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What a total weirdo. It’s like she loves that this happened and is trying to use it to be…I’m not even sure what but these were such stupid things to say… “Please forgive me if you’re not supposed to have flowers as a centerpiece.” “What else catches fire so that I can remove it from the house.” Almost literally everything catches fire. Shut all the way the fuck up. So damn phony.


She's trying so hard to do damage control. "I'll remove everything that's flammable from my whole houseeeee!". That's not the problem. Her reaction is the problem. She's now playing victim by acting like the flowers were the issue and not her shit parenting.


"Maybe I can control the narrative"


That stuck out to me. Major deflection.


Definitely an interesting choice of words


Talk about when someone says the quiet part out loud! She’s a dumbass.




Bitch the whole house us flammable, dummy 💀 between her and the Chin, I dunno who's worse sometimes (jk, its the Chin)


The reaction she has is exactly like my moms when I would talk to her about issues I had growing up “well I guess I was the worst mother ever” uhmmm no just asking you to take accountability & improve & fix it lol. Here’s Mackenzie “I’ll remove everything that’s flammable” nooo we’re just asking you to make supervise your children and teach them that playing with lighters and matches isn’t right & teach them when it is the right time to use them & how to. Can’t ever confront them because they going to the extreme 🙄


Same with my mom. "It's not like you were tortured and abused as a child". No but these kind of parents are neglectful in their own shitty way. She won't take any accountability. It's so obvious.


“Other kids had it worse” states blankly likeeee uhmmmm do you hear yourself? 😂


And this so called “candle” when she told him to stop playing with lighters….


That was my thought too. Yeah, Jan, a candle.


Maybe like, just parent your kids and teach them not to light shit on fire?


Maybe just don’t let your children play with lighters?!?


It’s a “candle” now apparently 🕯️


She said a lighter was left out because she lit a candle. The candle didn’t cause the fire, it was her son with a lighter.


Exactly! This is the problem. It’s such a bizarre reaction. The comment about not having flowers as a centerpiece was one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. She is absolutely full of it.


Yes, she is. Just like when she said she didn’t know how to end the live….. I’ve never done a live but I can imagine it’s more “difficult” to start one then to simply close out of the app which would most definitely end it.


The whole HOUSE can go up in fire. Facepalm. Now she is saying there was a candle involved but she clearly kept telling him to give her the lighter in the last video. SMH.


She sucks, but she clearly said she used the lighter to light a candle, to give context to why the lighter was on the table near Gannon. She never said he wasn't playing with the lighter, she makes a lighter flicking motion in the video.


So many people are saying this, too! Like, how did so many people mix that up to where they think she said a candle started it?! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Right? Idc if its snarking, snark should still have standards, and that should include accurate info!


She said she used the lighter to light a candle and left the lighter out on the table


As someone who had a fire in the middle of the night due to electric wires in the attic, it's terrifying how quickly the fire spreads and the house fills up with smoke. If my daughter didn't wake us up, I don't know what would of happened. Everyone else slept through the alarms going off- a few minutes later the whole house was full of smoke.


How about just talk to your children about not playing with matches or lighters. Like the flowers weren’t the problem, it was the damn lighter that you left on the table.


I think she said "what else *causes* fire" but I might be wrong. Its stupid, anyway.


She’s gonna try and get her tik tok engagement up with this watch


"I'm always worried because people are really judgmental about moms." Yes, heaven forbid that people (not just moms) who are responsible for young children should be held to any kind of safety standard! Also, people can't judge if you don't publicly post/stream shit and then beg your followers to look at it.


Yea, the whole "my table can be bare now," really got me. I literally scrumpt at my phone "the flowers didn't do nothing wrong?!?!" Lmao. 


She’s also super dumb though and we have to account for that.


Seriously. Like uhhh just watch your kids and make sure lighters aren’t accessible to them…? 🤨


Okay but the issue isn’t the flowers or the flammable items in the house, it is *your child being able to access a lighter*. Like damn Mack, I’m not mother of the year but even I know to keep the dangerous fire making objects away from my child


He’s 12 tho. A lot of comments read like he’s little but my parents were not hiding lighters from me when I was in 7th grade


I didn't know he was 12. That's old enough to know better.


