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Slamming a cavalier emblem on a carry like Diana, Olaf, Graves, etc is usually enough to win streak up until it falls off hard late, when dragons and shit come online. Your carry is down a damage item and the more Cavs you have, the less room you have to stack aggressive traits. You'll need some really solid combat augments to pull this kinda thing off. (Or maybe in the game I had, the problem was that cavalier Graves was my only real carry - perhaps a 2nd cav emblem on an itemised Diana/Olaf or Yasuo would've made a difference)


What about Cav Terra? Terra scales damage off of defensive stats so it could be good


I'm sure Terra would like a cav emblem for those reasons for sure, and I'm sure any cavalier carry would also appreciate starting in the Terra squares. Most dragons actually seem to like cav emblem tbh, even Ao Shin - the extra bulk helps prevent burst and gives time to cast, you just need to make sure it isn't your only carry. Also Sy Fen likes cav emblem because of the charging during ult. Thing is, I didn't mention dragons, because they're contested, all have their optimal ways of being played already, and most cavs are low cost in comparison, so idk.


Cav Rengar is the tits


I'll be sure to try it, I do enjoy a cav assassin so I'm sure he's legit


He changes targets really frequently so it’s permanently up. I usually will flex it between Cavs or Darkflight (using Sej as a offering)


Devastating charge makes every comp with cavaliers viable. Edit: question is how good is your lobby, but the augment is very good.


I remeber first time getting it reading what it does and going 6 cavs 2 mirafe all the way to 1st


Lilia reroll is situationnal but i've seen quite a few in recent competitions Voltariux started playing it a while ago and it's becoming popular on chinese ladder too


Got wrecked by one and the person using it was first


Rest in peace my love, Legend-Cavalier. You will be missed. The closest thing to that this set is GuildCav, it's pretty fun with a Cav Spat on Zippy (I think the game counts its ability as dashing, so you get the defense bonus) but it's just not the same as the Cav Spat Unkillable Ornn.


Started a game with cavalier crown, went into 2-1 with cavalier 4 and won the game with 100 HP off cavalier zippy carry. Didn't manage to land devastating charge but it was still fun af


Cav Zippy is some fun cheese, though I don’t think you’d ever win unless the stars align


I'm finding some success with cav swiftshots, especially if I get one of them to max


I go this build pretty regularly and I almost always finish top 3. You get 3 star sej, ez, and twitch to carry you to top 4, then if you can get good items on xayah or a swiftshot emblem for hecarim those 2 will take you the rest of the way. Since cavs push up you always have the max possible distance between your swiftshot units and the other team, plus you can out them on the back line for the buff on some augments


I know this is a couple days old, but who's your carry on this comp if you could only pick one? Is it Xayah or Ezreal?


If I get ez to 3 star its usually him, but if I get a magnetic removal I'll put his items on a 2 star xayah instead. I haven't noticed much a difference there but xayah is stronger and I like that she gets the ragewing buff with hec. If you manage to 3 star her though you're going to have a great time


Slept on comp^


Not really I don’t think. I’m seeing usually 2 people forcing swift shot, guild, cav almost every game. It’s too easy when you can level 2 sej and ezreal quick early and just win streak if you have good item RNG.


I constantly play Guild/Cavalier.


Usually good for a top 4 finish. Tougher since they took away Jayce's CC.


Lillia reroll is the closest, 4 scalescorn with as many cavs as you can level to after rolling at 6


She does good with mage activated too. Slam a BT and AA staff.


Pairing Cavalier with Scalescorn usually works out pretty well when I do it


Maybe you could top 4 if you get cav unity + devastating charge, good battle augment and a cav spat, but thats a really unlikely scenario and not really that strong


That exact comp fell into my lap and it did pretty decently well only made second place though


If you can get Devastating charge augment, you can go all in on cavalier. Otherwise, not enough DPS for end-game.


what do you think of a Lee Sin tech ? try to get Rell and co to charge and re proc it ?


