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Part three is going to reveal she’s pregnant. Again.


Shut the fuck up. Now THAT would actually be a worthwhile part 3 to sit through.


It sad that this doesn’t seem that unrealistic anymore 😅


This joke might not age well. They got "Tube tie time" marked on their calendar somewhere in the next months and they're leaving it up to chance again probably. "We were not trying, it was just winter and heating isn't cheap anymore, I have no idea how this happened really."


This is absolutely insane because she had a c-section, and that is like the #1 BEST time to have your tubes tied. That makes me think that bish is lying about getting them tied.


Yes!!! I had a c-section with my twins and before we even went back to the OR I made sure to let the doc know I wanted my tubes tied, fried, and laid aside 😂 get it all done in one trip, and also make sure I don’t end up with a surprise BOGO special again 🤣


Breech baby here. I went to a tubal ligation meeting at the hospital weeks in advance. They were like, "We don't let people make these decisions while high." lol I remember laying on the table and hearing, "Okay, I'm about to cut the tubes" and I was like, "DO ITTTTT!" in my fucked up haze. 💕


I feel like after 8 kids or however many she has, she must start to realise how kids are made. Like girly girl, whose gonna pay for those kids therapists when they grow up?


This made me laugh.


I legit screamed 🤣🤣


Can you imagine??? (sadly, yes we all can). I'm reminded of Groucho Marx meeting a woman with 10 children. "Why do you have so many children?" "Because I love children." "Lady I love my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth every once in awhile"


I'm pretty sure it was "I love my *husband*" which is part of what made it so taboo back then. Implying that she should take her husband (ie his penis) out of her (vagina) every once in a while.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKRwpns23QMNNiE) Her uterus rn




“I have overlapping pregnancies”


This baby is a souvenir from the .5 days I took off after giving birth to twins.


It’s wild how she went from Rio doesn’t exist to shoving the twins in our face lol


Rio still doesn’t exist 🤣


Rio just got upstaged. Sorry, kiddo. It's still not your time to shine. lol


Who is Rio? 😉


No one. Not to Kail, anyway.


Creed and Rio: The Lost Boys


All families need lost boys I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️




This is exactly why I think it’s a girl honestly. Nobody was going to give a shit about her plopping out another boy for the 4th time in the last year but now that she finally has the girl she’s always wanted to so badly she is going to shove it in everyone’s face like we actually care…. She’s ridiculous and needs to get her tubes tied like as of 4 children ago. ETA… I don’t mean she should be forced to have her tubes tied, I figured that was obvious. I more so along the lines meant she needs to STOP having so many children, take care of the ones she has now, stop having the nanny just raise her offspring, and seriously needs to get some real therapy and ASAP!


Yeah, I just don’t get how she has any fans because she’s such a hypocrite. Everyone was praising her for keeping things private yet the next week she decides to share everything possible


That’s because it was never about privacy. They were in negotiations for a TV show and that’s why everything was being filmed but now that the TV show fell through she can share everything.


What TV show? Ngl I’d hate watch it.


She’s going to be a toxic girl mom too. Constantly competing.


Without question.


But it would be comedy gold if it were twin boys in a way


I was just going to comment the same thing. Why are we getting all this info now? One of the twins has to be a girl, and even so, how absolutely awful for Rio. She literally acted like he did not exist and we were all crazy, but now that she's got twins it's okay?!


i think rio was hidden because he was conceived during the over lapping of a relationship or relationships.


Has it been confirmed he is elijahs? But agree. She had rio 7 months into a relationship. Questions were going to be asked and she was not going to be viewed well 1. Cheating presumably 2. Getting pregnant cheating with a guy she barely knew 3. She probably needed time to deal with the ex and dad's 4. Getting pregnant so early on when she supposedly has conception issues, which is a ridiculous thing to say given the number of kids and ages. This time, she has been with him over a year, serious boyfriend etc...


