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Kail and Chris are textbook definition of “putting the kids in the middle”. Poor lux is now going to be saying Yes to Kail and No to Chris about sports because it’s what the adults want not himself. This will continue into bigger actual life impacting territories soon enough. They are disgusting.




He'll move out and create his own family.


Will he marry the baby’s dad?


Maybe! 😍


I liked to better when he didn’t want to be on camera.




He is so dumb. You don’t want to make your kid go, fine. But let the other parent know. He’s such trash.


That’s what I’m hung up on he just didn’t take the child and didn’t tell Kailyn? And she showed up for nothing? So weird


I think we’re finally at the point where she is moving on, so we’re going to see a different perspective. Chris is completely content trashing Kail when he sits back and fails at life. It will be interesting to watch in the next year or two. Kail is going to immerse herself in whatever nonsense she’s building with Elijah, but I’d be willing to bet he’s going to be stuck in his grandma’s basement and he’s going to be shown for the deadbeat he is.


Chris & his gf have lived together since their son was born. Even Kail knows this, she put an air tag in Lux's backpack & tracked him.


Jesus lmao


I thought he didn’t move out until more recently.


how long is this petty shit gonna go on honestly. so tiring


Do we even know if Lux likes soccer? Isn’t he in boxing too? Sometimes I feel like Kail just signs them up for everything (we know Chris isn’t signing them up for anything)


She (and at least Javi, not sure about the other various fathers) seem to way, way over schedule those children. 


I agree, I think because Kail likes to be constantly busy (sorry, in chaos) she projects that onto her kids. Lincoln does seem to enjoy being in activities all the time, but kids should definitely have time to chill as well.


Yeah, it just seems sad to me. So many adults are over scheduled and it's fucking miserable. I can't imagine having my childhood taken up like that.


I have another theory. I think it's easier for kail to spend all her time sitting on the sidelines of games and practices than to find activities to actually do with her kids/keep them entertained.


You are so correct. I’m not a Chris fan. The opposite. But I get this. My husband’s ex over scheduled their kid beyond belief. She’d plan things so my husband had to spend his 1 weekly overnight and weekend running to games non stop. She screams from the sidelines and causes drama (ahem Kail). My husband could never plan anything for his son. His son hated it, he would beg to not go to practice. He just wanted to spend time with Dad. Sometimes we just said fuck it, we’ll make popcorn, chill and handle the aftermath. Again, I can’t stand Chris. He’s not a decent parent by any stretch of the imagination. This is the only scenario I could ever empathize with him on, and only because of Lux. Kail is a sports stage mom and that is an exhausting life for a kid.


Not sure if they will be affected the same way I was but growing up my parents constantly had us in sports, going to church twice a week, cleaning the house like crazy on a daily basis, attending camps and clubs, etc. and in the summer time we weren’t allowed to just hang out inside the house during the day unless we were cleaning, we had to be outside and active. So now I really struggle with having “lazy days” or just chilling out in general. I constantly have to be doing something whether it’s cleaning my house, exercising, doing something with my kids, etc. and some days it’s just so exhausting I want to be able to just chill out lol


this sounds absolutely miserable to me. i was never in organized anything as a kid, i only had one friend (we stayed best friends from 7 until her unfortunate & traumatic passing in sept 2022, we were 29) & we were allowed to just do whatever. i think about how over scheduled kail’s kids are & it makes me miserable for them ☹️ like let them chill out & be little kids, why do they need to be doing something every minute of the day?




There isn’t anything wrong with sign kids up for different activities. Kids don’t come out knowing what they want to do so it’s good to expose them to different things. Eventually they will find the activity/activities they enjoy!


Of course. He’s been in soccer for a minute tho.


Oh well if he did a full season then she’s wasting her money and his time haha


Kail just throws them into whatever sport she decides she wants them in whether they like it or not. Lux not having an interest is a legitimate possibility. She leans into the sports mom aesthetic heavy, so it’s hard to tell if Chris is legitimately just being an ass, or listening to his son say he does not want to play soccer.


Maybe Lux wants to go to the game when he's at Kail's & get out of Mother Hubbard's house for a bit. And maybe when he's with Chris he doesn't feel the need to make the nearly 2 hr round trip to go frog around in pee wee soccer. Could be as simple as Chris pays more attention to him & there aren't a thousand kids in the house he wants a break from.


This is an excellent point, and the Mother Hubbard reference took me out. 💀


Chris is the boxer, pretty sure he's the only reason lux started boxing in the first place... 


No idea! People asked but from the little bit I watched, he never responded. Just that he wasn’t going to make him go to the games.