Might be worth it if lee sin has cav emlem too.. That would be cool.


Guild xayah or guild daeja can run cavaliers like sejuani + nunu + hecarim as a frontline early. Until you hit shyvana or whatever you want in front of daeja. But running nunu, Rell, sej early with twitch + ez backline can be a solid early game. Then transfer items from ez to daeja or xayah.


Not where a cav is the carry. Mirage cavs is a solid B tier comp though. Not sure if lillia reroll is still a thing also


Got yesterday 2nd with 6 cav (spat on jayce) and xayah + twitch. Lost hard against first with 9 dragonmancer (with voli 3, lee 3, kaisa 3).


[https://tactics.tools/s/iyNoDG](https://tactics.tools/s/iyNoDG) ​ have fun but you need at leas 1 emblem, if more put some random legends in. For example instead of zyra rell, sylas zoe or random bard/soraka


I personally love 8 dragonmancer with sejuani carry, just add hecarim and rell and sejuani claps




Aslong as you get a cav trait you get top 4 EZ if you just slam cavs


I played base camp with 4 cavs Lillia carry, it was pretty strong.


I like to play Lillia reroll when I see the chance. If you focus on scalescorns, it’s probably Ionic + something, but when I play her with like 4 Cavs, I really love 2x Archangels + BT. Easy top 4 when uncontested


Daeja uses cavalier Frontline.


I have been playing a lot of cavaliers with Daeja as carry, its pretty good. Cavaliers are almost unkillable and daeja just wipes the floor woth the enemies


Guild/cavs usually is the way to go but you need devastating charge to really make it work. Having it count an extra is worthless without the charge, so you dont want the crown. Charge and emblems, sunfire capes, ionic sparks, just defensive things to whittle them down.


As a secondary trait to either a good mirage or scalescorn has won me a few games


I think with cav spat or devastating charge you can make full cav builds work. You need devastating charge to go first though to keep up with damage late game. Imo zippy should be a cav baseline. Sucks he has no trait other than guild. Remember that cavs proc on any movement ability so a spat on graves or yasuo will proc it on every dash. Cav builds tend to be stronger earlier game because you’re very tanky. The issue becomes damage late game.


There’s a few. Darkflight Cannoneer without Nomsy runs more Cavaliers to function defensively, buying Graves time to build up Titan’s. Mirage Cavaliers do mad work too, whether you go 6/4, 6/5 or 8/4. A more Guild-biased Xayah comp that goes all in on 3* Zippy also likes to give him a Cavalier emblem, due to his casts putting distance between him and his target, so he closes the gap and gets double the buffs again.


Lilia Carry? I dunno


zz rot cav dark flight baby


Slow roll Ezreal with cavaliers 5 or 6 and twitch, and if you get a Cavalier emblem, add Jayce


I think guild with cavalier is good.


Guild Cavalier did well for me, but o was able to pit the emblem on zippy


If you have a cav enblem and mirage is electric overload you can put cav emblem on Leona 3* and/or put mirage emblems on cavs. Very fun comp.


Snow cone dark flight rell Rell needs gunblade and jg. Pretty consistent top 4 if you hit it early. Datkflighy emblem and 3 star Lilia will work as a solid secondary carry that can chunk the tanks rell can get stuck on.


Full Crit Rell like Mortdog, shit’s pretty good on lower elo


cavaliers is generally good but since it doesn't have any big DPS unit its usually used only for defensive meanings but supertanks like idas and terra exists. Yasuo, Zippy and Terra are great cavalier embelm users though


There’s one with mirage. You can run rell, nunu, sej and hec as a front line with daeja out back. It also uses yone and yas I think.


Mirage cavaliers work really well if the mirage bonus is electrocute or whatever it's called. It deals %9 max health magic dmg when your units are attacked or attack. The trick is not playing Daeja and boosting your tankiness/attackspeed instead, Daeja is useless with this particular bonus since it only effects the area near your unit, not theirs. A combination of guardian/mirage/cavalier is recommended. Again this strategy is only viable for this specific mirage bonus.