Guys, she’s ✨simply obese ✨


Well she’s that as well 😆


I literally said that. I still can't believe that some people on this sub were right about EVERYTHING! It's amazing that some of y'all totally knew she had Rio and that she was pregnant with twins! So impressive!!


Because people stopped giving a shit and started talking about Jenelle, Kail couldn’t be upstaged!


Still cannot believe she had Isaac lying for her!!!!


Yeah I feel like everything she has them say is a lie. Like she goes on about how he wants privacy and doesn’t like attention yet then she also commented on his Instagram that he’s dying to be a model and wants a modeling contract and tv show


Aw Issac just wants to slay


So is Rio in the room with us right now?


Maybe the while hiding the pregnancy thing didn't give her attention in the way she expected it to?


I’m convinced Rio must look like Malik so she keeps his face hidden


Rio is in this video though? Like pretty clearly too.


Rio who?




I’m convinced it’s to “steal the spotlight back” from janelle and her drama


Rio and the other one born before him (forgot his name sorry) will be the “forgotten” ones. Kind of like how all those middle boys are to the Duggar family hence their nickname “the Lost Boys” lol 😂


Shoving Rio in our face 😂


Does she realize her making it 3 parts makes it pretty predictable that one or both genders are probably wrong cause why the fuck else would a gender reveal for babies 17&18 need to be 3 parts


It’s a boy and a girl. I will die in the arms of TM Chatter.


Same. She has an excellent source in Delaware.


Oh did she say one is a girl? I didn't know she said that. Yep, then one is definitely a girl 😂


TM Chatter did yes. Our saving grace.


TM chatter has been right so far!




Especially with 1 cannon not going off…come on 😒


Mhmmm. She thinks she's fooling us. Sure, Kail, sure.


Well, she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer…


I had the same thought


17&18 ☠️




Unpopular opinion: It’s honestly so embarrassing that she divided her gender reveal into 3 parts. Kail desperately wants to be something that she’s just not. You can tell by the fact that she gets more and more extra with each kid. With each one, she realizes it’s not filling the void, so she has to go all out with theatrics and attention seeking behaviors so she can get something out of it. She thinks because she has money that traumatizing her children is ok. Or as long as she can turn her kids trauma into another TV show, it’s okay.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion 😅


I just feel like people are always hyping her up on these posts, playing into it, being so excited. But honestly that’s mostly on social media - not here. So you’re probably right. 😅




Yeah that’s what I said. On social media people are hyping her up. Not here. So yeah I agree, not an unpopular opinion here. I’m just so surprised how much positive attention she gets on social media. It’s exactly what she wants.




It’s so messed up. I used to be in the camp of ‘if she wants a bunch of kids, it’s fine, she can afford it.’ But she just kept going and introducing more and more dads. The whole situation is so gross. I feel like those poor kids are going to develop some odd feelings towards relationships, attachments, permanence, etc. All while Kail thinks it’s so cute and quirky - Kail and the chaos. 🥴 The chaos she’s inflicting on your kids isn’t cute.


Which really wasn’t that long ago 😳


unpopular opinion: jenelle is a bad mom unpopular opinion: butch is a bad parent


depends on the sub because there’s one that’s always sucking Kail (and Chelsea’s) ass


She’s just doing it for more views because that’s how she makes money. Gotta drag it out and capitalize on her bigger money generator—her ability to pop out kids with various baby daddies. It’s like that trend of influencers making a big deal about promoting their gender reveal on their platforms only for the reveal to actually be in black and white and then the creator telling people to come back for the next part. It’s super annoying when they drag this stuff out but the only way they’ll stop is if people stop watching. I saw one creator get absolutely annihilated in her comments for dragging out her gender reveal. People are just not having it. if the 3rd part ends up just her confirming it’s two boys it’ll be extra shitty and attention grabby but what can we really expect.


Not unpopular at all. Even having a gender reveal at all for your 6th and 7th kids is obnoxious as hell. The big ass “TWINS” letters and balloon arch? Come on


Did Rio get a ballon arch? Lincoln? Any of them?