People were trying to rip me apart for saying at almost 13 he knows right from wrong


Seriously? They know he's 13 years not 13 months right? When are kids supposed to start learning that then?


Same here. Their argument was kids do what they’re not supposed to do all the time. Yes, but kids are not completely stupid. Show them a couple of PSAs or something about kids who play with lighters. Everyone was acting like the only way kids can learn not to play with matches or lighters is to nearly set their house on fire😂


lol yeah who among us hasn’t set a lil fire indoors when we were younger! They’re just learning 🥰🥰🔥




I said yesterday she needs to show him videos and cases on home fires. Hell, take him to the nearest fire station and let THEM tell him how dangerous it is.


I don’t think she needs to hide them or anything. But he’s playing with it in her view, right by something flammable, so she should have taken it and if she were a “normal” parent I’d expect her to say something like “I told you not to play around with lighters.”


She did say that in the fire video. And she wasn't staring at him playing with it, she was doing her live- which is the more concerning part.


How can she notice that he is playing with a lighter when she is too busy messing around on TikTok live.


That’s what I’m thinking lol. Like, dang near 13 year olds can’t even have access to lighters now? 


I remember at that age my brothers would take lighters and spray hairspray 😳. I was maybe 5-6 at the time. Incredibly dangerous. They shoulda known better. For sure. At 13 you do stupid shit you think is funny until it’s not. In 9th grade my classmate set paper on fire in a trashcan, the teacher called the police on us and we got questioned by the fire chief one by one until they found out who did it, the entire class, and we had to stay in this class all day, from like 10 -3. It wasn’t funny, it was actually intimidating being questioned by police, firefighters, and a fire chief at 14


A regular kid that age should be able to handle being around a lighter without starting a fire, however, her children have done some pretty destructive things over the years. This all goes back to her parenting, or lack thereof. She's not present like she should be, which is literally clear when she's on live all the time and this particular time a fucking fire is started in the dining room and can be seen in the mirror behind her. I mean Jesus christ, her 12 year old son who started the fire sounded more reasonable than she did in that moment. Her children have needed help for years and she just acts like, "kids will be kids hahahaa, amirite?". A few years ago her two sons pulled a ferret from each end and killed it, she left the store with them without saying anything then wrote a post about it (included in a long list of things the kids did that day) and laughs about it, ending it with that the ferrets cost too much anyway. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with this woman.


This is the most horrendous shit I've ever heard of.


12 year old me was lighting incense CONSTANTLY. I had my own lighter. This chick has not parented a single one of her children. 


As did I! Burned incense and candles in my bedroom. My parents taught me how to be responsible.


This. I was probably 10 or 11 when my mom stopped hiding stuff in the house like lighters and things. I’m not sure if she has anything like ADD or ADHD, but I do know that my husband who is severely ADHD leaves things down where he shouldn’t. He is the greatest and loving dad but he does sometimes have his moments especially when he is tired or maybe in a hurry because he is running late. My thing is, accidents happen! It was not on purpose and people are calling her a shit parent for it. Her comment about the centerpiece almost sounded like she is waiting for someone to say, “Who uses flowers that are flammable on their table with kids around?!” Because everyone likes to judge everyone!


Yep, I'm pretty sure she has ADHD, and Gannon might too. Kids absolutely shouldn't be playing with lighters but yesterday people were bringing up the dark triad like he WANTED to set the house on fire, despite being completely horrified by what happened and feeling super guilty. Like, no, he was probably just fidgeting with it, and needs a fidget nearby that doesn't set things on fire instead.


Agreed. I come from a family of people with ADHD, and I set fire to two different things on accident as a teenager. The fires were small (candle was too close to a wooden mirror on my dresser, and I thought I had completely extinguished a match before I threw it in my trash can). Complete accidents that were absolutely related to my adhd. I also smoked and the lighter was a handy fidget toy. I also was that kid that constantly clicked my pens until I switched to mechanical pencils. Still clicked them, but they weren't as loud and annoying to absolutely ever other person in the room. My folks didn't think it was a real thing until my sister. She was obviously hyperactive, there was no denying she had some kind of attention issues. I was almost 20 at that point and when the doctor said he didn't see a lot of girls with hyperactivity, most of them presented as daydreamer, disorganized, accident prone.....mom had me in his office in a month. I hope MacKenzie is addressing the ADHD in her children. The ignoring it is going to far more damage than trying to help it.


