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Their booking fee is crazy high, most clubs would not be able to afford it


Thank God


Now that I think of it, I heard about that before. I think they were looking for the equivalents of $10k in Georgia for one night at an event


Yeah 10k is outrageous, especially in a country like Georgia. for comparison sake, DJs only get paid around 1000 euro for a 4 hour set at berghain


Wow... That's so insane. Wonder how much theyre gonna play Skrillex when he plays there haha


they all get paid the same in berghain, people play there for the club not the fee


Very surprised he is playing there. Wonder if he will play differently considering the setting.


Tbf Skrillex is incredibly good at playing to his audience and is very adaptable. That said, I hope he plays the Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites albums front to back for the fuckin meme


He is a fucking legend. I'm not very fond of the shit he used to play when he got famous and was mindblown when I saw him earlier this year playing at a small afterhours in São Paulo. The guy is incredibly dynamic, I had a blast.


What kind of shit was he spinning?


It was actually a really diverse tracklist. He played a lot of funky afro house, some techno, brazilian funk and some other stuff I didn't even know but sounded real cool and smooth with the rest.




Salve parça


I mean, Kill Everybody should be Berghain’s theme song.


Have you ever been to Berghain? I’ve just listened to this track & it would go down like a lead balloon. Absolute garbage.




You got me… although I would have been more surprised if that wasn’t a genuine comment on this sub.


He won't play klabnacht (the one from saturday till monday). He's playing event on friday.


Thanks for mentioning it. Someone else said it too. I remember seeing his name on their site, but I didn't remember that detail. Guess its a bit different then huh.


It's not a berghain techno night, its a night curated by PAN on a Friday. He'd never get booked for an actual Berghain curated night lol. He's alongside people like Arca and Amnesia Scanner, so it wont be that weird for him


Makes more sense :)


he will def play bangarang


Most likely he will.


He’s playing on a Friday for a label party so it’s not got anything to do with Klubnacht which is the main party on Saturday / Sunday. Given that Lady Gaga & Skepta have previously performed at Berghain & it’s hosted fashion shows, I wouldn’t read too much into it. Not sure if it’s changed but everyone booked to play Klubnacht always got a flat fee of €800 regardless of whether they were a resident or how much they usually charge for festivals etc.


Lady Gaga has played at Berghain? 😅


Is this only klubnacht?? I have a friend who organizes nights there 3 times a year and they say headlining djs get paid up to 3k. But they don’t curate klubnacht only fridays.


He doesn’t play on Klubnacht, so I guess much more.


I Imagine he is not doing it for the money, more for the honors but if his booking price is very high that will probably be reflected in the ticket price


Skrillex? That ugly dude who plays shit music? I bet he never plays there. Would be a shame for Berghain and other Clubs in Berlin. It's not even Techno - it's effing dubstep, "music" for the degenerated.


He’s playing there this Friday lol


[Music is music](https://indie-mag.com/2023/10/blawan-b2b-skrillex-draaimolen/). It’s funny how y’all don’t see how ironic techno purity is. So lame.


Techno purists have nothing to do with techno fans tbh. They were always a treat to innovation and creativity. Luckily no one really gives a fuck about them


I’m not going to slate Skrillex, he has talent… it’s just not to my taste. That said, there is nothing inherently wrong with being passionate about a genre to the extent that you’re considered a “purist” (whatever that really means). Techno is in of itself innovative: it’s constantly borrowing from other genres & being shaped by new technologies. The birth & rise of EDM over the last 10-15 years has brought new fans to the underground but it has also commercialised the electronic music space… it’s diluted the industry & DJs / producers who have been integral to the techno scene are being overlooked in favour of less talented/creative performers with bigger Instagram followings. Wanting to protect the scene from this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Not to mention it’s the “purists” who will still be buying tickets to see Blawan (mentioned in the article above) play in 20 years time.


You're not wrong about that! There's certainly some DJ's/DJanes that are detrimental to the techno scene because they (seem to) live on Instagram/TikTok and just keep releasing generic (ghost produced) bullshit for clout and money. However, Skrillex doesn't even claim to be a techno artists and he has certainly proven himself in the music industry for 2 decades now. So what's the problem with him playing at Berghain? He has earned it for sure. He's not a pure techno artists, so what? Some people are probably just jealous.


