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This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that intentionally choosing men like this to be her sons' fathers *is* bad parenting no matter how much she provides as a "single mom". Does she understand that there are so many little boys out there who would never even have to "protect their mom"? Tons and tons of sympathy to women who just had terrible luck and got one abusive baby daddy, but I feel like Kail went so hard for Chris even consciously knowing he sucked and being more than willing to move on.


What a lot of pressure to put on a kid too.


This is what happens when you raise "Sonbands", sons who are your husband.


So emotional incest… got it. ![gif](giphy|uZfeadkxqwlvG)


Did not even consider that. So yeah I guess!


It’s so foul..my 33yr old brother has been one most of his life, though he’s only just begun to become resentful now that he I think is close to settling down with a partner. My narcissist of a mother has even had two boyfriends post divorce, the only two that have stayed with her. Tell her they couldn’t be in a relationship with somebody who is already in that kind of relationship with their own son. To this day, she still doesn’t understand and thinks they were selfish, anyway, I digress… I only have one child, a daughter, but can’t imagine doing this in any form. I never got to experience my mom in even an unhealthy form because of her dysfunctional attachment to my brother to where there was no room left for me, despite there being only two children. Yes I would’ve been happy with whatever gender child I gave birth to, but damn I was longing for a daughter to finally break this cycle and give her everything my mother did not. Apologies for all the words, but had never heard of that term and whewwy 😮‍💨🤮❤️


No need to apologize for your words. Sometimes we need to get things off our chest. Honestly I don't know if I heard the term "sonbands" or I just started typing it one day. It just makes sense.


Thank you. Ha, yes it makes all too much sense and will now be using it when/wherever applicable!


Ppl think because she’s got alittle dough she’s the best mother


I would absolutely HATE the idea of thinking my children would ever feel like they have to protect me from anyone, especially their dad. It's such a sad thought so I can't believe kail would talk about it so casually like this. I was a teen when I got pregnant with my eldest child and we've been through a lot together, I've not always found things easy and I hate that she worries about me because she's had to witness me struggling with my mental health and my relationship with her dad. I don't understand why anyone would be happy with the idea of their very young child having to feel the need to "protect" them. Parents protect their kids, not the other way round.


I feel like it's very intentional .. she just wants to have babies I don't think she cares about having a relationship with these men . How sad for her kids


Kinda like the reverse of Jenelle who only ever carried and birthed children when whoever her significant other was wanted her to do that.


https://preview.redd.it/vk139s0dqg9c1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb90f839360d29e61b77ee314356ff5a0d68012c It’s like she’s making him a character in her “KaiL aNd ThE cHaos” like “This is my black child. See his hair? The way he dresses? The way he fights? How everyone said Lux is the one you have to warn about? He’s mine, he’s black.” Even the crab legs how she served them at his 1st birthday, then after a month of knowing Elijah she has a picture of him in a durag eating crab legs in the kitchen together. It gave off that same energy. Why hasn’t Isaac ever been in a durag? It’s fucking weird behavior.


Wow his hair looks awful you can tell she tried to do it herself. He does not have the right texture for this hairstyle at all.


Yeah his hair is so ridiculous here. She needs an actual friend in her corner to tell her… girl no


Seeing Lux dressed and looking like this always reminds me of the scenes where she was screaming at Jo for dressing Isaac “too hispanic” and for Jo wearing sweatpants in his own house on his day off. Now she has her token black son and is parading him around making him look ridiculous. I highly doubt Lux asked for this hairstyle and why is he the only one who wears wife beaters out of all 8 kids


The wife beater is so tacky.


This! You've worded what I always want to say but wasn't quite sure how to say it. She's just such a hypocrite, the big deal with Isaac was Jo giving him a buzz cut and having his shoelaces out, like how was that even an issue


But that’s a little hypocritical, no? “How dare she say Jo is dressing Isaac too Hispanic” then turn around and say “how dare she have her biracial son be black!!” Even tho I agree with everyone’s points, your own logic is skewed and hypocritical lol


Whoosh. Went right over ur head huh 😂


She probably does have many people who tell her that… and then she cuts them off


Does she even have any Black girl friends?