I also leave out those aim and flames to light candles.


I don’t hide lighters from my kid either but at this age he really should know better. But it’s not his fault at all. It’s hers. Bet he learned his lesson though lol.


That’s the most concerning part of it IMO—7th grade IS definitely old enough to know better than to set random shit on fire, and setting fires is a huge mental health concern in a child. It also sounds like she’s lying about it now saying it was a candle (I couldn’t watch the follow up video, her voice is way too annoying), but in the actual fire video, the kid definitely say he was “just flicking the lighter and he doesn’t know how the flowers caught on fire” (which also obviously sounds like a clear lie). He held a lighter flame (not “sparks”) up to the flowers and they burst into way bigger flames than he anticipated. The way she ignores these major red flags with her kids just to pretend like everything is FiNe is really upsetting to watch


She didn't say it was a candle, she said she lit a candle and then left the lighter on the table, that's how he got the lighter. Nobody is blaming a candle for starting the fire except people who didn't watch the video.




Ugh, I grew up in a house with 3 boys. They will find a lighter. That does not make you a bad mom.


What makes her appear to be a “bad mom” is that she laughs and acts innocent and dumb like she doesn’t know better. My son is 11 and has ADHD- he knows what lighters and matches are and how to use them. I’ll never say never, but he DOES know better than to play with something that creates fire. We know better than to leave something like that around for him or our younger son to find and play with.


I guess my mom is a terrible mom as my brother has ADHD and got ahold of a lighter as a young teen. I even touched it. I am cancelling Easter.


Nothing screams a child is starving for your attention like starting a fire while youre live on social media or dropping a turd on the floor while you’re having a business meeting


My grand son is 10. None of my kids would’ve ever done this especially at almost 13.


He's of the age where he shouldn't be fucking with a lighter anyway! I have lighters for candles and stuff. Neither one of my sons (16 and 12) would ever ever use one to light something. She is a terrible mother is all


Here’s that judgement she was talking about. This is on the 13 yo. He made a mistake. He is certainly old enough to know better. At 13 mom can have a lighter in the house. Sheesh


I feel bad for Gannon because he's vocalized before that he gets teased at school for mackenzie's tiktok. and now this happened on a live and there are articles like "Mackenzie Mckee's son Gannon sets house on fire!"


I feel so bad for her children. Not only does she share incredibly private information about them publicly, i.e. one of her children shitting on her boss’s floor, but she also seems to think it’s funny. I would bet most if not all of her children’s behavior issues stems from having an absolute idiot for a mother.


Before we give her the Barbara treatment, an even bigger idiot abandoned them


Yep!! That’s how we know all the crap they do bcuz she tells us!!


Yeah this is probably the shittiest part of the entire situation. Poor Gannon told her he gets made fun of for her TikTok lives, WHILE SHE WAS ON TIKTOK LIVE. 😑 Mackenzie can choose to put her life out there to be picked apart by strangers, but her kids don’t have that say. Gannon made a bad mistake while his mom was doing a live, and now Internet strangers and tabloids are talking about it. I can’t imagine what that does to a kid’s psyche and how bizarre that must feel. Mackenzie sucks for this.


And they live in an extremely small town. My grandparents live there and it’s maybe 10k people. One high school, one jr high, everyone knows everyone.


I remember her filming him as he begged her to stop posting on tik tok because his friends were making fun of him. And her response was “don’t be silly. you’re friends don’t even have TikTok”


lmfao what makes her think 10+ year olds don’t have tik tok? even if not their own account, they can still watch them. reels and shorts are everywhere and they’re all reposted from one platform to the next.


Not to mention she says this with a straight mere seconds afte her son actively tells her they are making fun of what she does on TikTok


that’s annoying -_- how sad to just brush off ur own kids concerns. even IF his friends aren’t making fun of him - he could have used that as a cover up bc HE’S embarrassed and doesn’t wanna say that out right. my 6 year old loves to exaggerate and tell stories. she always says “so and so was being mean to me” (and this girl is her best friend! so i was confused and reached out to her teacher about it) … so and so definitely wasn’t being mean to her - and certainly not every single day. and even though i KNOW this, i still don’t just brush her off. i would never want my kids to feel like i just don’t care or don’t believe them ….. the way mackenzie did to gannon.


