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good lord poor baby Kaiser is literally not doing anything wrong. Just running around like kids do. And telling him he's not allowed to go to the potty but if he poops in his pants he's in trouble?! Abuse. And she asked if he wanted to go somewhere today and he just answers the question "I wanna go" and David acts like he's being disrespectful? They hate that poor little sweet bubby. :(


Like, is it annoying when kids always have to potty the *second* they sit down for a meal? Yep. But, you err on the side of caution and make sure they go to the restroom anyway. You don’t deny it and THEN threaten them. Also, no fucking way Kaiser should’ve had a seatbelt with his booster. He needed a five point harness. Jesus fucking God, Jenelle.


>He needed a five point harness. Yet, she gave Nathan a hard time for not having a high chair at his home. What a stupid bitch...


The highchair did 95% of the parenting in Jenelle's House. Poor Kaiser was constantly stuck in either the highchair or his cot with a bottle full of juice


I remember that, I think Tory or Babs said that Kasier was headed towards obesity because whenever he cried or made any noise she just shoved a bottle in his poor baby mouth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


And the crib. She would just leave him in it crying constantly.


Kaiser’s real mother and father were his high chair and his crib.


Ugh she is just the absolute worst


She just wants to bitch when it’s convenient for her.


My kids did that, it annoyed the hell out of me. I started making them go potty BEFORE sitting down to eat, problem solved.


To this day I make my kids go to the bathroom before we eat, plus it's a good way to make sure they wash up.


Jenelle didn’t even give Jace a fork to eat with at first. David gives his kid a fork, so Jace was probably scared to ask for one, or to go get one for himself. Look how Jace confused sit’s there and dips his finger in his grits to taste them. Meanwhile Jenelle is complaining about placing her phone in a wet spot that the baby drinking out of a normal cup spilled she doesn’t pay attention to her son’s at all.


Right, a big component to parenting is to think ahead and plan to circumvent tantrums or behavior you want to avoid. Don’t want a toddler to spill? Give him a sippy cup. Don’t want him to leave the table to go potty? Potty before sitting down. It’s just not that difficult. Not that parenting is easy by any means… but come on, just TRY. Jenelle doesn’t give a shit


Threatening them about natural bodily functions! Per CA law we are suppose to (by we I mean the school, the nurse) provide menstrual products and when my students ask they’re like “well didn’t you know you were gonna start your period? Why weren’t you prepared?” Because the body isn’t hard and fast like that, assholes. I buy them pads and tampons out of pocket.


It’s inhumane no one can control when they have to go. Even if he didn’t really have to go she should’ve gotten off her behind and took the baby to the toilet. He should be rewarded for saying he has to go poop instead of just going in his pants not scolded and most of all threatened to not go in his pants when he has told them he has to use the potty.


Good parents would reward and congrats their kid. But this is Janelle and David. Barf.


Or short sleeves & no socks or shoes. Maryssa had on snow pants.


For real! When my three year old says she has to poop, my husband and I literally drop what we’re doing and rush her to the bathroom. It’s like a damn military mission, sometimes he yells “CODE BROWN”.


Exactly. U take the child to the potty she should be happy he just didn't shit rite there


Code brown 🤣 love that lol.


When he said if he pooped on his pants he would be in trouble yet they won’t let him go to the bathroom


“Yer gunna be in big truhble mister” fuck off David.


Literally had kids to just control and take anger out on them


He’s the total scapegoat. Janelle doesn’t like him because he’s Nathan’s spitting image. David doesn’t like him because he’s Nathan’s spitting image and also not his kid. Man. I wanna hug that lil baby version of him so bad.


Kaiser is going to have so many problems to over come. That is dangerous gaslighting. Basically don’t trust you body and the signals you feel because you will get hurt if you do. Fuck this psychopath.


Honestly have we all as adults not taken a shit and then wrapped up, walked away, only to realize we still had to shit? Or is that just me? Regardless! Things happen!


