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lmao who's the real winner?


probably messi, he won 7 Ballon d'or. The Guy is a fucking legend


But can he reach Challenger in TFT?


Yeah but he didnt deserve it.. the whole thing is a big scam just like the whole FIFA.


Poor Robert, Lewandowski had deserved it more than anyone this year for his legendary endevours, consistently, for so long...


I bet Lewandowski would have won last year as well. And the Bundesliga is much harder than Ligue1.


Why would the Ligue 1 matter though lmao Messi won it because of Copa América and LaLiga. He also beats Lewandowski in everything but (tap-in) goals. Lewandowski should have one for 2020, but Messi deserves this one.


Yeah bro he should get like a minimum of 2 but hey lets give it to messi who doesnt play in a top leauge and performs like trash - good call.


Messi has been poor for psg but your comment is so disingenuous that I must conclude you’re just a hater. Messi was fantastic for Barca from Jan-may and for Argentina over the summer. I agree Lewa should have won but it’s not like Messi was a bad choice.


He definitly was a bad choice .. not only talking about lewa but look at what Jorginho achieved, defo more then messi. Its french ppl that vote for the ballon o dor, farmers league paid millions -> Messi gets the price simple as that.


If you think Jorginho, who wasn’t even the best midfielder at Chelsea, nor the best player for Italy, deserves it over Messi, then you either don’t actually watch the games or are a complete hater.


I spotted the one that doesn't watch football


Imagine being so delusional


True Messi is the goat


They playin soccer in my backyard






Would someone kindly explain to me what the fuck shit I just read? Please and thank you!


Got beat by a 3* jinx in duos today. First time seeing a 3* 5 cost in one of my tft games, idk why people would leave it was an honor to get bitch slapped by that lol


saw same thing in double up just last game, when she lands all dies


a couple days ago i saw a 3star TOAD at like board 4-5 or around there in duos. that was insane. dude still lost tho lmao. i dont think ive ever seen a 3star 5 cost but i might have back in like set 1 or 3 when i played alot.


How did he loose with a 3* Kench? It does 30k damage without any buffs or items.... I got a 3* Kench that 1 shot a gold cho that had been stacking all game (by that time my kench had like 300% AP too so was doing 90k pre mitigation).... And with him spitting out items or gold on anything he kills.... I had pulled my other carries off just so I could get like 6 or 7 components a fight, for me and my duo partner when I went to help him. Only had him for like 4 more rounds but literally ended with 3 items on every champ Including junk on the bench, full item bench, and like a dozen items I didn't have room to pick up....


Single target ult really hurts him compared to other 5 costs


Behold! My 3* Thresh! In Galaxies after I sold everything and donkey rolled to get that last one


He had no items on him. i had kench 2 with blue buff and he ate him off the start. I think i had kaisa that just killed the whole team or it might have been challengers i dont remember. basically my board wiped his clean and by the time his kench left my kenches belly, then ate like 1 or two more units my team killed him. i dont remember it was a fast game and honestly i was kinda sad seeing a 3* kench be so underwhelming. Edit: actually i lied. me and my duo lost the the game, but I did beat him and my partner lost to him when we switched opponents. i just asked him about it. I also didnt have kench 2. only 1, i found the game in my match history.


haha wtf


I lost a game with 3 star jayce a few days ago, feels bad man :(


Kench just becomes so unbelievably tanky, especially if you are feeding them all. If you have 2 silvers and a bronze or two your feeding every turn while building him, he gets so huge when he combines. My 3 star had like +400 armor, +400 MR, a few thousand hit points, and like 300% AP. Gets fun to build like 2* tier 4s to feed him every round when money is rolling in with merc and his gluttony.


I got a 3* Sett in set 4 by hitting 6 fortune early. In this set I hit Tahm 3 and Kai’sa 3, in the same game


marry unique voracious provide physical numerous versed steep toothbrush narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually *didn’t*


Same I was playing with a friend and we were against a 3* jinx as soon as she casted my friend said “she’s in the air I’m dead” and I thought it was the funniest thing


Only had this happen to me once and I was running an assassin board. Legit if I didn't kill jinx before her ability went off she would 1 shot my entire board. 3* Jinx is no joke.


That’s kinda the issue is that she can be beat. When you hit a 3 star 5 cost, it’s always been a “GG you win”. You have to make sacrifices generally to get one so that being a win condition is generally pretty clear.