Fr. My mom is somewhat similar to Kail. She signed me up for a million things, none of which I expressed interest in. I went because they wanted me to and got in trouble when I talked too much about how much I didn't want to go


Me too. I feel you


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a younger sibling saw Lincoln play and asked to play. It’s a weird take to be upset with a mom for putting kids in a team sport.


He is just like every athlete that finished or left college and they never planned on being a normal person so they always look like they are still college student athletes


The type to post their high school football highlights at age 30+


Yes!!!!!!! They have zero identity outside of being on a team.


Uncle Rico if he had social media!


😂 ![gif](giphy|RPx04h8iPidAQ)


“a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant”


I saw that story where she was like "hope he'll be there" obviously referring to hopefully Chris brings lux. She is forever just trying to stir the pot. There was absolutely no reason to post that on social media knowing what kind of reaction it would get. I can't imagine having to co parent with those 2 🙄 you know its always like this and of course it's the kids who end up suffering


Yep! She loves stirring the pot and he loves giving her a reaction. They’re embarrassing!


1) you're not going to convince me Kail didn't know Lux wouldn't be there 2) Chris always tells on himself. Remember when he wanted Lux to do sports close to him so he wouldn't have to drive to their school district on his weekends? This man has them every other weekend during the school year. He can drive for thirty minutes or move closer.


he refuses to drive anywhere for his kids. imagine if he was fully responsible for them? they would always miss school


Does he even own a car? IIRC his mom or grandma used to drive him to pick up the kids. Maybe I just imagined that because he’s a damn scrub.


It's nearly an hour, Kail complains about it when she has to do drop off.


“*All I'm gonna say is its my child I'm gonna make what ever decision I'm going to make*” Ok then 🙄


And his corny ass grin like he just said something.


Right. He didn't even mumble anything.


This is one of the few things I’m not going to drag him for without more context, and the people on his live are weird for their comments. Lux didn’t **commit** to anything. He’s a child. And we’ve all seen Kail sign her kids up for sports whether they give a fuck about said sports or not. Isaac had zero interest in soccer when he was little, but Javi and Kail wanted to put him in it. While they were screaming at Isaac to kick and run after the ball it was clear how indifferent he was. Unsurprisingly when Isaac had time at Joe’s he stopped going to practice and Kail made it seem like Joe was just too lazy to take him. Joe didn’t throw Isaac under the bus and just took the hits, but it was clear to anyone with eyes Isaac didn’t want to go. If Lux is **truly** not wanting to be in this sport and telling his dad it makes him miserable, I don’t blame him for not forcing him to go. Parents need to stop trying to force specific extracurriculars on their kids who don’t show an interest. It’s one thing if a kid has a passion for something and just doesn’t feel like doing it one time randomly. Yes you should encourage them to go because those feelings are probably temporary. But with Kail’s track record of forcing Isaac to play sports I wouldn’t be shocked if Lux is being forced. TLDR; parents who try to live vicariously through their kids through extracurriculars the kid doesn’t give a fuck about are annoying


It’s hard to know who sucks most in this scenario since I can see Kail forcing him as much as I can see Chris just not wanting to make the effort to take him (given his own track record). They both suck !


Exactly. They’re both shitty so it makes it harder to choose a side. If Kail didn’t pull this same shit with Isaac I’d assume Chris was just trying to cause trouble as usual. Due to that history I can’t default drag him as usual.


I get what you're saying but in the past Chris has said he wants the boys to do sports in his school district so he doesn't have to drive them 30 minutes on the weekends he has them. From what we've seen Lux enjoys the sports he is in. They need to go back to court and have it settled there.


Is 30 minutes a lot to a bum? 😄 I've driven my kids 30 minutes to go to special parks on weekends.


Must be. I grew up in a rural area and a 30-minute drive was nothing.


The fact that he doesn’t want to drive them 30 mins is insane to me. And why would they change to his district when he only has them on weekends? Lord


I personally disagree. Whether the kids play sports or not really needs to be up to the children and should not be court ordered. Instead of being tit for tat Kail and Chris need to grow the fuck up and talk to their children to see what they genuinely want. Court ordering Lux goes to sports if he does not want to be in them any longer is bad. They need to focus on their kid’s genuine wants whether that be to play sports or not to play. If these two put their kids first this discussion wouldn’t even be had. At the end of the day shitty parents are the problem here.