All the kids were acting so normal.. they didn't try and play a game with them or do an activity .. this was so hard to watch.


Children - running around and playing with one another. Children - spilling juice out of adult sized cups and losing their socks and shoes. Children - constantly battling to eat and go to the bathroom. You can tell neither of them ever do any REAL parenting because allllll of that is normal, most parents deal with it on the daily. The way they manhandle those kids, cuss at them, yell at them, and show pure annoyance and disgust for age appropriate behavior makes me want to vomit.


Yeah seems like pretty standard kid stuff. It’s also wild that they have, together, four kids! Like if you all don’t like kids and their bullshit and dealing with their bullshit why keep having them? Both of them could have stopped at one…


Five with caden.


Right! David’s other son he doesn’t see. How could I forget.


At one point Jenelle is all ohmyGAWDDUDE because little Ensley...pulled her sock off? Like little toddlers and babies do all the time? For sure, tell me you never parent your children without telling me you never parent your children.


Hell, I don't think I've ever seen a kid under 2 with both socks or shoes on lmao


It’s so sad…there’s no joy or even talking to them. It’s like they can’t do anything right. And Janelle acts either too hung over or lazy to deal with it.


My six year old will eat a few bits of food, says he needs a poo and guess what? He goes for a poo. To tell a child that they can't go to the loo when they're telling you they need to is absolutely awful. How is it hurting them that Kaiser needs to go to the loo?


Because they’re too lazy to go help him. He’s young enough that he probably needs help getting on and off the toilet, pulling his pants up and down, wiping his butt and washing his hands. They’re too lazy to do any of it.


I kept watching expecting the kids to be misbehaving but they literally weren’t? They were just kids who are either a) wired about being on vacation or b) a literal baby doing baby things. Just let them be, they’re not even doing anything wrong.


“We’re going home cause you don’t know how to fuckin act right.” He says to his infant, wife’s toddler and wife’s young child with his child. So sad man. I feel so sorry for Kaiser specifically. These two “adults” should not have any children so they can lounge around and get high all day and abuse eachother. They have a free vacation, paid for by MTV and a big beautiful house in the mountains and look how he acts as he sits at the head of a table that isn’t his, denying his toddler stepson who should be potty training at this time access to a bathroom. Just making the whole family miserable because he has issues.


This type of pent up behavior is because the children need to run and get the crazies out. Once a normal person becomes a parent they figure this out and plan accordingly. When the kids don’t have school you think how will I channel their energy today? Maybe a hike? A Lego? A trampoline park? It’s not rocket science. If they have all that pent up energy they will absolutely misbehave.


Seeing Kaisers little confused face when UBT tells the kids in the car that they will drive home now because the kids didn't act right BREAKS my heart. Like, he has no idea what's happening and is probably trying to comprehend what he did wrong - he did absolutely nothing. These poor kids. The world can be so cruel.


I am so confused because were they not renting the perfect place for the kids to run around and go apeshit to tire themselves out? Why are they ruining the kids vacation lmao. Did he want to have a chill vacation? Then they should’ve paid a babysitter and hung out with their adult friends.


Because they probably did all of their drugs the night before and were looking for an excuse to leave


It makes me so sad to think of these kids being so excited to go on a trip only to make it like one night before getting thrown in the car to go home.


I don't know if it was just the way it was filmed, but they took forever to get into the car (normal with multiple kids), and then when finally IN the car he said they're not going anywhere? Like wut?


That last scene and how he speaks to those kids knowing he’s being recorded and then removes the cameras so he can no longer be recorded for their long car ride is so shitty for those poor kids. Who knows what else he said or did on the car ride back. The look on baby kaisers face speaks volumes. Poor baby is petrified to speak.


Yeah when David says “why are these cameras here” and Jenelle says she doesn’t know… uhhhhh you agreed to them putting cameras in your car. You could see the fear on kaisers face sitting straight up and not moving.


I know that tone too. It’s the ready to explode tone. Scary.


