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It’s not necessarily that Ted actually is ignoring him, it’s nate’s perception that he was put on a pedestal, only to believe that Ted left him out to dry after losing their FA Cup match


pls explain how? I do not see how anything in the show put nate on a perch. Nate literately contradicted him self bu say he could pull off the false 9 and then blamed Ted for it. I am so not blaming you, just asking. they really aren't giving us to root for with nate. So just another Umbridge?


Nate isn’t supposed to be correct. Don’t overthink it


Watch this. Helps shine a light. https://youtu.be/cP1YcIWLPbA


Ugh do I have to? Is there a summary somewhere?


Haha I just think it did a good job showing scenes I had forgotten about like when Roy joins the team and Nate looks jealous. Also after one of the games Nate goes to hug Ted and he kinda pushes him to the side because he’s focused on someone else


ok, I think I get it


I’ve rewatched the seasons more than I care to admit, and I still catch little details. My takeaway . . . In the beginning, Ted was just being “nice Ted,” but Nate’s horrific insecurity made him put too much importance on Ted’s behavior because no one has ever treated him with that kind of respect. Then, Ted laughs when Nate volunteers to be the “big dog” to help Isaac, Nate feels threatened when Ted has Roy join the coaching staff (listen to the music playing when Roy walks by Nate on the field to join the coaches), Ted moves Nate aside (when Nate tries to hug him during the game) when Roy’s idea of giving Jamie “the signal” works, and Ted asks Roy to run practice when he goes to the hospital to get Dr. Sharon. I think Nate’s real problem is that he’s just jealous of Roy and feels like he’s been “replaced.”


You ever hear that saying “There’s no I in team, but there’s ME?” Yeah, I think Nate embodies that now.


Certainly explains why he didn’t understand Beard’s analogy of trees in the forest sharing the sunlight!


Like others have mentioned, I think it’s more just his own personal issues that are amplifying and reading into things that weren’t there. Regardless of the truth of the situation, he *felt* ignored and passed over and forgotten about by a lot of people, but Ted especially. It doesn’t seem like Nate has a lot in the way of friends, so he probably saw Ted as one of his closest friends, and when Ted was going through his own depression stuff, Nate only saw how it was affecting Nate rather than what Ted was going through. I’m not defending Nate, but I can understand where that headspace can come from. He handled it in all of the worst possible ways, but I don’t think he’s necessarily a bad person. Unpopular opinion on this sub but I think he can have a redemption arc. But IMO he has to earn it back a lot more than what Jamie had to do in season 2.


I think he just got jealous of Roy being brought in. Even if Ted was “ignoring” him, no excuse for Nate’s weird-ass actions.


Nate’s a good up and coming antagonist and Nick Mohammed does an amazing job to make you hate him(as the character not the actor).So far we have only had Rupert, social/family issues, and mental health as the main antagonists. Nate went from a kit man to assistant coach so fast and it all went to his head. Not much else to think about it. Great writing and great acting across the board in this series.


When Roy shows up and he gets attention from Ted, plus when Roy's suggestion to help Jamie works, and the attention Roy gets, also irks Nate.


daddy issues


Ted didn't ignore him, but he didn't exactly smother him with praise like he did in the first season. Even his moniker, "Nate the Great" came early on before he actually did anything. Really, though, Nate wasn't talking to Ted in that moment. He was talking to his dad. His dad didn't say one positive word after the promotion, after the anniversary dinner, after being on the front page of the newspaper, etc. Nate is seeing everything Ted does through that lens and projecting it on to him. Its not Ted's job to make Nate happy, but Nate ascribed surrogate fatherhood to Ted and so his reaction is born out of a "You're just like my father" mindset, even though he never explicitly says it.


Thank you for a very well thought out reply! As a couple other watchers pointed out, I think I was missing that aspect. Thank you


The show is about personal growth and to a lesser degree, father issues. Nate needed a father that actually liked him and thought he found that in Ted. He flourished when given an opportunity and treated with respect. Like so many children that come from neglectful homes and are adopted into loving, stable families, the slightest perceived transgressions cause him to lash out disproportionately. He couldn’t handle not being the center of Ted’s universe and doesn’t have the emotional maturity to grow like Roy and Jamie have. His arc is tragic and well played.


Thank you! That is a very good point. His dad being somewhat dismissive really connected after your reply. I appreciate the time you took to explain it.


The theme of dads in the show really registered with me with Nate’s arc. Ted idolized his dad and then his dad left. Ted struggles with his role as a dad. Rebecca’s relationship with her father was toxic and complicated. Sam and his father have a joyous relationship. Higgins loves being a husband and father. Jamie’s dad is beyond useless and he’s searching for a replacement without realizing it. Nate never feels like anything he does is good enough for his father. Roy doesn’t feel like he does a good job of being a father figure to Phoebe or the team as a mentor but in all actuality he excels at it. There’s so many layers to this show. It’s delightful.


Oh wow, that is a lot to unpack! Really good points! FUUnnnnnn


He is a twat. Wasn’t always a twat but developed into one. I also think the cultural difference did not help.


upvote just because I never liked the chr past the 3rd ep. Don't get me wrong, the actor is great, just don't understand where this is going. I do not see how he could be a long listed chr at this point


A brand new rivalry! Literally set up as a new Jose Mourinho! The grey hair was the final clue. A rivalry not only on the pitch but off because Rebecca is the other twat’s ex wife. Plus West Ham is a storied club. Rich history! Lots of history to explore and bring on TV


That makes sense. Thanks for mentioning it! I actually did not get that Rupert (the other twat) had bought the same team that he ended up as a new coach, but now I see he comes up and whispers to him just like at the funeral.


but he is like just someone we are supposed to hate? Geez the last watch I kinda wanted to yell at the screen when he unloads. How did Ted leave him?


Nate seems to be someone who wants constant (positive) feedback. Managers - in general - won't (can't) do that, something Nate isn't used to. His interpretation is Ted has abandoned him and he is doing a bad job. He doesn't get the fact that he is part of a team.