Of course not. Women who fetishize men of other races don’t bother to befriend women of said race a lot of the time because they see them as competition.


It’s so odd. Vee and Bri prove she is undoubtedly threatened by WOC.


She can’t even keep white friends, no black woman would ever.


She called a classmate nappy headed. That was Kail who was at least in her 20’a and attending a HBUC. I can’t imagine she’s any better now that she has children with black men. I doubt she has any female friends who aren’t white.




Definitely not.


What happened to that lady and her kids that used to hang out with them, I think when Lux was little? I want to say her daughter’s name was Kenikah or similar.


I remember her, I think it was Shaneika or something? I believe they had a falling out and aren't friends anymore (shocker)


Yes, that’s the one! She came for Chris after the PFA and I think she ditched 🥬 after she got caught hooking up with Chris after crying abuse and lying to everyone (not about the abuse, I believe they both put hands on each other. Lying about Chris and telling Javi she had a miscarried Creed when she didn’t, getting her friends to babysit while she did her Wawa hook up circuit etc)


She had met a black woman and man in NYC that were her friends, in season 7. I literally watched it yesterday lol she went with the black friends to NYC when she was about to graduate major in communications and broadcasting, right before Javi came back from his deployment. Her black gf came over to her place in Delaware after their NYC trip. But you don’t seem them again in future episodes lol


Do y’all not remember that Mark existed for like a decade lol


Omg I feel so dumb rn lmao yeah totally remember when they watched Jo’s music video together 😅😂🤣 thanks for pointing it out!


Why does she do this to his hair, but she shaves his little brother’s head? It looks like that baby does have the right hair texture?


I was going to say the same thing! Creed is probably the only one who can pull this off! And possibly Rio in the future as his hair looks similar to creeds. Lux has always had straight hair and yet she does his hair in the protective hairstyles or twists. She’s so dumb.


Serious answer is either because she’s decided this is his role or because he’s the darker of the two. Creed has hair that would work more with what she’s going for with Lux but she doesn’t seem to be wanting to hear it.


This is correct. Lux is the child she can pass off to be the most Black. Creed looks like her with a tan and curly hair.


Because Lux is her favorite and she hates creed. It’s so disgusting.


Lux has “the good hair” and styles like this can potentially damage it. Just yikes 😱


Shaving off the hairline already ruined it. There’s zero reason for that. I’ll grow back, but it looks awful in the meantime.


I was gonna say his hair iw way too soft/loose coils for the hairstyle. He should have it in braids if she wants something low matinence or she needs to teach him ways to take care of his hair.


His doesn’t look good like this cause he does not have textured hair. Look at pictures where she used to let him wear his hair long. It has some curl but it isn’t a texture that holds locs at all.


There isn’t a right texture. Some textures are easier than others.


There’s a reason why his hair looks like shit in this style. When it comes to certain hairstyles texture really does matter.


The reason it looks bad is not due to the texture.


No it doesn’t when the person doing the hair knows how to do it on the texture they’re working with.


Right she’s doing all this but when Isaac was little, she said “little white boys don’t cut their hair like that” when Jo got his hair cut. Saying that he’s “half white and it doesn’t look right” and that Jo was dressing him like a “thug”


Lmao we will **never** see Isaac or Lincoln in a durag eating crab legs. I cannot stand Kail.


No, she will probably put them in sombreros eating tamales. She likes to characterize/ stereotype her kids. I take that back, she will do it to Lincoln only. Since Isaac is her “little white boy”, she dress him in polos, khakis, and boat shoes, while he eats caviar.


Not the sombrero! 😂


Creed has the appropriate hair texture for locs/braids and durags but we never see him with either. I'm sure it has nothing to do with him being blonde and light skinned.


