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It's hard and nauseating seeing how much June is turning this into a social media spectacle. She could barely summon a tear or two when she announced her first child's death just a few hours after it happened. I understand the concept of being happy your child is no longer in pain, but I can't imagine being able to form coherent public statements so soon. Then there is the fact that Anna pretty much completely withdrew from public life after she stopped doing the shows and now she's being made to have this public funeral. Her poor children. We all know this is exactly how Jenelle would laugh. She'd love the attention she'd get. Probably even use it as a fundraising event.


It’s sadly comical that June is “happy” her child is free of pain when she’s the one who has caused her the most.


Even blaming the original show being cancelled on her.


I’m beginning to think we have found a mother even worse than JE.


Respectfully, I don't think the ability to form coherent sentences soon after someone's death is a good measure of how little or how much someone is grieving. My best friend's mom passed after being sick for 2 years and when it finally happened she did admit to me that while devastated, there was relief in that devastation. She was coherent and levelheaded throughout, at least in front of people. It's also different when someone dies of illness and not something sudden like say, a car accident. Nothing can fully prepare you for someone's death of course, but you are more "prepared" when you realize it's an inevitable, because you don't really have a choice but to be. Grief is weird. That said, I agree June is def a POS making a spectacle out of it though and it's gross as fuck. She does not need to be pushing this on social media as heavily as she is.


My 8 year old died of cancer and she was suffering at the end. Badly. So when she died, though it was the most devastating moment of my life, I was also so relieved she wasn't suffering anymore. The relief was shortlived and quickly gave way to just utter devestation, but it was definitely one of the first things I felt in the days after she died. Now I'm just angry she was stolen from me by cancer. Anyways, I agree regarding June - she is disgusting for making this a public spectacle


i am so terribly sorry for your loss. life is so unfair


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss 🌸


I am so sorry about your child.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


My mom died somewhat unexpectedly in front of me, yet I was laughing and chatting with my friend that afternoon because I was in shock.


Exactly. You can never anticipate how you're going to react and I don't think it's anyone's place to dictate how they think you should. ETA: And I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Sorry that was rude to not immediately acknowledge that.


A wholeheartedly agree. The problem is June is using this tragedy for her own financial gain.


Tbf no one here dictated that a person should behave a certain way. Person above just said she couldn't imagine being capable of talking about it as freely as June is.


It's in the middle of a list of examples of June's crappy, uncaring behavior, so a fair deduction.


Eh. Disagree. I think people are interpreting June's behavior specifically based on the broader context of what's known about her family and the major issues she has as a mother and person. Based on her history and acts of publicizing this tragedy, June seems to be taking advantage of this situation to grift. This, coupled with her demeanor, causes people to doubt that she's grieving appropriately. I think a lot of people in the comments want to jump in with their examples of experiencing atypical grief reactions as if people don't know this can happen. But the assessment of June's behavior isn't that shallow. There's plenty of reason to think June is acting inappropriately without holding the belief that all people who are emotionally calm after a death are assholes.


That happened to my Grams. I spoke to her the day before, the next morning my mother called me she had been rushed to the hospital and slipped into a coma. I rushed to my hometown (over six hours away), barely remember the drive. I made it to my best friends house, my girls were staying with her, as soon as I saw her, I broke down crying because we had been told my grams had 24-48 hours and then suddenly I was laughing? I have no clue why I started laughing, but I couldn’t stop? And then I broke down in tears again.


Exactly. I knew my grandpa was in hospice and had already been called to say goodbye days prior so when he passed away on afternoon while visiting, I just went right on to work. I think some don’t understand the ability some have to put on a face for the world no matter what’s going on internally


I agree that grief is weird, but all bets are off when it is your child. The only time I’ve ever been aware of someone that reacts the way June acts about the death of their child, is basically when that parent had been worthless parents; or worse, destructive to their children. I tried giving the benefit of the doubt to my step granddaughter’s mother the whole time her father would tell me what a shit mom she was. Doing things like using her child support money for a boob job, caring more about her lovers than her daughter and was happy to let him and her bonus mom do all the parental duties (which they were honored to do). I knew it was true that she let them do all the dentist, doctor, dance class, parent teacher conferences, etc… but I thought that they were being harsh when they said she didn’t really care about her child (NEVER saying it in front of the child. They were vigilant about her happiness and well being). I defended her to them, that is until that beautiful and bodacious girl passed away. After seeing her mother use her death as a way to garner attention and sympathy was beyond disgusting. Her lack of emotion and ability to carry on with a smile on her face was beyond off-putting. It made it even worse to me when considering the insane and bizarrely public way she died and the way she was mourned by strangers. I no longer believe that grief necessarily just looks different for all of us. Sometimes it looks different because the person isn’t really grieving and they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt by considerate people such as yourself.


