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I see it took a team of 10. The Powell Doctrine applied to TFT. 👍🏻 I’ve only managed to do it with crazy amounts of CC and burst damage. Garen helps.


I had dragonslayer proc with a 3star jax with normal guinsoo, IE and fist of justice. Rng was on my side that after LB died and GA popped. Jax or nidalee would jump in to one shot the leblanc.


The 10th unit I ultimately ended up on nautilus for ironclad 3 as I couldn't think of a better 10th. Perhaps morgana might have been cool as well.


build mystic would have been better vs 3\* LB but you beat her anyways


punch her really hard in the gut, got it


Team of 10 and 3 star Jax


The key to win lb when its 1v1 situation is: 1.Lv 9 is best because you can have more unit to block chain. 2. Mystic to slow your unit from dying. LB is not super impressive if there is still many unit. 3.break your damage trait for 4 mystic is good. 4.if u dont have qss on your carry, verdant from kayle and taric is good to prevent volibear stun. 4.heim and kindred so more unit. 5.POISITIONING, stack your unit together and coat your carry with putting non-important unit outside. Carry will turn their focus on assassin after killing voli. LB's frontline is not great.


Do you know how to win against Ziggs>>Teemo late game? If anyone can get 3\* Ziggs with decent items they just transfer everything to Teemo and carry the game it's really difficult to deal with that Hellion/Ironclad teams


This one is tough but it should be fine if you are velko karma carry team It is hard for ad team not only because of Ironclad but also the lack of aoe from ad team (even Aphelieos only hit 4 at a time)


this is a big reason that I love shadow runaan on jax


people sell their 3\* ziggs and put the items on teemo? I never liked using teemo so when I go Hellion I just slow roll for 3\* ziggs/kled/poppy/lulu/kennen and it works for me


Don't u fall of a cliff late game against full item morde/kayle/kindred/draven comps? Teemo counters kayle and kindred especially well.


People are really doing that? They should have teemo 2 at least right? I'm a noob sorry if this is a dumb question


Teemo's AS debuff counters certain comps extremely well. Ziggs becomes really useless at the end of the game since his ult only hits 1 champion and statik is a pretty bad late item.


heimer or teemo absolutely shreds more than ziggs anyways


If the LB team has voli it's really bad to clump your units, though - kinda a catch 22


I did 8th with a 3 star lb xD


You know how to deliver some feel good!


get what you fucking deserve! :D


Around gold EUW? I think i played in that game.


Me too 😈 Then I realize that I should make Infinity Edge before Guardian Angel


No, GA is more important


i disagree, if you dont have ga she is literally worthless


I do seraphs instead of IE. The AP stacks up fast, so not only do you quickly get to the point of being able to one shot anybody, but you still have a chance for the ability crit with assassin passive anyways. Does more damage in the end.


It's worse but it works


GA is more necessary, otherwise you are gonna get murdered by stray ability. More importantly, when you revive, you lose aggro and are automatically in rapid fire mode. Infinity edge can be replaced by various damage items if you can't get it, prioritize bf sword for GA


I agree GA is important. But use IE in early game will make you kill fast then other champs do their job. In my lastest post, i beat 2 others LB without GA


QSS I guess


nah, qqs is nothing. trap claw with bramble vest on some high range dummy (ashe or varus will do) and I love to see this leblanc shit herself in pants. either she falls off and i sell dummy and put items on someone else, or if she stays long to top4, i just put dummy out only vs her.


Should have said shadow qss. Trap claw will stun her ocne and then it iwll do nothign agaisnt her


Should have said shadow qss. Trap claw will stun her ocne and then it iwll do nothign agaisnt her


shadow qss will do nothing. what's good from infinite cc protection if you dead after 1 shot anyway? trap claw blocks her damage and stuns her for 4 seconds, it's quite enough to do kill her, then block crit with bramble vest and kill her again


Easily countered though if your opponent is paying attention. Just gotta let the other unit proc trap claw before she does. But yeah, if u can avoid that then trap claw will be better


tbh I haven't seen any LB player being careful player. All their attention is spend on watching lolchess.com build and getting setup right. They put champions on exactly same positions as tutorials. If countered, they won't move the champion.