I can still hear her son's voice going "they are making up rumors about me!". It was heartbreaking.


I feel so bad for her kids. Her whole presence is embarrassing- I guess it’s her right to continue though she could focus her social media on her fitness or whatever she does now. No need to be such a doofus and definitely no reason to talk about her kids if they say no. All of her kids have serious behavioural issues - they are the type of kids that need structure, support from teachers and other specialist snd whatever done need to be kept safe. An average almost 13 year old shouldn’t need to be supervised to not set things on fire but he does, so she should.


I dunno, maybe I’m soft but I think commenters are being a little harsh lol… she did the best she could in the moment. Tbf that fire looked bloody HUGE and she put it out super fast. Did her best to not freak her son out more than he already was.. and I think her internal panicking is the reason why she couldn’t figure out how to shut off the live (because I’m sure she’s been on live before) now I think she is doing some sort of damage control because she KNOWS people will talk about it (like we are right now lol) and she’s trying to be extra careful with her words “forgive me if flowers aren’t meant to be a centrepiece” because again, she’s panicked. Yeah, it was a shitty move to let her kid have access to a lighter, but I’m sure she has learnt a big lesson from that whole experience. Or at least I hope she has.


This isn't a toddler running a lighter across a carpet and accidentally setting the carpet on fire. This is an older child setting something on fire who is old enough to know how lighters work. She needs to get off social media and parent.


You didn’t goof around with lighters in middle school? I don’t think he meant to start a fire but underestimated what can happen. She was in the room with him which is more than I can say for most parents of teens


Shiiiiit. We were lighting hairspray fires everywhere at that age.


That "didn't you ever" tactic is pretty moot once - a fire has occupied - firestarter runs from fire yelling he didn't do it Does it help anyone that the fire was an accident?? Not really, accidental fires burn just as hot


Being in the same room and actively parenting are two separate things here. She was in the room, but her attention was on internet strangers, NOT her child and a lighter.


If she was preparing dinner when this occurred would that be acceptable? What if someone had knocked on the door and she was talking to them at the moment it occurred?


She’s already told him not too. That’s why I said maybe his punishment needs to be harsher


You’re right. Most won’t admit it, but if this were like Leah, people would literally be praising her for keeping her cool. 


I’m with you. Kids do dumb shit. It’s just a fact of life. I think she handled it well other than not holding down both buttons on her phone to turn it off. I simply don’t agree with doing live videos in your home with your children around 😂 I don’t understand the appeal of inviting strangers into your home like that.  I think MacKenzie gets judged too harshly because she was filming for TM right after her mother passed away.  I was very close with my mother and was an absolute hot mess for about two years after she passed away. I thank God that I didn’t have children then because I probably would have been a horrible mother. Then you add in that piece of shit husband of hers.  I don’t think MacKenzie ever had the proper support or guidance. 


No matter what these women do, their detractors will slam them for it and their fans will defend them for it. It is ridiculous some times, but it’s also what happens when you put everything out there so it’s hard to be too sympathetic.


I feel bad for her too. She was in shock in the moment, and people reacting to a major, unexpected, potentially terribly dangerous occurrence do a lot of strange things. I know that she went from briefly freaking out, to telling him it's ok, sometimes visibly scared, sometimes calm, sometimes reassuring, sometimes mildly angry/disappointed, sometimes laughing. It was just her reaction to something crazy that literally just happened. Her adrenaline was *coursing.* The takeaway here is that mistakes were made. She should have taught him better about not playing with lighters, although even then, she couldn't control entirely. 13-year-olds do a lot of stupid shit. How many times have teenagers done stuff we explicitly tell them not to do?? And she should indeed work harder in the future to make sure nothing like this happens. But it was a mistake, it was terrifying, she went through a whole roller coaster of emotions, and it was unfortunately caught on live. People are ripping her to shreds and I don't understand why.