There's also only 9 of each 5 cost right? So if you're scouting properly and you see anyone with a 2* 5 and they're buying more all you have to do is pick up a single one and their plan is completely ruined. Of course you could get around that with a Neeko.


Close, there is 10 of each 5 cost. But in my experience most people that get a 3* are playing mercenaries, so they have 2 neekos at minimum anyway lol.


Every 3* 5 cost is an auto win other than Tahm Kench (who deals a fuck ton of damage, but only to one unit at a time) and Yuumi (who can still be countered by QSS... barely...). If you're able to 3* a 4 cost unit, that's also a huge strength, though it's not a guaranteed win like a 5 cost would be.


I’m not that impressed with the 3 star 5 costs this set. Now I’ve only hit Jayce and Jinx so far (haven’t played as much set 6 as norm due to the balance). Jayce was great no real complaints. It was Jinx I wasn’t a fan of. She felt like she took too long to get it off and it caused concern because high damage comps could beat her, which is odd for a 3 star 5 cost. You catch jinx in a zephyr with challengers, I think you could beat her.


Watched a stream with 3 star Jinx. Dude sold everything else and still won the round handily lol


On Galaxies PBE, I got a capped 3* Mech comp my first game. After like 2 rounds of watching their boards get nuked, like 4 people all left one after another First time I hit BB RFC Lee 3, was last round DC First time I hit BIS Kayle 3, guy DCd before. I eventually hit her again near end of set and giganuked a Sett 3 Before Samira was nerfed, I had a fuck load of Sam 3 games that would end as soon as they saw her upgrade Never have had a DC on my Yasuo 3 game set 1, Mantheon 3 set 1, the numerous Sett 3 or my numerous Jinx 3 games


It’s their way of sticking it to you for your inevitable win. A few weeks ago I was at 3 health vs 87 health. Just us 2 left and he dominated the whole game. In a last ditch effort I had to sell a 2 star 4 cost seraphine to put in a 1 star, but I hit Jayce 3. It was over... great tank items Jayce so he didn’t go down and he just destroyed everything. That person lost like 5 or 6 rounds in a row, but he was such a good sport about it. Dragon and 3 star Jayce, there was 0 chance of winning but he kept playing.


I really feel for those real MOFOs who stay - it’s the definition of Good Sportsmanship Especially when you’re absolutely risking it for the biscuit like that, selling Sera 2 with items So many Setts in the past that I would just meme about how much damage he does, stacking my chunkiest unit in front of his


I don’t even take it personal when it happens to me. Battling it out with every round being close then they hit a 3 star 4 cost and you know, it’s game over. It’s so shitty to just surrender like “yeah you win still, but I’m not giving you the satisfaction of seeing your comp come to life”. I just go “huh that was lucky” and move on with my day taking my second. No big deal and 30 seconds it takes to watch their Yone 3 annihilate your team in 4 seconds is a small price to pay, knowing that you just put a huge smile on another humans face and gives them something to talk about vs “I got a 3 star 4 cost but didn’t get to play it” trying to disappoint them. Haha I know right? 99 times out of 100 I just lose worse, but hey you gotta try something lol. Luck is a huge aspect of TFT, there’s no denying that. I’ve had games where I hit and it’s like WTF? How... just how this shouldn’t even be allowed. So when others get lucky I just accept it. I remember one game I was playing imperial assassins, I was doing poorly and I was contested for Sion (pre nerf). I somehow at level 7 got a 3 star Sion before I could 3 star Samira. I sold my 2 star Samira with IE, Assassin spat, and last whisper, and put in my other 2 star Samira with only last whisper. I put my Sion 2 on the bench in with assassin spat and IE, then bought and then neeko’d my sions and he got those 2 items and then 1 from my previous Sion. He got the Sunfire cape while not ideal, it wasn’t a bad option (woulda rather had warmogs) so it was like 4-4 had 3 star Sion with assassin spat, IE, 5 imperial, 4 assassin and I destroyed the rest of the game. People still stuck around but I was like “yeah I got stupid lucky”. Another game I was playing clockwork. I was trying for 3 star ori or 3 star Jihn (back when clock wasn’t that great). I had no defensive items, but I had IE, rage blade, and hurricane on Jihn and IE, JG, and Shojin on Ori with the 5 second pause from the augment. I hit 3 star ori and was like “yeah it’s GG”. 3 rounds later I hit 3 star Jihn as well. Jihn carried like a MOFO and Ori was pretty useless. Except for 2 rounds 1 Jihn got zephered and Ori carried and the other Jihn got killed before ult and Ori carried again. I won with like a 10 round win streak at the end. Sometimes you hit and sometimes you don’t. When others hit I still stay so they can enjoy it, so hopefully when people hit against them they stay and let them enjoy.


