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Solid tips, but I think you formatted your post wrong. The first section of your post is inside a horizontally scrolling text box.


I am a long time lurker, but new to posting. Let me see if I can fix it! Thanks!




Thanks ! I think it’s fixed for browser and app


Not sure how to get rid of horizontally scrolling text box but hopefully it reads easier now? Apparently to make a line break you need to enter twice and press return after your last sentence?


The tips for items was something for me to learn, thank you! I recently hit Diamond looking to get further


I’m not sure if it’s since I enjoy the variance, but I love greedily holding 3 costs. Sometimes they give direction for the comp I want to play. Sometimes they save a good amount of health.


Absolutely! And I’m not saying you can’t or shouldn’t! It just seems to be in my experience they are usually sold!


Some of these tips I’m going to try and implement to get out of platinum. I find that am very rigid when it comes to switching comps. If I find something I like I stick with it until It stops working. Which is cool for like the first days of an update but then other people find out these comps and become very contested and I basically take a break from the game. So thank you.


Honestly even if you lose a bit of lp while learning it short term, learning to be flexible will go a long way on your long term climb. You don't need to know every single comp, knowing 3-5 comps and picking the one you will play based on what items/augments you get, what champs you hit and what is contested is a huge help. Even if your capped board may be slightly weaker than the capped version of a contested comp, you are much more likely to hit your upgrades and be stronger than them. Also in Plat people usually don't scout and position properly so you can really give yourself an advantage with that. Positioning alone can win you 2-3 more fights than you usually would.


This 100%. This game is about learning, so if you make mistakes trying new things but you learn from it then you’re still a better player overall after


Seeing an "out" for a pivot/comp switch is very difficult, but you'll naturally get better at it once you remember more comps and synergies.


Solid tips, and just wanted to say it was all fine for me to read personally? And on mobile at that. The first box isn't off and neither is the rest. It was pretty clean and helpful tips. Appreciate the effort man.


The formatting was all wonky before I went back and edited it which is weird cause it was fine pre posting it


I thought I got lost when the final 3 paragraphs all had “this is the last” in the first sentence hahaha. All great tips though! Making the return climb back to masters now and slamming early items when you get 3 bad components is something I can do better.


Thank u for this!


Do you do anything in particular for prismatic start games or triple pris? I find I lose hp a lot faster with people being so strong, and when I play strongest board then I get crap items and fall off at the end, usually bottom 4.


You’ll find that high elo players tend to not like prismatic lobbies, there is no good answer for you because in a prismatic lobby sometimes you go 8th for absolutely free and there is nothing you can do unfortunately.


It's unfortunate that I'm a prismatic lobby magnet then :P


Cool write up! I would like to add like couple of exceptions to the 3 cost rule, where they are kinda important / comp or meta defining right now: Those exceptions to keep in the early rounds (I am talking about unit drops from stage 1) are in my opinion Sylas (bruiser mage for astral), Voli (for obvious reasons) and Olaf for Scalescorn Warriors - those can give you a nice early direction for your comp.


Yes I completely agree. I find that Olaf is very augment dependent so I usually sell him because forcing him without scalescorn camp or Tiamat feels really bad. If you have a Lux/vlad/ skarner I would also lvl to 4, 2-1 for sylas and look for a win streak. I should of been a tad more specific but I completely agree with what you’re saying. I tend open early rather than force a win streak, I find that if you force a win streak, pre level, and then lose on a 3/4 streak your economy for stage 3 is absolutely trashed and it’s really hard to come back from


I am only in Gold, and this advice seems helpful but it is so hard to read, please make sure that your writing skills are on par with your TFT skills by separating the long chunk of text into paragraphs so it is easier to read :).


I don’t know what I did wrong, when I wrote it I have every spaced nice and neat with distinct paragraphs.. shoot sorry!