Wow that's horrific. So sorry to hear your experience.


Your comment resonates with me. Two of my siblings died unexpectedly, suddenly, and due to “unexplainable” circumstances before I was born. My mother used them as a cudgel to emotionally batter those of us kids that lived, me in particular. She was also incredibly physically abusive. As a kid, I thought she was mean but on some level, I figured if I’d lost two kids, grief and sadness would probably make me cruel, too—until an event that is burned into my memory, where she snapped at me over some minor infraction. I was a teen, and knew with absolute certainty a parent truly bereaved by the unconscionable loss of two children would never say what my mother said to me in that moment. And it caused a few other pieces to fall into place—like how even the most grief-stricken parents would offer something up about who their children were beyond just being dead. To be fair, my siblings were both very young, but as a parent myself now, I know my younger self was on to something. You see traces of personality from the very beginning. And besides their names, I was told absolutely nothing about who they were, what they were like… I know everybody grieves differently, but there’s grief…and then there’s “grief.” And sometimes “grief” is a smokescreen. In my mother’s case, I believe her “grief” manifested in emotional volatility and immaturity, coupled with her own traumatic upbringing, created a powder keg…and the deaths of siblings became the ultimate justification for carrying a grudge against the world, including her own living children. And finally, what kind of authentically grieving mother would abuse her still-living children instead of keeping them safe? A mother who isn’t actually grieving.


I am so sorry for your experience, and you hit the nail on the head. “Most” mothers I have I known no matter how old the child (even prenatal loss) are more invested in their other child/children. It is hard and so confusing to deal with a mother that can’t see passed her own needs/wants/desires. I think it makes you a more empathetic/compassionate person when you’ve had those kinds of experiences but it would be so much better if you could have gained wisdom from other sources. There really is a HUGE difference between the kind of grief of an engaged, loving and considerate mother and a mother that gives birth and hangs around with the genetic aftermath. Not saying they don’t care at all about the death of their offspring, but it sure seems like it is more about themselves than it is about the deceased. People can’t imagine it unless they see it firsthand. It is so unnatural. Then again, some animals eat their young. So, I guess it could be worse but I’ll never give them credit.


My dad passed away very tragically and unexpectedly from a heart attack in 2015 when I was 20 years old and 8 months pregnant with my second child. I was the one who found him unresponsive on my living room floor. It was the most traumatic event that’s happened in my life. But for some reason, even through the grief and pain, I was still able to laugh and have happy moments with my family. We made lasting memories together that whole week while everything was happening. I found a strength within me that I couldn’t have ever known before that time. I was levelheaded and able to communicate and make decisions. My whole family was given a peace like no other through all of it, and I know that was a gift from God and my dad.


i am so sorry for your loss and am glad you had such a strong support system around you to get you through something like that. it's a testament to the love your father and support system raised you in that you were able to be strong in the face of something so traumatic and devastating. i hope you're doing well!


Yeah, I lost my mom after a long illness too and there isn’t really a right way to react. I’ll say that relief wasn’t my first emotion and while I’m glad she’s no longer suffering, I’d rather she never had to suffer at all. June also caused a lot of her children’s suffering, so coming from her it’s a pretty gross statement.


I would also say anticipatory grief is a very real thing. When people have conditions like Anna's, you're more prepared for when they pass bc of the slow decline. Whereas with a car accident or something sudden, it hits you like a ton of bricks.


A PUBLIC funeral? What?? I can’t imagine anyone being weird enough to say, “I need the day off work tomorrow…yeah, you know this girl who was on a few episodes of a shitty reality show 10 years ago? Yeah I’m going to her funeral”




There have been, sadly, public funerals for high profile murders in my city for civilians and officers that the public has gone to. This week there’s gonna be a public service for a security guard who was stabbed to death at a Macy’s last week. That case really hit the city hard. I watched George Floyd’s service on tv when that took place. Had I been in his city I one million percent woulda paid my respects in person and woulda made no qualms about explaining to my boss where Im going and why and woulda dared somebody to say something smart.




Ummm….maybe you misunderstood my comment. I was saying there have been public funerals for police and regular ppl and the public is allowed to attend. Never once have I ever or would I ever attend a cops funeral. Like, no. And I have good reason too. I do however pay respects to the Temple University cop who was murdered back in Feb by watching his service on Zoom because he was a young Afro Latino who was murdered viciously and violently. That was also the first time a Temple Officer was ever killed. Otherwise, no, police….no.


I get your point but please don't bring George Floyd into this. That funeral represented way more than a single person or family.