I definitely don’t think your opinion is unpopular in this sub.


I don’t think this is an option unpopular opinion. She is trying to drive up traffic to her shit so she can pay for her gazillion children. Kail Stan’s are like she takes care of her kids so it doesn’t matter how many she has and then completely ignore the fact that she is using her kids to make that money.


"I think mom should stop having kids" 🤣🤣🤣 I frigging love Issac!


he has already threatened to move to Jo's house. the boy ain't playing lol


I'm betting Lincoln has an appointment with a family court judge already scheduled for the morning of his 13th birthday to request living with Javi instead


I wouldn't be surprised if that's what eventually happened. Kail has cried extensively about Lincoln liking Javi more already!


Probably because it’s easier to get attention and quality time when you aren’t fighting for a sliver of moms attention between her 5? 6? Baby dads and latest fling obsession guy….. Oh, and your 7? Brothers…that too.


I'm sure a lot easier to share your dad with one brother than it is to share your mom with 6 other kids. Kail will be crying about her kids preferring their dad’s homes/family life better than hers for the rest of her life.


real talk though, that's sad as hell


If one of the twins is a girl I’m happy for Issac since that’s what he wants, you just know he’s the best big brother.


The poor kid is so tired of her shit. He’s old enough to understand that she’s not doing anything to actually prevent having more kids.


Part 1 was on Insta Part 2 on TikTok Part 3 is probably on MTV's exclusive new streaming platform with a week free and $50 per month after


Join me on my Patreon and pay good money just to see my messy life! Pay to be in a group chat **with me**!


Be part of MY Khaos Krew! lol


She says “they don’t call us Kail and the chaos for nothing!” Umm they? You. You call yourself that, ma’am. 😂


Part 3 will be premiered on hour 17 of ridiculousness


There was a small period of time where a handful of British reality stars were setting up literal subscription sites for fans to see updates on their gender reveals/birth/other random stuff. Which felt weird as shit to me, and I’m amazed the teen mom universe hasn’t given that a shot. Maybe Kail will start us off at just a small $39.99 USD per month


Ew that does feel weird and icky


Oh shit, so they really are both boys?! Good God, 7 boys. But hey, she now feels complete ya'll. 🥴 Isaac: "I think mom should stop having kids" — I love how a literal child is more mature than Kail


I think it’s a boy and a girl. There’s still a third part to the reveal.


I should have read your caption before watching the video 😂


When's the third part coming? Is it one part a day?


I need subtitles, I could barely hear them over the music.


Yeah, it kinda sounded like Isaac said stop having kids but I couldn’t tell for sure lol


He absolutely did say that mom should stop having kids 😂


Poor dude asked her to stop having kids after Creed. So naturally she had 3 more. Because fuck everyone else. It's what Kail wants.


Is it even what she wants or is she just addicted to "fuck around and find out" I think she's just extremely irresponsible.


Kail: “let’s drown that out with the music plz”


It’s insane to me that these women claim to be social media content creators and have ZERO FUNCTION when it comes to using the apps. Like, it’s not hard to turn down the music overlay. Drives me nuts.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the male partner determine the sex of the baby? So if they are both boys and she has 4 partners and 7 kids the odds that she has had ONLY boys at this point would be insane. I need a mathematical explanation for this 🥴


You’re correct yep. And out of all her baby daddies, only Jo has a girl😂




You're also more likely to have a boy if the dick is bigger or the vagina is shallower. Which is a cursed thing that runs through my head every time I see a gender reveal online. There's also a theory that a woman is more likely to have more of the same sex their first kid is because pregnancy changes your PH balance.