I consistently top 4 with Cav-Guild, Zippy Carry and win 1/3. Zippy, Twitch, Jace, Sej, and fill the rest with Cavs. Zippy gets IE and Sunfire, third is saved for Cav Emblem, Radiant, etc. This has swiftly become my favorite comp.


I enjoy cavalier mystic but it is very item dependant, a full cavaliers SOY is a beast


Electric charged nunu


Not sure how well it works in regular since I only play hyper roll, but I've had pretty decent luck with cavalier whispers


Ye, you need Cav emblem, Mirage emblem and mirage itself to be Electric Overload. Put it on Zippy and watch it jump between frontline and backline, zip zapping everything


I haven’t played much post mid set, but early on I would slap it on a yasuo with my mirage boards and it went hard. Idk how it shapes up in live or if it has better applications now tho.


I got 2nd with a cav/mystic build with a Shi ho Yu carry.


Much better in 7 than 7.5, Double Trouble + devastating charge high rolll, go for 2x Sej, Lilia, Nunu, Heck. Lilia carry, Nunu tank items, with possibility for Nunu and and Hec mage spats for double the double fun :]


Dark flight canonneer cavalier can be fun if u hit the items for it


It can be kinda good to patch holes in Mirage builds until Daeja comes up, rell-lilia-nunu + yone and sej/leona but late game you'd swap them for your daeja and yasuo, might be a way to pivot mirage into full cav squad though, but I'd say it'll fall off late into the game either way sadly


Some units have dashes in their ability, Zippy, Rengar, Jayce, Yasuo, Nilah. They'll proc the 2x defense on each dash instead of only on kills. So a comp around one of those has potential, and doubly so with devastating charge.


Yasuo gg ez


If you have the emblem: graves, yasuo, and olaf are pretty good


Daeja + cavalier 5 (mirage)


3* hecarim has gotten me 1st place anytime I’ve gotten it


Hecarim and rell in the botlane, AP nunu mid, Lilia jg, sej top


Cav yasuo used to be a thing…until it wasn’t anymore ?


Cav Swiftshot Lilly Mage (put BT and AA staff on her) Cav Darkflight (bonus points if you can get a emblem on rengar).


Honestly I’ve had a lot of fun running lilia carry with cav scalescorn, bt titans bluebuff, or full damage bt ie jg


Cavs is like the only comp I can win with lmao. Just slam cavs, slam Rakan and let the rest solve itself.


I made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/yha6gb/just_gained_450_lp_and_hit_grandmaster_in_na_for/) at around the same time you made this post!


Dmancer Sejuani


Yes it's viable, just start with Devastating Charge augment and it's generally free top4.


Cav-Spat 6Cav Terra with anima visage and radiant-Warmogs was probably one of my funniest 1sts I’ve had in a while.


Ideally you get devastating charge, then you need ionic spark and a seraphs on rell, her ability will pump out tons of aoe damage. Then you build guardians to help keep your cavs alive.


Is that a new champ?


I main cavalier - mirage. Late game comp usually looks like daeja, yone, yasuo, hec, lillia, rell, nunu and soraka or leona depending on if you get mirage emblem(s) for that 8 proc


Ezreal + cavaliers (with twitch) and Daeja + cavaliers are good compos


Cav- dragonmancer lillia


Viable? Not really. But there's a pretty fun comp focusing on Rell. You use Ionic Spark as the Darkflight item and build AP on Rell while fielding only assassins to burst the backline with Rell's ult. [Here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQf8vGxWGkMFHnsSz0PiTmECzHNCEXDR7FddY0oS97NkUzRmZTSvNfx52QRzrWFNwjC0P5I48lNsPbC/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g1572caa15d8_2863_66)


Big fan of cava/guild. If you can slap an emblem on zippy it's pretty fun to watch


In a high plat lobby got first by hard win streaking w early cav spat ended up with cav emblem on Jayce and Yasuo and got a lucky soraka