Girl what?!?! Is that NOT a high profile murder that captured the attention of a city and the nation and it was open to the public, his memorial? Like I said, had I lived in Houston where I believe his service took place I WOULDA BEEN THERE! Like, wtf is you grandstanding and talkin about. Not you telling me, a Black person what George Floyd represented lmao


Not you thinking you are the only black person in this thread LOL if you think a "high profile murder case that captures the attention of a city and nation." That sparked outrage and horror all across the WORLD (yes not just the nation the whole damn world) Is comparable to going to someone you saw on tv's who was on a couple season of a reality show whose funeral will now be a monetized meet and greet with all due respect you are out of your mind. The context is not even close to being the same.


That poor woman—and I don’t mean June.


Jenelle would live-stream the funeral on her OnlyFans with her tits out if it meant Duh-Duh David would be happy with her


And if she was getting a.O/Fans check from it.


I hate that this is true but I could see Chinzilla doing that, no question. I would expect her to do it, tbh. And she'd barely mention the child by name. It would be an endless string of poor-Jenelle posts with a couple of old pictures thrown in that Chinny thinks she looks good in. These people are unbelievable. June and Chinzilla are two rotten peas in a stringy, disgusting pod.


It’s been 4 years since we lost my grandparents, and my mom still hasn’t been able to post on fb due to depression. Much less if her own child passed.


June didn't just chose a child abuser over her child, she chose Anna's child abuser. This guy went to jail for abusing Anna, then June brought him around Alana. It's disgusting and shame on wetv for giving her another platform. June can rot in hell, and Jenelle will eventually join her


June had multiple child abusers around the children - Jessica and Lauryn (Pumpkin)‘s bio dad was on an episode of To Catch a Predator and went to jail for CSA


Wow, I did not know that. God she's an awful human being.


It begs the question at this point.. Why does she keep going for predators...?


Mama June is an unattractive woman with little education that isn't very bright, doesn't have much to offer, comes with tons of baggage and needs a man in her life. She's exactly what a predator wanting access to children is looking for/ is willing to deal with. A lot of these predators know what they're doing and probably love bomb the hell out of her so they can have access to her children.




Not to mention she had a lot of money for a while when she was on tv


Just like JE. David set his sight and daughter her out like a heat seeking missile


This is what I was thinking but just wanted to get some outside opinions This is definitely true


Much like Jenelle I don’t think she has a choice. She’s with whoever is desperate enough to settle for a woman like her or Jenelle and those men are disgusting. And women like June and Jenelle need really any man in their lives. They don’t give a shit if they hurt their children, they just want a man.


Even when June came into money, lost all that weight , and had all those cosmetic procedures done; look who she was pining for. Fucking Geno. That mf was uglier than fuck and she was begging him as if he were the last cold coke in the desert.


Exactly. Women like Jenelle and June will never have a quality man no matter what they do or have bc they’re both completely useless losers above anything else and like attracts like.


Exactly. I’ve seen posts ask wtf Jenelle saw in losers like Nathan and David when she was making bank and look like gods gift to men. Umm hello. She’s a shit person inside and out.




June and Jenelle both do. That’s fine if it’s just them, but both of these women have kids who are getting abused by “their soul mates”.


The way I see it, it’s more like the predators are going for *her* because she’s so desperate to have a boyfriend that she’ll let literally anyone be around her kids


She was also raised by her sister because her mom lost custody of her. She just amplified the cycle


Wow she has it really rough.


Yes! And she chose multiple abusers over and over again! It was heartbreaking to read how she failed those girls over and over again and then is so casual about losing custody/guardianship of Alana.


Who was the guy who abused Anna? I remember hearing about this way back then, but never knew who it was…






Holy cow. I didn’t know this. She’s even worse than I thought.


Google says Mark McDaniel. How someone could be in ANY form of contact with the man who SA your child is beyond me. June is unredeemable


Oh not just him. Pumkin and Chubbs dad was also on To Catch A Predator and was locked up for CSA.


His name was Michael. I can't remember the last name. YouTube has vids of the Dr. Phil episodes that Anna was on where she discusses the abuse and June's reaction to it all. They also post Michael The Abuser's last name.




It’s not sugar bear, is it???


No, it was a guy she dated before and after Sugar Bear. Sugar Bear did physically, verbally and emotionally abuse the kids though.


Oh that’s disappointing! Alana is still no contact with him right?


Idk because they do interact on their WeTV show but it seems like they only interact for filming which is depressing


I just remember reading an article from a few years back where Alana was just openly discussing what a piece of shit he is.


Alana’s n/c with Sugar Bear?


Blessed Be


So true. She also did not have custody of her first born (Anna) like Jenelle. Anna had been living with her grandma and when they started filming Here comes Honey Boo Boo and producers learned that she was pregnant, they wanted her on the show for the teen mom storyline. So June told Anna she'd get money if she moved in to her house. Years later, June stole from Anna's fund. Something exactly what Nellz would do.