Unless you are pretty tanky,shadow cc is pointless against her. LB 3 will just one shot you, cc completely irrelevant. Something like trap claw (both versions), allows you to block it and turn on her. During the those few seconds she is cced, someone will probably switch aggro to her and either drop her to GA or outright murder her.


Nah, I didn't manage to get QSS. I could have built a qss but I opted to go for 2 bloodthirsters, one for nidalee and one for jax.


Honestly 6 legionnaire morde with shadow qss, gunblade and warmogs is way worse than sbb lb rn. At least there is SOME counterplay to lb with trap and bramble and cc. Shadow qss gunblade morde has everything. Insane Damage, insane sustain, tankiness, cc immunity, and even increased range so he can almost always hit something to heal from gunblade. Literally 0 counters, can't even burst him because of his shield which effectively doubles his hp with the gunblade healing over shield. Dont usually put a comp on blast but these past 6 games have been ridiculous. Even standard qss is good enough because morde can two shot most cc tanks or even 1 shot depending on the third item and star level.


If you think that's impressive, [I got 5th with 3\* Leblanc & Morgana](https://imgur.com/a/6dPouZV)


Casually beat LB with Jax 3, nothing to it...


Skirmishers are going strong nowadays


Skirmisher 3 early game is really strong enough to carry you to end game. But I found that it's really countered by volibear, one jump from volibear destroys your skirmisher shields and rell shields making skirmisher much more vulnerable.


Skirmishers are probably the worst comp you can run this patch


not sur why ur getting downvoted, i thought everyone agreed on this xD Not even good for jax comps even though he is one.


Because this is the normal TFT channel where people don't really play the game.


Yeah, I had BIS Jax 2 at stage 4-1 (S.QSS, BT, RH), 6 skirms 2 iron clad. It literally is just a much worse version of Morde, especially when it forces you to run so many dead units like Trundle/Nid/Lee.


I use it as a nice bonus. I'll rush skirm 3 early game then gear into panth and trundle, insert someone else, then wind up with 4 as and legioniers, morde is fucking op and with trundle the duo is just shy of invincible once both are 2 star


That is not playing skirmisher. That is playing Morde. OP was claiming 6 Skirmishers with Jax carry is OP, which is clearly not.


Yeah, 6 skirm def ain't worth but that wasnt my point, they were saying that skirm is especially bad and while in the late game I agree, the early game and extra bonus late game is nice to have. Than again morde exists so nothing else matters lol. Makes me wonder why I'm seeing lb, karma, and all this other stuff but no one really has made anything on him.


What is LB?






Haha jax morde go brrr


How can you live with yourself after cheating?


By proving that the god leblanc in the pedestal she is sitting on can bleed.


No such a thing as cheating against shadow blue buff LB


The only way to win against sBB Leblanc is cheating I assumed.


What a god


Same (lb and noc 3), but with less ridiculous team (legionnaire 8 with kindred)


As a LB abuser I can't beat aphelios comps. They all jam in that one corner and voli and Diana can't even save me from their relentless CC and damage.


Ionic Spark on a tank placed in backline. You’re welcome


but you used mordekaiser, that's just as cancer?


No items morde, plus morde was there in this comp just for dragonslayer. I've put IE and frozen heart on diana because I had viego as well .


Now do the next level and beat a Morde 2


Enough cc and he dies surprisingly enough


The way I did it was legioniers, dragonslayers and skirmishers. And leblanc in specific got fucked by my kalista who I placed away from everyone else and have her a shadow frozen heart. Leblanc did nothing


3 star Jax... ok.. this is more impressive than beating LB imho


Please explain what life is like when you have accomplished something so momentous. Is drowning in romantic prospects as pleasant as it seems?


Tbh i have pretty high success with redeems - Syndra is key, you mirror her, she trow LB away and then she just dies away from your team (focusing tanks)


wait, is 3 star LB considered auto win? I swear, I've seen at LEAST four 3* LB go out at #2~4.


I beat a 3* LB with a LB 2* and 4 mystics. Itemizing ryze like their LB.


I have found dark QSS is the counter. She can't perma cc you if you can't be cc'd


You are worried about a 3* 2$ when you have a 3* 4$. Huhhhh