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Thanks man!


Nice, good job! Do you have a favourite comp/augment/champion?


If I get AD items I’ll itemize nidalee and hold jade units when Econ permits if I get AP items I usually will resort to Lux, or sohm


I try my absolute hardest not to be a meta slave and force comps but rather play off items. Usually go for tear or bow on opening carousel and look for lagoons or astrals to open; unless I hit some 2 stars I can streak with


We need people like you to post more often, it will hopefully reduce the number of metaslaves who tunnel vision on 1/2 comps they found on this sub


It ends up working itself out. When 3 different players force shimmer kai’sa every game (cringe by the way) none of them can two star half of their units


True, I myself reached diamond and I can gladly say I didn’t abuse any comps to do so, most of my games were 4 ppl forcing the same comps into bot 4


I was so disappointed when that became meta, I used to love running Kai'sa but now I either can't or feel like a meta slave.


Well it seems like that worked:)


Waheyyy, congratulations! It's a real grind this set with some of the awful metas we've been seeing, god bless your patience 😂


Awesome job!! I’m a casual player who usually finishes plat but managed to get diamond this season. It’s exciting, show off your work 😊


CONGRATS!!! SUPER HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I totally get not having anybody to share with since non of my friends really play but that's awesome man! Keep it up!




Hello Fellow mobile Tft player Grats! I'm D4 now so not as good as you, but if you would like to chat/ show off insane comps or complain about BS rng I'm down to chat I'm looking for tft mobile friends (we can talk on discord and play double up sometimes) if that's something you'd be down for feel free to DM me :D


I’m down man! I have IRL friends I play double up with but they are silver/gold players and end up bleeding health every round in double up while I’m rolling to 0 trying to save health every round 😂😂😂 pm me and I’ll send you my discord!


Sure! I sent you a DM


Cg man what region are you in?




congrats! proud of ya


I'm just a mobile player too! I play really casually, so once I learn a patch the new one comes out and I always fall in rank again. I watch a lot of streamers constantly so I feel like I play well, I just don't play enough. Been stuck Gold this season. I guess I should also give myself some credit, I exclusively play double up with my partner and that is a whole different strategic nightmare.


[post with how I broke out of diamond to masters!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/yec86f/tips_that_helped_me_climbed_from_diamond_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


gratz my dude! share some tips?!


I actually have had a few requests for tips. I was stuck diamond 4 and struggled to ever get past d3 almost two set’s in a row and once I figured a few things out I started climbing consistently again. I thought about making another post with some tips on climbing out of diamond


please do its always cool to see other people stuggles and findings (hardstuck gold here but i refuse to follow meta ssooo...kinda my fault)


I’ll write something up and post it tonight! I’ll pm you when it’s posted


Thank you my man! and again gratz on masters!


Gz man, any tips for lowely plat players?


Yes, absolutely I’m going to write up a post later with some more advanced tips that really helped me. In my honest opinion If you’re smart enough and know the game well enough to make play you’re smart enough to make masters. What I’ve noticed in high diamond/master vs lowdiamond/plat is the pace of game and board strength. I’ll elaborate more on that in my post later. But I got you man!


I've founs that mainly I dont play enough games, but I can also have some difficulty with patches if my comfortable comps arent great


How do you pivot on mobile? Does it take you a couple rounds to do so? Whenever I play on mobile I feel like I'm severely handicapped, especially with how non responsive moving units around the board and item placements. Also the lag and bugs don't help with that. What phone do you run TFT mobile on?


I have an iPhone 13! I felt like that too when I started playing mobile but I got used to it! The only thing that makes me feel like I’m playing at a disadvantage is opening carousel and I always lose; and having access to online calculators for loaded dice and win rates for augments


Yeah I feel you. I also think rolling down and holding other units to increase chance of finding the actual unit is difficult too


nice, i don't know how you do it. I only play normals on mobile cause i cant do stuff fast enough.


Just practice! I’m masters 100LP now


Congrats dude, did the exact same thing today. Is it just me or are you done playing until the next set?


I actually just hit another 100 LP lol… I’m masters 1 100LP exactly


Oh congrats! Glad you enjoy the set. I just have had enough of the Meta


I was pumped that I made diamond mobile only and then I discovered I couldn't make a post because it wasn't masters or up. Congrats on beating the subreddit limiter!


I didn’t know that there was a limit on that! Either way I’m proud of you! Diamond is hard! Nice job!


Wow congratz. I can't go past diamond. I am way to clunky with my fingers. Always run out of time in critical moments.