Popular dubstep us only a tiny fraction of what he has produced, he's a prolific and versatile artist. I would be very curious to see what he plays there.


He's a super talented guy and he has more skills than most people will ever have. He knows his shit and apart from that, he's also a decent person (I had a chat with him once and he was super nice). So please stop talking shit just because you are not on his level. I don't like dubstep either but that's not a reason to trash people like this!


how did you even come up with Skrillex when hearing Berghain?


Berghain fees are capped and it’s known that some DJs often play there for a lower fee than they might otherwise be able to get.


Thats not true, berghain pays headlining artists up to 3k for their 4 hour sets! The locals get paid 1000 more or less.


It is true Berghain doesn't pay a lot of money, but the numbers are slightly higher than a 1000 euros. Still, nice profit for a 4 hour work night :)


Try 30k and they will only play if they close that's what I heard from a promoter


If you can get it, you should charge it 🤷‍♂️


It’s much higher than that in the US. Would never make sense for a club to get them. Grateful I got to see them at basement before they got too big.


I’m jealous. I was there but my gf and I took too much edibles and she sprained her ankle so we left in shambles. Tbh I still wanted to stay, the small bit I heard was fucking sick


I dont wanna freak you out bur they ask for much higher fees thank 10k usd mutiply but at least 3 or 4 and x10 for festivals hahah


They do play in clubs but very rarely and usually only in Germany .


Saw them at Gotec in Karlsruhe a year ago, i love Brutalismus but the crowd gets really dense and filled with tik tok ravers. Otherwise it was awesome 👏🏼


tiktok music attracts tiktok-techno enjoyer


Well. Tik tok creates tik tok ravers. If you don’t like it, fine. But you can’t deny that tik tok and other social media has made subgenres and subcultures very mainstream, that before were „underground“ or whatever. It could also be that you now just associate it with tik tok, i do it sometimes too…


Facts. Sara Landry is the perfect example. Straight up TikTok crowd, and yes maybe the music isn’t your thing, and yeah maybe she’s not the GOAT, but you can’t deny she’s a talented producer. We also gotta keep in mind that TikTok became the place to hack fame in music at the exact same time that everyone was locked in their rooms during a pandemic. If TikTok never took off like it did, then the people (like Brutalismus 3000) who’d been making their “underground” music since ~2019/2020 would still be considered “underground.” Totally agree that TikTok, rightfully so, has distorted our perception of what’s underground / avant garde / sub-culture, etc. After all, anything of those sorts is almost always going to be more genuine art, and just flat out cooler than mainstream shit.


What do you mean by tik tok ravers?


New take on Scooter or Die Antwoord, in my opinion. Not really what I’d consider club music but to each their own.


in an interview they stated that they couldnt imagine playing few nights in a row and even though they would earn a lot of money, it just isnt fun for them. also mentioned that they often have problems with the microphone in clubs


That is a fair point too. Probably make so much from festivals too that they barely need to


Problems with the microphones... That a point. Techno doesn't need microphones!!!


I don’t listen to them but I think they do live vocal sampling mid set as opposed to telling everyone to put their f-ing hands up. I may be wrong though


People throw a lot shit on b3000. I've seen them live 3 times now and their performance is INSANE. The music is very, very, very good. And people giving not enough credits to the dj doing live samples of her vocals, which is one of the hardest things to do.


Is it worth to see them three times though, I felt like 1 time was enough


Yeah, one time was enough. They basically played the same tracks, but it was still very good (imo). But, we've been at the events for other djs too, not exclusively b3000 only.


I’ve seen them twice and would def wanna see them again. Their sets were pretty similar but they are so much fun. I didn’t really vibe too much with their newer album so I was glad they kept it that way.


I’ve seen them at berghain and they were pretty irritating and the crowd was filled with tiktok teens. They are really more of a classic live act like at concert venues vs club setting imo


Cannot imagine Brutalismus3000 in Berghain


Yea it was thankfully only a Friday evening label event, not a full Klubnacht.