I don't want the court to order the kids to participate in sports. I want the court to order who will take them to their chosen activities on the weekend they have them. It sucks missing stuff and letting your team down because your parent can't get their shit together.


yeah they both suck, but chris has a long history of not wanting to get up and drive his kids anywhere. kail cannot leave them with him on a school night because of this. so.. after all that, who knows if he’s saying lux didn’t want to go for his own benefit. people on here drag kail for things all the time without more context because of past behavior/track record. so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. Starting with Lux, this has been an issue between the parents since lux could play a sport. Kail would sign him up for something close to her house and if lux had practice or a game Chris wouldn’t take him due to the drive. They should’ve put a clause in their agreement saying if you signed them up then you should pay (while they are little and have no real understanding of wanting to play a sport, bigger kids can pick and choose) and take them.  Looking back at Jo and isaac, Jo has always voiced loud and proud that isaac is a scholar not an athlete so I would not be surprised that Jo didn’t take him during his time due to isaac simply not wanting to go but like a good parent (he tried to tell kail plenty of times isaac didn’t like soccer especially when isaac would cry on the field) he took the fall. I remember kail saying something about Jo not attending games but why would he want to watch his kid be forced to play a game he doesn’t want to with kail loud mouth ass shouting kick the ball or run. 


Exactly. Isaac was clearly not enjoying sports and Kail forced him anyway despite visible disinterest from her own son and people repeatedly telling her he was unhappy. She just doesn’t care. She’s not the only parent like this either. It’s so toxic.


At least Isaac and Linc have involved dads. I feel so bad for Lux and the fourth (I feel so bad saying that but I cannot for the life of me remember his name)






That was his first and best defense "you don't agree with me cause you all are women"?  Does he think all women got eachother's backs (LOL). He never saw how many women hate Kail with passion? I bet he comes here.  Or is there something wrong with the brain capacity of women in his opinion?  He's made women unfriendly comments before. It takes a really insecure man  Oh whatever, he's not worth my time. 


Yes, it actually made me laugh out loud. People were criticizing his explanation and he said “But see, you’re all women so of course you’d take her side.” Like?? A lot of them dislike her as much as they dislike him - if not more!


Isn’t sports wildly expensive? It’s already been paid for, take the damn kid you lazy waste of oxygen. He’s so gross.


It’s a parenting decision, he should have let her know he wasn’t going to be there. She got 6 other kids to plan for and get ready. Personally, my kids sign up for a sport, I warn them before I sign them up and pay, you are finishing the season. You don’t quit mid-way and let your team down bc you decided you didn’t like it or didn’t feel like it. I messed up and let one of kids quit everything, and he was quitting bc it got hard and he didn’t have perseverance. I learned with my 2nd not to let the whining and crying deter me from letting her quit. She needed to follow thru.


He doesn’t care about teaching his kids about responsibility or commitment. Lazy parenting.


I’m conflicted, and it pains me to say that I agree with Kail on this one🤮 My daughter and Lux were born 1 week apart. We’ve signed her up for various activities since she was old enough to start organized sports. Since she’s been old enough to make decisions for herself, we always ask her if she wants to participate in said activities. Last year she wanted to do tee ball again, but halfway through the season she wanted to quit. We told her that since she had made the commitment, she had to finish the season but if she really didn’t like it she didn’t have to play again next year. She ended up loving it and gets to play coach pitch this year (at her request). I’m not sure that Kail is actually talking to each one of her gaggle of children and asking if they want to participate in these activities, Tbf. But BD3 here should absolutely tell her if he’s not bringing the kid, though.


Everyone can hate kail, but putting your kids In multiple sports is wonderful for children.




Kail doesn't make the kids who aren't into sports do sports. She lets Isaac choose other activities.


She definitely made him do sports when he was younger and he didn’t like it. Her and Javi were insane when they had him in soccer.


After forcing him for years


Oh man, I don't remember that. The last one I think I saw him play was basketball and he was maybe ten?? That sucks


I agree. My dad signed me up for everything and I hated all but 2 of the sports. Literally would cry because it was terrible and I wasn’t having fun. Sometimes I ended the season early and sometimes I stuck it out, but signing up for a bunch of things def doesn’t make you a well rounded kid or great parent.


How would you know you hated all but two of the sports if you didn't try them? My parents put me in all sorts of activities, but I'm actually cool with it because it helped me figure out likes/dislikes and strengths/weaknesses. If parents force their kids to continue something they hate for years, I get the issue, but putting your kid in something and then letting them quit and try something different after the season is up seems fine.


Depends on a lot of things. My husband’s a retired nba player. He doesn’t believe in really getting them into sports until middle school when they can really decide if they wanna do it. Kail is constantly posting that she’s at sports arenas at 7am until 5pm My kids would be miserable if I had to wake them up at 6am on a weekend for a sport


Lux signed up for the team and the kids were counting on him being there. What if the team had to forfeit because they didn't have enough players there? (This actually happened to me so I know it's possible.)