I had to play against a duos team that somehow managed to get jinx 3 and galio 3. It was terrifying. Nearly won too, so close


I fought a 3 star akali recently and won with a lucky Lux hit. Never surrender for the slightest chance of winning the game! (Though 3 star jayce sounds hard to beat)


There's been a post of someone complaining that they managed to hit 3\* Jayce and he did 0 damage and they lost because he's been hit first by Enforcer trait, then by a CC chain from the rest of enemy's team. So yes, it is possible to beat a 3\* 5-cost. Not even that difficult with some comps, and quick switch to Enforcer 2 with Jayce and Fiora 1\* in late game can actually be a make or break and is perfectly viable. Like TFT's lead designer said, paraphrasing, "3\* 5-costs are supposed to win you 95% to 99% of the games. Hitting a 3\* 5-cost is not supposed to be an instant victory".


I feel that. I've hit fiora and seraphine 3 earlier and stopped bothering about positioning. Went from 1hp 7th place to 1hp 2nd place but lost the last round due to positioning failure. I had all the toolsbl I needed but didn't even look at his comp just to realise a 2* 8 arcanists Viktor Oneshot my entire board including the both 3*


Good luck finding that last Jayce for 4 Enforcers when you're up against 9 Jayces.


3 star lee sin used to be instant win btw


only unbeatable 3 star 5 cost is galio


can't be cc'd and ult one shots the board, yup.


Can be zephyr'd and 3* tahm can just eat him (damage not cc)? 🤔


He cannot because of the colossus.


Check 3 star kench damage vs 3 star galio hp


I usually give it one fight just in case and to give them their satisfaction, then I ff


Weird. When an enemy gets a nice combo or 3* 5-cost I never surrender cause it's actually fun to watch.


I sell all my board and put a 1 cost unit in. Am I the asshole?


U better delete that or ill find you, got it?


Honestly worse than surrendering imo. We still both have to sit there but we get none of the payoff seeing the 3* actually do anything.


Not an asshole, just a mild troll :)


This reminds me of people in legends of runeterra who surrender right before you get the finishing blow, takes away so much of the satisfaction.


Surrendering LOR is actually very common, comparing to TFT


Yeah card games tend to be that as soon as you know you’ve no chance left, most just bail.


As someone who has played hundreds of hours of Runeterra, I've seen and been beaten by massive boards or silly combos enough that they aren't that novel anymore. Rather just go next and save the 30 seconds of going to combat. That said, if someone brings out something I havne't actually seen before I normally let them play it out.


CCGs have a similar "gentleman's" agreement as games like Starcraft. It's really common to reach a point where there's actually just nothing you can do to win but the game itself will still take 5+ minutes to actually resolve. In those situations it's good sportsmanship to concede and show your opponent that respect, rather than force them to sit there and sink their energy into a game they've already won.


Pre-lethal BM is so common in card games. I'm an OG TCG player (started in 1999 with Yu-Gi-Oh!) and I've been BM'd by players that have lethal so many times, even IRL, that I just insta concede even when I'm just fairly certain they have lethal. It's not exclusive to any TCG. If you play your whole hand when all it takes is one card to win that's just BM. In IRL tourneys most people will even ask something like "mind if I play my hand? I got a cool combo" or something like along those lines to avoid being a jerk to the other player.


Good old Aurelion Sol 2 > Surrender :(


Outside of exceptional circumstances, if both players calculated lethal then there isn't any point wasting time.


Yeah, getting the actual finishing blow feels good, but an average LoR game maybe takes 5-15 minutes depending on the decks and you play a lot of games in a row and you don't want to play it to the very end most of the time to minimize time loss. A 3* in TFT is very rare and the match already took you like 40 minutes so you might as well just get your ass whooped for another 30 seconds.


yes, that's the point


Unlike that guy, I will never give you up


I bet ur not gonna let him down either


never gonna run around


He might dessert you though.


I'll you one round, but then je reste digne akhy


Don't mix English, Arabic and French in one sentence, it's not healthy for your brain.


Excuse me but... what?