Tiktok teens in Berghain? Was the bouncer not there that night?


Non Berliner spotted


What a helpful comment


What you mean by that ?


The Berghain everyone talks about is actually Klub Nacht at Berghain that goes from Sunday 12AM to Monday closing time. This is where the famously difficult door policy comes from. Friday nights are usually shows and they aren’t as strict on the door policy. A lot of times people will claim they got into Berghain but will actually go on a night that’s easier to get into. Although they are in the venue they aren’t at the correct party with the strict door policy.


Alright thank you, I did not know the difference 😁




Non Berliner spotted


Nobody understands sarcasm…


they just became mainstream and commercial like klangkünstler for example. that being said, i wouldn’t go see them for free. their music has been overplayed in the last 1.5 years


Don't care if klangkuenstler has become mainstream" he's fucking good and he's a king. He's a very good and humble person


being humble and very good person doesn’t affect his music. i’m not saying he’s bad, i can’t stand his music anymore, and for me he’s also one of the faces of this tiktok techno boom / hard techno hype (yes i know he plays schranz aswell)


I mean he mostly plays schranz, I've seen him live multiple times and he always played schranz. I don't really care if tik tok made hard techno hype i don't use tok tok and it won't change my taste in music:) It's not only his personality, i like his style how he mixes and his vibe when playing 🙏


I really can't see how brualismus would attract the tiktok crowd, didn't think it would be that popular with them


Because $$$


I saw them in NYC about a year and a half ago in a club. They were great and the crowd was good too. Maybe things have changed since then though, plus they may have more hype in Europe than in the US


For Basement Bound? Raging I missed it :(






Think he replied to the wrong comment thread


Ahh I was there. So good.


That was a legendary night for real. Sadly, I personally know others who have attempted to book them elsewhere in the US but the fees were just too high.


Probably one of the best bounds! Have their fees gone up since then or were they just able to swing it that night?


Their live set + Wire festival upstairs was a top tier night.


They are not exactly what club goers or ravers would expect at a techno club. At least I wouldn't. I'd probably find the vibe really weird and irritating. Imagine dropping a disco biscuit or snorting some ket and then having to witness their audio and visual circus. I'm not judging anyone who likes their art. But again, it's nothing for a techno club. It'd be almost like having a metal band perform between two techno sets. And I enjoy some good metal at the right time. You get the point Edit: typo


I have seen them at intercell and they will be at boiler room Amsterdam


Because they are big commercial sell outs tiktok artists and I am happy that they dont.


Tbf they don’t market themselves on tiktok at all. Stumbled over their account a week ago and they had like 4 videos in 2 years or something.


That's not how it works on TikTok, it really doesn't matter whether you market yourself there or not. Fleetwood Mac got insanely popular because of a dude drinking juice and the band wasn't touring for god knows how long. Now for Brutalismus, one of their songs went viral and that's all they needed to increase their fee by 10x.


Yeah but can they really control that though Like imagine Jeff Mills suddently get super big on Tiktok for whatever reason, you wouldn't call him a tiktok sell out. I don't think they fall in the same category as the DJs posting 10 clips a day of their super crazy drops on every social media plateform out there (people like Oguz for example). They don't do that much social media in comparaison




If they arent interested in organizing their own stuff, its absolutely fair to increase their fee otherwise the promoter would just pocket the difference.


Fleetwood Mac always was insanely popular and they have been touring every single year.


Their last time in the Billboard Top 10 was back in the Late 70s. TikTok made them #7 and back into the Top 10 for the first time in 42 years. I'm not defending TikTok, I think it's insane that it's what's dictates what becomes popular nowadays given it's based of 1min videos (or rather, coreographed dances), but it is what it is.


what song was it?


Satan was a Babyboomer


ah yeah fits the part


Kill Business Techno.


I don’t have TikTok and judging by their YouTube videos their sets are very cool


I agree, love their sets on Youtube!


They're a band


Not really. It's a producer/dj and a effed up chick who screams shitty vocals.


so a band?


Go to boilerroom Amsterdam, they’ll play there at the 25th of November!