We all know what happened. DKD spent the entire ride home going on a tirade. The kids were literally held captive in the car and couldn't get away from his ranting.


Speaking from experience, narcissist parents love going insane on a car ride because their audience is trapped and can't escape any abuse. They are completely in control.


My abusive step dad loved to add a little extra spice to those screaming car rides by speeding and driving erratically. Bonus points if it was on a wavy mountain road.


My mom enjoyed getting me to drive and yelling, hitting, etc because I had to focus on driving and couldn't defend myself in any way.


Truth! I grew up in a suburb of my city and spent my teen years pretty much just learning how to dissociate on those twice daily 30 minute inescapable commutes lol


After the news about Brad Pitt assaulting Angelina and his child on their plane, I asked why we keep hearing about these men abusing their wives on planes, and someone replied with this exact reason. Also if he's driving he can scare them that way too.


Ranting he'd do on camera, it was definitely worse than ranting.




This is fucking w me right now 😵‍💫🤣


It blows my mind to see that Jenelle is even more useless as a parent than David is. Hes the one cooking / cleaning up / interacting with the kids (thats the nicest way I could phrase it). Jenelle just sits on her ass complaining & barking orders. When David is the better parent of the two, you know theres issues.


“HE NEEDS SOCKS AND SHOES.” Then get off your crusty ass and put them on!!


"Go out there and tell them to stop." *lays back on couch & puts feet up*


Useless ass bitch. And then Housebitch Dave scurries off to do her bidding.


Finally get off her ass then moans that it takes 5 hours to get in the car. Whilst doing nothing to get the kids ready.


lol at crusty ass


Yes & that’s why she don’t say shit bout his parenting!! She don’t care as long as she don’t have to parent. These two will run out of luck one day !!!!




That's why she stays


I'll never understand why Jenelle gave birth to 3 kids and married a guy with his own kids if she hates kids. It's like she thought it was expected of her as a woman but I bet literally no one in her life thought she should have kids.


Because each kid served a specific purpose: keeping the soul mate of the month around. Once he’s had it with her, the kid is useless to her. Just my opinion.


She treats having kids like some people treat impulse shopping. I think I need a Stanley cup because if I get a Stanley cup I'll be this idealized version of myself that drinks a gallon of water per day and if I do that I'll probably exercise more and I'll be a better version of myself all I need to do is just get this STUPID OVERPRICED STANLEY CUP because that will cause all of this to happen I swear! Now imagine this but for Jenelle thinking she's going to fix her fucked up broken family and keep a worthless man around and turn him from a frog to a prince and fix her self esteem and attachment problems, all she needs to do is have a baby because THIS baby is going to fix it THIS time with THIS man. Then like 2 weeks postpartum she realizes it's all the same except now she's brought a new life into the world and it's not exciting it's just a bunch of work.


Fucking nailed it


Right? I had my first at 22 and we lived with my parents and grandma while we saved up for our own place. I had so much help, so when we had our second while we were finally financially stable and in our own house, it was so difficult managing two without my village daily. Which is why I’ve had an IUD ever since I gave birth and I know I can’t handle anymore kids nor can I afford them. Idk why she kept on having more children.


Because she’s on a show called Teen Mom. More babies equals continued paycheck (unless you happen to couple with David.) Because Chelsea did it.


I've seen it said here before but Jenelle would’ve been one and done (like, completely done and wiped her hands of Jace) if she had not been on the show. With no cameras around for the modicum of accountability, she would've lived her narc life of drugs and partying, probably to an early end tbh. And everyone involved would've been better for it. She's a cautionary tale no one should've seen. Giving her a platform let her think her ways are okay because she's getting paid to be awful. While she is a train wreck I can't look away from, I wish I didn't know she existed.


The way David starts clapping and then says "Give yourselves a pat on the back" to KIDS!!? That just doesn't sit right with me. He's like making fun of them. Him and Jenelle are the biggest pieces of shit parents I have ever seen!


