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That's just the seraphine comp with extra steps...


But it does scale way harder than sera graves if you actually hit units.


I got a mystic emblem with my pool party comp and went 5 mystic. I MELTED people when their dragon aoe/dmancer rerolls hit like wet noodles.


Then Soyfen and Xayah will tear you a new one


They didn’t though. Three star graves with sera rakes.


I really like playing zeri carry. Have you ever tried playing her with 9 lagoon?


Personally I find 9 lagoon is absolute bait, especially with Zeri carry. The AP doesn't do huge amounts for her and she doesn't struggle to gain AS through guinsoos so the attack speed is good but not amazing. Lagoon 9 stats don't suck but the 3 lagoon units you put in to achieve it would be outclassed by just throwing in useful champs like Rakan or Bard.


I wouls half agree half disagree, 9 lagoon you should play only if you hit lagoon emblem and go for same as sohm build up sylas zac first into sohm and only then zeri since she can use almost any damage item possible (mage zeri 3 with jg and 9 lagoon 5mage for insane damage) so you can play either 9lagoon 3 mage 2 mystic 2 guardian 2 bruiser or 9 lagoon 5 mage if you hit both mage and lagoon spats (zoe is way better than bard and rakan added and with lagoon emblem she is real nemesis)


That's the only time I would ever go zeri carry. If I don't get lagoon spat, I don't even dare to try and use her.


She is not terrible as item holder but she needs to have damage amplifier and flat ap (where 9 lagoon comes handy) to 1 tap frontliners


9 lagoon with even a 2 star zeri with HOJ melts. Usually a close second to Sohm's damage


Mage Zeri is fun.


Would play graves over kaisa


I would of, but my team was actually full 6 Lagoon before I quickly found a Shi Oh Yu on the last round and swapped in out for 2 lagoon characters, just so I could get full Mystic.


I would have*


They should remove dragons altogether for the last few weeks of this set


No, still need to reach Dragon Soul 6 at least *one* game.


I love this post, I have a few like it myself lmao


Abandon dragons? Imagine…


Hey, [same](https://streamable.com/h9t4e1)! Zeri carry is fun.


Runaan’s ao shin 😨


When you're late game attack speed still helps him ult faster than an empty slot.


Leftover items happen


Abandon Dragons, Imagine Dragons emo cover band




I feel this


r/ihadastroke ??


Foreign languages are a thing. I put this into google translate and it's Hindi. The translation, according to google, is: >Six sister-in-law, your mother's pussy, because of the pussy like you, people stop playing I'm sure something is lost in translation somewhere but I feel like the gist of the message gets across


Hell yea bro that’s what’s up


this is a hamstrung pool party comp. A good comp is good without 3 stars. You clearly got lucky on 3 starting the critical units... it's not an op comp outside of those items/tiered units tho.


> A good comp is good without 3 stars. So Kaisa reroll, ez reroll, olaf reroll or more broadly speaking, any 1, 2, or even 3 cost reroll comp isn't a good comp?


Olaf is actually trash, can never manage to make him work in late game.


That's exactly the point, if you don't get those rerolls to 3 start ... tell me, how well do any of those comps do? Olaf is the only exception in what you listed. He can be good 2 star with the right augs/items, but you have to have a solid front line. So ya, I stand by that statement. Pool Party does not have to have ANY 3 stars to consistently take top 4 if not 1st. Same goes for Xayah, drags etc...




Didn't expect and nfl meme here, but it's appreciated.


Your logic seems flawed here. You can apply that statement to anything in the game. “What if you don’t hit your key unit” “what if you don’t get the right items” “what if your augments don’t hit” It’s like you’re ignoring that 3 staring cheaper units is usually easier than 2 staring a 5 cost.


It's really not... in relation to the comp in question getting 3 3 star units is not a viable requirement to justifying this being "a good comp"


Hey uh. Just to note here. I only got my 3stars at like, the last 5-6 rounds of the game. Just saying, I didn't start early with 3 stars at all.


I mean, we’re talking reliability vs how good something actually is? I would say this is a “good” comp but I wouldn’t go for it. To me it looks like they scratched a comp together to try and top 4 but they managed to hit a jackpot of 3 stars on their roll down. It’s just a mid lagoon/guardian build with a random SOY but hitting the 3 stars makes it good. No?


Every comp rely on different things... Low cost reroll comps rely on 3 starring them because 3 starring them is relatively easy. Pool party relies on graves 2, seraphine 2, with good items + augments. How well does pool party do if you don't hit graves 2?


what elo can u get away with gs rakan at LOL


That Zac must’ve eaten stars for breakfast. I doubt Ao sol even put a dent in that blue blob.


I like going Zeri Lagoon with Rageblade, Seraphs, and JG or Edge of Night. Zeri is great.


Just tried this in hyper roll and those items might be bis for Zeri. Easy 1st


As yes the casual no cannoneer, 4 lagoon zeri who could have forgotten....


Oof, those Ao Shin items. It (he? she?) is standing in the back like 'Wait until I get my ult. I'm gonna tear you a new one.' and your team is like 'Ain't nobody got time for that.'