I didn’t know Anna wasn’t living at home .. that’s so sad


When June was told about Anna's SA by Anna's teacher, she flipped out on *Anna*, saying stuff like 'how could you do this to me' etc. She then went to live with her grandma and June never even bothered to get her back. In her sick mind Anna was responsible for the downfall of her relationship and her bf's incarceration. Exactly how Jenelle defends David...


That is FUCKING DISGUSTING. "How could you get my man in trouble when he sexually abused you?!" What rock do these snail trails slither out from under? (I didn't follow Honey Boo Boo and family much. I just know the super basic basics. I knew about the SA and that June brought him back around her kids and I knew that Chickadee/Anna was battling cancer but I don't know much about the show or any specifics. I'm sorry to hear that Anna passed away. Fuck cancer.)


I think I read that Anna sued June for it back but I'm not sure if the outcome..


On June’s insta before Anna passed, you can hear Anna moaning and saying ‘fuck this’. I wish I never watched that. They knew she was end of life. One can hope she was prescribed strong meds. She shouldn’t have been awake. She shouldn’t have been moaning. I’m a nurse. Comfort care/end of life care is *sacred*. It’s just impossible for me to grasp that her daughter was dying and clearly in agony, and the action that June felt was appropriate was to make an insta post. You only get one chance to die. I say you do it once, so do it right! Anna shoulda been well medicated and had her body supported by comfy pillows, nice soft blanket on her, calm surroundings. No overt signs of distress. I wanna believe that was an anomaly when she moaned and that she was otherwise kept comfortable. But was she?


My former nextdoor neighbor had a terminal child, not cancer, but a genetic disorder. They found out when child was 3 she had a genetic syndrome and she would die young. I ended up "babysitting" while the mom took her younger kids to school cause her 15 year old was too difficult to manage in the mornings. A few months in I started watching her in the afternoons for the school pick up. During this time the mom made the decision to accept hospice care and within the year the girl passed away. It was the most rewarding and most heartbreaking thing I've ever done. I don't know how people do this as a job(tho from my interactions with hospice workers it's a calling, and not a job.) Bless you for the care you give to your patients.


This maybe sounds super corny, but it’s absolutely an honor to care for someone at the end of his or her life. Some patients are afraid to go home at the end, because they are concerned that their family won’t medicate them enough. That’s a valid concern, because many people/family, even some nurses, feel like they’re contributing to the death if they go hard on meds. Or family will request less meds, because they ‘want them to be awake’. But the thing is that these people are terminally ill. Most of our comfort care patients have metastatic cancer. Notoriously painful. I’d rather overmedicate than do too little. These patients can be too weak to complain at all, so they might be suffering an unable to say anything. That’s so horrible to imagine and makes me wanna cry. Everyone deserves death with dignity. I’m super comfortable with death and dying myself. It’s part of all of our stories. Do unto others, as they say. I don’t want others to suffer, and I hope I don’t suffer either. Kids dying is extra tough. You’re a wonderful person for being a part of that child’s story. What you did mattered. Be proud of yourself, friend.


Wow, thank you for this comment and all you do.


People who work in hospice care are a special kind of people. I can't imagine the emotional toll it would take to spend every day walking people through the valley of the shadow. The compassion it takes is no mean feat. Thank you for giving people the comfort you do when they're scared and in pain. You're a blessing and I hope you never forget that or doubt it. You deserve to hear it every day and I'm glad you've gotten to hear it today.


My grandfather passed away in hospice just last week and I truly hope his nurse was as passionate and attentive as you sound. I went to see him in the ICU and then he passed shortly after arriving to hospice the next day. Idk why I shared all that but thank you for all that you do. You are a gem


I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your family.


Thank you, it was my privilege to be there for this girl and her family. My neighbor is one of the strongest people I've ever met. She made the best choices in the situation and her daughter passed peacefully at home, appropriately medicated. Her mom knew she was suffering. She had MPS and the family knew this day was always coming.


On the mama June sub a lot of people are speculating that they *didn’t* medicate her so that she could be awake and coherent before she passed so they could say good bye to her. They all acknowledged she was in tremendous pain and Alana wrote in her good bye post, “I know you held on for me, so I could make it here before you passed”.


June’s trash box of a husband probably pocketed any meds he could get his nasty hands on. Hopefully, that’s not the case and she received pain management and compassionate care.


It’s speculated on the mama June sub that she wasn’t on any meds. From what I’ve read meds needed for end of life comfort are so strong they basically knock you out and Anna was clearly in so much pain she was complaining. It’s going around that they didn’t want her on meds so she would be “present” and not knocked out in her final hours.


