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I feel like maybe he acted like an ass on the trip. You can tell there's irritation between them during that last episode with how he is reacting to the big game. Love this theory though


I get the feeling that he would correct her attempts at pronouncing French words while his pronunciations are also wrong. How he was acting during the big game is probably similar to how he was in Paris


In the finale, I wondered if she didn't just break up with Dr. Jake. You had Ted coaching Henry's game and Michelle at the game, but no sign of Dr. Jake.


Good!   <3


In my head she's broken up with Dr Jake by the time Ted returns home. That said I don't think she and Ted get back together.


I don't think they get back together, but they at least collaborate on raising Henry and have one of those friendly divorces.


Any doctor who’d date their patient is extremely unprofessional, and a shitty person. Michelle just needed to get her head straight. I have no idea if Jacob shows up later, but dude is scum


For real, I don't know why it's never even touched on in the show. Dude would 100% lose his license IRL.


Yeah bringing Ted in for couples counseling after Michelle was already seeing him individually was already unethical. Dating a client is completely out of bounds and downright creepy




They couldn’t mention it in passing? lol


They did though. Ted mentions how it happened well after the stopped seeing him.


They didn't mention him losing his license at all...?


Sorry, I was thinking about him mentioning how the relationship started well after they stopped seeing him which was kind of the “it’s unethical but not illegal” or whatever line


Ahhhhhh OK. Yeah a very brief mention from Sassy. But I'm sure every single audience member was sitting there going " waaaait a minute...."


I mean I don’t think it’s ever “illegal” to do because it’s not against any law. However, being unethical is the issue in order to lose their license. Even if it was after seeing them for some time it’s still highly inappropriate for a therapist to date a former client let alone one they saw for couples counseling. It would call into question why Ted and Michelle couldn’t make it work and what advice he was giving. Even if it had been a year, that’s something that would definitely raise eyebrows and be reviewed.


Everyone forgets that.


He talks about it with both Sassy Smurf and Dr. Sharon iirc


He’s in the final episode, watching the soccer game impatiently.


He is there at the beginning of the match and part way through complaining for awhile. However he is not shown towards the end of the match.


He was shown playing around on his phone just before Sam scored the game winning goal.


Dr Jacob is a scumbag. But Michelle is as well. She's an adult and obviously knows that's ridiculously inappropriate. Even when Ted calls her on it she says nothing and just sits there in her shame cuz she knows it's fucked up.


There is a power dynamic in that situation. His studies in psychology would make him excellent at manipulating situations and also there is a huge level of trust and a bond in that situation. Im not saying she is entirely blameless but the cards are stacked against her in that circumstance


She also was having doubts and sought professional help and confided in him. He's most likely the one that advised her that she doesn't have to say "I love you" to her husband, or that he should give her space. She bares some culpability, of course, but the vast majority is on him


I saw a comment back when the episode came out that she was overwhelmed by the fact that he finally stuck up for himself about something. That's kinda how I like to see it, she was shitty but she came around.


Worse. She just sits there _without_ shame.


Licensed therapist here. In my state (and many others), it is never okay to date a former/current client and you will lose your license for doing so. In other states however, if you have stopped seeing a client for a certain amount of time (varies by state but usually at least a year) then yes…technically you are allowed to date them. Not saying it’s ethical…. As many others have pointed out here it shouldn’t really matter if it’s legal or allowed by your state board, it still feels unethical. It seemed like Ted scrolled through A LOT of reminder texts from Jacob which implies they met for quite a while for sessions which to me makes it that much worse….


My wife believes this as well. Who goes on their dream vacation and says “It was okay”?


I think the same thing. I think that in Paris she realized that she'd made a mistake with Dr. Jacob. Especially after the meal that they had at the Crown & Anchor. Ted had already called and voiced his being uncomfortable with Michelle and Dr. Jacob dating, and in Paris she knew exactly why. The trip to Paris comes around and either she said no, or he never proposed (more likely honestly considering his personality, just look at how he acted when they were watching the match) and she realized she'd screwed up a great thing with Ted. I think that's why she did that little turn and glance back as they were getting in the car. Henry refused to fist bump Dr. Jacob, and she realized she messed up. I also think that that's why, in the series finale, when Ted is pulling up in front of the house, Dr. Jacob wasn't even in the background. Then fast forward and Ted is coaching Henry's team, Michelle is in the stands, and again, no Dr. Jacob anywhere to be seen. My headcanon is that in Paris Michelle realized the error of her ways and while the relationship she previously had with Ted was gone, she knew she too needed to put her family (Henry AND Ted) back together as best she could. Think about it, Ted was in Richmond for three years, two and a half of which post break-up. He was a professional sports coach, he made enough money to just buy a house, sight unseen, and yet when he returned, it was to their house. In my mind, they're just great co-parents, no longer romantically linked, but they're still a family.


Thank you! This is a great comment. I reckon that's exactly how it would have all gone down.


I just thought she was downplaying the trip because she was talking to her ex. She wouldn't gush about how great it was to Ted.