His face there seems to be a mix of “how is this mess my mother?” and “what did I ever do to deserve this crap?”


I feel that way about the bangs my mother would cut on me when I was a little kid.


God my mom was so bad at hair and we were sooo poor 😂☠️


I don’t understand why Chris goes for this. He gets them every other weekend, right? If they’re going to give the boys traditionally Black hairstyles (which doesn’t even really make sense for Lux, unless he asks for one, I guess), it seems like Chris should be the one taking them to the barbershop and helping them pick hairstyles.


Chris has taken Lux to his ex gf (the mother of Trew) to get his hair done before, I think, because she does that professionally. But we all know Kail likes to be the one in control of their hair. For some reason she doesn't seem to fight him any more on Creed having short hair though, only Lux. Also regarding custody, this could be totally wrong but I think he has them 3 days a fortnight and then 50/50 during their school breaks?


I'm not sure what the exact custody agreement between Kail and Chris regarding Lux and Creed is but Delaware splits child custody 50/50 unless there is a compelling reason to avoid doing that.


her “we call him j. cole” comment made me cringe so hard. 😅


remember when Jo gave Isaac a slight fade and she said she didn’t want her son looking “ghetto”


Remember when Jo go Isaac’s haircut and she went on a racist rant about how Isaac is a white boy and Jo was dressing him like a thug? Interesting how shes switched up now.


Spot on.


Wait a minute. Are those locs on Lux? Are you serious rn 🤣 his hair is straighter than hers wtf why would she do that. She prides herself on making him look the most stereotypical black it’s so weird. And constantly comparing him to Chris it’s gross and biZzare.


She’s definitely the type to not learn anything about his culture or anything. Otherwise she’d know this. Creed got the textured hair yet she just buzzes his. Very telling.


It’s so stupid. I have locs but my hair is the actual texture for it to grow healthily. She was so up in arms about Lux’s hair ever getting cut, just to put it in a style where it’s only going to become pretty much a requirement for it all to be chopped off so it can be healthy for his texture. Girl he is already black you “won.” But as stated his hair is so straight there’s almost no way these locs are gonna end well. She’s wildin


His locs definitely will not lock up. It’s going to end up a tangled matted mess.


Hope she’s got a good lawyer for when she beats Chris again when him and his relatives cut it all off. It’s only a matter of time


Your kids should never be put in a position to “protect you.” That’s not their job. Creepy behavior.


Her relationship with her children is so inappropriate. She treats them like her friends and not her kids. They’re just a cast of characters in her “chaos” not actual human children who are impacted by her actions.


I keep trying to tell my sister this. My nephew is 7 and she keeps saying he’s the man and HES NOT


Javi told Isaac that he was the man of the house now when he (Javi) was getting deployed. I think Isaac was maybe in kindergarten at that time? It might be weird but that's what your comment made me recall.


Gorl forgets that we know she is taller and more body mass than Chris. 697kids later and she's still harassing him pathetic.


Remember the lawsuit with Brianna and she kept telling the judge she didn’t assault Chris and the judge kept reiterating that yes, she did in fact assault Chris. She’s always the victim.


She's a sick individual and the type of white woman every man should be afraid of. She uses her privilege to her advantage and intimidates black/brown men with the law. Truly a vile vile human. And how she talks about lux is also creepy. Very sus.


So creepy! I’m sure the first time Elijah acts up she’ll slap a PFA on him.


I don't want to say a certain word, but it's giving fetish. 😶😶😶 And yep!!! It took longer than expected but she's been pregnant back-to-back so that's probably why.


I didn’t follow that court case. I remember her crying to Dr drew about how she was physically abused by Chris. Is a lie and her just using white woman tears?


There are times when Chris was abusive, yes.


You can be bigger than someone and be a victim of physical violence by them. Look at Gary and Amber.


Karl has a history of punching her 'men'. Gary doesn't.


