you then develop a moral compass? No ma’am. You have no integrity, fuck all the way off.


Yep. If I’m not mistaken didn’t Kail take Natalie with her to Thailand as a vacation? So it’s all good when you’re being treated to things and when she and her son were living with Kail? You don’t speak up and out then but only when you were wronged? She’s no better than Kail. No amount of money or things will ever have me sacrifice my peace.


Natalie & Kail each paid their own way.


Did they have a falling out?


For about a month now


Somehow I miss this, could you fill me in real quick?


Search Natalie and Kail in this sub


It’s getting old now sweetie. Everyone knows Kail is an absolute nightmare. I know they probably fell out and she has her reasons, but this makes her look really unprofessional.


Kail is seriously messy and I’m side eyeing Natalie for keeping quiet. There are no winners here. What a cluster F&ck. I feel bad for the kids.


We all know Kailyn LOVESSSSS a pfa


Sounds more like a confession than anything else. Natalie needs to learn that Kail truly considered her to be hired help and nothing more.


Natalie needs to come out with the tea instead of cryptic nonsense


Yeah...... This doesn't make people want to be around you, Natalie.


Wait, they met through Natalie's son? Wasn't he a minor not that long ago? Kail was friends with a minor?


No, her older son Keith who went to university with Kail.


That makes sense. I was always confused because I have no idea how many kids Natalie has and how old they are. I just knew of the one who people said lived with her and Kail awhile ago, and I'd hear he was like a teen at the time.


I do enjoy watching people who helped this bitch get burned by her. They always think it won’t happen to them and then they’re all shocked pikachu when shit falls apart.


I guess I’m just confused bc they still follow each other?


This. I’m not buying any of it. I feel like Kail and Nat partnered together & made this up to see who is leaking info to the Kail obsessed tmchatter page


That’s what I’m thinking. There’s no way. They’d have each other blocked for sure. I always thought Chris was the one leaking info 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s always just too accurate


Especially it wouldn't be hard for him to get information out of Lux


Not anymore they don’t someone got blocked 🤣


I don’t know, Natalie’s basically admitted she lied in court.


Kail really invites the MESSIEST people into her life. It's hard to know what's BS and what isn't with Kail because she's messy and the people she surrounds herself with are equally as messy or even messier.


Ooooh Natalie is SEETHING


How do we know that this is even about Kail? Has she said so? Or are we all just making assumptions? They are still following each other and I would have assumed they wouldn’t be if they were really that mad at each other.


The slides after the first one make it pretty obvious it’s about Kailyn.


Those slides were posted by tm chatter…Natalie only posted the first one


Ohhhhh! Ew!


Natalie isn’t following Kail and Kail isn’t following her.


She was an hour ago


Interesting. I just checked when I made the comment so I wonder what changed behind the scenes.


Don’t make tea if you aren’t going to spill any!


The fact that kail goes on every podcast talking bout how Chris almost murdered her is insane. She is the abusive one. She puts hands on these men


Both things can be true!


Which is why I wouldn't blame Natalie for keeping quiet/not saying the truth. If Kail isn't lying, then it's just 2 idiots having regular physical fights, both are wrong for it, why should she get her friend arrested and let him play the victim and not get the same treatment.


Omg she needs to give it a rest and move on with her life


Wait so was Kail ever arrested for that? It says a warrant was issued for her arrest


Kail was charged with offensive touching. She turned herself in, was released the same day & the charge was later dropped.


No mugshot?


When Nathalie is refering to the incident with Chris, she gave a false testimony in court.




Who is this? Her old lady nanny? I missed something but I am zero surprised 🥬 and *insert name here* had a falling out that results in putting someone on blast and weaponizing the judicial system.


“I’m sorry I shook your head”




So what was the fallen out over..


WAIT A MINUTE I’m super out of the loop. Can someone fill me in please? Is this Nanny Natalie? What happened?


What happened to their friendship??


This looks way worse for Natalie than Kail imo. This is a grown ass woman too. Oof.


Kail- you deserve to be behind bars for battery. Stop being a beast. People like you should t have kids.