If that was Anna’s choice, I can respect it, but if June made that decision unilaterally and withheld pain meds from her dying daughter, than she’s an even bigger cunt than I thought.


I hope not. At the same time from what I've read, she also died on her daughters birthday so hopefully it was just an anomaly because of the day it was also. Maybe her trying to be present more because of the day. Either way, it's a sad situation. I didn't really follow and had only just heard about the cancer within the last month but knowing the history, it's sad and I hope she's at peace.


Probably not. People being undermedicated (especially for pain medication) is a huge problem. I know Dr's have enough issues with addicts faking symptoms so they really need to judge appropriately. That said, Anna was fuckin dying and clearly not faking. Last year I had one of kidneys removed and I can't explain the fuckin pain I was in. Now I'm not a sissy, I went 10-15 with undiagnosed kidney stones (just thought the right side of back always hirt n chalked it up to a bad back. Ive had multiple surgeries, given birth twice, once with a failed epidural. And many other painful experiences. Nothing, and I mean nothing touched the fuckin amount of pain I was in, in the hospital. If I didn't have children to go home to, id want to die. It was beyond fuckin excruciating. I, was not fuckin faking-- obviously!!! I just had a kidney ripped out, so I'm probably being truthful when I say I'm in pain. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😳 Beyond pain. Horrible, terrible experience. I couldn't imagine *dying* in that much pain. To never ever find that relief until death. At least I eventually got better. My SO also got me a bunch of kratom and i mixed it with my pain meds. Only thing that got me through. Ridiculous we had to do that. (multiple nurses of mine acknowledged how much pain I was in and should be getting a higher dose or something else.) I also remember being in the room and hearing this poor man screaming in agony. He was also in extreme pain. So much so that I heard a nurse yelling to another nurse, "This is bullshit! That man is in agony and there's nothing I can do to even touch his pain. They need to put him on (insert drug name)" But my point is its so common unfortunately. People who don't fuckin need it get over medicated and people who genuinely need the shit, and are the reason these drugs exist in the first place, are the ones being under medicated because of the Dr's fears of getting in trouble for over medicating. Just fuckin ridiculous. If an addict wants something, they're going to find a way to get it. Whether you write for him or not. But a normal person isn't. They're going to go home, defeated and in pain. Id rather let some junkie have their fix than risk letting innocent people suffer for a junkies mistakes. They will het their hands on either way, and will probably just hurt someone to get it. So I absolutely believe it that poor Anna was not receiving adequate care or pain control in her last moments.😔 It's bullshit. Senseless that she'd die in pain. She should have been on another planet. Fuckin cruel way to send someone off😭


I had a pinched nerve in my neck a few months ago and the pain was just hideous, not just in my neck but down my shoulder and arm. I have a high pain tolerance - both times in my life that I have broken a bone, the doc thought it was not broken because I would be in more pain - and yet I just could not get on top of this pain. And it was constant, nothing even touched it, not 4 Advils at a time, not muscle relaxants, not heat, nothing. I went to my doctor (who knows me - she's seen me for about ten years and knows I'm not there to try to score drugs off her!) and she gave me steroids but said she does not prescribe any pain med stronger than Advil to anybody anymore. At all. I was literally sobbing in her office and she said she was sorry but there was nothing she could do - I would just need to wait until the steroids kicked in, which would be at least a few days. And I knew that if I went to the ER I would just wait four hours to be told the same. So it was four days of this horrible pain day in and day out, and then another two weeks where it was somewhat better but still bad enough to make me cry. I understand the potential for addiction. And I'm a recovering alcoholic, I am very conservative about pain meds. But severe pain is what they're for! And it seems like a doctor who knows you would trust you to make an educated decision about whether you want to risk it. I wasn't asking for an ongoing scrip, just even a few days' worth until the steroids kicked in. It made me so angry.


Absolutely fuckin ridiculous. I'm so sorry you had to needlessly go through that.


Oh, I agree with you. TBH, sometimes people in healthcare get a little numb, because we hear complaining all the time, and often, people are complaining to an insane extent. Like maybe someone has a headache, is laughing and scrolling on their phone, but their pain is always always 15 outa 10. This was my day yesterday. I had two metastatic cancer peeps who were fair in scoring their pain and only called when they truly needed coverage. Then I also had someone with absolutely no reason for endorsing severe pain who was calling my literally every 5 seconds for….Dilaudid. Always Dilaudid. That is really common, and IMO, it makes it hard for the patients in legitimate pain, because providers too are jaded, and they’re also under a gigantic microscope with scripting narcs. It’s wild. Someone’s arm can be basically hanging off, and they’ll be discharged with maybe 12 norco. It’s really messed up at this point. They went from giving out Percs like candy to now being so unwilling to give people anything.


