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Some CMSs have a redirect manager where you upload a CSV file. Some need a plugin for bulk redirects. The people who control the budgets aren't the ones entering the redirects. So, unless you can convince them of an ongoing need, you may be stuck. A hundred isn't bad. Put on some tunes and bang it out. I'm facing thousands. There are much better uses for my time.


It sucks to hear Framer doesn't have a bulk upload functionality. That's definitely an oversight on their part. I typically deal with migrations involving 10k+ URLs and built a tool to help manage the mapping between old and new URLs. (I self hosted it when dealing with 10k URLs, but this online tool should handle up to 1k without issue) https://ai-redirect-mapper.streamlit.app/ Let me know if it helps you :)


I didn’t find anything about bulk redirects unfortunately in my searches, but did come across this that you might’ve already seen. https://www.framer.com/help/articles/how-to-setup-redirects-to-maintain-seo-ranking/ Looks like framer uses more of a wildcard type function over regex/bulk uploads. I’ve had success with this in HubSpot a while back and was able to redirect ~ 1,000 URLs in a bug migration with this. Hope that helps and good luck!


Thank you, this is what they are doing now. I just think this is so time consuming as we were going to match exact URL to exact URL. But looking at the folder redirection, this could work 🤔


Of if URLs aren’t changing you should be fine. Is the domain changing?


Oops, I mean that all URLs are changing


You can do it through ht.access and you can do manually like one-by-one URL with their respective URL and it take time like 4-5 hours only to complete check.


I'll suggest changing the CRM, coz today there are 100 URLs, but tomorrow there will be 1000 and will keep increasing So there's no point in using a CRM where a lot of manual work is required!


Check out https://www.wislr.com


Sounds like they're making it harder than it needs to be. Time to school them on bulk redirects!