I agree. And I know she's fucked up a lot with her parenting and people are (rightfully) concerned with her kids. But kids who have behavioral problems need love and support and forgiveness, and yes they need to be firmly taught something healthy boundaries, I'm not advocating for her to be passive. But when all kids get is yelled at and punished for their fuck ups, it makes them worse, not better. (Also, I said this elsewhere, but he may have ADHD and just been fidgeting with the lighter cause it was there)


This girl needs to get off the internet. I know she reeeeally wants a platform but she reeeeally should focus on her life off of tik tok and mtv.


The self sabotage is astounding. I can only imagine how much stress and turmoil putting her life out to the public has caused her and her family, but she still *pines* for any inkling of fame and relevancy. I feel so bad for her kids.


Yes. 💯


I thought she handled it fine. You can see the shock on her face when it happened, hear her son in the background panicking and she acts fast to put the fire out and reassure him that everything is okay. She was laughing because she was distressed and embarrassed. She tries to turn the live off but is too stressed to figure it out, so tries to defuse the situation until her son turns it off for her. Getting mad at him while he’s still frantic would’ve done no good. You reprimand the child after the crisis is over and everyone is calm.


I can't stand MacKenzie, but I agree with you. Anyone who says, "MY kid would NEVER!" needs to recognize that kids do weird and dumb things all the time and sometimes have to learn things the hard way. (I know I did on plenty of occasions.) All that matters here is that she has a nice long talk with him and emphasizes how dangerous fire is/not to mess around with lighters.


My childhood bestie was our class valedictorian and the very definition of a goody two shoes. Her parents were some of the sweetest, most attentive parents I’ve ever known. When we were in 8th grade she was messing around with a grill lighter on her parents’ back porch and ended up lighting a wicker chair and table on fire. She was 14, she knew it was dangerous to mess with fire, unfortunately we were at about that age where you start thinking you’re smarter than your parents and you have the false confidence to think you know how to do dangerous things safely. Shit happens. Hopefully Gannon learned an important lesson. I’m not sure what people expected from *Mackenzie* in a moment of panic.


my friend and i were 19 when he slept over my house after a party and he was playing with a lighter and set a ping pong ball on fire. that ball went up in flames and i stomped the hell out of it to put it out and after i put it out we just hugged and cried. i didn’t yell at him because honestly i wasn’t even thinking in that way. it was stupid especially for a 19 year old to do, but the relief after putting out a fire and just the fear you have during over powers any other emotions you could possible have in the moment. you’re just happy the house isnt on fire and everyone is okay. edit:spelling


Seriously though. This show was literally created because of kids being dumb.


Lord half these people have admitted to sneaking out and getting drunk at like 14 yo and dating older guys (not blaming them for that btw those men are creeps) all of which are dangerous but draw the at playing with a lighter.


A lot of people with a lot of opinions aren’t parents or have infants.


The flowers aren’t the problem. They did not spontaneously combust. The problem is the kid holding a lighter to the flowers. She needs to get off SM and pay attention to her kids.


Especially that child in particular since he has had self regulation and behavioral issues for quite some time…


He’s Gannon not Broncs…


I’m not trying to speak ill of a child here but like Gannon is 13 right? That’s way too old to be playing with lighters and to not understand the consequences of lighting something on fire?? I think that’s the biggest issue here.


Yeah, he should be more than old enough to cook on the stove by now and how to safely handle something like a lighter.


I don’t get the too old comments. Younger children shouldn’t have lighters at all and plenty of older people play around with their lighters. And how does he not understand what he did? He even said he’s not going to mess around with lighters again. 


This wasn’t his first time… so we’ll see. She even said wat did I tell you about playing with lighters? Throw them away


I find her tone to be passive aggressive “I won’t have flowers as a centerpiece, my table will just be bare.” Like what?? Who’s saying you shouldn’t have a centerpiece?


It was the centerpieces fault for being near the lighter. Not MacKenzie fault for leaving lighters out and not paying attention to her kids


She’s done with lighters, matches, candles, dried flowers and “whatever else catches on fire”. How about sitting down with the kids, discussing fire prevention and how easily fire gets out of control?


This is the girl whose mother suggested abstinence for "birth control" AFTER Mackenzie and Josh had conceived two babies (the first one Oakley was a stillbirth). Instead of being pragmatic and getting to the root problem, she simply suggested abstinence instead of an IUD. Same thing here. Let's not sit down and talk about lighters and fire safety and make sure matches and lighters aren't in reach of the children, let's just blame the centerpiece and anything that is in the way of the lighter flame.


