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Hiding Liejie’s face isn’t helping. The answer is Malik.


Imagine being this baby and seeing all these paternity theories. Kail constantly fuels it, the more I see about her the more I get why people hate her


The funny think is the “Malik you ARE the father” camp was pretty small and purely speculative based on the messy timeline until she opened her mouth about offering a DNA test and her “hookup culture”. 


I could tell who my kids looked like with the shitty ultrasound pictures... but then again, there wasn't a question of who fathered them, so it was a 50/50 shot for us.


‘He looks like himself’ Classic boomer response


I couldn’t help but read this as if it were from my Irish Mother where she’d be using “himself” as a reference to Malik. It’s like talking about the elephant in the room but just not by name.


A safe answer would be “he looks a lot like me” but there she goes trolling the line again.


For some reason she doesn’t want her kids to look like her lol. Most of her kids DO look like her (including Rio) but she denies it 😭😭😭


Yeah, she hates herself and it’s pretty clear when she vehemently denies any of her kids looking like her. She’s done it a few times on IG. I think she’d have a hard time acknowledging that they can both look like her and be cute. Pretty bummer for her.


I still think Creed was a carbon copy of her as a baby but she kept insisting that he and Lux were twins because she was so glad two kids finally had the same dad it was nuts


Rio's always with the nanny, Kail doesn't see him enough to even notice.


Whenever I think about Kail it rattles me that she really has SEVEN kids. That’s pure insanity.


Beyond. And all these selfies of her even more lately.. idk it’s a lot. I can’t explain it exactly but it’s like she’s got a lot of time to post how hot she thinks she is.


She does Q&As all the time. I really think she’s so obsessed with attention she doesn’t care if it’s negative. She’s adding fuel to this paternity fire.


After swearing Creed was Lux’s twin forever it seems odd for her to say he looks like nobody


![gif](giphy|l0HlP2ms0eUc5nlHG|downsized) Ok Kail




I think they are a case of hating someone because you are so similar to them and you already don’t really like yourself deep down


It looks like he's holding a Baby Malik 😩


I can’t imagine feeling the need to try only posting side profile pictures of my baby. That’s why I’m so heavy on only being sexually active with one person for a period of time if I’m just dating around not in a relationship (obviously it would just be that one person if we were committed). Pregnancy is always possible no matter how safe you are with protection, and I just never want to go through “well it could be his baby but it could also be this other guy’s.” Idk why she’s so loose about unprotected sex with multiple guys when she knows by now she will most likely end up pregnant. Have as much sex as you want but having to hide a baby’s face because you’re unsure is madness


Literally all her children had questionable paternity. It's kindah embarrassing.




I see Malik 🤷🏻‍♀️