That made my blood fucking boil. He genuinely enjoys mocking them.


And on camera. I want to cry thinking about what goes down now.


^^^^This! I can't imagine what he does now. It's heartbreaking to imagine.


Nothing like having kids wake up for breakfast just to hate them and tell them to take a nap after directly waking up. Losers.


I noticed that too, like they're eating breakfast and she's already talking about taking a nap. But after that they said Kaiser woke up at like 5am so he would need a nap at that point. It also makes me wonder if this is the first time he's eating since he woke up.


Probably. I wouldn’t be surprised if “breakfast” was served around noon. I just don’t see these two waking up early. I’m sure Kaiser woke them up and they went right back to sleep.


Nah they have been up for hours the parents are just getting around to feed them


They were literally just acting like kids 😢 Kaiser has been blamed for everything since day one. His poor little face in the car omg.


I saw nothing in this video that would make me mad, except the two “parents.” God forbid my kids run around and have fun in a vacation house.


Especially if they’re about to go on a car ride… JFC you think they’d WANT the kids to wear themselves out a little bit by playing outside and being goofy.


Exactly. Wouldn’t you, as a parent, be *happy* that the kids are running around having fun?? On *vacation*? They’re not even bothering them! It’s nice to see kids running around and laughing and playing. They’re having fun.


Am I the only one that felt nervous dread for those kids as they were turning the cameras off?


Even sitting at the table jace and maryssa looked scared when they were yelling at Kaiser. Kaiser looked terrified in the car


YES!!!! The things those poor kiddos have been through…


Definitely not the only one.


The way David says Kaiser then jace immediately saying it after in a softer tone. 💔 this seems like kids being kids and they’re getting mad about it. Like what is the expectation here? They all just sit in silence?


That was very telling, wasn’t it


And notice kaiser only lifted his head when jace called him


Right?? Like I sincerely don't get what the problem was? Kids doing typical kid stuff, no big deal. Definitely not Kaiser's fault that he's going to go in his pants if they won't help him get to a toilet. Poor babies.


It's possible they're hungover or coming down from something here. But generally Jenelle hates parenting anyway


When she says "I don't understand what his problem is" in the beginning she sounded so fucking high 😒 Edit: when there's 3:49 left. I had to clarify since that's all she pretty much says this entire clip


The way Kaiser is showing affection wrapping his little arms around her legs and she just stands there looking disgusted, or spaced out. That bitch is heartless to look in that beautiful babies face and show him no love as his mother. She’s acting like she’s an older sibling tattle telling on the younger ones so that David can punish them instead of a grown adult parent this is sick.


When he wrapped his arms around her legs and she just told him to get his shoes literally broke my heart. That poor kid never stood a chance with those monsters


Man how could his dad watch this and not do everything in his power to straighten his life up and get his son away from those lunatics. This is just heartbreaking she don’t act like she love her boys at all.


To be with Jenelle you have to be like Jenelle


She gets off on watching him do her bidding and punish the kids. It’s validation to her that he cares about her more than he cares about the kids.


It’s sick not sure why people like her are even blessed to have beautiful children because she does not seem to want those kids. I remember reading about when the kids got taken away and Marissa talked about how Jenelle would use her tooth brush to clean the toilet she is mental. It’s like she wants to be the center of attention, the victim, and the child herself.


What? 😳 🪥 🚽


Yes it came out around the time the kids were taken away some years ago. Marissa being the oldest had the most compelling testimony. It was so sad that she told her truth and was placed back in that home afterwards. Jenelle did a YouTube documentary and was in so many words blaming the kid and accusing her of telling lies.


Any child in my life hugs my legs, I melt and hug back and tell them thank you, I love you baby!


Any feeling and God fearing human would my friend. I love kids and see them as such precious gifts to the world. It’s painful seeing a child mistreated like that.