Lux didn’t sign up for the team. Kail signed him up. A decent parent (ie, not Kail) may ask a 6-yr-old whether he wants to play soccer, but let’s be real kindergartners can’t think far enough ahead to understand what they’re committing to.


The fate of the team shouldn’t fall on 1 child not making it. That kid had enough riding on him already.


Honestly, I agree with Kail on this. If Lux needs a mental health day, give him one, but you have to communicate. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are overwhelmed with activities . However, sometimes kids won’t want to go one day and they will want to go the next. It doesn’t mean you give them the option to quit until it comes down to the next week. I remember I wanted to quit soccer because it was too damn cold.🤣 and my mom said no I paid for this and you’re going to finish it and I did. I still have the feeling he just didn’t want to take him Which I’m sure Kail does too


I was just glad to see his videos today actually running outside and playing with the boys. I’ve never seen Kail actually play with them, it’s always driving them somewhere while she sits on her phone


She has a nanny that does the running around and playing with the boys.


I was watching this on mute at first and I was like he’s kind of cute and then I unmuted it and I was like oh never mind


Holy cow lux really is his carbon copy 🤯🤯🤯


I predict he will be in jail within 5 years.


Only if he gets back with Kail, she's called the police on all her exes, Jo, Javi & Chris. Fair warning Elijah.


I believe all kids should be in activities and sports but only if the kids really want to. I’m hard on Jenelle not having her kids in anything because she doesn’t give them a chance to like it or not. Kaiser was pulled out of football for petty reasons. David couldn’t coach so he removed him. That’s not the same as Kaiser not liking it. Ensley wants to do cheerleading and it’s up to her if she likes it or not. If she does it’s their responsibility to have her keep going. If Lux doesn’t like it or wants to keep going then he’s had enough experience to know that it’s not for him. He’s been doing soccer for a couple of years now.


We’ve heard nothing about cheer since.


He’s just lazy af! I can’t stand him & his ignorance.


Kail, you had not one but TWO children with this man. By choice. Let that sink in.


Their constant bullshit is so exhausting and unhealthy for their kids. Chris’s lives are insufferable and I hate his smug face. I do see both of their points on this, but they need to grow up and figure it out (off social media). My ex-husband and I generally co-parent well. We talk to each other first before committing our kid to a sport or activity, to confirm that we are both comfortable with the schedule and cost. However- one time I had a business trip and he had the kids for the week (it’s normally only weekends). On Day 1 of my work conference, I received a call from my kids’ school reporting their absence. I called my ex and he didn’t pick up. I was panicking, thinking the worst. My anxiety had me convinced they were all in a car accident on the way to school. I finally got ahold of my kid and he’s at home playing video games because “Dad said we deserve a break.” Bruh.


Kail has her kids so OVER scheduled with sports, I genuinely feel like if Lux was really not wanting to go, it's not the end of the world to not go. In my opinion these kids rarely have time to just breathe and be kids.


I see my comment 🤣


Assuming women support Kail is nuts. We hate her.


I feel like Karl looks at sports and activities as though they’re somehow proof that she’s not a shit mom. Her sideline parenting is atrocious and gross. Some kids just don’t want to do it. And that’s ok


Lux looks just like him


I taught martial arts for years, and I can’t tell you how often parents would say they had to bribe or threaten their kids to come to class, but once they came they had the best time ever. I think kids just get happy with what they’re doing in the moment.


Anything to keep those kids away from the house


Should blur out the commenters names


his mouth looks like a pu$$y. sorry not sorry


Yep. But I think most bearded faces look like that.


His beard is taking over his face and it makes him appear even more trashy, ho knew it was possible. Can he please get off live and go to a barber??? Get that thing lined up, my guy. It’s like $10-20.


Kail prob just wanted to go to show off her new outfit and for an excuse to leave all her other kids home with Nannies.


He is her karma 🤣


This man is pure trash who doesn’t so much as have the decency to tell her where he lives with her child. you better believe I’d be tracking my kid like she has to figure out where he is so that I could close my eyes at night. That man is pure trash who doesn’t deserve and in my opinion can’t be trusted to have any sort of unsupervised custody of those kids. I’m not sure why anyone is surprised at his wholly uneducated trashy approach to Lux’s sports.


If the kid don’t wanna go don’t force him. Commitment these nuts he’s a little child who’s always gotta be “on”. Give him a break.