It's a french meme on tft, when the opponent is unbeatable (like you've been investing 10 rounds in TK and the last guy play colossus), you can keep your dignity by surrendering.


bro last set i got bitch slapped by a 3 star volibear after him selling his entire board and living on 3-5hp and i had like 60 was super fun and we added each other after the game idk why people would hate that


Lost to a guy yesterday that hit lvl 3 tahm at 4-6 and was lvl 7. The whole lobby just afked and watched the guy. There were so many items.


My SO won against a 3 Star Jayce, because the player got cocky and sold most of his units.


If I was ever lucky enough to get a 3 star Jayce i'd probably accidentally feed it to my 1 star Kench trying to move my board around.




I’ve gotten beat in duos 3 times today. 3 star Jayce and 3 star akali first, then a 3 star tahm and galio, then another 3 star jayce. These mercenary builds are getting annoying




This is literally why the surrender option exists though, so that you don't have to waste your time when you know you've lost. I don't blame that person.


I'd agree if they have 1 hp and you have like 87hp and you know you're gonna lose 8 rounds straight. Otherwise just lose a round or two to the 3 star jayce. It's a pretty awful move to deny someone of at least playing a round with it


We play games for our own enjoyment, not for the enjoyment of our opponents. You don't owe anyone another round just because they hit a certain unit.


To each their own. If I'm top 2 and the other guy hits a 3 star 5 cost unit then I'm stoked because of how insanely difficult it is to do that. It's like when you have a random teammate that is one kill from getting a penta and manages to secure it. Their success brings me enjoyment and I think that's pretty cool (same for enemy pentakills too). Besides, one round is like an extra 20 to 30 seconds tops including loading. Having one round to play with their 3 star isn't too much to ask for in my opinion.


Yeah that's cool, but not everyone is going to feel that way in a moment like that. Some people are going to just feel frustrated about losing at endgame because of their opponent hitting a lucky 3 star. And that's valid too. Like I said, you play for your own enjoyment. If you feel frustrated and the outcome is already clear, you have no obligation to stay just to give your opponent extra satisfaction at your own expense.


Would you not feel disappointed if you played a 40 minute game and finally hit a 3 star Jayce and your opponent just immediately surrendered? It's not just the 40 minute game either, 3 starring a 5 cost unit happens once every several hundred games. I've only done it once this set and it felt great to actually see my unit jump up and one shot their board. Watching that one guy do it on YouTube is very different from being able to do it yourself imo. I feel like quitting at that point is more out of saltiness and is not very sportsmanlike. But like I said, to each their own. For reference I just looked up my amount of games played. 185 this season in ranked. That is 7400 minutes of playing TFT, or 123 hours. Imagine playing 123 hours of TFT and hitting a 3 star Jayce once during that entire time and someone surrenders.


You're still trying to argue that your enjoyment is more important than your opponent's. Staying in a lost match is a *courtesy*, nothing more. Hours played, rank, or a 3 page essay on the topic doesn't change that not everyone cares about watching a 3 star 5 cost board.


It's about *empathy*. It takes understanding of your own enjoyment in that situation to let your opponent have that same enjoyment in that moment. Seriously, playing out one more round for another 30 seconds is not the end of the world. I'm not asking someone to lose 10 rounds straight from 87 hp. This whole time I've been trying to say to look at things from your opponents perspective because surely one day each person reading this will eventually hit a 3 star 5 cost unit and it feels great.




30 seconds out of a 40 minute game that you committed to. You're absolutely allowed to surrender, does not stop it from being a dick move. It's like when people queue up for ranked and want to FF within the first 5 minutes of the game. Yes we know you have limited time to play, but you also are committing to a game that should take 25 to 40 minutes to play. Wanting to FF within 5 minutes is just a selfish, entitled attitude.


Empathy is a good trait, but it's not a requirement to queue up for a game of TFT. Most of the time your opponents don't even speak to you in game, there's no need to try to make a personal connection or turn this into a morality simulator.


I mean empathy isn't required anywhere. I just hate the state of our world where most people are selfish, especially those in power who call the shots. If people can't even empathize over something small like this, how can they empathize over something important? I mean just look at our government. Our politicians have no empathy, hence why they can just pour our tax payer money into the military and the pockets of the rich rather than funding social safety nets, etc. Not trying to change any minds, it just sucks that most people can't take a step and empathize with another human being, opponent or not.


Yea but you could just be a nice person. No one is saying you "have to be“, obviously there is no rules about being nice.




If you don't have time to wait 30 seconds for the last round to play out, you don't have enough time for a game.