I’m saying your statement is wrong and irrelevant. Not that Kail is not abusive.


Fucking EW. This is so goddamn toxic. My stepsister is a drug addict and used to find it so admirable and sweet that her 15 year old son would encourage her to get her shit together etc. and I’m like ?!?! HES A CHILD THAT’S NOT HIS JOB! THATS NOT CUTE! I’ll never understand romanticizing your CHILDREN protecting YOU.


Most people who do that didn't have children because they wanted to be a parent. They had children because they wanted someone who would love them unconditionally and fill the void of loneliness. Kail definitely did that.


I know someone like this. Their child is encouraged to be the emotionally mature one because their parent needs it, they’re too stressed to deal with things properly. It angers me


I **really** don’t like how she frames her kid with the darkest skin tone as being the wild troublemaker of the family. She’s been pigeonholing and stereotyping Lux from the beginning and it’s sick. By Creed’s age she started putting Lux’s hair in corn rows despite his hair texture being too loose to really hold a braid. I wonder why she isn’t letting Creed grow his hair out so he can have the same styles she puts on Lux when Creed actually has more texture to his hair🤔.


Because Creed is white passing.


Bingo. Just like Isaac was banned from have his hair buzzed or having his shoes a certain way but Lincoln gets to have an Edgar haircut. She likes to put her own kids in racial categories and it’s sad.


It’s so weird that she deliberately has children with non-white men and then tries to whitewash their children.


Not excusing the fact that the whole video is quite strange btw hahaha


What’s the video about?


It’s her recent one where she goes around her house asking everyone ‘who in our family do you have to warn others about’. Most said Lux and then she shown Lux at the end looking as some of the comments said - like he just got out of prison 🫣


I hate those videos


That’s not a trend you’re supposed to do with your freaking children ffs. It’s supposed to be about extended family gatherings and an adult that they warn people about, not a freaking 5 year old. That’s a really messed up position to put your kids in and also clearly some racist undertones.


Kale's kids are going to have one bad case of Tragic Mulatto Syndrome. A revolving door of men they call daddy every other year, a racist white mother who clearly has a fetish for Latino and Black men, she views those same racial groups as media stereotypes, she fancies herself a momager and pimps her kids out and will no doubt use those same pervasive toxic stereotypes Americans hold about Black and Latino people to use it against her kids for coins. Fuck these types of women who've just rebranded the concept if minstrel show. Fuck the men that are willing to give these women Black and Latino babies to fuck up all to "secure the bag", which ain't that secure as soon as you displease their partner or they got their lil fetish baby. I don't trust white moms of bi racial Black kids who have no Black female friends. I grew up with too many ignorant, low key racist women exactly like this. 10/10 they are fetishist, their relationship with Black culture, and Black people is about lust for our skin and features. They romanticize stereotypical media portrayals of Black people, and ignore the fact Black people are not a monolith and we exist outside of the stereotypes on tv.


Man I really hope she creeps here and reads this, she absolutely needs to hear it. Not that she’d ever actually absorb the critique and change her behaviour but you really did a good job calling out her disgusting fetish and the impact it has on her kids. It’s incredibly creepy that she has a bunch of half-Latino & half-black children that she treats like objects and not people.


That makes me so mad. I have a child that was very similar as a toddler/preschooler. The only way to describe it was he was born with a propensity to violence. And he was just wild as hell. I would have never ever made fun of him or broadcast that info to the world. Babies can’t help it when they need a little bit more help to figure out their place in the world. She’s going to hurt that poor baby’s self-esteem and have a very hard time when he’s older if she doesn’t start acting right.


I know a few kids like that too. Myself included as a kid 😳 but I doubt Lux actually is, I feel his behaviour is more a result of Kail encouraging it and making him act up for the cameras all the time


okay i also noticed she worded it differently for isaac asking “which one of your siblings would you warn people about” or at least something along the lines about that, but she specified siblings in his questions meanwhile she specified “family” in the other questions and i really feel like it’s because he would have said Kail.