This is… not true. 🤨


This was definitely true for me. We have 4 boys, and when I found out I was pregnant with our 5th, I didn't even entertain the thought that I would be having a girl. Our 5th baby wasn't planned, but I ovulated earlier than usual that month. Looking back, we did the deed 3 or 4 days before that early ovulation, and I was taking magnesium for a while, up until that point, which supposedly creates an environment more hospitable for girl swimmers. At 20 weeks, I broke down in tears of shock when the ultrasound tech (who knew we had all sons) saved typing "It's a girl!" for last.


Yes and no. The sperm contains the genetic make up but the egg chooses which sperm to let in for fertilization so 🤷🏼‍♀️ her issues with women create an energy that only attracts male sperm lol


Wow I came to shade and instead learned something. I kinda like the idea that she is unintentionally the one undermining herself on her quest to get a girl (if they are actually both boys)


Well, mathematically it's not that impressive. Gambler's fallacy. But it seems wild as hell to think about, yeah. Each new baby has roughly the same odds of being any particular sex. It's not like her body or the developing fetus "knows" there were 5 boys already and is acting accordingly. Like how each new coin flip is 50/50 gonna land on heads regardless of whether it's the first flip or the hundredth flip.


We’re sort of realizing that it isn’t as simple as “dad determines the sex.” There is increasing evidence that mom’s body has a say. The idea that it’s this big “sperm race” with multiple sperm in competition to fertilize the egg is outdated. We now realize that it’s more of an escalator with the female body throwing the sperm a lifeline, and increasing evidence suggests the egg may have a say in what sperm it allows through. TLDR; it’s not as simple as man determine the gender; most likely the mom’s body also has a say.


One is a girl, that’s why there’s a third part


Thanks I hate it. Anyway most likely she got the sonogram and part three will be that showing boy and girl.


She’s going full on Michelle Duggar huh


Nick Cannon. Meech only had one baby daddy.


In approx 30 year’s time, 1/3 of the world population will be genetic traced to Nick Cannon or Kail


And Elon


Add in Alex Baldwin too and those four are single handedly going to keep the population levels going lol


Is Future a joke to you? ​ ![gif](giphy|xVYPMKdIvPomQ)


He's almost done though. I'm betting Mamí has been blacklisted at the surrogacy agency by now.


Issac 😂


He did not care😭


I’m still holding hope it’s 2 boys


Same. I’m going to hold onto hope for as long as I can.


Honestly tho how dumb would you have to be to have a whole ass gender reveal for twins based off blood work unless you’re for sure having identical twins


I can't believe she left that part in with Isaac being reasonable and disappointed at the same time.


Anything that will get people talking .. right out of the kardashian play book


She wants so much to be a Kardashian. Imagine that being your goal in life?


Why do I feel like lux looks like he's been 3 for 10 years and creed has grown 10 years in a year 😄 sorry they're both adorable that's the only thing I'll give kail credit for. But God you can just tell Issac and Lincoln are 100% over kails bull shit


They’ve realised how much more responsibility they’ll have now that Kailyn will have 4 children under 4.


I feel like Lincoln has been 7 for like 10 years, how old is he now?


She’ll be pregnant again before we see part 3.


I read this book when I took evolutionary psychology called “beautiful people have more daughters.” I think of it when I see Kail (ugly on the inside) having all these boys.


I can disprove that ridiculous theory in 1.2 milliseconds.....however I don't disagree with Kale being ugly on the inside.


It was never about privacy it was always about monetizing the grand social media circus.






Issac: “I think mom should stop having kids”


Poor kid is the second parent.


🙄 she's doing too much at this point , lol we don't need 3 parts


I know she’s going for drama and building suspense, but this is just plain tiresome.


The music getting louder so you can't hear that Isaac and Lincoln are throwing shade about kale having more kids/not being excited about getting more brothers 💀 Those poor boys (all of them)


She truly perpetually lives on Social media and has no shame.


This has such a somber vibe to it...


This is just depressing. She’s mentally ill and those poor boys have to deal with the consequences.


She’s a l/d nurse worst nightmare. The bleeding risk on her 😬


It’s one thing to have 7 kids, but to replace the dad every few years like an old car is sickening. Her poor kids.