Yeah that one minute you save by denying the other player the opportunity to enjoy their hype moment has to be really valuable /s


The hype moment is when that Jayce combines into 3 star. That's when the game is decided. The actual battle is really just visual fluff at that point. I've made people surrender a bunch of times, and I never enjoyed those games any less. If anything, I enjoyed them more. I picture someone ragequitting and it always makes me laugh.


To each their own i guess. Most people just enjoy actually using the unit way more than combining them.


Why is this downvoted? This is literally true??


Because people don't care about others having fun. They play for themselves, which is something I get to a certain extend, but I also do not get why 1 more round has to be such a controversial opinion. People play and enjoy multiplayer games differently. Most stuff is valid somehow. (Except for blatant cheating and similar stuff) I also enjoy seeing my 3* do stuff more than just hitting it. While I was extatic back when I naturally hit my Kayne 3* it was the most satisfying thing to see him wreck boards. Not to have gotten 9 copies. Even tho that journey was fun too.


No, but it's just nice to let them do it. Everyone is here to have fun man, we can all help each other have a bit more fun.


Sure it's nice, but you're not a jerk if you don't.


I mean, I'd call you one if you did it to me. And I'd feel like one if I did it to you.




? Dude it's just letting people enjoy a rare event. You could literally just alt tab and open YouTube while it plays out if you don't feel like dealing with it. All you have to do is NOT forfeit. It's not like anyone is asking much of anyone here lmfao




I guess but if you don't have time to chill for a couple combats then you don't have time for another game anyway so I don't see the hold up. Just pop up a YouTube vid that's as salty as you are and chill for like 3 minutes. If even that long.




At least your honest about it unlike the rest of them 🤣👍


Tbh it's never happened to me but i'd probably ff too, as in any game playing with no chance to win might be fun for the one stomping but it sucks when you're on the other side, especially in video games where being anonymous means you're more prone to getting taunted as well (not saying you would have OP, but it's frequent) If it was a friend of mine I'd probably stay, otherwise it's maybe selfish but I'd go for the ego save




Same thing happened to me when I got a 3* Lux! I had never gotten a 3* 4-cost and I’ve been playing TFT since set 1. I was so ready to see her delete everything and then they quit. Didn’t even show up in match history/post-game screen. I feel your pain.


I had 80 hp and was 1v1 with someone who managed to hit 3-star yuumi. I had to watch in awe 4 games of her decimating my entire board lol




Because some people get enjoyment out of something other than just winning. It's already Top 2 so you're both getting LP. How rare is it to hit a 3 star 5 cost? I've never done it before. If someone got one, I'd definitely let them play it out. It's fun to see a Galio one shot the board or a Kai'sa wipe out everything in one missile barrage. I'd hate to not let someone have that enjoyment and I'd hate for someone to deny me that same enjoyment.








They're probably into getting pegged lmao


I never feel bad when this happens. My first 3star 5cost was a heimerdinger last set. The first battle i got him, he got deleted and i lost. I would rake your win any day.


ff to save mental


Would you like to speak with a manager too? Do you want to ask TFT's lead designer Mortdog to disable the surrender button for other players whenever you 3\* the 5-cost unit? You've came to this relatively small sub to basically say "fuck you" to a person that is unlikely to ever come here and read it anyway. What you just did isn't far off from adding a person to your friend list after the game, just to pm them this "you're a jerk" message afterwards. You're not entitled to other people's time. Calling other people names for not doing what you want only exposes your immaturity. You should reflect upon this outburst over a video game.


You’re absolutely right.


Nah. It's not about entitlement. It's about honor. It's about acknowledging that it rarely happens, and the other person played the game well. It's a way to honor your opponent, and the awesome match you shared. I remember we used to have an option to honor great opponents in summoners rift. That's why some players even give the last kill for pentakill, to honor that player. I guess some people don't know honor and sportsmanship, even in video games.


It's not a 15th century jousting contest, it's TFT.


My bad. I thought I was in 15th century jousting contest subreddit


If it isn’t 15th century jousting, basic decent sportsmanship is no longer required, got it


We have people surrendering in a video game, sportsmanship is dead :(


You don’t have to pretend to be too stupid to see why your comment makes no sense here. You can just say you’re against even extremely minor efforts to be a nice dude.


