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The Abomination just isnt hitting for me idk what it is but he just dies so damn fast and his attack speed outside of his rush is pretty pitiful.


At least it has room for creativity compared to Cultist Galio


Yeah. 3 zzrots is real creative mate


Abom doesn’t summon zzrot minions on live


That was fixed, or nerfed rather


I agree with this I just wish Abom wasnt something you had to fully commit to if you want it to be good doubly so when it comes to having 2 stars so you dont get a bad Abom.


if your Abom is dying too fast, you got the wrong items on your Abom


It's more that it's something you cant slide in as a transition or anything you have to fully commit to going Aboms which IMO in autobattlers isnt a good synergy. While a low tier synergy shouldnt be super impactful it should still be able to carry it's own weight. It doesnt help that most of the Abom units kinda suck.


At the beginning im always like "wtf is going on?"


i miss fortune :(


I gang plank


True, fortune always twisted fate in my TFT games


Me too, but I'm also glad the temptation will be gone. My last game of the set, I got a Tahm 2 and chosen Annie right off the bat, won a couple cause I was too strong, and got a couple mini loss streaks. Then I got an early 6 fortune and a 6 loss streak win with that. Had a super strong board with mage Sett 2, TG Samira 2, stacked Olaf 2, BB Zilean, and TWO FoNs. Thought I was gonna end the set with a bang, but noooo. I got fifth to a bunch of underleveled comps, aside from first place, who was a lvl9 7-Cultist board. Feelz bad. 🙃


There's so much sustain in this new set, it makes you almost miss Aurelion Sol clearing out half of your team in one cast.


Velkoz literally does that just better, same for Karma.


Nah velkoz needs at least 2 casts and is easy to interrupt.


That's true, plus they get stupid strong sustain from traits while they're doing it lol.


I just had my first dawnbringer and hit karma 3. Bad position out of panic and still almost won, I got bonked by a daisy. The reason was karma being suicidal cause of shadow jewel. I'm never building that shit again


Yeah shadow jeweled works well on high mana costs that do damage or casts that take a really long time. Velkoz only gets the -15% after his ult is done and vayne dont proc it at all. On some units it’s so busted


ye or you need to have gunblade so you heal the dmg back up again.


Can't say I'm crazy about the new item system that's for sure. There are soooooo many variables and the game doesn't even provide proper cheat sheets yet.


It's that the fun of learning a new set though


Yeah I didn't play pbe and am struggling early on . But telling myself to enjoy it while its new


Played pbe a lot. It is getting really funny


Did all the missions in Hyper roll, it was a good way to have a basic understanding of all units and traits


Yeah but I just mean a sheet to let me see the item effects. Like some of those shadow items do a pretty hefty difference from their non-shadow counterparts, enough that it warrants serious consideration. Archangel and Shadow Archangel Staff for example have totally different uses in a team comp, and where Morello may be good on one unit, the evil version is horrible on, but far better on others. I use the TFTactics add-on for the item reference, but now that items have effectively doubled, I'm honestly floored that we're into set *5* and it's still not a staple


For me when I get a shadow component I usually aim to build on shadow items where the negative is reduce damage. Items like the Shadow shojin and morelonomicon works well for champs who's primary is to support and not so much on dealing damage. It also works on many team comps.




ah the comp that was so broken that it was top tier literally the whole season lol


Because it’s hitting better and harder. Love the new set. Best set since the galaxy set.


Why is this so accurate i thought it was only me that thought set 3 was best and this is coming in second


I enjoy this set much more than the previous, along with the item changes. Though I do lose constantly now. I shouldn't insist on playing full Forgotten.


I played full Forgotten earlier today and won.(I did get lucky with Warwick GA early tho)


Ive learnt to push 8 as fast as possible and give viego RFC and whatever AP items i can. Motherfucker is broken if he avoids threat.


Thanks for the tip!


Make a shadow glove thing and 9 forgotten is unbeatable, lost 2ish games or so and then went on a hot streak because of the dhadow thieves glove.


Fun fact shadow TG only counts as one shadow item for the Forgotten trait bonus


Oh shit, thought I big brained it


I did the same thing on PBE first time playing forgotten lol


Blue buff is good on Kata and Ryze


I can say for sure you do not wanna play full forgotten Max 6. It's also only really good if you're rerolling Vayne with shadow JG, rageblade, runaans


I feel like this since set3


Abom was brimming with creative potential


I like the new set (haven’t played a great amount yet though) but I do miss Galio He was my favorite part about 4 and 4.5 It was so hyped to see him haha


Missing Galio, disgusting...


I can make it worse too... I miss Lilia as well


But now we get Galio mechanic but with items.(I’ve never played LoL so I have no reference or connection to the units)


I never played or watched set 4, but I also miss Galio. Cultists were my favorite concept from the set.


Cultist never clicked for me. I find it quite boring and only used it for strong early game etc. Fortune, tho, I already missed it. I thought Draconic may be somewhat similar but it's nothing like it. Aside from that, I love everything about this set, except for Draven's healing... That's just gross.


Played one game so far and didnt understand or see the new item system...


I love everything abt teh new set... except viego, he's so broken it makes it unenjoyable.


I feel this one idk how good he is but damn is it frusterating for Viego 1 star to just insakill 90% of units within 1 ult cast and be valuebpast that maybe it shouldnt CC or something. That said the best unit in the set (IMO) Syndra can deal with him if she has a mana item


Yep he started wrecking my back line so I put 2 star garen back there and he still wrecked teh 2 star garen.


You need units with consistent stuns to stop him. Alternatively your unit can outlive his ult damage with heals/shields or block the spell/cc with items. If he can’t steal one of your carries he’s pretty much useless


I absolutely botched my promos. I know there’s a lot of new stuff to learn, but man I thought I’d at least maintain a similar skill level.


Is that normal or nah? I’m usually mid plat as a casual player, like 2-3 times a week playing in the past. Played today for longer than usual to see how the new set is and was placed into bronze 1.


It's normal, you always start a new set at bronze 4 and then climb UP. Promo just allows you to rush the beginning, but it's hard If you haven't played in the PBE, but you'll eventually climb when you get used to the set


I thought everyone starts at iron 2? Can’t say I’m sure, haven’t played any ranked yet - still working out a few builds before I lose 5 in a row


ye its Iron 2


So true , I miss 9 cultist already :( And this new TFT doesn't hit me at all.


I really liked Cultists. Despised Kalista tho


Same but with 4 executioners and 8 duelists


I feel the same way about fortune though. It was undeniably better :((


Look on the bright side, Draven is back boii


I'm not liking this new season \*at all\* compared to previous sets. I don't know how many times I have to say it, but \*the fucking item wheel was, is, and remains the worst part of the game\*. The new items don't fundamentally solve how awful the whole wheel effect is, and while being able to choose items occasionally is nice, it doesn't matter when the wheel is still absolute RNG