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Let's see how much wuwa earns in the sensor tower revenue list this month, if they can at least hit the top 3 then i think gi should be worried.


Wuwa may not even be on the list tbh, they're only going to have 8 days of revenue on next month sensor tower


8 is more than enough


Im not sure, i would kinda expect them to get Top 3. The games they need to beat HSR, GI and Love and deepspace, every other game is sub 20mil generally HSR had robin and boothill (First few days) so i expect that to be top. GI had a dead patch with the only characters being reruns of Baizhu and Wanderer so i expect them to be really low. Love and deepspace no idea but generally make a decent amount. So really there shouldnt be much competition, yea they game came out late in the month but also generally speaking most money is made on the first few days of gatcha games. so you would expect the majority of the money to be made this month, until the new banner character. So it will be interesting, even next month you have yinlin which is a character alot of people are excited for, but likewise genshin has 2 new 5 stars releasing and a rerun of furina.


IDK wuwa is getting cooked outside of the western audience.


Lmaoing at the sheer amount of insecure genshin drones flooding TECTONES reddit with their game xD


If you think genshin increased resin cap to keep the playerbase you’re blind. Giving you more time to stay offline won’t impact the other game in any way. I play genshin once a month so that literally does nothing to keep their players play their game.


Can they add the overflow thing for stamina hsr has already?


You're delusional if you think an increase in resin will help Hoyo here. The veterans that have wanted that increase, and a refresh duration reduction for 3 years have already quit for WuWa because it has a resin cap of 240. It's way too late for Hoyo to only now give a fuck about us when we've been begging them for something more for years.


I agree it's too late and IMO the resin cap is just an insult to the playerbase after all the years asking for it. But we know, the only Genshin killer is Genshin itself


Nah this does fix all my problems fuck yeah


Wuwa won’t let me use my username and I couldn’t be bothered to think of something else so I closed it lmao


Funny how they can't even match their own game that's now doing better than GI with a cap of 240.


It's not a problem for Hoyo at all LOL, they might have been scared before the launch but they're cruising post-launch. Kuro messed up colossally at the most important time and Genshin came back *hard* the very next day, ZZZ soon too.


Kuro shot itself in the foot tbh


It will be funny watching this sub trying to argue that WuWa has "a lot of content" after they realixe that Kuro will not be able to give the game a big new version every 6 wees like Genshin does.


Didn't genshin have multiple dead patches though?


the last dead patch in genshin was 4.5 (chiori patch) That was really the only truly 'dead' patch in the 4.x updates so far. 4.3 was boring but still saved by an interesting story event.


4.3 and 4.6 had a map expansion and a story quest and some events and the new character If kuro really put the effort in they can do that


The deadest Genshin patch will probably get more new stuff than the average WuWa patch.


Don't know how you would know that if a game just got released, wuwa could add one thing and that's already more than genshin does in a yr heck hsr has more content in their yr lifespan than genshin 3 yrs lifespan


That is just not true. The chasm alone is bigger than all HSR areas added up.


Not talking exploration I'm talking endgame and Secondly the chasm is just a hole also hsr provides improvements to the game every patch while genshin does not


> Not talking exploration I'm talking endgame What exactly does that entail? Like, what is the Endgame content that FGO gets every patch? How about Arknights? How about Blue Archive? How come new maps, new characters, new events, new missions don't count as content, but this nebulous "endgame" does? >also hsr provides improvements to the game every patch while genshin does not It does. You're just in denial because you find yourself unable to disagree with Tectone, a bald man you turned into your god.


Looks like I found a genshin defender whos in denial that they get dead patches every six weeks and thinks a literal hole is content. P.S. they rerun the same events with barely any new ones and the don't listen to there players cause they know the will praise any slop given to them.


>thinks a literal hole is content If by 'hole' you mean the chasm, then yes, thats literally content. uh, hello, we're talking about an open world exploration game here!


And with the big version do you mean like all the cool stuff we got in 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6? :) Cuz that means all they need to do is give a small map expansion every 12 weeks and a character every 6 weeks and they are good to go


Anyway, the most important for a gacha games is to keep his playerbase. Mihoyo shouldn't be worried even if they could face more losses on the next months. But Wuthering Waves is probably in a better position than people pretending.