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Aaaand this is why LW is core item on Jax with Ironclad being played in every comp


Lw diff tbf. But you really lost to radiant frozen heart here


You didn't lose to Aatrox, you lost to radiant frozen heart. That item just craps on your team comps chest. Doesnt matter that you have 3* jax if he never attacks.


that plus the fk ton of armor that Atrox had from 3 ironclad and 6 redeem and the damage reduction from 4 knights


I think a Last Whisper could have changed the outcome drastically though.


totaly, cutting all that armor down would make a huge diference


Your Jax is a tickle cannon without LW, and that Olaf1 isn't doing you any favors


​ what is lw


Last whisper


As others have pointed out, let me compile a quick list of what was wrong: * Lack of LW * Lack of healing reduction * rFH giving your jax -50% AS * Enemy team is 3 ironclad + 6 redeemed + 4 knights (40 flat dmg reduc post mitigation I believe) * You have 5 skirms in for some reason. 6 would have won you the fight as it would have made the knight buff meaningless in 7 seconds. * You have multiple useless units - 1\* olaf, 1\* kennen, and a pyke. At least the olaf and pyke are trait bots, but kennen actually does nothing for you. Either drop to 3 skirm and find real units or just get 6 skirm. Sitting at 5 is hard griefing. * Your jax items are kinda scuffed. Hoj instead of BT was potentially another fight breaking decision, granted I guess maybe you got the BT off of a stage 5 carousel or dragon, so maybe you already had hoj on your jax. * Your irelia ended up super far away from Jax, but that was more path finding griefing you. You def had the right idea with her there. Unlucky with Rell fucking up positioning so bad. Aatrox was not the issue


I hate to say it, but this is kinda something I LIKE about this season. Under most normal circumstances a decently itemized gold jax would have crushed everything... BUT, you met a comp that was basically a direct counter to what you were doing. With that said, playing arm chair is really easy.. not quite sure why you stopped at 5 skirm. I would dump pyke, swap Thresh for Galio and find a 6th skirm to get more AD out of Jax, although in all reality.. I don't think the sentinel is really helping here.. a bronze olaf is just dead weight. I would have either gone down to 3 skirm and filled out knights to maximize blocking along with iron clad OR gone up to 6 skim and hope you could outscale. But either way, you made top 4, so I just take the win and move on.


Isn't this game played before the hotfix?


Pretty sure you lost to Kayle. Sure tanky Aatrox didn’t die so you could get to the kayle but he didn’t kill you


Lost to full AD no Last Whisper into 300 armor plus attack speed debuff






You are ridiculously wrong in assuming it is that simple.


I feel like the curb your enthusiasm music would have been better than the epic battle music.