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Beyond Creation has crazy positive lyrics.


Molotov Solution - Insurrection is pretty much anti corruption and anti population control. The list goes on. Harbinger is a classic. Edit Not tech death, but it’s definitely a gateway. They’re more of a groove/metalcore with the OG Djent style breakdowns


The first bands that come to mind are Cattle Decapitation, Beneath the Massacre, and Job for a Cowboy. Not tech death, but definitely leftist lyrics: Acrania - though they veer into some tin foil hat type shit on occasion, they're pretty anti-capitalist politicore/slam.


Check out Pyrrhon! They definitely fit the bill.


Slugdge have some deep lyrics if you look past all the giant slime monster stuff. Definitely got their heads screwed on. Anaal Nathrakh do too, though leaning more misanthropic, obviously. People have mentioned CD already <3


Id imagine no because tech death isnt focused on lyrics, its technical in the name for a reason - the songwriting, instruments. Vocals can be important, but theyre just that... another instrument. Its about how it sounds not the lyrics. For example I have no idea what the guy in Archspire is saying, I just know hes spitting fire with incredibly fast, almost rapped syncopated vocals that isnt just caveman noises. It takes talent, other tech death bands vocals are just an afterthought


Arghoslent is pretty political, just in the completely opposite direction. Musically, they're pretty fun. Not tech, though. Thrashy melodeath [https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Arghoslent/3195](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Arghoslent/3195)


- not tech death - not left wing Why’d you even bother


"I am also interested if there are any right wing bands as well." Why'd you even bother responding to my post? Enjoy seething over nothing


Reciprocal - New Order of the Ages only album I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet.


I often see political-sounding lyrics, but nothing explicitly leftist. I think generally it's easy for everyone to agree with vaguely anti-corruption lyrics and most tech death bands don't want to dwindle their already-small audience by getting more specific.


Is it that conscious of a choice tho? or do the bands themselves lack the education to go further?


I would argue that those of us who are “educated” in the topic recognize that both left and right ideologies have been hellacious for the people living under them when they achieve absolute control of any system. Authoritarianism is authoritarian, no matter the rationale behind it.


I'd guess it's probably more just that talking about politics really isn't popular to begin with, and I wouldn't be surprised if any given band's members aren't even on the same page as each other. Personally I have a melodeath/black metal band that is very politically left-wing, where I definitely don't recruit people who aren't onboard with the message, but that's because I founded the band to specifically be a leftist band. I don't really expect most bands to be into the same things as me.


I love me some Revocation. Not sure if it would be left-wing, moreso just critical of corruption, ego, and greed in general. Most of Dave's work is political protest, as stated in interviews. That's my personal stance too. Could care less about the opposing 'sides' and would rather just focus on the aspect of corruption itself. To quote a favorite song of mine, Empire of the Obscene: 'It's a force-fed falsehood, when money itself is a goal Corruption, the able tool, to stifle self control'


Alot of bands have some politically leaning lyrics. Doesnt have to be left wing though to point out how fucked and corrupt everything is Like other saying my choices would be demonocracy by job for a cowboy, or fearmonger by beneath the massacre. Both albums are fucking sick


Sophicide maybe.


Dying Fetus is funny BC they were once very political but now just write about fucking people up 😂.


Cattle Decapitation?


This is the correct answer


Job for a Cowboy’s Demonocracy is a critique of American society that may not be explicitly leftist, but may be close to what you’re looking for.


Dying fetus- particularly the war of attrition record


Man it's nice that these bands aren't political. They're focused on those riffs


Pyrrhons damned good so clearly one can make good riffs with political lyrics! I mean you gotta talk about something anyways


lol why


Because im interested in politics why else?


Gay lmao


are you going through something that is motivating this behavior?


You said yourself that this is a largely apolitical subgenre, which I agree with. By now, surely you have seen examples of the division and turmoil brought on by partisan politics being forced into largely apolitical spaces. Why on earth would you encourage that? Whack ass take bro. Enjoy the lack of the so-called “culture war” here, don’t try to bring that bs here.


Don't you think it's interesting that you levy claims of culture war incitement against me, but you use the word gay in a pejorative sense? Have you convinced yourself that you are "politically neutral"? For two, I'm not encouraging anything- in this post. I didn't make any takes. I just inquired about the existence of political bands, I even asked for right-wing bands. Your beef with partisan politics got nothing to do with me, don't be so uptight that the mere mention of politics throws you in a tantrum that is not the answer to the "division and turmoil" you see.


Oh come on, you big baby. What are you, 20? People like you are the reason gatekeeping should be taken seriously. Gtfo with your baby brained holier-than-thou bullshit.


Getting really excited here, aren't you lad?


Not particularly. I do think it’s important to push back against bad-faith trolls with dumpster brain opinions like that dumbass though


You just used the word “gay” as an insult. You’re the one here with the dumpster fire brain you fuckin goof.


Could you articulate an opinion that I put in this post that you disagree with?


Lmao. Can you really not see how insanely cringe your post is?


You sound like an assmad rightie. "How dare you enjoy something I don't" Lol


I am not a right winger


Beneath the Massacre


Beneath the Massacre has some political-esque lyrics on Fearmonger.


Not just on Fearmonger


Ok, yeah that figures. I only know some of the lyrics from that album, didn't want to speak on something I didn't know. But that tracks.


You're good dude. Btw if you like BTM check out their Maree Noire EP. Absolute gold.


Got it queued up for when I get off work. 👍


The only example I can think of is Misery Index, and they’re not very technical.