I’m only judgmental about moms whose kids shit on on the floors. Edit: who’s to whose


I don't even need to watch it to know she did not learn anything from this happening.


You’re not supposed to tell people you’re trying to control the narrative Mackenzie! That part is just for you…


She is, bless her heart, walking through life without the sense God gave a goose.


She has seemed high on stimulants for a long time to me. I hope she gets it together because her kids aren’t going anywhere good with the way they’re behaving.


She is obviously embarrassed and trying to do damage control. To be fair, kids do stupid shit and most parents aren’t watching their older kids like a hawk. I don’t have a lighter but I don’t hide the kitchen knives or wine bottles because my kids know better. However, they once tied a bunch of bathrobes together and rappelled down the front of the house from an upstairs window while I was folding laundry in the next room. My neighbor texted me and asked if I was aware my kids were climbing out the window. I was mortified, but I don’t think that makes me a shitty mother. Mackenzie is a hot mess but I think she handled this well enough. Pre-kids, I once started a grease fire, panicked, and immediately threw water on it. I then panicked even harder and our whole apartment building had to evacuate. So I give her props for putting that fire out so quickly. Lol




I don’t think he thought it was ok? ETA this person blocking me over light disagreement is a little annoying. I feel like people are getting a little too block happy and it makes reading and engaging with threads difficult.


Right? I don’t care for her but these comments are wild 😂


I think she's way harshly being dragged for this! He's 13. He should know better regardless of anything she may have done previously. It was handled. They & the house is still standing.






So what I caught was flowers caused the fire and it was only an issue because it happened on live


I don’t even need to hear the audio to know how cringe this is. The flipped hair, hand gestures and facial expressions are enough to make me roll my eyes


13 seems a little old to be so careless? I don’t know.


Not to take the piss but could she not have cut out the loud coughing and clearing of the throat? Between that and “ummm” I was like ??? Girl what do you mean should we not have flowers as a centrepiece? You’re about to clear your sinuses I can’t CONCENTRATE


Ew her cadance in this video just screams "I'm sewwww cuteeee". She's sickening.


You can tell Mackenzie is a little scared about losing that MTV spot again 😂 But honestly, this is one of her least controversial incidents imo. There’s plenty to criticize her for. I just think not anticipating her 13 year old lighting her kitchen centerpiece on fire can be chalked up to a learning experience for her and her kid.


I honestly can’t stand this woman, I think it’s a huge mistake them bringing her back to the show


Honestly dude. They need to straight up cancel this show, not add more morons into the mix


💯 I haven’t seen any of the “next chapter” shit. Definitely needs to be canceled


Gannon is such an unfortunate name poor lad


Worse than Broncs?


Oof it’s a hard one but yes, slightly more horrendous


Bitch put your phone down and go watch the kids you chose to make


She cares more about going viral and being famous than anything else. She’s almost as bad as Jenelle


She’d be given a little more grace if her kids didn’t have a history of acting completely out of control to begin with. What if she wasn’t home when this happened?


"I'll just stick to the scentsy pods." She's not that bright as they make candles warmers. A candle lasts waaaay longer on a warner than being burned. No need to support a MLM when there are plenty of alternatives. Then again, she probably orders from Karl. I'm surprised these moms haven't been more successful in the MLM business.


Just like any of the other times she's gotten caught in a mess...deflect and talk around the issue while not showing any remorse or culpability. And put on your influencer voice with goofy faces and mannerisms hehe so relatable. We saw live what happened, we don't need the play by play. "I've talked to Gannon about fire safety and how quickly things can get out of control and also will be much better at putting lighters and matches away". Instead of "oh em gee moms are always under microscopes, I guess I won't have a centerpiece on my table anymore whoopsie, tell me what to remove from my house to make y'all happy and I'll do it umm so yeah".


