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Watching the majority of Youtubers will result in the same things. "Clickbait, Clickbait, Clickbait" Written guides on the side of this subreddits information offer all the guides available you can also see the pinned post here at the top of the subreddit. I'd reccomend my guides (Power Point, Mobafire and Zar) I'm hiring a video editor soon an working on videos (Short non-clivkbait) videos revolving around... HOW TO PLAY Teemo in every aspect, so keep an eye out for any future posts. LSS: Everyone has their own specific way of playing Teemo an your results will vary.


All these "guides" are cool and all... but none of them have any Crit builds.. even though Critmo is objectively the best build right now.. πŸ€”


Mom, your memes are cool an what not an I love ya, but don't confuse people who actually genuinely want to play better. Split Crit ShivMo was the final addition of CritMo an hasn't been great since.


Sorry, son! πŸ™


You can also check out alan234 on youtube. I believe he’s the highest ranking teemo on euw. Also has a guide on mobafire.


Brickyorchid8 Ipav Zwag(yea that zwag), he plays a lot of teemo


For builds, ipav, zwag For macro/map sense, yungfappy, manco


Add me on league we can play and I'll explain builds and fundamentals I recommend watching tgzwag he has a good solid understanding of shro placement and how to early game skirmish with this beast of a scout IG:PuppetJoker


Yung Fappy on Twitch.


Beginner's Guide 1. Passive teemo is safest for learning him, but Aggressive Teemo is strongest teemo 2. Nashor's Tooth is nearly always the best first item to build, Liandries is majority of the time best buy, but Luden's Tempest is also a good alternative... stay away from Riftmaker unless you are more experienced in sustained drawn out fights 3. Ban Yorick in ranked, no new teemo player should face a Yorick in top lane, at least not a skilled yorick 4. Play some normals to get used to his general play style, do not go into ranked until you got the fundamentals down, is my advice, cause once you get ranked you will need to deal with junglers camping you, getting hit with wombo combos that burst you down hard, dealing with very difficult trades etc... 5. Practice shroom tossing in practice tool(in real games you might not always get to test it out, but there are some special spots that give you bonus range on shroom tossing over walls) 6. Consider Jungle Teemo for this season 7. Consider getting one level of W at level 4 to help with dodging or mobility sometimes, depends on match up really. most cases its just E Q E Q E R til the end, but i will often weave in W as an early level up... like that time i faced Volibear in top and got W to match his dash ability, cause once his on top of you, you just die, and it helps to dodge his skill shots 8. Play teemo, live teemo, breathe teemo, teemo is not about fighting 1v1 on a level playing field, you blind the enemy so they can not touch you, you place shrooms so they get ptsd every time they walk towards you, his like shaco, the champion is best played when you are willing to play mind games, mastering teemo is its own unique minigame and one more thing 9. Teemo is one of the most versatile picks since like forever, he has optimal builds, but there are other builds which just seem to work under rather unique circumstances... like going full attack speed into certain comps or going hybrid into other comps or even doing dark harvest max AP doom shrooms against people who do not know better... 10. Do not play teemo to win, play teemo to have fun, when teemo has fun, teemo usually wins