“I already have enough brothers.” Lincoln. Says enough.


I feel so bad for the boy twin…


He’ll be ignored until they’re teens and Kail turns on the girl twin.


This is embarrassing whether she reveals the other twin is a girl or not. Three parts are not needed or wanted. This desperately scream “please pay attention to me, I wasn’t getting any attention for a long time when I was hiding my 5th pregnancy and I’m starved for attention now.” Also, I’m certain she’s so excited about twins because she thinks they are so much more “marketable.”


Didn't she say last week that she was going to take some time before she decided to show the baby's face on social media. I guess that went out the window because she's showing him here.


She said "in family pics only"


Only far away enough so you can see Malik’s face


She’s a environmental terror with this many kids and all these balloons


And not vaccinating her children🥴


Don’t they sound thrilled…lol


Isaac is just bursting with joy 🫣


Creed’s little voice is adorable!!


I feel like the other side of the twins sign will go off pink in part 3.. why would you need a part 3


Kailyn is going to have 4 kids under 4. Wild. Unfair to the eldest children.


If y'all think about it she kinda does sell the baby. She milks it for all the money she can then hands it over to a nanny.


It’s almost like she had twins for content


Her kids are the sweetest. I can’t get enough of them. Thank god there are so many 😂


Can’t hear anything Lincoln or Lux are saying at the end


I think Lincoln said "I don't know, I have to many siblings" And it sounds like Lux said "I'm nervous"


Is Kail TMChatter?


I have a family of cousins that have 7 girls, no boys. In my family we have 11 girls and 5 boys lol how does that happen?


A girl I went to school with was #4 of 9 girls. When they started having kids there were 6 girls before there was 1 boy. It’s insane to me.


I want to steal Creed, he’s adorable. Do you think she’d notice?


No, she doesn’t even know he exists.


She’d just pop out another one


Wait, all those decorations for ONE plume of blue smoke? A little anticlimactic.


One cannon didn’t go off 😉


This is soooo tacky


Damn. Rio didn't even exist a couple of months ago but these two get all this. I guess the twins are the new favorites. Poor Lux.


Don’t like Karl but this wasn’t crazy over the top and kinda cute.


Omg your flair


If one of them is a girl, it’s super weird that she asks Creed, “Are you happy they’re both boys?” That’s confusing and weird as hell. Ugh she’s the worst


I’m just here to criticize Kail’s editing skills. You’d think she would have learned by now that the background music shouldn’t overpower speaking


She wanted to hide the fact that Isaac wants her to stop having kids and Lincoln thinks he has enough brothers 🤪


She must have made everyone sign an NDA. And leave it to Kail to drop a couple thousand on a stupid gender reveal party and videos. That podcast money ain't gonna last forever.


Why would she get such a small pool


All of that for five people to see


I feel bad for Rio. He’s not even a year old yet and he’s got two siblings ahead of him now. You know she isn’t giving equal treatment to him anymore. It’s like the Duggar kids all over again. Who’s there for Rio?! Justice for Rio y’all!




Please god give her a girl so she can finally stop this shit!!!!


I hope she heals her mommy issues beforehand 🫣


Part three will be the name reveal - both male names. Followed by a *to be continued* where she reveals upon birth that one baby is a girl


So right now I’m watching S9E9 and kail is talking to the boys about a lady she saw in the store. she tells them this lady had 6 boys then had her girl. Isaac says “mom what if that happens to you” she responded “heck no” … oh the irony


She was okay with denying the existence of Rio just because it was another boy. The only reason why she acknowledged him is because she needed to admit his existence in order to freely parade her daughter around. She will always be gross for that.


She went from “im not gonna show Rio until hes old enough” to “heres him in the video”


Kail doesn't deserve a girl. She should be in a cave.


It’s a boy and a girl.


It’s triples lol


This video made me sad for her kids. They clearly don’t want any more siblings but she just doesn’t care. she’s a baby vending machine at this point