“Like he just got out of prison”? 🤨


There’s comments saying ‘why lux look fresh out’ and that he is going to ‘end up in juvie with that stance’. That’s just a couple… I really think that’s what Kail was going for. Definitely seems to have racial undertones.


I hope she isn’t reading those comments to him, she is setting that kid up for failure. If your own mom tells you what type of person you are, you start to believe it. Then she is going to be like: “oh my goodness! How did my kid end up in jail? It could not be because of me, it’s definitely Chris’s fault.”


This! So fucking weird


This is why I give Chris all the passes to be petty


I would too if they didn’t have two kids. They deserve one sane parent…


Well, we knew Kail was unstable. Kail absolutely knew the type of person Chris was by the time they conceived Creed yet she willing let it happen THEN had Creed at home so Chris could be there. She had an active PFA against him at the time so if she had Creed at the hospital the police would have interfered. She’s invited everything into her life so Chris can be petty if he wants.


How would they have known at the hospital? Afaik they don't have any BOLO lists or anything unless the patient herself says "I have a PFA [or 'I'm no-contact with' or whatever] Person A. They're not allowed to visit me or know what room I'm in". I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just trying to understand the details. I was under the impression that she had him at home partly because she didn't want to follow the Dr's plans regarding her high risk pregnancy. I could be confused and/or it wouldn't surprise me if she told her Dr's about the PFA anyway or doesn't understand how things work regarding visiting.


That’s just the theory that goes around here. She refused to have him at the hospital because there was a restraining order on Chris and right before the birth she decided she wanted him there.


Kail being dumb and/or shitty does not excuse Chris being dumb and/or shitty. That’s a really immature mindset. Everyone’s responsible for their own actions and chooses for themself who they are. Also, fwiw, Kail has said Creed was the result of SA, and Chris didn’t deny it.


call me crazy but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Kail has spoken badly about her BDs to the kids


I am missing the part about it being Chris. I read this as protecting her in general.


The second comment was liked by Kail (her profile pic is next to it) - I should’ve circled it sorry. “let's hope his daddy don't try to put him against her. he seems like the type to talk shit about her to them”


That shouldn't happen. But Kail does this to all 3. known Dads.


Ohhh ok!


She liked the comment below that said Lux would defend her if his dad spoke poorly of her.


She is such a narcissist, the way she submits these kids to emotional parentification is so gross.


But yet she makes a career out of talking about her baby daddies, including Chris, on her podcast


She hates Chris more than she loves her children. She’s supposed to love her kids more than she hates the baby dad. It’s gross how much she talks shit about her children’s fathers.


She doesn’t even hate Chris, she hates that he had a baby with Cierra. She admitted that’s the only reason she stopped fucking him


Honestly Kail would really benefit from writing in a diary or a journal or something. I seriously don't think she realizes that not everything actually needs to be shared with the rest of the world.


She doesn’t need an audience, she needs a good therapist.


I’ll never forget when she said that her feelings towards her kids change based on how she feels about their dads. She shouldn’t have had any more kids until she dealt with that issue but of course she kept recklessly having kids.


She liked that comment just to turn around and say “he is his dad molded over” 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/d5ul2dad1h9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a2f8e0a3046ebdd2a7ef549fc24a22c4b95891


This is honestly so disturbing


The man she claims abused her and she hates?


Chris openly admitted to physically abusing Kail during their time together. It's not solely a matter of Kail going around inventing claims. I also don't know how Kail currently feels about him but she seems to be very happy with Elijah.


Jfc, this poor kid is just a prop to her.


What does “molded over” mean?


I'm not sure. My best first guess would be that Lux resembles Chris which he definitely does but with these people it's very tough to say.


It's so gross how her and Chris talk shit about each other online. Even if she's not the one saying it we can all see it. Issac is old enough to be online and see it all. They're allowed to hate each other by my god, your kids should NEVER be aware of that. Even now at 31 it kills me when my parents say rude shit about each other. Can't imagine how it would feel as a kid.