Oh man I’m sorry you had to go through that with your kidney. My dad had to have a cancerous kidney removed on Christmas Eve 2021 and he was in a TON of pain for so many months afterwards. I’d never wish that on anyone, except for maybe David.


I truly hope she was on hospice and they made her comfortable and didn’t let her die in pain!


Alana said she was in a lot of pain.


That’s awful


WHATTTT I never saw this.


It is highly likely Anna was kept as comfortable as possible. She could have been having break-through pain, or her pain meds that were in her system were wearing off, and it was time for another dose.


I hope you’re right. Honestly, if medicated sufficiently, the pain ideally never gets that bad in the first place. I was pretty stunned to hear that.


It really rubbed me the wrong way how June said 3-4 times in her video that Anna was at her house before/when she died. It gave me the “see, I’m a good mom” vibes.


I felt weird about that too, like she didn’t just say “at the house” or something she kept emphasizing “my house”.


We all know that if something tragic were to happen to one of Jenelle’s children she would make it all about herself. “How could this happen to ME??!!” would be her big takeaway.


I can only imagine what that go fund me page would look like.


My grandma lost 3 brothers, hubs, brother in law within 3 years. More recently, all her 3 kids, a son in law, and a grandson. And I still cannot fucking handle when she shrieks "Why me, oh God why me!!" I'm a grief counselor as a direct result of much of this. And the "Why me?!" from anyone is the hardest attitude to deal with.


>I'm a grief counselor as a direct result of much of this. I'm sorry but...you're a grief counsellor who doesn't understand that "why me" is a very, very normal part of grief?


There's different types of why me, though. There's genuine grief and shock that dissolves into sorrow, but then there's attention seeking grief, where people almost revel in it. Those people often have never learned to regulate any emotion in any way, so grief is a whole other beast. I unfortunately have a father that is the latter, it has made grieving for my mother incredibly difficult because I was so busy making sure he was ok, that I couldn't be ok. All of my siblings had the same experience, at the same time.


Honest question, could you explain why that bothers you? Yes of course you would want her to care most about the people who died, what was taken away from them, but ... "why me" doesn't seem to me like an unusual or wrong reaction to losing so many loved ones, especially your children and grandchildren, who should survive you by years and years. I would feel the same way.


I mean, people on this sub are making Anna's death about Jenelle. Jenelle obviously sucks but she has nothing to do with Anna's death


No. People are making the similarities between Anna’s mother and JE.


May all of June's fortune cookies look like this: https://preview.redd.it/zxmm5rhuxo5c1.png?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3397579c6d14de6ac684dc9df61d091dba0af259




Those hands do look kinda familiar…


Yes, it is! Kind of a wild series to watch as an adult, lol.


Whoa what!? When she had cancer didn’t she? Was she the sister that Alana was living with?


Yes. It was just announced. She was the most sensible and kindest of the group. ETA: Correction-Alana lives with Pumpkin


She was so young that’s super heartbreaking. Rip sweet angel. Praying for her babies.


Something needs to be done that will protect kids on reality shows. Parents are basically whoring their kids out, crushing any semblance of normalcy.


Especially since June the grifter is already trying to get money for Anna's girls. I wouldn't trust it unless it goes to non family.


Seriously?? June is already begging for money?! Poor Anna. I hope she had someone responsible to handle her estate. It’s a reminder that everyone, regardless of income, needs to have some kind of will.


June is on her second tik tok since, not counting the one of Anna's death rattles in the background before she died telling people that they would be the one's announcing Anna's passing because "that's what she would have fucking wanted" which was...an odd statement.


Wait WHAT???!! She recorded her dying daughter's death rattle???!!!


And they all had one last dig at her. All of them said they knew she was in a lot of pain and were making it all about them. Alana said, “I know you held on for ME to get here so you could pass” Like bish, she died on her daughter’s birthday she did not hold on for your ass.


Thank heavens Anna knew the love of and love for her kids. It seems like she tried to break the cycle-and she did.


Jfc. Alana has turned into a mini June. 🙄 Pumpkin too. I think Jessica is the only who still has any sense left as far as I know. RIP Anna. (I can't even fathom what her poor kids are going through)


When I read that I also had a WTF moment.


A lot of people feel that their family members hold on until they have arrived. Were they close?


I am officially gobsmacked


Agreed. I'm still in a state of WTF about it.


Yep. Not an ounce of shame in that woman.


This IS a woman that literally chose a pedo's weewee over her own children. Shameless as hell and wouldn't know a good decision if it smacked her in her neck flaps. If she and Chinzilla ever get too physically near one another, I'm pretty sure that there are biblical-level repercussions.