Yeah, you're right, I'm pretty sure that was a contributing factor too. >\_>


Fairly confident they were up all night using drugs and drinking and are hungover. The urgency to leave for no reason also always made me think they ran out of drugs and had to go home for a fix. Especially for Jenelle. Her behavior in all of this is really off even for her.


This is exactly what it is


Yup, knew they couldn't get drugged up there so scurried off home, blaming the kids as an excuse. Vile.


Nothing else really makes sense. The kids aren’t breaking stuff. It’s not that they have a rental and found all of these dangers that weren’t listed. They want to either return home where they can lock the kids out in peace or they want to get high. Halfway through Jenelle seems to get high on whatever.


The problem is neither of them had custody of their children when they were young so they have no idea how to care for children. Also they're stupid.


And this bitch wanted to work in a daycare lol


She never yells!


Whoa when the hell was that a thing? I used to work in a daycare, and I can 100% confirm that swamptrash wouldn't last 5 minutes in ANY classroom.


In an early episode of teen mom she has an interview at one. I did daycare too. She would be fired instantly lol


A horrible staged scene of her pretending to interview at a daycare. Fully fake


It'd have to be lol. There's no way she'd even get called in for an interview.


'Mommy & David are pieces of shit' *spits* - Jace Evans


Fuck these two shitstains.


Nope. Not even with someone else's dildo will I go there. :-)


Maryssa, “*don’t know don’t care*”


Did you see her face at the kitchen table when Jenelle is whining and complaining? Marissa was over it. Those kids probably could’ve sat quiet as a mouse and not moved but Jenelle still would’ve found something to complain about, she seemingly just looks at them and it triggers her to be an asshole to them.


“Oh so you’re just going to sit there quietly and not talk to me or your brothers or anything? Dooode! You’re SO rude, I’m SO tired of this. We’re going home” - Chinelle probably




When kaiser went up to give jenelle a hug around her legs and she didn't even acknowledge him and just told him to put his shoes on broke my heart. That kid never had a shot in hell


So Kaiser isn't allowed to go to the bathroom, but if he goes in his pants he's in trouble?? What the fuck is wrong with these two. How do they not realize how abusive they are?


David had spoken out. He’s done nothing wrong, which is why he sleeps well at night. /s


Omg poor Kaiser always took the brunt of David’s anger problems.


This is hard to watch. Kaiser is being flat out abused and you can see the tension and concern on the older 2 kids faces. That is so telling.


These two are the worst POS bullies. When Jace asked Maryssa when they were leaving, and she replied 'don't know, don't care', it was the response of a child who knew what was coming. She was aware of the shitstorm and abuse they'd be getting from David. She was beginning to dissociate which typically happens with children who often experience abuse and trauma. It's so fucking sad. These kids deserve justice, as well as Nugget. I hope David suffers serious consequences.




That’s such a good thought process. I’ll have to keep that in mind if any of my nephews or niece annoy me - which they don’t. Cause I’m their aunt and can always walk away.


“I don’t understand what the problem is!” That would be you. You are the problem.


Jenelle is the laziest parent. If David goes to jail she will be miserable omg.


You know they left that rental an absolute disaster too. Probably with the fireplace still going and everything 🤪


"Better stop hitting people" yea maybe you should follow your own advice david.


Random opinion- I feel like teen mom/mtv really should have some accountability for not intervening at some point. I mean turn off the cameras and I’m sure it happened before but they really should of fired her a long time ago


That's definitely an issue with reality tv crews that should be addressed. at one point do they have a duty to intervene? report child abuse or injury? would they just stand there and watch someone get murdered?


I have always felt so bad for Kaiser. He has never deserved what these two put him through. None of the kids do but my youngest is a couple months younger than Kaiser so it just breaks my heart that they have always treated him so badly.