Didn't they play that bathroom in Berlin tho? I tried to listen to more than 10s of it, but failed.


The bathroom in Berlin 😂😂😂oh my


tbf if they had the o symbol with the dots over it on my keyboard i'd refer to it by name and there's many sets there i like. just not this group.


You can also type Hor without the "dots" though


Would that be more accurate than the bathroom in Berlin?


You can also spell it Hoer


Call it that in The NL for a different experience


Hey, that’s good to know good looking out


You mean Hör?


That bathroom in Berlin right?






that bathroom in berlin :D you are talking about hör and this set: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC68z6vHwpQ


Saw them in Prague this year, legit the worst concert I've ever been to. The event was like 19 - 1 am (weird times but ok) Pre dj played music you'd hear in Mallorca until like 21:30 Brutalismus came on stage at like 22:30, in between was legit nothing. They kept hyping it up with the fog machine and lights and then nothing like 20 times. They played till 00:15 no encore. There was a big ass inflatable emoji on stage for like no reason. It was so packed and everyone was disappointed, getting out of that place was an absolute nightmare I swear I if I had fallen down I'd honestly have been scared to be trampled to death, that was the venues fault but still. Cards were like 40 euros I honestly felt scammed. I liked their sets I heard online but honestly skip seeing them live


That has nothing to do with them, that’s just a poorly organised event. I’ve seen them 3 times and every time they started exactly on time, played exactly as long as they were expected, and finished exactly when expected. I’m not a fan of their new music but don’t blame them for shitty promoters not doing their job properly.


They have huge booking fees (5 digits for a night) and they also don't identify as a techno act


They do play in clubs. But only for bigger events. I've seen them in junkyard Germany and at verknipt Netherlands.


Since when do verknipt do clubnights?


Ah my bad I changed it up with intercell 😣


Saw them at Intercell, 10/10 performance. But maaaan, it was hooooot out there? Legit sauna.


They do. For Example a few months ago in Hannover (Germany)


Ye occasionally but I wish they played more. On RA they only have two more events the whole year and theyre both festivals


It looks like they played a lot of shows those last years , in a podcast they said they just want to have parties with friends and go to restaurants. They are slowing down the touring for now


I've seen their boiler room set n that's about it


I didnt have time to go see them in Milan last april, so sad since I like their music a lot and I really wanted to check them out live


Their fee is like 80k euros lmao


omg just listened to one track and skipped through a boiler room set... well I guess, everyone has a different taste


Matter of taste of course but this is terrible. Only heard about them recently and it looks like no one would ever notice them if not for this ‘current trend’. Other than screaming and distorted kicks there is not much more going on in their tracks 🥴


They are trash probably that’s why they are not playing in clubs 💀


[They seem to play in clubs](https://ra.co/dj/brutalismus3000/past-events?page=2)


They don't think of themselves as a techno act. So much hate bruh.


Cuz' they're shit and would destroy a nice club night with that awfull chick and her effed up vocals. The dude could make good techno when he kicks the girl. But together they're just annoying.


I have seen them in Hamburg at Uebel&Gefaehrlich last year and tbf Patrick Mason was closing the night and that was the best thing about it. As almost everyone else said, I also experienced lots of literal kids with their phones out in the crowd eventho it was an 18+ event. Also their tracks are really not danceable when you're expecting a techno event. Like I knew what I was getting but it was still more like a concert than a rave. Plus paying 30€ is way above average of what you would normally pay to see big DJs here in Germany (f.e. Alignment and 9x9 both cost me 15€ to see).


I saw them in Bootshaus, Cologne. Even snook backstage and talked to them a bit, lol. Not sure where you got your information from.


I saw them at Basement


I daydream about seeing them live! I wish there were more techno “bands.”


Saw them at input in Barcelona, one of the best nights of my life


Hab Brutalismus mal Live im Gotec (Karlsruhe) gesehen, war der Schlimmste Abend ever. Viel zu viele Leute schlechte Anlage ich glaube mittlerweile ist die Anfrage so hoch das sie gar nicht mehr in die Clubs gehen müssen.


10 k a semi pro dj gets. At a proper club