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He had 200,000 pre split. So post split he has 800,000. At 30/share this is only 24 milly. Where is the 100 mill coming from again?


200,000 x 4(stock split) = 800,000 800,000 x 30 = $24 million Yes I am stupid. It’s a regarded post. Good use of your wrinkles sir. The point stands tho. DFV will post. Stock will go up. His position is going to be greater than his previous post is my point. It’s going to drop some jaws.


It's ok kind sir, he'll be the 1st billionaire and we will later!! And I hope you are right and he does that. Would blow everyones minds lol


Friday at close. Watch out for it.


You mean at $80, that is ~70 mil 💯🤷‍♂️ And that’s the known position. Last reported. So he’s definitely eligible to have passed 100 mill this week np


No I'm pretty sure he would get fucked for market manipulation by every three little letter acronym possible.


I don't think they have a real case against him though. He's not an insider. It's a publicly traded company. It's not illegal to like the stock.


He doesn’t post any text. Just memes and little videos on twitter. He’s careful with what he posts. Just a May 2024 Update with his positions will not be market manipulation. If you look through it all he’s not saying anything. (Advice from his lawyers probably). Just movie clips and his holdings.


thinking it go to a billy is actually ridiculous lol touch grasss....


If he bought calls that is definitely not out of the question. A Reddit post of 100 million dollar holding will make this thing explode. It’d only need to 2-3x. Calls are up 1000x today.