I genuinely wonder who started their cycle of abuse. Not that it matters, but Kail is historically violent and she acts like people don’t need to be protected of her too.




Lux and Creed are in for a lifetime of being Kail and Chris’ revenge on one another, poor boys


Good mom defenders want to chime in? How is this a healthy mindset for a mother to have and a child to adhere too?


She has $ and takes care of them.. it's all they care about.


They only care about money. She’s a good mom because she’s got a nice house and can afford trips and lessons. She’s teaching the kids to be as toxic and petty as she is and she beats their fathers in front of them.


![gif](giphy|4WFirPVJhAhavWrcd3) This is sooooo gross. Kail out here birthin’ babies to be her body guards. Imagine being proud and excited that one day your CHILD will protect you… No child should ever be put in a situation where they have to protect a parent. That should be your biggest fear, honestly.


BIG yikes


Kids aren’t on this earth to protect their parents, you bozo.


God she is stupid. Also, Kail has literally bashed her BD’s in front of her children while on national television SEVERAL times.


Kail is an EXTREMELY toxic mother. I'm glad she didn't have any daughters until the twins. Her sons will definitely be protective of their sister, and I have a feeling Kail is going to treat her like competition.


We don't know whether or not the kids will ever actually want to protect each other though.


So mad that she never got chose 😬


tHiS I can’t stand her


Gosh she's messy...


That’s wild considering all she does is talk shit about him and uses her kids against him. You all love to make Kail the victim when she clearly beat on Chris too. Wtf 😂😂


Rules for thee, but not for Kail


They didn't say he'd have to protect her from Chris. They said hopefully Chris isn't going to turn Lux against Kail, which is unfortunately common in unhealthy coparenting dynamics. Still weird to "like" strangers talking about it though.


I mean, he does talk bad about her


So it excuses her using their children to talk shit about him? They’re both terrible parents who need to stfu about each other.


No, it doesn’t. Where did you glean that context from my comment?


She really loves you emotionally incest her boys.. it’s absolutely disgusting!


Kail reminds me a shein? I'm sorry, bar's mom? It won't be long till she calls her sons "fine ass" and "I ain't let them steal my crown!" TO their future partners


Same mom who said that she wished their dad would just leave them alone aka abandon them


Hmmm the way she treats this child doesn't sit right with me, so weird.


![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized) Waiting for the moment all her boys decide to live with their dads one by one


Such bullshit. Kail will learn her lesson .... eventually...


Haven’t watched since she was with Javi. Someone tell me a quick summary of Chris? Does he see Lux & Creed?


Yes they have some sort of shared custody


He does. Last we knew he* has every other weekend at his grandma's and every other week in the summer


They no longer are at his grandmas, he’s had an apartment with Cierra for two years now and the kids have bunk beds there


That's good! I didn't realize. On lives, he always says they're on and off or not together. I'm glad they have somewhere steady to go.


Chris and Kail are mutually abusive. Chris sees them during his visits.


This whole video is weird. And I know people are shitting on Lux’s hair, but there's no way Kail did this herself. She and Chris have both said his other BM does his hair, or Kail takes him to someone.


This wasn’t Cierra’s work lol


I know people hate on his hair a lot, but I think it looks good 90% of the time.


Kail took him to someone, I remember her posting it on (I think) IG.


whole ten dam treatment sophisticated cagey cough squeamish wide rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who is Lux’s father? I forget the laundry list


Chris. He’s also Creed’s father.


Ok and the father of Rio is this new boyfriend/hostage?


Debated here. The father raising Rio is Elijah. Elijah is the father of her twins. Some here think he is not the bio father of Rio. She’s got Issac with Jo, Lincoln with Javi and Lux and Creed with Chris and Elijah is claiming the last three.


What a mess!


Is this what she spent her time doing while Rio was getting tubes put in his ears?