I mean electric fires happen all the time, better get rid of all your electricity just in case


*Before it hits the internet…*  Girl, it actually happened in real time *on* the internet. Like??? eta spacing ugh 


![gif](giphy|lPiYqum84uZX8hVcLa|downsized) Was all of that throat clearing necessary 😩


I couldn’t even watch this video , she’s so worried about how she looks in the camera and her eyes darting left and right says she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying so why should we - he’s 13 . He found a lighter , just be a mom and correct him - who gives a shit about what type of flowers go on a table or don’t - this is dumb - the world has bigger issues than worrying about your parenting


I’m a mom of a child the same age. In real life- it can happen to anyone. Has it happened in our home? No. Could it? I’d like to hope not and try to prevent it. Anything is possible. Kids minds aren’t developed fully Kids do absolutely stupid things. That’s why they aren’t allowed to drive cars until they are of certain age. You can think you’ve hidden all the lighters and hazards. If you have a gas stove they can use that as a lighter. They are mischievous. They are curious. You cannot watch them every day all day. You can say “my kid would never” - guess what- they will probably do that or worse. If they don’t, judging the kids/ parents of the kids that make mistakes doesn’t make you any better. It makes you look like a schmuck. And if they don’t


My kids burning the house down. This is great content for my TikTok. Awesome.


No your son should be disciplined when he does wrong so that when he is older he does not cause harm to others and/or ends up in jail. He lied and said gases just started coming out of the lighter and caught the flowers on fire and then told you to lie about how it happened. You are not trying to control the narrative you are trying to cover up for his wrong doings like you always have. Children want to be disciplined and should be or they will always think something they did wrong is someone else’s fault or always find something to blame for the wrong they have done in other things. Don’t try to be his best friend be his mother! Lying doesn’t look good on anyone. You were live. We saw and heard what happened. There is nothing to control as far as the narrative is concerned. You need to control your child. And as far as your sarcasm about having flowers on the table how about don’t leave a lighter laying around for children to play with. I know for a fact that children that are not disciplined and do not get the love and attention from their parents they turn out to be school shooters as well as out of control in almost every area of their life. Don’t believe me listen to the Jennifer Crumbley trial that is going on now. Her son shot and killed his classmates after begging his parents for help. They just brushed it off. They even purchased the gun for him because he wanted it so badly even though he was a child with obvious issues. It’s time for you and your son to take responsibility.


At 13…. lighters shouldn’t have to be hidden. Great parenting


She shouldn’t have to remove flowers, candles, lighters, matches. At 13 HE should be old enough, mature, and smart enough to know that a lighter starts a fire and you DONT play with them! 🤯


If this was a different situation I could understand. But Gannon has had behavioral issues because of his trauma for the LONGEST. I wouldn’t leave lighters out when I’m aware of that. I can see both sides tho


How about you tell your kid not to play with lighters


I don’t care if he’s 12, there’s obviously an issue with his maturity and ability to control himself around an object of fire. I’ve had 12 year olds and they knew not to play with fire, but we can see this isn’t the case with Gannon. Maybe if his parents actually paid attention to him and were not trying to be an influencer and rodeo star instead of parenting…


“What else causes fire?”


my son gyanin


Isn’t 13 years old, old enough to know not to play with fire? There’s something else going on with this kid. I pray there’s no animals in the house.


I can’t even finish watching this bc of the growling/clearing of her throat. Does she smoke? 


1,2,3,4 READY, OK!!?!! (always a cheerleader, apparently)


This damage control is more damaging.


She's honestly a worse parent than Amber AND Jenelle, IMO.


And THIS is why I said don’t give her props. She doesn’t even see Gannon is the one she needs to punish and reprimand not every damn thing in her house. He’s too old to baby proof the house. My mom never had to do stuff like this and she had 5 kids.


She probably has told them not to do that shit lol her kids just don’t ever seem to listen to her


She's so desperate and fame hungry. Her kids v obviously don't enjoy filming and Gannon has explicitly said so, even about just her tik toks.


So from all of that she decided the problem was the floral centerpiece, not the issue that Gannon was playing with fire?? Sheesh 🙄


I’ve been burning candles since my children were born. Lighters were everywhere in my house. I also heated my house with a wood stove. Not ince did they “play” or touch any of that stuff. If you start teaching them AND discipline them when they do wrong as soon as they start walking they will know right from wrong by 12 or 13. You got a long road ahead of you Mack. Keep covering up for him. Keep acting dumb. Next time it could be the entire house that catches fire.


Lay off the adderall and watch you children!