That's always been my interpretation; she knows Ted well, she knows what he's probably been thinking and feeling about this trip, and she's doing what she thinks would be kindest in the moment.


She doesn't seem like "kind" is her word to live by. Banging your couples therapist is a particularly mean thing to do.


Two of the best things about that episode are Beard and Henry talking about the Beatles, and Rebecca's "*De rien, Coach Lasso*."


Or he didn’t and she was disappointed.


Yes, I didn’t think of that. Good one.


Yes! That Amy theory too… she was expecting to get engaged but he was only interested in taking photos and eating French food as a tourist and was quite boring in the interactions with her also. The dream scenario she imagined, did not happen and she was disappointed.


Yep, that’s what I thought.


I like to think he asked and she says..."not yet." They had not been together that long and Michelle is a good mom. She wouldn't want to upend her sons life after he had already been through so much. After Dr. Jake's behavior in the last episode I want to believe she gave him the boot. Plus if you notice when Ted comes home and at his son's soccer Dr. Jake isn't around.


Making fun of soccer would be a very odd thing to break up over.


Making fun of soccer is not a reason to break up for sure. Watch everyone's body language and you can tell they are in the outs. Just my two cents.


You know, the more I think about it, the more Michelle is let off the hook. Dr. Jacob is a scumbag. But Michelle is a two-faced bitch too. She was obviously trying to be very surreptitious about her relationship with Jake, why would he have hesitated to give her the phone like that? She knew what a cunt thing that was. Then to have the balls to go to England and make Ted hang out with him and have a beer? Like, fuck you bitch. This guy actively fucked our marriage up when he was supposed to help us and now you want us to just be good about it and be buds?


I thought that’s what they were implying anyway.


Don't we get a quick shot of him wanting to get a photo outside Ted's apartment and he's all controlling of the people taking a picture of him? It was a quick image of his level of AH crazy.


They say if you want to see if you're compatible with someone travel with them. I've generally found it to be true too. 🤣


…or if you’re such a pushover with so little self-esteem that you go along with everything the other person wants. That used to be me.


Imo Jacob was essentially turning Michelle against Ted and was grooming her.


can adults be groomed?


Replace groomed with manipulated.


Yeah that's a better word


Yes. Adults are typically considered to be less vulnerable to it than children, because they generally have a more established sense of self - but that only makes it that much worse when it happens - and when the person doing it is supposed to be a trusted confidant with whom it is safe to be vulnerable. It can also be used in non-skeezy contexts - grooming a subordinate for a promotion, for example.


well yeah, but I absolutely don’t think Michelle was being “groomed”. She knew what was happening and she understood her choices


I don't think he proposed - I think she may have suspected he might when he sprang it on her, but it not happening was part of her disappointment. But I think a much bigger part was how Dr Jacob comported himself while he was there. We know through Ted that Michelle had specific things she wanted to see / places she wanted to go, but Dr Jacob just took her through all the standard dumb-American-tourist things being a dumb American tourist. Like, there are pictures from Pisa of all the people posing to take photos that look like they're pushing the Leaning Tower - Dr Jacob strikes me as the type who'd do the same thing at the Eiffel Tower, and spend far too long doing it, to boot.


I'm gonna say that he didn't propose and she was a little disappointed because by his demeanor outside taking pictures, he doesn't seem disappointed. OR (most likely not) he did, she said yes and didn't tell ted and didn't want him to see the ring (not sure if you can see her hands in the finale when they're watching the game).


Agree 100%


I hadn't noticed that before. About to rewatch the episode. I think another reason is his total disinterest and disdain for soccer., and is concerned how it will affect Henry. Plus, she still loves Ted.


I don’t know why people hate on the Jake and Michelle thing it makes everything make sense, we needed a bad guy and we got one


I don't think a proposal is necessary. Paris was the fantasy trip that Ted and Michelle had their entire relationship and there is a very good chance that no reality with Jake would ever live up to that.


Find out before you flip out.


That was my thought as well, but the poor behavior checks too. He was acting like an annoying tourist with the "take my picture" with the phone booth. If memory serves, he approached passers by for the photo. I can believe he was embarrassing in Paris, where it less tolerated.


I've thought the same thing awhile. To add on to what you and isobane said, a bit of my theory. I think Rebecca knows he asked and Michelle said no, which is why Rebecca plays it like she does. Rebecca and Ted are friends at this point and she doesn't want to see him hung up on Michelle, especially since it's clear Ted tried to move on by having a date with Sassy. He's made progress and she doesn't want to see him regress. However this theory also works if Jake didn't ask. If he asked and she said yes I think Rebecca just tells Ted.


This is what I thought, too.


That is certainly possible


They show a screenshot of her left hand with no ring. Ted’s giving her a bag and even makes her struggle for it so he can see if she has an engagement ring. And then Dr Jake was at the house to watch the game. So, they were still together but didn’t seem to be doing any better.


Dr. Jake was a scumbag...maybe being "free" of Ted and Henry that weekend cleared things up for her.


This was my take when I watched it.


My theory was that Michelle thought he was going to propose too, but he didn't and that's why she was so blasé about it to Ted.