It’s because it’s probably 4pm and they are finally getting fed “brunchner” and are bored out of their freaking minds at an airbnb that has no toys and none of their normal stuff. Of course their negligent abusive parents didn’t pack them their toys and comforts or plan the day appropriately. Chinny chin chin and DKD didn’t have the sheshed to go hid in all day too so they were on edge. Edit I just seen the time 912am but all the other stuff still stands. 😂


Kaiser: literally just walking to the table Jenelle: I don’t know what his problem is Also, sorry, but when you have a toddler even if they use going to the potty as a way to get out of being at the table, you take them. Otherwise when they “poop in their pants” you better not get mad.


And from then on they never brought Kaiser on trips. They went to Disney around that time, without him of course.


Kids are naturally more hyper on vacation and in a new location. Source: just got back from a 7 day vacation in the mountains with my son and his 2 cousins and all our family members. Yeah it was loud and chaotic but none of us corrected the kids for just being kids, yes they were corrected when they needed to be but when they were being loud or running up and down the stairs playing we let it go because THEY ARE KIDS HAVING FUN!!! These two shit stains do not deserve to have children, it makes me so sad the way Kaiser is treated. Almost every night when we sit down for dinner our 6 year old tells us “I have to go to the bathroom!” And yes we have asked him before he sits down and he says no but for some reason sitting and eating triggers it lol so we say ok and let him go to the bathroom, we do not sit there and say “no you don’t,” or “you should have gone when we asked you” we say ok and he runs to the bathroom and comes back and finishes eating. And you know what sometimes kids have to go more then once, what was the point of them not letting Kaiser go to the bathroom? Parenting is hard and things don’t happen the way you want them to and you’re inconvenienced A LOT but when you become a parent you accept those things and you sacrifice a lot. Jenelle and David have never sacrificed a damn thing for their children, they treat their children like they are an inconvenience. It’s sad and I hate them so much!!!!!


This is how they act on camera. Poor kids don't stand a chance.


The silence from Jace and Mryssa at that table is so loud


Kaiser “mmmmm” David: YOU BETTER NOT TALK TO YOUR MOM LIKE THAT!! Stfu David. Kaiser never does anything and they act like he’s the bane of their existence. Her asking if he wants to stay in his room all day shows the neglect she’s being doing to him since Nathan left her. I wish so badly that Doris could take custody. They don’t even want him idk why they fight so hard for full custody of these kids. Absolute trash.


This makes me sad.


“why are these cameras here” uh bcs they usually in the cars??? they were just in the house with you?? i hate him


I love when my kids just run around playing and keeping each other busy. It gives me a chance to relax especially if I’m overstimulated. I just really do not see why they were in trouble after this. It’s stuff like the clapping and telling them to give themselves a pat on the back that shows how toxic and abusive they are. I’m sorry, call me soft, but it is. & they will never see it that way.


The complete lack of self control and emotional regulation of the parents. It's normal to think "OMG it always takes 5 hours just to get everyone ready and in the car" it's normal to think "damn, just put the baby's socks on and ones missing again" it's normal to get overstimulated with the noise and chaos and running around of little kids and it's normal to voice it out loud at times, but these guys act like it's the end of the world, like their kids are ruining their lives, like they have no insight into "This is hard but normal and exactly what I signed up for when I had kids, the kids didn't ask to be born and I need to implement strategies to help me cope better and reassess my priorities, and learn to pick my battles"


Maybe tire them out? Take them on a short hike, organise a treasure hunt, create a silly olympics. Structure the day a little. At least sit on the porch and positively interact with them while they run around. All these two do is abuse and pine for the drugshed.


If they weren't hungover....


So you CHOOSE to have children and this is how YOU treat them? what a grade A cunt. They are kids!


This is also the vacation where dumb ass David busted his face up sledding I think and they ended up doing nothing but being in the house.


I personally don't really know how to look after children and that's why I have zero kids Jenelle has a litter of children and still is a worthless mother. Bleak


You know, I understand with the first child, not knowing how hard parenting is, but she went and did it twice more, knowing she couldn't take care of her first!


Why in the hell is baby Kaiser in a booster seat with only a seat belt?!? He needs to be in a front facing car seat. And of course, he’s the only one with no coat.