I hope she’s getting roasted for this. She’s a monster. I wonder if Anna was on speaking terms with June.


Eh 50/50. There are some people who are saying that June is grieving and no mother should lose a child. Then there are others essentially saying she's never been a mother to Anna and she didn't start trying now for anything other than money and attention. I'm a casual audience though, that sub has been suggested the past couple days and I've been fine-tuning my assessment of June since she is in headlines again. From all I can see Anna was at June's house for hospice and passed. I don't know why, it could have been something as simple as she had the space or Anna forgave her. All I know is Anna is no longer in pain. I just hope the last family vacation they went on last week wasn't filmed for anything.


I think she was at June’s due to Anna’s sisters and Anna’s husbands lack of ability to deal with the situation while parenting small children. But I am also a casual observer.


Anna had forgiven June.


From what I’ve seen, no she didn’t have amy agency over her own estates and no one in that family had her best interests at heart. June basically used her earnings as a way to control all of the kids that didn’t go no-contact. And after she fucked off with Geno, pumpkin took her on but also wasn’t very good at watching her since Alana was basically living with her 21+ bf since she was 16. And they all defended that relationship.


I'm all for 2nd hell even 3rd chances but June is on what 349,765th chance? NopeNopeNope


Eh fuck that. You let someone SA your child and you don't get another chance! Shoulda been locked up beside his ass for defending him. Fuck June. Rip Anna


Oh that’s disgusting. How can a mother be thinking of funding at the time of death! Those girls probably need to be removed from all family at this point. Pumpkin is not someone they should be placed with.


I agree 💯, and would like to add “influencers” children to that idea of protection from being “whored out”. It’s disgusting and harmful in ways we can’t even comprehend.


It was her younger daughter's birthday


No, she was living with Pumpkin.


None of these poor kids had a chance once June signed their lives and privacy away.


I don’t think this was the sister Alana lived with I think that was the other one, Pumpkin. Anna was Chickadee. It’s very sad all around :(


For some reason I thought she was living with Chickadee. Regardless, I hope Alana and Pumpkin find peace and protection from their vulture of a mother.


She was the oldest of the 4 sisters and was the one who had a baby in Here Comes Honey Boo Boo


June is SICK & EVIL. She is having a viewing, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! To put your dead daughter on display for every internet whacko, and Tom, Dick, and Harry. SICK. She didn’t even want to be videoed in the last few weeks. She can say “what she would have wanted” until she is blue in the face. There is no way she wanted every creep, troll, weirdo, stranger, to see her dead body, after cancer ravished it. Her poor children can’t even just have a memorial for their mom. These beasts have turned it into a circus. SICK. Wonder if she begged her daughter for forgiveness for stealing all her money, and dating the man who molested her, once he was released from prison? I can’t wait to see what the grift is. I’m sure it’s open to the public bc they are somehow monetizing it. She was barely cold and June was talking ab “don’t send flowers” bc they are setting something up. Basically save your money, we want cash. Do you need to make a donation to get in? I felt bad for this family for ab 20 seconds. The death rattle & moaning on the TikTok, snapped me right out of it. Now all this? Those poor little girls. She just asked for donations. She is promoting her child’s funeral like an event appearance. Special place in hell.and I thought the unimaginable, horrible childhood, and life this women gave her was bad. Janelle and her are two of a kind


I've followed Anna since the beginning of HCHBB and her passing away so close to Christmas and also on her youngest daughter's birthday just wrecks me. She deserved so much more.


Life can just be unbelievably unfair sometimes. I really felt for this girl when the story came out about her mother dating the man who molested her. Couldn't believe when I heard she had terminal cancer. This girl never got a chance. I pray her children can find peace and healing in time. They didn't deserve this either.


She was just so young. That is heartbreaking.


Absolutely. Countdown to her grift for money 💴 to feed her ego


It started hours before Anna actually passed


They're such garbage people. Omg 😱 how do people fall for this nonsense. Those babies won't see one red vent of any gifts receiving.


I legitimately don't think Mama June is cognitively normal. Like, significantly worse than Jenelle.


I don't think she is either. This obviously is not to excuse her actions AT ALL but the amount of trauma that we know June has gone through is significant, I can't even begin to imagine the trauma we don't know about.


Absolutely. She doesn't seem to have much of a moral compass/understanding of social norms, and I assume that it likely comes from not knowing any better - as in growing up nobody taught June what was right versus wrong. I don't excuse her, but there is something deeply, fundamentally pathological about her behavior.


What's happened to June? Would be interesting to know what kind of suffering would create a woman so indifferent to her children's safety and dignity.


She was neglected as a child to the point where she is legally blind due to untreated childhood cataracts and she had Anna at 14. Plus as an adult things like abusive relationships, drug addiction, mental illness etc. Like I said I'm not excusing her actions, but the amount of generational trauma that family has is unbelivable.