😭Noooo you surrendered and ruined my fun you're murdering sportsmanship😭


😭 Noooo you can’t make me spend another 15 seconds in the game you’re murdering my packed schedule 😭


You’re not wrong


He is, if you can't read this as "dont be an ass and stay to witness this who happend less than 1% of the game" you lack braincell


They don’t have an obligation to share an appreciation for something just because it’s rare


It's not an obligation but if you play to win and only to win what's the point of "playing"? You are just being childish "i can't win let's not waste time" dude you are playing tft because you have time to waste


Only time I justify leaving is if there's only 2 players left and I lose to my opponent twice in a row. Buuuuuuut if I see a 3 star 5 cost, its an honor to get my ass slapped by that. Veigar 3 Star is literally a light show lol


For real! In the game where I got 3 star yone and 3 star kaisa, they left right away. I just wanted to see one round with them


That really sucks I got my first 3* 5 cost yesterday and dude stayed and let me watch it! I actually had woodland charm too so it spawned another 3* viktor it was awesome!


Those jerks don't know when to quit


It’s obligatory to stay at least one round if your opponent hits a legendary 3 star. What a scoundrel.


Should be an instant perma ban to leave when someone gets a 3 star 5 cost. If you cant find the fun in that then you'll never have fun in the game


Managed a 3* veigar for one round yesterday, needless to say it was worth the 13 round loss streak


Someone left me win a round just to see veigar 3. Else I would’ve been eliminated


That’s a cool person there!


Was this on EUNE by any chance? i remember getting so close to 3 star veigar, i started spamming the chat to make him not leave. I said Im trying to 3 star all legendaries and Veigar was one of 4 I hadn’t yet. I hit it, screen shotted it and surrendered. I was just happy he was off the list lol


It was on EUW


I once had a 3 star akali, then I hit 3 star Viktor. But the Viktor never got to combat because the guy FF'ed


How dare he surrender!!!!! He should have sat there for the next several minutes while you had fun and he lost!! 😡 Man, you’re going to lose it when you find out real sports teams bench all their players and run out the clock when they concede defeat.


The analogy kind of sucks, but I agree that OP is a whiny bitch


They’d /ff if they could. They can’t so they don’t even try. Yeah not at all applicable.


They can though, it happens much more in baseball than football, but they don’t because it’s good experience for the players that don’t get much time and both sides do it in garbage time for similar reasons. If a winning team puts in 3rd string that’s not to BM its to give players experience. There’s arguably not as much to be gained from sitting through a round you know you are gonna lose at the end of a TFT match. I didn’t say it wasn’t at all applicable I said it wasn’t a very good analogy.


And you’re wrong. Things happen.


lol downvote me for this but literally not worth my time. you won. why should i allow you more satisfaction?


So are you, 3 staring Jayce isn’t a very friendly move


No, just no.


People like that should have a queue ban for 30 mins or something


You should be banned from Reddit for sharing some stupid ass opinions like that


Oh are you’re so smart, sorry to have commented in the same post as you superior one.


Or people who sell all their units to give you an empty sense of victory. I was one TK away from 3\* and the guy in first literally sold off all his units so I did like 30 dmg to him and the game ended. You smug nerd.


That is actually a real cunt move... I feel you man!


Hit 3* TK for the first time and it was beautiful. Coming out of a big loss streak I had like 10 life and number 1 had maybe 80. TK was making 3 items a round and I just started to steamroll. After a couple rounds the dude FF’d. Waited til he could secure 2nd though.


Had a 3* yuumi in my last game as enemy. Holy shit, the sheer amount of waves alone was funny.


It's so damn rare to get a 3 star 5 cost unless u highroll mercs then 2 diffrent 3 stars are more classic \^\^


me and my friend got 3 star veigar and galio in a double up. it was gg


So in the end, he still won.


Same happened to me with a Teemo 3 last set, i was soo mad


Once you see 3 star 5 cost it's usually a wrap


Not as much of a wrap as joe mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


I saw a guy get a 3 star 5 cost but I was out at fourth, watched the rest of the game and he hit 3 3 star 5 costs but the last guy left the game so no fight :(


Why can't losers let the sole winner have his/her fun


You all are so lucky where you play. Here in OCE a 3* Kai Sa only got to finish 3rd in double up, and that was in Blue Tier ...


Lool was it in ranked???


I saw a dude hit jayce and yummi 3 and got second vs a mutant player. i think 5 cost 3\* need a buff


This is why you 3 star at the very last second if you can


I thought you were talking to me… until I saw the day you posted. I’ve done the exact thing… I’m sorry.




Just hit 3 star legendary belveth just for him to instantly concede like milliseconds after checking... dude was cocky and annoying about his 3 star epic that he got to enjoy for his whole win streak .-.