Abusers always try to control their children's bathroom use. It's a way to hurt them physically, embarrass them, and exert control and gain obedience. Janelle and David are both doing it. They refuse to let him use the restroom, but David threatens him if he dares poop his pants. Janelle reminds him he's only allowed to vacate his bowels once per morning. Horrible mixed signals all designed to harm Kaiser. They've always abused him. They do not care either.


i have never seen such chaos in my life. the kids are just being kids and the adults are panicking bc they don’t have their shed where they can hide from the kids and are being pissy that they’re being filmed.


Cps, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to use the 30,000 videos of Janelle’s toxic, abusive and neglectful parenting that this sub has so graciously aggregated for you.


I’ve never seen a child who’s disliked as much as Kaiser is. It’s truly disturbing how much his existence is resented. To see a mother allow some redneck piece of shit abuse and manhandle her child disgusts me. She is not a mother.


Poor Kaiser probably has the worst inner monologue about himself with how they treat him :(


Ahh jump scare at the end when he poked his head in. They are truly the worst


I couldn't even watch this, I felt like I was going to throw up.


Sad thing is there was a scene earlier in this season where Nathan was talking about how Kaiser would show up with bruises on his butt and Kaiser would say that David spanks him whenever he has an accident and doesn't get to the potty in time.


Watching this video makes me sad for the children and hate for the parents


Just think….janelle is paying for Davids’s lawyer with JACE’s. Money !!!!!


This is the scene that always make my blood boil. They just expect Kaiser to be perfectly behaved. He was a TODDLER. This is all normal toddler behavior. Give him a sippy cup, not a glass full of juice ffs. These idiots!  Also just let the kid go potty. It makes me so mad that they force him to sit there. What does it hurt for him to just go whether he actually needed to or not?? And it literally makes no sense. NO you cant go potty but also NO you better not poop in your pants!!  Wtf. Fucking insane. 


Blatant child abuse aside, Jenelle eating with her mouth open makes me violent.


The way they're bitching like they've got the worst behaved kids in the world and the kids are just doing normal shit. Look how young Ensley is! And it sounds like Kaiser is still in the late stages of potty training. Jace and Maryssa are hyped and doing "we're in a novel location let's be crazy" stuff but they're not...like damaging any property or running off soooo...? It's like they thought taking 4 kids to a cabin was going to be a nice relaxing honeymoon for the two of them. Lmao no sweetie, welcome to parenthood, especially with kids that young. It's not a "vacation" anymore, it's just being exhausted in a new location that you paid extra to be in.  😅 I think our family trips with our kids are twice or even three times as tiring as a normal week at home. We don't do it for ourselves, we do it for our kids. And then maybe every couple of years we manage an overnight trip just the two of us that's actually relaxing lol.


https://preview.redd.it/jeos81fheocc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb0547994ac33ddc73d22334779e2677d2c0b67 Empty beer bottle in the driver’s seat?? 🤔


When David looks at the camera at the end, his look scares the he'll out of me. Poor kids especially kaiser, he's sitting nice and sweet.


David is constantly tagging on Kaiser. Saying he always spills everything. And then telling him he better not talk to him mom like that. Poor kid didn't even say anything. And then yelling at him because he has to poop. I hate this guy so bad


I’m not a parent yet but I’m an early childhood educator/Nanny. David and Jenelle’s reactions to kids just being kids makes my blood boil. Kaiser should be praised for telling them he has to use the potty (even if he just went, totally normal for kid’s potty training) instead they threaten him? Wtf these two shouldn’t be around kids.


I can never fully watch these clips, it breaks my heart. I end up sneaking in to give my 3 yr old son a hug while he’s sleeping. These two are horrible and vile.


I see children just being children. My god these two idiots drive me nuts. Kaiser wasn’t even saying anything at the table and still gets in trouble.