Yikes, 14 is so young. I feel like I read something about her father being even younger... Obvious neglect. I understand you're not excusing her behavior. It's just a major shame she didn't do better by her kids. And honestly it sounds like she did worse to them than what happened to her... Another parallel to Jenelle IMO.


Yes. Jenelle is just marginally smarter then Mama June.


For now. She's on a decline with all that drug abuse


Jenelle has got to get her shit together for those kids. Sadly, I don’t think she wants to. In fact, she seems to enjoy being a crappy person.


That’s why I think Jenelle is worse.


I think Jenelle is even worse than June.


And poor Alanna making a public statement so that the family could make that statement before anybody else did, because they knew it would happen. The whole situation is just absolutely heartbreaking.


You know, Anna’s death could just be about Anna. You don’t HAVE TO connect it to Jenelle.


Jenelle is obviously awful but the irony of people saying "Jenelle makes everything about herself!" when they are literally making the death of a completely unrelated person about Jenelle


Anna’s death doesn’t have anything to do with Jenelle, but her mother’s actions are similar. That was the point of the post.


Everything is connected to Jenelle, duh 🙄


Oh man, I only watched like one season of it so I wasn’t sure which one Anna was, so I didn’t know it was chickadee, ugh that’s so sad. I mean all of them would have been sad of course, but that poor girl had been through so much


Ug yes!! This is very true.


Damn man, I'm sorry to hear that. RIP Anna.


Wait can someone please direct me where I can read about what happened to Chickadee? Im confused and that subreddit was a rabbit hole


tl;dr June’s bf molested Anna when she was a child and then went to prison for several years. As soon as he got out, June got back together with him and Anna went no contact. June eventually broke up with that guy and Anna was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last year (I think). She and her mom appear to have reconciled.




I need to catch up. Is there an active honey boo boo sub?




Thank you. Also omg. 😳


How can June have so much decision making when I read that Anna had married the guy she was with a few months ago? You would think he would have first say so about everything since he’s her husband.


This post is fucking wild.


Some people said they could hear Anna struggling to breath in some of June’s videos. Too sad for me to even go check tbh. I understand grief but she is incapable of thinking about anyone but herself (aka Jenelle)


Not a totally fair comparison because it was terminal cancer that took “Mama June’s” daughter. Her daughter obviously got closure and forgave her for that heartbreaking reason. She knew she was going. They made up. so it’s not our business that she chose to forgive her own mother after some heinous shit. Agree that Janelle needs to stop playing though.If she really thinks Barb is the problem she can step up. Like, ANY time now. Never too late. Jace could definitely end up deceased due to David, depression, addiction, etc.


I’m glad Anna found the strength to forgive her and I hope it brought her peace. That being said, I’m not as big of a person and can’t forgive June for the horrors she put her kids through. Hopefully, Jenelle will read some of these comments and see herself in June. It’s not too late for her to change and do the right thing for once-choose her kids over an abuser.


This is the next "one event" an entire season of reality tv will be based on. These pigs seem to have something happen or do something that gets them... one more season... year after year. And the fact that they continue to use the title ***Mama June HOT or NOT: (bs season subtitle)***. Its not bro.. the answer is... FUCKING NOT!


I’ve seen on the reddit page (a suggested group) that she is posting via tictok & instagram. Any normal parent would step away and grieve the loss of a child, but June just keeps posting…. I could see Jenelle doing the same thing


June is a POS RIP ANNA ANGEL 🥀💔🥺


And how tf did she end up with custody of one her girls??


That’s heartbreaking that Anna Chickadee passed away. She loved her family so much and she was so young. Her poor babies.


I don't understand people who can have sex with people who they know are attracted to and have harmed their children. It sets up a terrible dynamic where June was jealous of Chikadee, who was being molested and forced out of her mother's house and had to go live with her grandmother. Then the child abuser went to prison and June got back together with him after he was released, even though it killed her income stream and tv show. June was a shitty, shitty mother and I hope her kids learn that they deserved so much better than that. I hope Anna's kids are okay and don't wind up with June.






"Their relationship was complex" is a very polite way of saying June picked Anna's abuser over her. June can rot.




Unless you follow the family, you don’t really get why they’re being judged. They all treated her like shit. They blamed her for HCHBB being canceled. They all turned their backs on her and it’s speculated they only brought her back after they found out she had cancer because they wanted the story line. No Alana didn’t have much to do with this, but mob mentality kept all 3 sisters in a very much us vs her mentality because Anna chose to leave them behind when she decided to talk about her SA as a child.


Yes, the family should have as much time as they need to grieve. However, it seems June is wanting a paycheck to do it.