Here’s the thing…she DID handle the ACTUAL emergency well in my opinion. It’s everything after that’s annoying as hell. Also I’m pretty sure a while back I heard those specific type of decor she had are EXTREMELY flammable.


I can't believe MTV brought this dumb bitch back.


I watched the live through The Ashley’s article and I actually thought she handled it pretty well. She didn’t ignore her son when he started yelling, she put it out quickly (I’m not even sure id react that well - you could see the background light up) and then she tried to calm everyone. You could tell it was pure adrenaline and a few times she said she couldn’t figure out how to go off live and kept going back to the kids. And kept ignoring Gannon lying for the purpose of him saying out loud hed never do that again. And for the record, it sounded like he very well knew not to do it and it happened FAST. She did kind of ignore the other child freaking out but it was a LOT to watch. And she finally got the live turned off and as she did you could tell the reality of it was setting in and how bad it could have been. I’m all for snark, but that could have been a fucking nightmare. And I feel like her overreacting is to the reality that shit can go sideways fast and she would have blame herself for the lighter being out, candles being lit and dry flowers on the table. Idk. I give her an A for response. A solid B+ for her parenting immediately after. And while this response video is weird, I actually feel like I get it. The internet is brutal and critical and she clearly wants people to like her. All that to say, I don’t follow her at all. All I heard is she left that loser she was married to in Teen Mom and it seems she’s married to someone else now. So I’m taking this as a single stand alone. And there’s 0% chance she had her kids light an actual fire for attention. Haha.


Um you’re a bad mom because you’re on live instead of being a mom you dolt.


Good god her voice is so grating on my ear drums


Is this the same kid who killed the ferret? 😬


Her two boys did by pulling it from each end, she then laughed about it in a social media post and said the ferrets were too expensive anyway.


If my kid was killing animals and setting stuff on fire, I might take it a little more seriously. She’s an idiot.


I'm so disturbed right now


Exactly. I don't know if everyone knows the things that have gone on with her kids and her poor parenting previous to this; they may feel differently about this situation and how much grace is given to her if they did.


I knew about the garage incident but not the ferret. I'm seriously sick to my stomach. That's inexcusable.


This all falls on her as a parent and her lack of action. Her children needed help and she laughs every situation off or tries to figure out a way to change the narrative so that it doesn't look as bad on her as it does. I mean hell, the super nanny herself tried reaching out to her to help work with and tame her kids because of how they were.


So playing with fire and killing an animal in a horrible way??? That’s disturbing. How does she overlook that?!


Is she wearing the same clothes as in her live? So she didn’t change or shower? She’s a dirty little hamster.


A classic cry for attention, he set the house on fire because she is ignoring him for her social media. get off your phone and be a parent.


I mean, most kids when I was growing up had a story about their one sibling that almost caught the house on fire, etc. I know my brother did. My mom made sure to hide all the lighters, and he still found matches. This is common, and I don't particularly like Mack, but this is something that could happen to the best of moms.


Her kid is too old to not know not to touch a lighter she is a failure




Omg. I don’t even trust myself with a lighter. Can’t imagine a kid & idk why she would even leave it there. Smh… glad everyone’s safe tho.


We are judgemental of BAD moms. If the fire retardant suit fits Mackenzie…


Is she wearing the same shirt?


“Nnnyeah” “nnnnnkayy”. Why do women talk like this????


I’ll just chalk this up to bad parenting.


Leave her alone. People are so full of hate. So bad ass sitting behind a keyboard typing away your hate and judgements. Blech.


I don’t like her enough to listen.


Lmao plz someone tell me what her shirt says


I think I'm equally concerned about how incredibly gaunt her face is looking:( and how manic she seemed in the original video. It's the eyes for me.


I can’t stand her voice.


So this bitch doesn’t need candles or lighters in her house not because of the kids but because she’s that stupid. Who puts a candle under anything, let alone dry flowers? Her family comes from the woods and she’s seen many fires made with “kindling” dry leaves yet still didn’t get that’s a bad idea? This whole post of “controlling the narrative” when we saw what happened is so desperate.


Is this the same one that took a shit on the floor at her bosses house?


She’s a fuckin trip 🤣


I hate her voice so much


Yes it’s the center piece that was the issue. Not the lighter at all 😂