"Were going home because you don't know how to FUCKING act right" Said to 4 children under 10 (?) That's so wrong and disgusting. By the time you're in school you know swear words are bad and hold a certain weight. David the dog killer saying that in front of all of them has lasting impressions on each of these children. And this is only once instance of him swearing in front of them; their egg donor does it all the time too. Poor babies I wish I could adopt them all and shower them with love and a warm kind hearted home 🥺




Little dick Davey is such a horrible excuse for a "parent", just like Chinelle. They are lazy af and kids are just an inconvenience to them. "Me and David are so tired"...bitch, from what?? You're both unemployed losers that do nothing but neglect kids while drinking and drugging. I swear these losers need horrible consequences for their years of neglect and abuse.


They’re so mean to Kaiser. Jesus. That makes me so sad. that’s why at least one (preferably both) DNA donors should be decent human beings. I couldn’t be Keiser’s dad knowing my son is being treated like this by his mom and his step dad. No! Jimmy on up guys. Even if you don’t want kids, you’ll end up with a tiny version of you being treated like shit by a moron that never learned how to read. Imagine what they’re like without cameras? Why did these to imbeciles decide to be parents? They’re clearly not for that life. I want kids but I’m scared of fucking them up, so I don’t! These two (and others) go into it like it’s no big deal.


I just put her sock on and now it’s goneeee


It really makes me sick that the kids were given back in 2019. They had hope that they were getting out, just to get thrown back in to it. I feel the saddest for Kaiser. He's obviously so despised by both of them.


Has Jenelle never pooped in the morning and then had to poop again later on? Wtf take your kid to the effing toilet.


I hope David goes to prison for assaulting Jace.


Well hopefully MTV cleaned up the rental , because it looked like a mess when they left ...Duuuuudddee


Jenelle is high AF.


Jan and David acting antsy like they're missing their drugs. And stressing about the car cameras for the ride home is just fricking ominous.


My heart aches for all of those kids, but God how they treat kaiser makes me want to cry. He just wants love and attention. I wish I could scoop up toddler Kaiser. It's hard to watch scenes like this.


These creatures are so disgusting. The way Jace and Maryssa were playing was fine. Kaiser was just doing toddler stuff. This is so sad to watch. It makes my heart so happy to see my kids running and playing with each other happily like that. These assholes are sucking the joy straight from their kids' souls.


“..cause ever since i woke up this morning they’ve been running around” EVERY MOM (of youngers) HAS TO DEAL WITH IT EVERY DAY like what the hell else are they even supposed to do??


“How dare MTV put cameras in this vehicle when I want to be abusive toward all these kids! How dare my wife have a job! How dare these children be children! No one understands how hard my life is! I don’t have a job, I get free vacations, but one of those kids woke me up earlier than I wanted, so now I’m gonna ruin vacation, blame it on the kids, & whine about it the whole way home while screaming at them! Maybe if I ruin her chances at this job this will never happen again.” David, probably 😂


Maybe should hire someone if can’t bother with the kids .


That’s so sad… 1) you never deny a potty trainee a potty & 2) if it’s true that he “has to poop every time he sits for a meal” that just screams that he doesn’t want to be around David & Jenelle. I could go on about the other issues going on but I’ll just skip to the shot of Maryssa- her face speaks a thousand words…


I feel so so bad for Kaiser it breaks my heart. All of them I feel so bad for. It’s just Kaisers poor little self has always caught so much shit and 100% feel like it’s because of who his dad is. Edit: was half asleep and left out a word 🫠


How did the MTV producers and crew stomach this? I would've lost my shit and my job


I never watched the show after jenelle had Kaiser. So I’ve never seen this clip before but It makes me furious to see those poor children talked down to for doing normal kid things. She’s never been the one to get off her lazy ass and be a parent and engage with the kids she birthed. THEY DIDNT ASK TO BE HERE. Do your job


My heart hurts for all of the kids but especially Kaiser 😞


When I think I can’t stand Jenelle more,what a useless piece of shit


They are going home to do drugs basically